Outlaw Perfume- Elise Pearlstine Bellyflowers Perfume Rose Of Cimarron: Mysterious Rose

Sometimes the more I like a perfume the harder it is to write about. It’s because I want to do it justice- to the perfumer, to the creative process, and to the creation itself. During this Natural Perfumer’s Guild Outlaw Perfume Project I have felt a little intimidated by 2 perfumes, firstly Mata Hari by Dawn Spencer Hurwitz, and secondly by Rose of Cimarron by Bellyflowers Perfumes. I enjoy Rose of Cimarron for the lovely scent creation that it is, and for the historical link, again to a famous outlaw.

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Outlaw Project-JoAnne Bassett Perfumes Amazing: Just So

While the list of “outlaw” ingredients is as long as Santa’s “Naughty or Nice” list there is really one ingredient that has been restricted by IFRA that has caused the most angst among perfumistas, oakmoss. One of the things I was looking forward to when I heard about the Natural Perfumers Guild Outlaw Project was seeing one or more of these talented perfumers assay an oakmoss fragrance. JoAnne Bassett is one of those talented perfumers and her submission is called “Amazing” and her beginning point was oakmoss absolute.

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Outlaw Perfume: Simply Stunning

By now, you folks have figured out that the Outlaw context herein refers to both the demonized or unsanctioned naturals, and those who utilize them.
The pleasures I was afforded came to me via Anya Mc Coy, Charna Ethier, and Jane Cate.
Their aim was to create something exquisite, utilizing as many verboten substances as pleased their fey whims.

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Alvarez Gomez: Spanish Soliflores

During the recent Sniffapalooza Fall Ball 2010, on Sunday, we spent some time downtown strolling through the smaller boutiques. When we got to MiN Apothecary I got a real treat as I was introduced to a new fragrance line I had never tried. Just prior to Sniffapalooza they had been traveling in Europe and the line they brought back and were introducing to us on that Fall Sunday was from Madrid, Alvarez Gomez. Known for their Colonia it was the soliflores that made the lasting impression.

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