9 Favorite Desserts Fragrance Draw Winners

 best desserts for the holidays

 Photo by of our Editor’s Favorite Desserts–It was Ermano who baked traditional chestnut cake with pine nuts

It wasn’t easy to get all the Contributors and Editors to think of just one and a few of us don’t really like desserts. A few of us rather have popcorn, pretzels or salt and vinegar potato chips and don’t have a sweet tooth for desserts but love gourmand perfumes. To win last month’s spilled perfume; match the editors and contributors with their favorite desserts.

The correct answers for our desserts draw are

Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor: Tiramisu

Lauryn Beer, Associate Contributor: The Lily pastry from Pain de Sucre in Paris

Dana Sandu, Sr. Contributor:  Toast with butter and linden tree honey

Gail Gross, Sr Editor:  Plum Tart

Elena Cvjetkovic, Guest Contributor: Crème Brûle

Sebastian Jara, Editor:  Carrot cake

Marianne Butler, Alfajores

Ida Meister, Turkish rose-infused crème brûlée tart

Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor:  Berries and cream

Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor:  Warm Stroopwafels

Hernando Courtright, Sr. Contributor: Crêpes Suzette

Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor:  chocolate-covered maraschino cherries

Ermano Picco, Editor: traditional chestnut cake with pine nuts

Sherri Sebastian, Contributor:  coconut gelato

Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief:  Chocolate cherry gelato

No one guessed correctly so the draw is totally random

Worldwide:  Diane DeLuca 100 ml Tester of Parfums M. Micallef Desir Toxic

Worldwide:  ANNIEGRYL  50 ml Grandiflora Boronia

EU, USA, Australia and Canada:  MAlikaMoreA 100 ml of Goldfield and Banks Desert Rosewood

EU or USA: Aancan  Penhaligon’s Heartless  Helen and Terrible Teddy (10 ml  each)set

EU, USA:  Philomena 50 ml of Senyoko Madama Butterfly II

EU and USA:  Florence 100 ml of Essential Parfums The Musc

Worldwide:Barber82  DSH Perfumes 10 ml vdp Royal Grey Cologne

Worldwide:  Marta Mona Di Orio Signature Collection Sample Set

Worldwide: KAYLA Atelier des Ors Riviera Drive

Since no reader guessed correctly the draw is completely random, and the winners were chosen through a random number generator. If you are one of the dream jobs winners, please email Michelyn at Cafleurebon dawt com with the exact name of your prize as the subject for example:  DSH Perfumes 10 ml vdp Royal Grey Cologne and your complete mailing, name and phone details by 11/14/2019 3PM EST. This is a deadline and no exceptions if you are late. Please use the email from your comment so we know it is you. DO NOT MENTION SPILLED PERFUME OR   FAVORITE DESSERTS Just include a nice note to the perfumer.

We announce the winners only on site and on our Facebook page, so Like Cafleurebon and use our  Blog FEED…or your dream prize will be just spilled perfume

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