International Women’s Day 2022 +The Priceless Nature of Mentorship Draw

International Women's Day is March 8 2022

They say that it’s a man’s world / But you can’t prove that by me /  —Aretha Franklin

 This might be my new favorite quote.  Not just because March is Women’s History month, and March 8, 2022 is International Women’s Day, but also because I believe it accurately speaks to the power inherent in all women, whether they’re homemakers, top executives, or perfumers. And after thirty years of working in male-dominated environments, I’ve witnessed this strength firsthand on countless occasions. In every case, the women who’ve achieved a high level of success didn’t compromise who they were in order to fit in. They didn’t try to be like the men in order to succeed.  Instead, they simply focused on doing their best work and being their best selves.

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