FRAGRANCE REVIEW: Penhaligon’s Esprit du Roi and Eau Sans Pareil + Anthology Finale Draw

Penhaligon’s announced they were going to let M Duchaufour and other perfumers have the chance to update their older creations and this was going to be a 10-fragrance set under the Anthology umbrella. Four were released in 2009, four were released last year and we are now at journey’s end with the release of the final two, Esprit du Roi and Eau Sans Pareil.

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CaFleureBon Profiles in American Perfumery: Charna Ethier of Providence Perfumes + “Bohemian Rhapsody” Draw

After working for Lauder and Aveda for years, I became determined to create my own line of natural perfumes. I poured myself into learning everything I possibly could about natural perfumery and after years of study, research, and experimentation was accepted as a member to the Natural Perfumers Guild and Providence Perfume Company launched.

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