Tobali Iron Wind Review + The Face of Things DRAW


Tobali Iron Wind review

Pareidolia (water pipe). Photo, creative direction, and digital editing by a_nose_knows for Tobali Iron Wind.

As the world is boiling and times grow insecure, life has paradoxically slowed down a little for all of us dwelling indoors and– unless you shop online to keep yourself sane–we’ve all become more utilitarian than ever. I’ll steer away from calling this good or bad; I’ve lived through penury so I’m no stranger to hoarding, particularly of items dearly longed for in my tender Communist years (peanuts (which I don’t eat, but have to have), Scotch tape, and Nivea blue tins (don’t ask)). But I’ll say this: I have not paid this much attention to my things since childhood, when I had to prep for each school year by cleaning, sanding, and filling with ink my only one, trusted, tip-molded-to-my-hand fountain pen.

tobali perfume review

Pareidolia (cookie). Photo, creative direction, and digital editing by a_nose_knows for Tobali Iron Wind.

I never gave it a name or a story, as others did with their things; nor did I see it as more than an object-albeit prized, and thoroughly mine as it was; but animism didn’t hit far and many, if not all the other kids poor in things but rich in thought had imagined, at least once, their possessions come alive. Coming straight from Latin, (anima= “breath, spirit, life”), animism is the belief that objects, places and creatures all possess a distinct spiritual essence. There’s an animated (so to speak, given all these guys are respectfully dead) dispute as for where animism starts: Jean Piaget (psychologist) thought that children are born with an innate animist worldview, while Margaret Mead (cultural anthropologist) argued the exact opposite: kids are not born with an animist worldview, but we all become acculturated to such beliefs as we are educated by society.

Pareidolia (vent on a bus in Uruguay)


But where, exactly, DOES society expose us to such follies? Why, EVERYWHERE.

Think contemporary trends like Toy Story or Kondo-izing your home while you pay respects to the discarded objects; think pareidolia (the newly-named ability of some people to see faces in inanimate objects or patterns);  think modern literature like Borges’ Dagger; think adhoc meanings, like a family’s lucky heirloom…they’re all over, these anmimism touchpoints; but nowhere more predilect, perhaps, than in two, seldomly touching, extremes: sex and spirituality.

dana sandu is a perfumed plume finalist for CaFleureBon

Pareidolia (double-faced hydrant). Photo, creative direction, and digital editing by a_nose_knows for Tobali Iron Wind.


Lacrimae rerum (Latin): phrase for “tears of things.” It derives from Book I, line 462 of the Aeneid, by Roman poet Virgil and implies the (vague) possibility that objects can retain and re-express anguish and sorrow.

Pareidolia (steam pattern on a shower curtain). Photo, creative direction, and digital editing by a_nose_knows for Tobali Iron Wind.


Kami (Japanese) refers to being (which is the state of everything that is), or to the essence of existence. Everything contains kami, but only those objects or things that show their essence in an awe-inspiring, particularly striking way are referred to as kami- a rock which is very, well, rocky; a patch of grass that is the epitome of grassyness; a drop of water comprising anything one can say about the liquid nature.


The Maori communities of New Zealand acknowledge that carving wood or stone to create art entails violence against the wood-or stone-person, and that the personhood of the said piece needs to be respected during the artistic process, which is essentially not about creating a decoration, but rather a transformation of different persons within a human-object relationship.\


Tsukumogami (Japanese): an object (mostly a tool, or something useful and often handled with care and with purpose) that has reached its 100th birthday and became self-aware!

Tobali Iron Wind review

Pareidolia (Iron Wind bottle and packaging). Photo, creative direction, and digital editing by a_nose_knows for Tobali Iron Wind.

Tobali Iron Wind replicates, to me, the process of animation- a repetition of fact, an agglutination of movements, a gradual learning of all detailing, a smoothing of edges; a study of usure not unlike some of the principles of shibui (simplicity, implicity, everydayness, and silence). Surprising for such a minimalist style, Iron Wind develops—much like a tsukumogami tool—not in 3 stages, but 4: the opening is sparkling and new, blinding, and a bit cold (peppers, cloves, leaves); the productive phase is warm and smooth, flowing perfectly in sinuous arcs (iris, saffron, metal, pulp); the third age is slower and lower, slightly off-unison, with heavier breaths and deeper meanings (cedar, smoke, and cuminy body odours); the revival is personal and esoteric, post-materialistic, and ego-less (oudh, sandalwood). Like a tool shaped by, and only perfect for, its master.

Official notes: saffron, clove, cumin,  iris, violet leaves, ambrette seed, iron, cedarwood, incense, Hidden Japonism 834 accord

Other perceived notes: pink pepper, sandalwood, vanilla, frankincense, persimmon

Disclaimer: Tobali Iron Wind provided for review, and opinions are my own. Thank you so much.

dana sandu, Editor

Editor’s Note: dana has done us proud with two 2020 Perfumed Plume Finalists for Visualization of Perfume Stories for CaFleureBon and one Instapost finalist for a_nose_nose. Please congratulate her.

Thanks to the generosity Europerfumes, we have a 50 ml tester of Tobali Iron Wind in the USA only for one registered reader(you must register on our site or your comment will not count) of Tobali Iron Wind. To be eligible, please tell us what you enjoyed or found interesting about dana’s review of Tobali Iron Wind. Draw closes 3/29/2020 is still shipping in the USA bringing you perfume. Their brands and site is here

This is our Privacy and Draw Rules Policy

Available at AEDES Perfumery 

Follow us on Instagram @cafleurebon  @a_nose_knows   @tobali_official @official_europerfumes

We announce the winners only on our site and on our Facebook page, so like Çafleurebon and use our  blog feed…or  your dream prize will be just spilled perfume.

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  • Shamrock1313 says:

    The stages good from bright/cold to warm & then deep at the base sounds quite interesting and well-told by Dana.
    Pennsylvania USA

  • I love how original this review is and I vaguely remember hearing about tobali. I think it’s from Japan ?Iris , metal and cloves got my attention.
    Thank you and congrats

  • Ms dana, I absolutely love when I learn something new from you! I love how you described Iron Wind transitioning from cold to warm. And I wonder about that unique perceived persimmon note. Congratulations on your achievements ms dana! Mich USA

  • Congrats Dana! You write interesting reviews, so you totally deserved being a finalist!

    I love the idea of a Tsukumogami and Japanese folklore. Its interesting to paint a fragrance in that light.


  • NiceVULady says:

    Of course, congratulations to Danu. Years ago, I had an art teacher who had us put down different colored paints on paper and then see what shapes we could make from them. Would that qualify as “pareidolia?” I find the notes of Iron Wind to be most interesting. Thank you for a most informative review and a generous draw. I’m in the USA

  • Tobali Iron Wood contains an interesting mix of notes particularly the ambrette seeds and iron. I appreciate minimalism in perfume and a sober, austere scent seems appropriate for these times. Very thoughtful review dana! I’m from MD, USA.

  • Congrats Dana for her nominations. Regarding Tobali Iron Wind , Dana describes it as a woody incensy creation that pays tribute to the mythical beliefs of the east. It is minimal yet also quite evolving perfume. I am in US.

  • ThatMulattoDude says:

    Enjoyed the review definitely always pleased to see Dana when she collabs with Sebastian on a video. She’s a walking encyclopaedia of information. This scent sounds really unique. Appreciate the opportunity for the giveaway. -Virginia, USA

  • Camille Sheil says:

    First of all, Dana, congratulations on writing such award winning articles! They are fantastic and a joy to read! I loved most about how you brought us back to your childhood hardships and how objects have a lot more meaning. I didn’t know about all the philosophies regarding objects having a state of existence. Quite interesting! And then to bring that in to perfume…! Yes, fragrances have such a life to them! Not only for their changes during the wearing, but how each person smells different notes and has different (sometimes dramatically) experiences! It explains why people fall in love with their perfume and why it is neigh on a funeral when their favorite scent must finally be laid to rest.

    Thanks again! I live in New Hampshire USA!

  • Natalia306 says:

    Dana, you are so talented, I’m not surprised of your achievements:
    two 2020 Perfumed Plume Finalists for Visualization of Perfume Stories for CaFleureBon and one Instapost finalist for a_nose_nose. Congratulations!
    Very interesting article philosophical concepts from different times and cultures and very unique fragragrance Tobali Iron Wind.
    Love to see you in Sebastian videos

  • What an original and thoughtful review. Your nomination is well-deserved, Dana. The connection to animism and the description of the four phases has me intrigued. I would love to try this one. I’m in the US.

  • oh i always enjoy reading about animism, kami & tsukumogami, but the last item in the official notes caught my eye: ” hidden japonism 834 accord”. hmmm, what is that?!

  • Joshteriyaki1 says:

    “Tobali Iron Wind replicates, to me, the process of animation- a repetition of fact, an agglutination of movements, a gradual learning of all detailing, a smoothing of edges” really like this description. The notes in this sound interesting. From GA USA

  • This article is unique from top to bottom. The official notes of Iron Wind include saffron, clove and iris and I’m curious to smell this blend. US

  • patrick_348 says:

    I sometimes feel like CaFleureBon is turning, in a good way, into World Civilization 101 through perfume. I love dana’s ability to relate fragrance to the whole of human culture in all its facets, and her appreciation for both Western and Eastern cultures, which shows in this review. I am in NC in the US. Love the illustrations!

  • wallygator88 says:

    Congratulations dana!
    The hidden Japonism 834 accord sounds cool – though I have no idea what it means.

    Good heavens – I learnt so many new words in this review.

    I do wish we had the option to bookmark reviews within wordpress.

    Regards from WI, USA

  • Nice review – Iron Wind, on the company’s website, is an ode to Oda Nobunaga, one of the three Japanese warriors who were instrumental in uniting Japan in the 16th century. “Love concealed in strength” as they describe it, based on Oda Nobunaga’s personality. Liked Dana’s reference to ‘Tsukumogami (Japanese): an object that has reached its 100th birthday and become self-aware!’ – it seems the perfume will become animated, come alive over time and have a distinct personality of its own. Like oud/jinko, cedarwood, incense as base and middle notes. Thanks for the draw – please be safe out there. Writing from USA.

  • The 4 stage transition sounds very interesting! dana your writing is lovely as always and this perfume’s description gives off a very sophisticated and a zen vibe. Regards from the USA.

  • Dana’s writing is incredible. I have learned so much just reading this article. I love the descriptions and meanings of so many words. Congratulations for being a finalist in two categories for the 2020 Perfumed Plume! The fragrance Tobali Iron Wind, with 4 stages sounds wonderful. Thank you for the chance to win. Stay well. USA, California

  • Sunny Chaudhary says:

    Congratulations on your achievements ms dana!

    dana, I absolutely love when I learn something new from you! I love how you described Iron Wind transitioning from cold to warm. And I wonder about that unique perceived persimmon note.

    I am from USA

  • I was inspired by Dana’s teachings on animism, and I had to smile at the blue nivea canister: I have a few blue glass pieces, myself, and there’s just something about the arctic depths of coolness that emanates from such objects. Recently in my neighborhood online forum they were talking about putting teddy bears in windows of the houses, for children out for walks during the day while we are in quarantine. Dana’s review about animism, and children especially, really connected with me understanding that for them, it’s more than a plushie – it’s imagination, at work. I want to try Tobali Iron Wind and experience this feeling of imagination, and four stages. I’m ready! Greetings from the USA.

  • It’s interesting the minimalist style of Tobali Iron Wind. I love the different stages of development. The review is definitely well written.

  • Michael Prince says:

    Dana, great review of Tobali Iron Wind. This fragrance sounds so interesting and unique with metal, oud, and cumin to add some animalic touches. I loved the intro leading up to the fragrance review as well. I am from Ohio, USA.

  • I don’t know the brand, but I’m expecting smooth and woodsy fragrance. Dana, Cafleurebon and Europerfumes I already follow, just followed @tobali_official
    To all Cafleurebon crew and readers, stay safe and healthy
    In US

  • Dana review was outstanding as to describe a minimalist scent with a lot of notes i assume is not easy. I am very interested in smelling this scent now. I am in CA, USA.

  • petergigov says:

    Tobali Iron is unusual woody and spicy fragrance, and obviously brought back some childhood memories in Dana . Never heard of persimmon before. USA

  • m.r.everything says:

    Congrats Dana! I can honestly say I am not surprised that you have several articles as finalists in The Perfumed Plume awards! You are such a detailed and enjoyable writer! I look forward to your reviews, short stories, and images that go along with them! Thank you for your wonderful take on Iron Wind. I hadn’t heard of the Tobali brand before, so I am glad you reviewed it here on CaFleureBon. I am going to have to take a look in to the brand now, after this write-up! The notes sound fantastic and how you describe the scent as having 4 stages instead of 3, just really makes me want to dive even more in to it! Thank you and congrats again Dana, on your wonderful achievements! Thank you EuroPerfumes, for your generosity and for this awesome opportunity to try a brand I have never heard of. Thank you and congrats to Michelyn! Without you, we would not have any of this beautiful work to read, nor would we be introduced to new (to me anyway) fragrances and houses/brands! Thank you to the whole CaFleureBon team for everything you guys and gals do! Sending love, gratitude, and comments from Delaware, US. Good luck to all and stay safe!

  • Blue Niven canisters are staples in a lot of generations in Europe. It’s still in production, and bestseller for a reason.
    Abstract review, and abstract fragrance.
    Thanks. USA

  • Tobali Iron I’d gladly wear at my barbershop. Congratulations to Dana for her achievements.
    Thanks. USA … at home

  • I rarely wear suits, because of what I do, Pastry Chef, and I’m not very much into formal occasions. Tobali Iron will fit the bill perfectly in those rare moments.
    Appreciate the review and the giveaway campaign.

  • Dana is one of kind person 🙂 I like her attitude towards fragrances, and life itself.
    Tobali Iron spicy, woody and smoky aspects are intriguing.
    Thank you. Cheers from VA

  • Congratulations on the well-deserved nomination, Dana. Learning about animism in different cultures and the ways we assign consciousness to inanimate objects was fascinating. The fragrance description is unlike any I’ve read before and that 4th stage sounds amazing. I am in the US.