Purple Prose: An Etude in Iris (The Orris Chronicles) + Xerjoff XJ17/XJ 17 Irisss Draw



In perfumery, the list of scent notes and accords available to work from is long and all-encompassing, from sweet blossoms to tar. It seems fairly inevitable that there will be a note or two we find incomprehensible, if not downright repellant. My difficulty has been in understanding one of the greatest perfumery notes of all: the noble iris.


Very early in my days of becoming a devoted perfumista, I read a lot of comments about a fragrance in the Serge Lutens non- export line called Iris Silver Mist, created by Maurice Roucel. The perfume community was raving about this stellar masterpiece of perfumery, so of course I had to order a sample. I dabbed some on, and was immediately both transfixed and repelled. What on earth was this weird rooty smell? I wore it around that evening, taking whiffs, and decided if I ever wore it at all it would have to be to an avant-garde art opening of some kind, just to make a statement, and a slightly unpleasant, anti-social one at that. I didn’t exactly dislike it, but didn’t know why it was so beloved.

After smelling a few other iris-based scents I determined that iris was going to be a difficult perfume note for me to warm up to, The very popular Prada Infusion d’Iris seemed cold and foreign. A generously-donated sample of the famed Chanel #19 in vintage extrait was too weird to me: harsh, bitter, almost an anti-perfume. What was it about this cold, dreary, graveyard smell that everyone was waxing so rhapsodic about?

I learned that the scent associated with iris perfume is actually derived from the rhizome of the iris flower, commonly known as orris root. Steam distillation of the iris rhizome produces orris root butter, which is a costly and precious perfumery substance. Since I was obviously missing something, I was determined to find an iris perfume to love.

Enter Yves Rocher, a substantial beauty and fragrance company based in France. I took the leap and bought an inexpensive mini bottle of their Iris Noir. I gingerly applied it from the pretty little bottle and was pleasantly surprised. It was fresh and clean, a little floral, and easy on the nose. No graveyard notes here, no damp chill, but a light, fragrant summer breeze. Definitely a step in the right direction!

Next up, Jacques Guerlain’s masterpiece of melancholy, Apres l’Ondee. I think of this as more a violet scent, and also a bit reminiscent of that paste kids like to eat, but its beauty is unique. The iris brings a bit of damp earth to the exuberance of the violets, lending it that sad air that makes it so hard for some people to wear. I bought a bottle, but I don’t think of it as my first real bottle of iris perfume.

Santa Maria Novella Iris provided me with my true breakthrough iris. This cologne-style, light fragrance splashes on, giving the impression of the scent of a warm spring garden, where the dirt has been freshly turned for planting. Here the violet flowers, while definitely present, take a back seat to the orris, with excellent effect. I swooned around all afternoon after testing Iris on my arm, and went back to buy it not long after. I could feel my nose becoming more in tune with my nemesis note.

The final push over the edge came from the glorious Iris Poudre, by Pierre Bourdon for Editions de Parfums Frederic Malle. Much more floral than other iris scents I had tried, Iris Poudre was a puzzle. With nose to skin, the fragrance is very root-based, and I very nearly decided I didn’t like it. Once I caught a whiff of my own sillage, I was hooked. How could a perfume so odd directly on skin create such a divine cloud? More sweetly powdery than other irises I had tried, I was beginning to realize that I preferred an iris tempered by flowers and warmth. Iris Poudre was in the running not long ago when I was looking to add to my Malle collection, but another iris-based perfume in the line, Jean-Claude Ellena’s gorgeous and sneaky winter cologne, l’Eau d’Hiver, won out. Two iris scents competing for my affection? I think my enemy has become my friend at last.

I have found that I appreciate iris when she is wearing a cashmere sweater or eating some candy more than when she is stomping around naked in a snow bank. Some other iris scents I have tried that give off warmth and sweetness over chill are Acqua di Parma Iris Nobile, Guerlain Iris Ganache, Dawn Spencer Hurwitz Route d’Iris, l’Artisan Iris Pallida, Chanel #19 Poudre, and Van Cleef & Arpels Bois d'iris.

Of course, this journey would not be complete if I did not revisit Iris Silver Mist. Oh, how my nose has grown! Although the iris pallida essence in this creation has exceptional presence, I no longer think of it as a cold mortuary scent. The resins and woods in the composition give it warmth that brings the loamy quality of the iris into a vibrant light. I would be happy to wear it, and am sad that it is only available at the glorious Salons du Palais Royale shop in Paris. Perhaps someday Serge Lutens will release this beauty to the rest of the world.


My new iris-loving self might snap it up in a heartbeat, but it had better become an export fragrance quickly, as I have discovered Xerjoff´s Irisss.  The exquisite Irisss manages to dance on my skin and become the composite of all those different varieties of iris perfumes I have learned to love in one single scent. It is all about the orris warmed with streaks of earthy coolness and I embrace its complexity, with notes of carrot seeds, orris, absolute of rose and ylang, rare woods and resins, incense and musk. Irisss is easy to love. In the end, isn’t that what my journey was all about?


Thou art the Iris, fair among the fairest,
Who, armed with golden rod
And winged with the celestial azure, bearest
The message of some God.
— Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, from Iris

Tama Blough,Contributor

Art Director: Michelyn Camen


Do you have an ode to Iris.(or just tell us why you want it and why you love Xerjoff) Leave a comment and you are eligible to win a 15ml of Xerjoff Irisss. Draw ends Sept 15, 2011

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  • Great job Tama. I do not have an ode to Iris, but its definitely one of my favorite notes. I am more drawn to the slightly sweeter v. the very dry and earthy smelling Iris fragrances. I would definitely love to be entered in this amazing draw.

  • Iris is one of my favorites as well, but I’m drawn to the cold graveyard ones. My favorite is The Different Co. Bois d’Iris.

  • Great article Tama. I went through all of them except the Iris from SMN. Not sure why but in general their fragrances are not my cup of tea. Nicely made and their store in Florence is a must see. I started with Iris Silver Mist and that did not work. Lutens does not work for my nose and not on my skin with one exception. Original Chanel No19…no way. what a beast on my skin but I dont think it is their interpretation of Iris. Iris Pallida was the Queen on my personal “iris throne” along with Iris Poudre. Both so different, the one earthy cold and rooty, the other one with the tad of aldehyds and sweeter. Apre L’Ondee lovely but more violet candy than Iris. Well what should I say? Two years ago at FiF I discovered Iriss by Xerjoff and Iris Pallida soon went off the throne. this is the one Iris that has it all.
    Oh I forgot Iris by Odori is nice as well. But none of them can reach the Xerjoff the water.

  • Congratulations upon your first essay for Cafluerebon!

    Iris is one of my favorite perfume notes. I love the cold metallic lick of Hermes Hiris, The damp woods in the morning iris of TDC Bois d’Iris…the soft buttery dessert-iness of VC&A Bois d’Iris, the frothy, elegant beauty of FM Iris Poudre, the soft buss of Yves Rocher Iris Noir,the candied goodness of Odori Iris, the green snap of No.19, and the slightly naughty giddyup, slap on the rear of PG Cuir d’Iris….and many in between….the ones that do not call to me are the very carrot-y, rooty, long clawed beasts of Iris Silver Mist, Le Labo Iris 39 and (sadly) Irisss. Interesting to smell? yes. But I can’t imagine purposefully smelling like a carrot. …oh well, can’t love everything, right?

    I love your article ~good job!! <3 ~Daisy

  • This is one on my list to sample. My journey to finding the iris that I would want to own a full bottle actually started with iris de nuit by heeley. People sent me to Dior Homme, which I do no enjoy (I own Homme Intense). Went to towards Iris Ganache, Silver Mist, Apree L’Ondee….and so on.
    Would like to see where this one ranks. This and Le Labo’s Iris were my next two to sample.
    Cheers for the draw

  • Carlos Powell says:

    Great article Tama! Congrats! I love many Iris perfumes, Iris Poudre, Bois d’Iris, Dior Homme, Silver Iris Mist, PG Cuir d’Iris etc. I’ve never sniffed Irisss but would love to!

  • Tama awesome read! Orris is indeed a material that grabs you, at the same time it is a fixitve for other players and it does play beautiful. Irisss has all the players that I love great basenotes.

  • Wow,Tama,what a journey you have been on! My only experience with iris,until recently, had been Chanel 19.In the past month I bought a bottle of Crabtree/Evelyn’s Iris. Sadly, having never heard of any of the other fragrances ,my ‘collection’ needs an addition.From your description,I think that Xerjoff’s version might sit nicely alongside my C/E.

  • taffynfontana says:

    I have yet to sample the fabled Iris fragrance, I love violets so I’m thinking Iris will also become a beloved scent. Xerjoff is fast becoming a powerhouse with the great attention to quality that they invest in their line of fragrances. I would really love to smell it and experience it first hand. I’m crossing my fingers and wishing for the best. Thanks for another great article.

  • Iris how I love thee~ Folks would always ask me what my “favorite” perfume is and I refuse to tell them, although if it were restricted to one note such as Iris, it has to be Iris Silver Mist. Like you I’ve tried them all and I would like to agree with Daisy, and happy that she loves Hermes Hiris as much as me! But unlike her, I love them ALL, especially the carrot-y, rooty and surprisingly dark ones like PG Iris Taizo and Iris 39… one can never have enough Iris!

  • When everything’s made to be broken
    I just want you to know who I am

    Goo Goo Dolls: “Iris”

    Iris, with her blown kiss on the wrist, wants you to know who she is.

  • I really enjoyed your article as it brought memories of my journey with iris. I only really struggled with Iris Silver Mist. It took many wearings to “warm” up to it. But I prefer it in colder weather. I also love Iris Ganache.

  • Tama, how great to see you post!
    I loved reading your journey with iris.

    Iris was a difficult note for me as well, even though the flower was one of my favorite ones always. Interestingly, my first “oh, it is not so bad” iris was with Yves Rocher as well. I have not tried SMN, but I enjoyed KM Iris d’Argent. Haven’t ever warmed up to Prada Infusion d’Iris.

    I would love to try Irisss. Everything I heard about it makes my heart stop for a second.

  • The Xerjoff’s scents look very interesting in general re: their composition. The iris coolness is what attracts me, something non-sweet and sophisticated. Thanks!

  • Tama, what fun to read about your personal iris journey! I loved your article! Iris is an amazing but difficult fragrance note for me. I’ve learned that I like it paired with something that warms it up, like PG Iris Taizo with its cardamom and woods, or TDC Bois d’Iris with its whiskey cask vibe. I would love to try the Xerjoff!

  • Amazingly lovely post, Tama! What a debut! 🙂 Thank you for the mention of ‘Route d’Iris”; I’m so glad you enjoyed it. Beautiful as always, CFB!

  • I am seriously drooling for Iris now! I have not tried hardly any of these perfumes —

    My favorite orris perfume is Apres l’Ondee…. and I have you to thank for that precious sample!

    I have really enjoyed hearing your perfumed iris words Tama. Please keep sharing with us!!

  • I adore Iris fragrances , Apres L’Ondee , Iris Poudre too but I was sent a small vial sample by Xerjoff of their Iris and my goodness there is no finer. I am saving for a bottle but winning some would be fabulous. Xerjoff do sample sets if anyone is thinking “oh I could never afford their fragrances”.They are well worth the price .

  • Wow, Tama, what a great article!! What an education for a person who only knew Chanel No. 5 in her lifetime. A longtime allergic sufferer of even perfumy jasmine rice, I’ve never worn any scent most of my life. Thanks for a delightful tale of your romance with the iris!

  • I have already sang my ode to iris. One of my favourite notes and very versatile.
    I would love to try Irisss. I have been staying away from this line till now because of its prices, but I am afraid I have to give in to its charms.

  • I do have an ode to iris, or actually, toSL Iris Silver Mist, but it will have to do:

    After spending hours, maybe days, in utter agony there comes a time when the pain starts to fade. The soul is finally slipping away from the body. Death is reaching out her mighty hands towards you and you’re only relieved to see her, happy to return her embrace.

    That very moment, when still feeling Mother Earth against your body, breathing in the scent of her soil and roots, mud and grass, fertilized with your own blood. You can also smell what is about to come, there is airy incense with a hint of spices. At that very moment of transition, that is the smell of Iris Silver Mist.

    I’ve not yet tried a Xerjoff, it would be very interesting to do so. Thanks for this draw!

  • Great article Tama! Your journey with iris very much echoes my own. I would just add Parfum d’Empire’s Equistrius to your list of “warm” iris perfumes because of its suede, gourmand iris.

    I would love to try a fragrance from Xerjoff because they do not compromise on quality and Irisss sounds wonderful.

  • Welcome, Tama-
    I loved your post !

    My Iris Journey was probably different; I felt immediate affinity with the rootiness, the earthiness of it…

    The Xerjoff is probably one of the few irises I’ve yet to try; I’ve been afraid to fall for any of their scents;-)

  • One day I was walking on the countryside, not far from my city, and I discovered the most beautiful iris I had ever seen. They were purple, with tiny drops of dew in the “cup” of the flower.
    They hadn’t obviously been grown by men. In fact, later I discovered more iris in the same valley.
    When I smelt them I loved the powdery, green scent. It wasn’t sweet at all. The only iris perfume I have tried which smells similar is Hermès Hiris.
    I love iris note but it usually gets too sweet in some perfumes.
    I would love to try Xerjoff Irisss to discover if it could become my favorite iris perfume. Xerjoff is a very interesting line. I’m sure they have a lot of interesting things to show us yet.

  • Fabulous article Tama! It is so nice to see hear about someone else’s adventure learning about and growing their appreciation of a scent. I’m just in the early stages and couldn’t begin to tell you what Iris smells like but of all the fragrances listed in this article the only one I’ve ever smelled was the Prada and that was just from the bottle. I’ve never even tried it on. You’ve inspired me to search out some scents featuring Iris just to see what all this fuss is about! 😉

  • Great work, Tama!
    I love Iris – have now Iris Silver Mist, Bois d’Iris, Cuir d’Iris, Le Labo Iris. It’s rather hard for me to understand poudre in Iris perfume, but I think it’s just a matter of time))
    Woud love to try Xerjoff Irisss. This line seems to be of extreme quality – it’s interesting to see what they’ve done on an Iris theme.

  • Welcome Tama! What a beautiful article. As you know, Iris is one of my favorite flowers and orris roots one of my favorite ingredients in perfumes. I have yet to try Xerjoff and would love to try (or win) it one of these days.

  • Michelle Hunt says:

    Soft creamy Iris, the butter is softness absolute!
    Blended with a deft hand it becomes a beautiful woman, soft and maternal
    it can become an old woman who was once beautiful.
    I continue my search for a perfume that celebrates the best of orris root!

  • So, I’ve never loved orris, and I’ve generally layered it over with Davana or Spikenard, but this article definitely makes me want to go over it again.
    If Xerjoff is half as intriguing as Tama’s article, I’m sure I’ll love it!

  • Ode to Iris:
    O lovely flower of deep rich blue
    Quiet and somber – so still it seems,
    Your secrets lie not within your hue:
    But in your rooty earthen dreams.
    SO lovely a bloom to inspire such envy!
    Yet it’s not for your sunny smile we seek
    More For your essense rooted in your soul
    so that we may for a moment’s fleet
    Be at once transported to the heavens
    while green tendrals root us aground
    Lovely Irissss precious fleur
    You are like none other scent around.

  • Tama, I loved every word of your debut article. There are many singular aromatics that may repel, for whatever reason. Sometimes, it’s an associated scent memory, like your linking iris to cold and graveyards. I am glad you forged ahead, determined to study the iris root scent. I would like to try the Xerjoff, since I am also not very familiar with iris perfumes, except those I have made.

    I also want to congratulate you on joining an exceptionally talented team of writers on CFB. You’re in great company.

  • Already such amazing Ode’s have been written, that my creative writing skills got intimidated and evaporated 🙂
    Iris is, like for many here, one of my favourite notes. It’s slight hint of romantic melancholy like Aprés L’ondee or Vol de Nuit, but also like in Bas de Soir a flirtatious and daring party queen and as a wonderful edgy gourmand in Iris Ganache. My only taste of über-exclusive Xerjoff has so far been Richwood which I adore, but it would certainly be amazing to get to try Irisss.
    Thanks Tama for your great Tour-d’Iris and CFB for the wonderful draw.

  • I love the iris in any form: in the garden, in a perfume bottle or a painting.
    I love any aspect of it: woody, wet, lemony, sharp, rooty, carroty, powdery or buttery.

    Obviously I adore the flower and any fragrance that has a predominant iris

    Winter Iris
    © Cathleen J. Rowland

    Winter snow is falling down 
    Covering the earth in a blanket clean 
    I dream of sunshine on my face 
    The beauty of the garden, so serene 

    Dawn’s brilliant colors fill the sky 
    Dew drops glisten in its rays 
    Birds in song, the sweet smell of spring 
    The valley full of morning haze 

    Amidst the tulips and daffodils 
    And tiny white daisies tangling wild 
    My purple lovelies greet the day 
    With the innocence of a child 

    Standing tall with majesty 
    And colors of the deepest hue 
    Grace is added to the garden 
    Creating a perfect view 

    The winter snow is still gently falling 
    But I have warmth within my heart 
    For soon the buds will break the ground 
    And reveal a lovely work of art. 

  • Great article and images. I am most familiar with Chanel fragrances, and have had #19 in the past. I like and would love to experience this iris, as I have never tried any of this line.

  • Congratulations, Tama, on your first post and for doing such a wonderful job! I really appreciated your honesty about the difficulty you’ve had with the iris note, which is very similar to the one I have had (even though the iris is one of my favorite flowers to look at). It sounds like our preferences are similar; have you tried Orris Noir by Ormonde Jayne? That’s a warm, spicy version. And I would love to try Irisss to experience the one that won your heart.

  • I just ordered Orris butter. 🙂 For perfume making and perfume pleasures. 🙂 It is my new fav note. Why? I just love it! 🙂 I wonder how will it smell in Issis…
    Thanks for the draw.

  • I have tested and can tell you I love Irisss! It’s rich (though much less so than FM Iris Poudre) while having the cold regalness of Iris Silver Mist. My favorite irises are Hiris, Irisss!!, Iris Poudre, Chanel No. 19 vintage EDP and Bas de Soie….and most irises I smell, Prada Infusion d’Iris being the least “soliflore”, but easy to wear and loved. Irisss isn’t in my collection only because of the pricepoint and my need to pay bills. Even if I am not a cold regal beauty who controls my moods, always reflects great thought and decision in my actions, offers both patience and wisdom, wit and knowledge of all customs and cultural undepinnings, I feel like a better woman when I wear iris. It makes me think, soothes me, centers me, makes me feel like living up to some ideals which it embodies for me. It is one of the most meaningful notes for me, complex for the feeling it gives me as much as its certain chemical complexity and variety of character. I share my own ode to the iris:

    Oooo Iris
    What have I done to deserve your nearness?

    The others all scatter and screech at me, beg for attention, with confident indiffirence…

    Alone, hycacinth and galbanum melt into fog and murk up my thoughts. Everysoap that cleanses the smell of damp forgetfulness wishes it had your vibrant smirk.

    Rich as a peacock feather, but humble as a dovetail, thick as a peppercorn, but soft as a cottonflower.

    There is nothing on this green earth that smells like you do, my iris–and never before has grey hidden so many spring rainbows in its earthen bed…

    Listen to the crackle of the sky, and the light rain pattering on the roof. Think of all of the wonders of those that do instead of talk eternally–the elegance of a beautiful human whose early grey hairs cover a concerned brow–smell of compassion, sound of breath.

    Elegance is always deep in the garden, whichever way civilization goes–make a tincture of the roots of it, and spread its butter on your many woes!

  • I love Hiris, and SL’s Bas de Soie, which is not just about the iris, but about hyacinth as well. Iris Noir was nice, but I really didn’t get a lot of iris from it. My DH loved it, though.

  • I love iris, one of the first notes that brought me on the parfumista trail- never had the chance to try Irisss and I would like very much to
    please, enter me the draw

  • I love Prada’s Infusion D’Iris, for me it’s very easy to wear. Also, thanks for mentioning Yves Rocher. I think they do some wonderful inexpensive fragrances and often with some great “noses.”

  • Let us walk then, you and I-
    ris, wafting about the cool light
    air as the day turns to night
    I’m only a few steps behind
    drawn into the conversation
    that you and Iris are having
    barely able to smell, but hear
    the notes of Iris speak
    with your skin, which I
    hope is next to mine soon

  • You guys are too much! I am loving reading all your amazing odes to iris and will have to settle in with a cup of tea tonight to really take them in and respond a bit more individually.

    Thank you so much for your warm welcome! I am looking forward to my journey with CaFleureBon.

  • I’ve run the gamut of inexpensive iris scents and loved many, now I’d like to dive into the deeper-pocket end of Iri$$$.

  • I have serious love for iris. I think it might have been the floral note that made me love florals. My favs are Iris Pallida, VC&A Bois de Iris, Chanel no 19, Chanel La Pausa, Odori Iris and of course Xerjoff Irisss. Congrats on a beautifully written first article Tama!!

  • Great job on your article Tama!
    I am almost beginning to believe that the Iris is my holy grail of flower fragrances, even replacing my beloved Gardenia and Lily of the Valley!
    I have yet to sniff an Iris fragrance that I didn’t love….I consider Iris Silver Mist as a masterpiece by Mr. Lutens, so it is the gold standard for me as far as the Iris is concerned. I am so very anxious to now sniff this one, hope I win, LOL

  • Wonderful read Tama and superb graphics M! The mention of rare woods and resins got to me and warmed with streaks of earthy coolness just did it! A good enough reason to want it?

  • Susan Spencer says:

    I loved going along on your Iris adventure Tama. Wonderful writing. I am relatively new to the study of perfume so I would love to learn about Iris and it’s different combinationsso please let me win the Xerjoff Irisss.

    Write more.

  • I truly enoy iris in all it forms.IriSss is a must try for the admiers of this note.It is remarkable scent and has the right balance between the different aspects of iris based scents ,magnificent example of the best quality of Xerjoff.Along with Homme and Kobe this is one of my favourite and the best Iris scent ever.

  • Sounds beautiful. I have such a hard time trying to pull and Iris off! Almost too Victorian and ladylike. Hopefully, the newer combos work.

  • I know nothing about the note and it’s in my list of raw ingredients to study. I would love to start with Irisss.

  • Great start, Tama!

    I love iris in perfumes: it takes many different forms, it smells very different in different great creations of very skillful masters of perfumery and I enjoy it in many of my favorite perfumes.

    I want to try Irisss and I will buy a sample eventually. But it would be great to win it in a draw – so, please, enter me.

  • I want Iriss because I LOVE Iris, in all of it’s guises. Whether it be the warm gourmand of Iris Ganche or White by Tauer OR the cold, root vegetal-ness of Iris Silver Mist, I’ve just go to have it!

  • I don’t know yet if I love Xerjoff. What I would love is a chance to try this and find out if I do love it. So far, I have really liked most of the Iris perfumes I have tried, so there is a good chance I’ll love this one too.

  • Great article, Tama! I bet a lot of people nodded along with you as you recounted your iris journey. I adore Iris. I even wore Iris Silver Mist to bed last night (the dog kept sniffing at me curiously) and vow I’ll buy a bottle next time I’m lucky enough to be near one for sale. I’m looking forward to your next post!

  • Ooh, I want, I want, please :o) as I’ve never had a problem with heavenly Orris, and as much as I luv IRISSS (which rates as one of my top Iris ‘fumes), I’ve not yet been able to fit it into by tiiiiight budget.
    And as for Xerjoff, I mean, who doesn’t luv quality !?? ~ You can literally smell the excellent quality of the Orris !)

  • To be honest, and unusually so, what I actually love most about Xerjoff is unfortunately also what I’m least able to afford.
    I’m usually “all about the jus” rather and not particularly bothered what it comes in. However, for a change, I’ve found I’m most attracted to Xerjoff’s gemstone bottles. And would love to get my hands on one of them !
    When it comes to their scents, I’ve not been a fan of all the one’s I’ve tried. But have found that the ones I do like have been outstanding. From what I hear Irisss is bound to be one of those. Please enter me in the draw !

  • So, I was confused about how the commenting works with a draw going on but I know now I am allowed to respond. I can’t get to you all individually, but I do appreciate all of you.

    Bettina, I love Iris Pallida! Daisy, your descriptions are lovely. Sally Anne, I hope this article helps to grow your iris collection! There are great recommendations in the comments, too. Warum, The Irisss kind of makes my heart stop, too! Haunani, I need to try that Anya,TDC. DSH, nice to see you! Ragna, happy to oblige! Pat, my singing sister, thank you for visiting and commenting! Sigrun, that was an amazing comment. Tara, I will have to seek out the Equestrius. Isa, I love iris flowers, especially bearded iris – I cam upon a whole field of them once – planted for a nursery, no doubt. Breathtaking. Michelle, Charlotte, Ccc, Kastelhemi, and solosean, I love your words. Angela, so nice to see you here.

    Thank you all for making me feel so welcome, good luck on the draw, and see you again soon!

  • Tama, I am happy to read you here, you’re a great writer! An iris lover is a friend of mine–still haven’t tried Yves Rocher Iris Noir. Thanks to your writing I will seek it out! I am looking to sample Iris Gris by Jacque Fath. How nice to always have more to try!

  • camilla (aka Zazie) says:

    I had a difficult start with iris – I don’t find it unpleasant, but it reminds me of pastels and wax, and it conjures images of 80’s fragrances, go figure.
    However, there was a turning point: Chanel la pausa.
    Who knew iris could be velevety?
    Skin friendly?
    All the while remaining carrot-y, violet-y and earthy?
    Who knew the right iris scent can haunt you with its otherwordly beauty?
    I’d love to find a richer version of la pausa – Iriss seems to fit the bill exactly…

  • Great article Tama! Iris is a bit of a journey, but well worth the trip. This is a genre that has many facets to explore. I’ve loved iris for years in No 19 in all it’s forms, edt/edp/extrait. I’ve not tried Xerjoff scents (mostly because of price) but now I’m interested in trying IRISSS. Thanks for creating a(nother) lemming! hugs Liz

  • Never considered myself an iris lover yet I must be for I wore vintage Chanel no. 19 when I was a teenager and have oftened applied an orris/carrier oil mix as a base to add depth to some of the modern scents my young daughters love (just to add a little UMPH!!:) ). Would love to try this Xerjoff scent. Thank you for the draw!

  • Hello to Anya!
    Kastehelmi, I hope you like the Iris Noir – I would be interested to smell Iris Gris, too!
    Zazie, I forgot about La Pausa! I have only tried it a couple of times but have a decant now.
    Liz, thank you!
    Brigitte, if you are using orris like that, you are definitely a fan!

  • Oh, iris! I love you in your many different forms, whether rooty, earthy, powdery, what have you. The chance to try Xerjoff Irisss is basically like wishing on a star, if I may, if I might, I’d love to smell you on my skin tonight!

  • Congratulations on a excellent article Tama. I love learning from this kind of personal journey through a note.
    As a very newbie perfumista, I have not yet travelled the iris road (beyond Chanel 19 many years ago which I think of as “green” more than anything else). However, I’m more than willing to leap right into the quality and roundness of Xerjoff Irisss.
    Very much look forward to reading more contributions by you, Tama.

  • Rena Rountree says:

    Thank you Tama for this wonderful article. I learned so much. Please include me in your draw. You’ve tempted me mightily.

  • I love Xerjoff because their perfumes are all incredibly original…you would never mistake a fragrance from this line for one from another- and the scents last and last. Expensive? Yes- but worth it…I would love to try Irisss because this is one of my favorite notes and I have not had the chance to try this one…

  • Nice to see you writing here, Tama! You know I am a total “iris ho”… it’s probably my single favorite note. May I also suggest revisiting Le Labo’s Iris 39?

    Really nice piece, and thanks for the draw opportunity to everyone here!

  • I only know one Xerjoff fragrance so far and that’s Dhajala whick is very pretty.

    I love iris in many forms – Chanel no. 19 as well as Acqua di Parma Iris Nobile a.o.

  • I love Iris in all its forms: Hris woody almost sweet iris, to the Metallic iris of Iris Silver Mist. Iris is also used in Dior Homme Intense very well. Irisss by Xerjoff is a class in and of itself—the highest quality Iris I have ever smelled. Congrats to Tama for her great review!!

  • Tama thank you so much for a great article! Iris is one
    of the notes that bridges the gap between what we used
    to know as a scent for her and him.
    I think Iris is best when a perfumer manages
    to capture warmth and at the same time freshness of it.
    That said Iris Pallida by L’Artisan, L’Eau d’Hiver by Malle
    editions and Iris de Nuit by Heeley Parfums are one of the
    best examples. Modern without being awkward, and
    discreetly sexy. Other Iris interpretations
    (powdery, sweet, and so on) I find hard to love.
    Promise you give us more great articles…

  • Liz (SmokeyToes) says:

    I just found out I won the draw, thank you for the opportunity to try Irisss. Iris is one of my favorite notes in perfumery, I’m looking forward to it!
    Liz Detrich (a.k.a. SmokeyToes)