An Introvert’s Guide To Surviving New Year’s Eve + a 2022 draw

This year has been various shades of bad, for all of us: the on and off lockdowns, the chaos and uncertainty, the changes – outside and inside, the time-compressed and dragged between four walls – well, in these conditions, even an introvert needs to appeal to some magical thinking and wish for some kind of rite of passage into a better new year.  Five fragrances and outfits to wear even if you are staying home

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Amouage Silver Oud Review (Cecile Zarokian) 2021 + The Red and The Black Draw

Stendhal’s 1830 novel The Red and the Black which depicts the era’s dichotomy between French politics and seduction seems the perfect inspiration for Amouage Silver Oud. Composed by Cecile Zarokian, Silver Oud is a perfect addition to the Omani brand’s “Epic” storytelling. Cecile Zarokian created Amouage Epic Woman in 2011. In 2021, creative director Renaud Salmon tapped Mme. Zarokian for Amouage Material, .Just as Julien is the protagonist in The Red and The Black, Oud ASSAM is the central character of this fragrance. Silver Oud is certainly a standout addition Amouage’s library of perfumes. 

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Best Autumn Perfumes 2021 + Part 2 Fall Equinox draw

Best Autumn Perfumes 2021

September 22, 2020, the autumnal equinox the time in the earth’s annual cycle around the sun in which day and night are equal in length. Even during these strange almost surreal times we all find comfort in our favorite autumn perfumes 2021, including L’Artisan Parfumeur Mandarina Corsica, Strangelove meltmyheart, Visiteur Parfums Cabernet Nocturne, Amouroud Safran rare, Bogue Profumo MEM

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