The Scent of asphalt | Scenting place and the Making of Fragranced Environments

Place is distinct from space — it’s a terminus of locality, it’s where you are, what you are, and — in your consciousness — presence. Being present is paying attention. And scenting brings one to a feeling of sentience in the center of your experience — fragrance can be the strongest context of memory. Sisell Tolaas sprays her wrist liberally with what she calls Guy No. 3. “I wear it to parties,” she says. S&M Guy and Guy No. 3 were derived from the sweat of two of the nine men who were the subject of Tolaas’ 2006 exhibit the FEAR of Smell — the Smell of FEAR at MIT’s List Visual Arts Center.

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The Mystery of Musk Natural Perfumer’s Guild Internet Project Epilogue: * a secret about the mystery of musk* + Draw for Strange Invisible Perfumes Temple Of Musk

Is it difficult to blend an accord similar to animal musk but solely with botanicals? You betcha. But the skilled perfumer can provide his or her customer with scents similar in effect to real musk by providing the human system the stimulus needed to enhance ones own ‘musk’ or personal scent. – We thank Anya McCoy and the Natural Perfumer’s Guild for including Cafleurebon in this project. We chose to spotlight each perfumer and their work individually. The draw for the bottle of Strange Invisible Perfumes Temple Of Musk we are giving away in conjunction with the project, ends July 7, 2010 at 11:59 pm EST

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*_Scents of Summer Swoon_* As Seen Through the Works of Maxfield Parrish

*The Dogdays* are here- no denying it.I’ve never been a summer girl; I was */born hot/*. Now, if I lived a Caribbean life, or the much more sensible rhythm of
those in warmer climes- The lingering glass of pastis at noon, the leisurely siesta, the gentle early evening ambling along ancient Roman paths near Avignon, so I choose to greet the summer swelter by creating my own personal Paradise vis a vis scent

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