Odors That Stink! (January Spilled Perfume 2019) + 8 Great Smelling Fragrances Draw

Pee Yew ! Pepe Le Pew courtesy of Warner Bros

We love perfume. With 14+ editors and contributors, trust us, one person’s scrubber is another’s holy grail. But it’s everyday smells that make us gag, the Odors That Stink! We asked our Editors and Contributors to tell us the odors that stink, the aromas that make them run like Penelope Cat from Pepe Le Pew. Match the Editors and Contributors with odors that stink and if you guess correctly, you’ll win some great smelling perfume.

Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor: halitosis

Dana Sandu, Contributor:  unwashed hair

Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor:  Old dirt sponge

Sebastian Jara, Editor: French sausages

Gail Gross, Senior Editor: cooked broccoli left overnight.

Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: Petunias

Ermano Picco, Editor: wet dog

Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor: cheap cigar smoke

Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor: Otter poop

Ida Meister, Senior Editor: gangrene

Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor: seafood
 Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor:  rotten potatoes

Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor: those Green tree shaped air fresheners

Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: the smell of cats, and their litter box

Penelope Cat and Pepe Le Pew

For Odors That Stink Draw (But these smell amazing)

Worldwide: Atelier Des Ors Larmes du Desert

Worldwide: Parfums de Nicolai Patchouli Intense

EU, USA and Canada: Houbigant Bois Mystique

EU, Canada and US: Francesca Bianchi The Lover’s Tale

US and Australia:Goldfield and Banks Southern Bloom 

USA Only: 50 ml bottle of Ormonde Jayne Prive, a Saks Fifth Avenue exclusive

USA and Canada Only: The 7 Virtues Peace Blend Box 

USA only: Acqua Dell' Elba Arcipelago Uomo and Acqua Dell' Elba Arcipelago Donna travel set 

If a reader matches our answers correctly, they automatically win three prizes they asked for (country restrictions) and if no one guesses correctly, the draw is TOTALLY random, which means YOU MAY NOT WIN WHAT YOU WROTE DOWN. Each entry must include the name of the editor or contributor, (Robert Herrmann’s  thinks that … stinks) to be eligible and of course you must be a Registered CaFleureBon reader,  click here, and use your registered name. Country restrictions apply. You can only enter once on the same IP. You can list as many as you want. What are odors do you think stink?  Draw closes 3/4/2019

We announce the winners only on site and on our Facebook page, so Like Cafleurebon and use our  Blog FEED…or your dream prize will be just spilled perfume

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  • Oh no, we are going to fail again!  Here are my guesses:

    Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor: gangrene
    Dana Sandu, Contributor:  rotten potatoes
    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor:  cheap cigar smoke
    Sebastian Jara, Editor: those Green tree shaped air fresheners
    Gail Gross, Senior Editor: the smell of cats, and their litter box
    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: halitosis
    Ermano Picco, Editor: Petunias
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor: Otter poop
    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor: cooked broccoli left overnight.
    Ida Meister, Senior Editor: Old dirt sponge
    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor: seafood
    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor: unwashed hair
    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor:  wet dog
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: French sausages

    I would love A Lovers Tale, Patchouli Intense, Bois Mystique or Des Ors Larmes du Desert! Canada

  • Just Add Light says:

    Otter poop is certainly a unique one!  Honestly didn't see it coming!  And then it hit me.  LOL

    Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor: the smell of cats, and their litter box

    Dana Sandu, Contributor:  Petunias

    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor:  Otter poop

    Sebastian Jara, Editor: halitosis

    Gail Gross, Senior Editor: French sausages

    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: those Green tree shaped air fresheners

    Ermano Picco, Editor: rotten potatoes

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor: seafood

    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor: gangrene

    Ida Meister, Senior Editor: Old dirt sponge

    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor: cheap cigar smoke

    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor: cooked broccoli left overnight.

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor: wet dog

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: unwashed hair

    My choices:

    1) Bois Mystique

    2) Patchouli Intense

    3) OJ Prive


  • Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor:  unwashed hair

     Dana Sandu, Contributor:  halitosis 

    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor:  Old dirt sponge

    Sebastian Jara, Sr. Contributor: French sausages

    Gail Gross, Senior Editor: cooked broccoli left overnight.

    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: Petunias

    Ermano Picco, Editor: wet dog

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor: cheap cigar smoke

    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor: seafood

    Ida Meister, Senior Editor: gangrene

    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor: Otter poop

    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor: those Green tree shaped air fresheners

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor: the smell of cats, and their litter box

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief:  rotten potatoes

    Patchouli Intense, Desert Bloom, Atelier des ors Larmes

     I hate the smell of  unwashed BO!

  • What  does otter poop smell like. I don't even know what that animal is. I googled it never mind

    Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor:  unwashed hair

     Dana Sandu, Contributor:   gangrene

    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor:  Old dirt sponge

    Sebastian Jara, Sr. Contributor: French sausages

    Gail Gross, Senior Editor: cooked broccoli left overnight.

    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: Petunias

    Ermano Picco, Editor: wet dog

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor: cheap cigar smoke

    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor: halitosis 

    Ida Meister, Senior Editor: seafood
    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor: those Green tree shaped air fresheners Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor: Otter poop

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor: rotten potatoes

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief:  the smell of cats, and their litter box

    Ormonde Prive, Desert Bloom, Atelier des ors Larmes



  • RobertNicolasB says:

    Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor: those Green tree shaped air fresheners

    Dana Sandu, Contributor:  unwashed hair

    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor:  Old dirt sponge

    Sebastian Jara, Editor: cheap cigar smoke

    Gail Gross, Senior Editor: Otter poop

    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: seafood

    Ermano Picco, Editor: wet dog

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor: French sausages

    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor: halitosis

    Ida Meister, Senior Editor: gangrene

    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor: the smell of cats, and their litter box

    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor: Petunias

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor: rotten potatoes

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: cooked broccoli left overnight.

    I hate the smell of cooked brussel sprouts!

    1. Houbigant Bois Mystique

    2. Parfums de Nicolai Patchouli Intense

    3. Atelier Des Ors Larmes du Desert



  • I've been terrible at these guessing games, but you never know…
    Here are my guesses: 
    Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor: cooked broccoli left overnight.

    Dana Sandu, Contributor:   cheap cigar smoke

    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor:   Otter poop

    Sebastian Jara, Editor: those Green tree shaped air fresheners

    Gail Gross, Senior Editor: halitosis

    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: gangrene

    Ermano Picco, Editor: the smell of cats, and their litter box

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor: unwashed hair

    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor: rotten potatoes

    Ida Meister, Senior Editor: Petunias

    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor Old dirt sponge:

    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor: French sausages

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor: seafood

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: wet dog

    I'd love any of these perfumes:
    Houbigant Bois Mystique,Atelier Des Ors Larmes du Desert, Parfums de Nicolai Patchouli Intense, , Francesca Bianchi The lover's tale
    Thank you for the chance and for another fun game !
    I'm in the EU.

  • Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor: petunias
    Dana Sandu, Contributor: green tree shaped air freshners
    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor: gangrene
    Sebastian Jara, Editor: the smell of cats and their litter box
    Gail Gross, Senior Editor: rotten potatoes
    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: cheap cigar smoke
    Ermano Picco, Editor: old dirt sponge
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor: cooked broccoli left overnight
    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor: otter poop
    Ida Meister, Senior Editor: halitosis
    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor: wet dog
    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor: seafood
    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor:  french sausages
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: unwashed hair

    In the UK – would like to win —- Lovers Tale, Patchouli Intense, Bois Mystique or Des Ors Larmes du Desert!  – thanks so much! 

  • Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor:  Old dirt sponge

    Dana Sandu, Contributor:   wet dog

    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor:  unwashed hair

    Sebastian Jara, Sr. Contributor: French sausages

    Gail Gross, Senior Editor: cheap cigar smoke

    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: Petunias

    Ermano Picco, Editor: cooked broccoli left overnight

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor: gangrene

    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor: seafood

    Ida Meister, Senior Editor: halitosis

    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor: rotten potatoes

    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor: Otter poop

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor: the smell of cats, and their litter box

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief:  those Green tree shaped air fresheners

    Stinky odours I hate: those woody-amber materials (Norlimbanol, etc.), strong body odour, cumin…

    I'd love to win Parfums de Nicolai Patchouli Intense, Francesca Bianchi The Lover's Tale and Houbigant Bois Mystique. I live in EU. Thank you for the draw!

  • Belladonna Burgdorf says:

    Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor: gangrene

    Dana Sandu, Contributor:  Petunias

    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor:  Otter Poop

    Sebastian Jara, Editor: French sausages

    Gail Gross, Senior Editor: cooked broccoli left overnight.

    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: unwashed hair

    Ermano Picco, Editor: the smell of cats, and their litter box

    Despina Veneti, Sr. wet dog

    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor: Old dirt sponge

    Ida Meister, Senior Editor: halitosis

    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor: those Green tree shaped air fresheners
     Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor:  rotten potatoes

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor: seafood

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief:Contributor: cheap cigar smoke

    In the US – would love to win:  Atelier Des Ors Larmes du Desert, Francesca Bianchi The Lover’s Tale, Ormonde Jayne Prive – but all of them are gorgeous thanks for the chance!

  • Belladonna Burgdorf says:

    Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor: petunias
    Dana Sandu, Contributor: wet dog
    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor: otter poop
    Sebastian Jara, Editor: french sausages
    Gail Gross, Senior Editor: rotten potatoes
    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: cheap cigar smoke
    Ermano Picco, Editor: old dirt sponge
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor: cooked broccoli left overnight
    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor: gangrene
    Ida Meister, Senior Editor: halitosis
    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor: green tree shaped air freshners
    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor: seafood
    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor:  cats and their litter boxes
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: unwashed hair

    In the US – would like to win —- Lovers Tale, Des Ors Larmes du Desert!  –Ormonde Jayne Prive – or any they're all gorgeous – thanks for the chance!

  • Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor: seafood
    Dana Sandu, Contributor: gangrene 
    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor: rotten potatoes 
    Sebastian Jara, Editor: halitosis
    Gail Gross, Senior Editor: Petunias 
    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: French sausages
    Ermano Picco, Editor: unwashed hair
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor: the smell of cats, and their litter box
    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor: those Green tree shaped air fresheners
    Ida Meister, Senior Editor: cheap cigar smoke
    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor: wet dog
    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor: Otter poop
    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor: Old dirt sponge
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: cooked broccoli left overnight

    My picks: Ormonde Jayne Prive, Houbigant Bois Mystique, and Atelier Des Ors Larmes du Desert

  • VerbenaLuvvr says:

    Clayton Ilolahia, unwashed hair

    Dana Sandu, wet dog

    Hernando Courtright, halitosis

    Sebastian Jara, Petunias

    Gail Gross,  cheap cigar smoke

    Lauryn Beer, seafood

    Ermano Picco, the smell of cats, and their litter box

    Despina Veneti, French sausages

    Marianne Butler, rotten potatoes

    Ida Meister, gangrene

    Robert Herrmann, Otter poop

    Elise Pearlstine, Old dirt sponge

    Danu Seith-Fyr, cooked broccoli left overnight

    Michelyn Camen,  those Green tree shaped air fresheners

    I would choose Atelier Des Ors Larmes du Desert, Houbigant Bois Mystique, and The 7 Virtues Peace Blend Box.

    I cannot stand the smell of cigarettes and body odor, YUK! 

    Thank you for this draw, I live in the US.

  • BostonScentGuy says:

    I love this draw! Very hilarious and disgusting options…I'd really love to know if the person who put "gangrene" is aware from some horrifying and unfortunate experience!


    Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor: the smell of cats, and their litter box

    Dana Sandu, Contributor:  those Green tree shaped air fresheners

    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor:   rotten potatoes

    Sebastian Jara, Editor: Otter poop

    Gail Gross, Senior Editor: cooked broccoli left overnight.

    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: cheap cigar smoke

    Ermano Picco, Editor: gangrene

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor: wet dog

    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor: seafood

    Ida Meister, Senior Editor: Petunias

    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor: French sausages

     Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor:  Old dirt sponge

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor: unwashed hair

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: halitosis

    I'd pick: Bois Mystique, OJ Prive, and Larmes du Desert. Thanks for the draw! I'm in the US.

  • RaePerfumeSoul says:

    A lot of stinky stuff here 🙂 Had to really remind myself not to imagine the smells!!


    Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor: the smell of cats, and their litter box

    Dana Sandu, Contributor:  Petunias

    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor:  Otter poop

    Sebastian Jara, Editor: French sausages

    Gail Gross, Senior Editor: halitosis

    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: those Green tree shaped air fresheners

    Ermano Picco, Editor: rotten potatoes

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor: wet dog

    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor: gangrene

    Ida Meister, Senior Editor: Old dirt sponge

    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor: cheap cigar smoke

    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor: cooked broccoli left overnight.

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor: seafood

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: unwashed hair

    My choices:

    1) Atelier Des Ors Larmes du Desert

    2) Houbigant Bois Mystique

    3) The Lover’s Tale

    In United Kingdom.

  • My guesses are:

    Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor thinks that Petunias stinks

    Dana Sandu, Contributor thinks that unwashed hair stinks

    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor thinks that Otter poop stinks

    Sebastian Jara, Editor thinks that cooked broccoli left overnight stinks

    Gail Gross, Senior Editor thinks that cheap cigar smoke stinks

    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor thinks that halitosis stinks

    Ermano Picco, Editor thinks that gangrene stinks

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor thinks that French sausages stinks

    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor thinks that Old dirt sponge stinks

    Ida Meister, Senior Editor thinks that wet dog stinks

    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor thinks that smell of cats, and their litter box stinks
    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor thinks that Green tree shaped air fresheners stinks
    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor thinks that those rotten potatoes stinks

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief thinks that the seafood stinks

    My favourite prizes are:

    1. Atelier Des Ors Larmes du Desert

    2. Francesca Bianchi The Lover’s Tale

    3. Houbigant Bois Mystique

    4. Parfums de Nicolai Patchouli Intense

    In my opinion selery stinks, I'm from Poland.

  • Clayton Ilolahia thinks that wet dog stinks
    Dana Sandur thinks that cooked broccoli left overnight stinks
    Hernando Courtright thinks that cheap cigar smoke stinks
    Sebastian Jara thinks that seafood stinks
    Gail Gross thinks that those Green tree shaped air fresheners stink
    Lauryn Beer thinks that Old dirt sponge stinks
    Ermano Picco thinks that the smell of cats, and their litter box stinks
    Despina Veneti thinks that French sausages stink
    Marianne Butler thinks that unwashed hair stinks
    Ida Meister thinks that rotten potatoes stink
    Robert Herrman thinks that Otter poop stinks
    Elise Pearlstine thinks that Petunias stink
    Danu Seith-Fyr thinks that gangrene stinks
    Michelyn Camen thinks that halitosis stinks

    The French sausage made me think of Hungarian blood sausage – awful!

    I would love to win:
    Goldfield and Banks Southern Bloom
    Francesca Bianchi The Lover’s Tale
    The 7 Virtues Peace Blend Box

    In the USA

  • Here are my guesses!

    Clayton Ilolahia thinks that unwashed hair stinks

    Dana Sandu thinks that those Green tree shaped air fresheners stink

    Hernando Courtright thinks that wet dog stinks
    Sebastian Jara thinks that halitosis stinks
    Gail Gross thinks that cooked broccoli left overnight stinks
    Lauryn Beer thinks that old dirty sponge stinks
    Ermano Picco thinks that the smell of cats, and their litter box stinks
    Despina Veneti thinks that cheap cigar smoke stinks
    Marianne Butler thinks that Otter poop stinks
    Ida Meister thinks that seafood stinks
    Robert Herrman thinks that rotten potatoes stink
    Elise Pearlstine thinks that Petunias stink
    Danu Seith-Fyr thinks that gangrene stinks
    Michelyn Camen thinks that French sausages stink

    I think Limburger cheese stinks (but it also reminds me fondly of my grandfather, because he loved it!)

    I would love to win:

    Atelier des Ors Larmes du desert

    Parfums de Nocilai Patchouli Intense

    Houbigant Bois Mystique

    Francesce Bianchi The Lover's Tale

    I'm in the USA – thanks for the draw!

  • Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor: the smell of cats, and their litter box

    Dana Sandu, Contributor:  rotten potatoes

    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor:  Otter poop

    Sebastian Jara, Editor: French sausages

    Gail Gross, Senior Editor: halitosis

    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: those Green tree shaped air fresheners

    Ermano Picco, Editor: Petunias

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor: seafood

    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor: gangrene

    Ida Meister, Senior Editor: Old dirt sponge

    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor: cheap cigar smoke

    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor: cooked broccoli left overnight.

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor: wet dog

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: unwashed hair

    My choices:

    1) Bois Mystique

    2) Patchouli Intense

    3) OJ Prive


  • Clayton Ilolahia thinks that rotten potatoes stink.

    Dana Sandu things that seafood stinks.

    Hernando Courtright thinks that gangrene stinks.

    Sebastian Jara thinks that the smell of cats and their litter box stinks.

    Gail Gross thinks that wet dog stinks.

    Lauryn Beer thinks that those green tree shaped air fresheners stink.

    Ermano Picco thinks that halitosis stinks.

    Despina Veneti thinks that unwashed hair stinks.

    Marianne Butler thinks that French sausages stink.

    Ida Meister thinks that old dirt sponge stinks.

    Robert Herrmann thinks that cheap cigar smoke stinks.

    Elise Pearlstine thinks that petunias stinks.

    Danu Seith-Fyr thinks that cooked broccoli left overnight stinks.

    Michelyn Camen thinks that otter poop stinks.

    If lucky: Atelier Des Ors Larmes du Desert, Goldfield and Banks Southern bloom, Ormonde Jayne Prive, Houbigant Bois Mystique, Francesca Bianchi The Lover's Tale, The 7 Virtues Peace Blend Box, Parfums de Nicolai Patchouli intense, Acqua Dell' Elba Arcipelago Uomo and Acqua Dell' Elba Arcipelago Donna travel set.

    I think rotten eggs smell the worst. Thanks for the fun draw! USA 

  • Clayton Ilolahia thinks that otter poop stinks

    Dana Sandu thinks that gangrene stinks

    Hernando Courtright thinks that cheap cigar smoke stinks

    Sebastian Jara thinks that wet dog stinks

    Gail Gross thinks that french sausages stink

    Lauryn Beer thinks that petunias stinks

    Ermano Picco thinks that rotten potatoes stinks

    Despina Veneti thinks that cooked broccoli left overnight stinks

    Marianne Butler thinks that seafood stinks

    Ida Meister thinks that unwashed air stinks

    Robert Herrmann thinks that smell of cats and their litter box stinks

    Elise Pearlstine thinks that old dirt sponge stinks

    Danu Seith-Fyr thinks that halitosis stinks

    Michelyn Camen thinks that green tree shaped air freshners stinks


    my choices are

    Ormonde Jayne Prive

    Houbigant Bois Mystique

    Atelier Des Ors Larmes du Desert


    I am in US


  • Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor: rotten potatoes
    Dana Sandu, Contributor:  cheap ciagr smoke
    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor:  tree shaped air fresheners
    Sebastian Jara, Editor: cats and litter boxes
    Gail Gross, Senior Editor: halitosis
    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: petunias
    Ermano Picco, Editor: otter poop
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor: cooked broccoli left overnight
    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor: old dirty sponge
    Ida Meister, Senior Editor: seafood
    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor: unwashed hair
    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor: wet dog
    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor:  French sausages
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: gangrene

    I'd love Atelier des Ors Larmes du Desert, Ormonde Jayne Prive, Houbigant Bois Mystique

  • Clayton Ilolahia  – the smell of cats, and their litter box
    Dana Sandu – cooked broccoli left overnight.
    Hernando Courtright – Otter poop
    Sebastian Jara – halitosis
    Gail Gross- unwashed hair
    Lauryn Beer  -seafood
    Ermano Picco –  gangrene
    Despina Veneti – those Green tree shaped air fresheners
    Marianne Butler – Petunias
    Ida Meister -rotten potatoes
    Robert Herrmann – cheap cigar smoke
    Elise Pearlstine – French sausages
    Danu Seith-Fyr – wet dog
    Michelyn Camen – Old dirt sponge

    My choices are:
    Atelier Des Ors Larmes du Desert
    Houbigant Bois Mystique
    Francesca Bianchi The Lover's Tale

    I am in the UK

  • Monica Beaton says:

    Clayton Ilolahia thinks that those Green tree shaped air fresheners stink
    Dana Sandur thinks that cooked broccoli left overnight stinks
    Hernando Courtright thinks that seafood stinks
    Sebastian Jara thinks that cheap cigar smoke stinks
    Gail Gross thinks that wet dog stinks
    Lauryn Beer thinks that Old dirt sponge stinks
    Ermano Picco thinks that Otter poop stinks
    Despina Veneti thinks that halitosis stinks
    Marianne Butler thinks that unwashed hair stinks
    Ida Meister thinks that gangrene stinks
    Robert Herrman thinks that the smell of cats, and their litter box stinks
    Elise Pearlstine thinks that Petunias stink
    Danu Seith-Fyr thinks that French sausages stink
    Michelyn Camen thinks that rotten potatoes stink

    I live in Australia and would love to win: Atelier Des Ors Larmes du Desert, Goldfield and Banks Southern Bloom

  • Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor: Old dirt sponge

    Dana Sandu, Contributor:  unwashed hair

    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor:  cheap cigar smoke

    Sebastian Jara, Editor: green tree shaped air fresheners

    Gail Gross, Senior Editor: french sausages

    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: cooked brocolli overnight

    Ermano Picco, Editor: otter poop

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor: wet dog

    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor: gangrene

    Ida Meister,: gangrene

    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor: seafood
     Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor:  the smell of a cats litterbox

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor:halitosis

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: trotten potatoes


    I live in the US.

    Southern bloom

    Lover's tale

    Ormone Jayne Prive

    Thank you



  • Clayton Ilolahia thinks that Green tree shaped air fresheners stinks 
    Dana Sandur thinks that Old dirt sponge stinks
    Hernando Courtright thinks that Petunias stinks
    Sebastian Jara thinks cooked broccoli left overnight stinks
    Gail Gross thinks that cheap cigar smoke stinks
    Lauryn Beer thinks that unwashed hair stinks 
    Ermano Picco thinks that the smell of cats, and their litter box stinks
    Despina Veneti thinks that halitosis stinks
    Marianne Butler thinks that gangrene stinks
    Ida Meister thinks that French sausages stinks 
    Robert Herrman that otter poop stinks  
    Elise Pearlstine thinks that wet dog stinks    
    Danu Seith-Fyr thinks that rotten potatoes stinks    
    Michelyn Camen thinks that seafood stinks

    I would love to win these in order: 1. Goldfields and Banks Southern Bloom, 2. Ormonde Jayne Prive,  3. Parfums de Nicolai Patchouli Intense, 4. Francesca Bianchi The Lovers Tale, 5. Atelier Des Ors Larmes du Desert, 6. Houbigant Bois Mystique, 7. The 7 virtuse peace blends, 8. Aqua Dell' Elba Arcipelago Uomo and Acqua Dell Ebla Arcipelago Donna Travel Set. 

    I think my boiled eggs stick. Thanks for super fun draw. CA, USA. 

  • Oh, that could be anything – was there ever a correct matching by the way? Still it's good fun, so here we go: 

    Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor: rotten potatoes
    Dana Sandu, Contributor: the smell of cats, and their litter box
    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor: halitosis 
    Sebastian Jara, Editor: those Green tree shaped air fresheners
    Gail Gross, Senior Editor: seafood
    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: Otter poop
    Ermano Picco, Editor: Old dirt sponge
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor:  unwashed hair
    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor: gangrene
    Ida Meister, Senior Editor: wet dog
    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor: cheap cigar smoke
    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor: Petunias 
    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor: cooked broccoli left overnight.
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: French sausages


    Thanks to you and the brands for the generous draw, I'd love to win to Germany: 

    Houbigant Bois Mystique, AdO Larmes du Desert, FB The Lover's Tale

  • Clayton Ilolahia thinks that wet dog stinks. Dana Sandu thinks that halitosis stinks. Hernando Courtright thinks that French sausages stink. Sebastian Jara thinks that old dirt spong stinks. Gail Gross thinks that petunias stink. Lauryn Beer thinks that cooked broccoli overnight stink. Ermano Picco thinks that cheap cigar smoke stinks Despina Vaneti thinks that wet dog stinks. Marianne Butler thinks that gangrene stinks. Ida Meister thinks that otter poop stinks. Robert Herrmann thinks that rotten potatoes stink. Elise Pearlstine thinks that seafood stinks. Danu Seith-Fyr thinks that cat litter box stink. Michelyn Carmen thinks that green tree shaped freshener stinks.


    I think that football shoes stink. 


    I'd like to win following fragrances: Atelier Des Ors Larmes du Desert, Parfums de Nicolai Patchouli Intense and Francesca Bianchi The Lovers Tale.


    Thanks. I am in Germany  

  • Laurentiu says:

    Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor: gangrene
    Dana Sandu, Contributor: green tree shaped air freshners
    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor: petunias
    Sebastian Jara, Editor: unwashed hair
    Gail Gross, Senior Editor: cheap cigar smoke
    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: rotten potatoes
    Ermano Picco, Editor: old dirt sponge
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor: wet dog
    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor: otter poop
    Ida Meister, Senior Editor: cooked broccoli left overnight
    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor: halitosis
    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor: seafood
    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor:  french sausages
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: the smell of cats and their litter box


    I am in EU and I would like to win Boys Mystique or Larmes du Desert. Thank you!

  • Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor: French sausages
    Dana Sandu, Contributor:  rotten potatoes
    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor:  cheap cigar smoke
    Sebastian Jara, Editor: those Green tree shaped air fresheners
    Gail Gross, Senior Editor: the smell of cats, and their litter box
    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: halitosis
    Ermano Picco, Editor: Petunias
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor: Otter poop
    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor: cooked broccoli left overnight.
    Ida Meister, Senior Editor: Old dirt sponge
    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor: seafood
    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor: unwashed hair
    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor:  wet dog
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: gangrene


    Thank you for the chance of win. My choices:

    Atelier Des Ors Larmes du Desert

    Parfums de Nicolai Patchouli Intense

    Houbigant Bois Mystique

    The Lover’s Tale

    I live in the EU.


  • Clayton Ilolahia: Otter poop

    Dana Sandu:  Petunias

    Hernando Courtright:  cheap cigar smoke

    Sebastian Jara: halitosis

    Gail Gross: unwashed hair

    Lauryn Beer: rotten potatoes

    Ermano Picco, Editor: old dirt sponge

    Despina Veneti: gangrene

    Marianne Butler cooked broccoli left overnight

    Ida Meister: wet dog

    Robert Herrmann, French sausages
     Elise Pearlstine:  seafood

    Danu Seith-Fyr: the smell of cats, and their litter box

    Michelyn Camen: those Green tree shaped air fresheners

    I am interested in Ormond Jayne Prive, Goldfield & Banks Southern Bloom, and Larmes du Desert.  I am in the USA.


  • Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor: Old dirt sponge
    Dana Sandu, Contributor:  cooked broccoli left overnight.
    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor:  cheap cigar smoke
    Sebastian Jara, Editor:  seafood
    Gail Gross, Senior Editor:  unwashed hair
    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: halitosis
    Ermano Picco, Editor: wet dog
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor: Otter poop
    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor:  rotten potatoes
    Ida Meister, Senior Editor:  gangrene
    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor: Petunias
    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor:  the smell of cats, and their litter box
    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor:  French sausages
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief:  Green tree shaped air fresheners

    Hope to win: 1. Acqua Dell' Elba Arcipelago Uomo and Acqua Dell' Elba Arcipelago Donna travel set. 2. Parfums de Nicolai Patchouli Intense. 3. Atelier Des Ors Larmes du Desert. 4. Houbigant Bois Mystique.




  • ElenaChiss says:

    Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor: old dirt sponge
    Dana Sandu, Contributor: green tree shaped air freshners
    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor: petunias
    Sebastian Jara, Editor: wet dog
    Gail Gross, Senior Editor: the smell of cats and their litter box
    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: rotten potatoes
    Ermano Picco, Editor: gangrene
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor: unwashed hair
    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor: otter poop
    Ida Meister, Senior Editor: sseafood
    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor: halitosis
    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor:  french sausage
    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor: cooked broccoli left overnight
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: cheap cigar smoke

    I hate the smell of some french cheeses. Absolutely disgusting to my nose. 

    From the list of prizes, my favourite would be Larmes du Desert and Patchouli Intense, therefore one of these two I would be very happy to win. I am in EU.

    Thanks and good luck to everyone!

  •  LOL

     Stinky odors … the worse is a baby diapers. I have had four kids….

    Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor: halitosis

    Dana Sandu, Contributor:  unwashed hair

    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor:  cooked brocolli left overnight
    Sebastian Jara, Editor: French sausages

    Gail Gross, Senior Editor: Old dirt sponge

    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: Petunias

    Ermano Picco, Editor: wet dog

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor: cheap cigar smoke

    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor: Otter poop

    Ida Meister, Senior Editor:  the smell of cats, and their litter box gangrene

    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor: seafood
     Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor:  rotten potatoes

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor: those Green tree shaped air fresheners

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: gangrene

    USA Patchouli Intense, A lovers Tale, Larmes du Desert, bois mystique, ormonde jayne prive

  • I will take a stab at it but this is gonna be way off.

    Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor: unwashed hair

    Dana Sandu, Contributor:  cooked brocolli left overnight

    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor:  rotten potatoes

    Sebastian Jara, Editor: the smell of cats, and their litter box gangrene

    Gail Gross, Senior Editor: seafood

    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: old dirty sponge

    Ermano Picco, Editor: wet dog

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor: petunias

    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor: halitosis

    Ida Meister, Senior Editor: cheap cigar smoke

    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor: those Green tree shaped air fresheners
     Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor:  unwashed hair

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor: gangrene

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: otter poop

    USA  I would like to win Atelier Des Ors Larmes du Desert , Goldfield and Banks Southern Bloom  , Houbigant Bois Mystique

  • middleagedandmixed says:

    Ha! I don’t know how I would get this right, but I love the challenge.

    Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor: the smell of cats, and their litter box

    Dana Sandu, Contributor:  Petunias

    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor:  Otter poop

    Sebastian Jara, Editor: cheap cigar smoke

    Gail Gross, Senior Editor: French sausages

    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: those Green tree shaped air fresheners

    Ermano Picco, Editor: rotten potatoes

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor: seafood

    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor: gangrene

    Ida Meister, Senior Editor: Old dirt sponge

    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor: halitosis 

    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor: cooked broccoli left overnight.

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor: wet dog

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: unwashed hair

    If I should get any correct, I would choose :

    1) Atelier Des Ors Larmes du Desert

    2) Ormonde Jayne Prive 

    3) Parfums de Nicolaï Patchouli Intense 

    Thank you from the U.S.

  • marcopietro says:

    Clayton Ilolahia: wet dog

    Dana Sandu: the smell of cats, and their litter box

    Hernando Courtright: cheap cigar smoke

    Sebastian Jara: halitosis

    Gail Gross: otter poop

    Lauryn Beer: unwashed hair

    Ermano Picco: gangrene

    Despina Veneti: old dirt sponge

    Marianne Butler: seafoodoes

    Ida Meister: french sausages

    Robert Herrmann: cooked broccoli left overnight.

    Elise Pearlstine: those Green tree shaped air fresheners

    Danu Seith-Fyr: petunias

    Michelyn Camen: rotten potatoes

    I'd like to win Atelier Des Ors Larmes du Desert, Houbigant Bois Mystique, Parfums de Nicolai Patchouli Intense

    I am in EU, thanks!

  • marcopietro says:

    Clayton Ilolahia: wet dog

    Dana Sandu: the smell of cats, and their litter box

    Hernando Courtright: cheap cigar smoke

    Sebastian Jara: halitosis

    Gail Gross: otter poop

    Lauryn Beer: unwashed hair

    Ermano Picco: gangrene

    Despina Veneti: old dirt sponge

    Marianne Butler: seafoodoes

    Ida Meister: french sausages

    Robert Herrmann: cooked broccoli left overnight.

    Elise Pearlstine: those Green tree shaped air fresheners

    Danu Seith-Fyr: petunias

    Michelyn Camen: rotten potatoes

    I'd like to win :

    Atelier Des Ors Larmes du DesertParfums de Nicolai Patchouli Intense,  Houbigant Bois Mystique

    I live in EU, thanks!


  • marcopietro says:

    Clayton Ilolahia: wet dog

    Dana Sandu: the smell of cats, and their litter box

    Hernando Courtright: cheap cigar smoke

    Sebastian Jara: halitosis

    Gail Gross: otter poop

    Lauryn Beer: unwashed hair

    Ermano Picco: gangrene

    Despina Veneti: old dirt sponge

    Marianne Butler: seafoodoes

    Ida Meister: french sausages

    Robert Herrmann: cooked broccoli left overnight.

    Elise Pearlstine: those Green tree shaped air fresheners

    Danu Seith-Fyr: petunias

    Michelyn Camen: rotten potatoes

    I'd like to win: Atelier Des Ors Larmes du Desert, Parfums de Nicolai Patchouli Intense,Houbigant Bois Mystique

    I live in EU, thanks!

  • Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor: cheap cigar smoke

    Dana Sandu, Contributor: petunias

    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor: old dirt sponge

    Sebastian Jara, Editor: gangrene

    Gail Gross, Senior Editor: French sausages

    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: seafood

    Ermano Picco, Editor: wet dog

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor: Otter poop

    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor:  rotten potatoes

    Ida Meister, Senior Editor:  halitosis

    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor: the smell of cats, and their litter box
    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor: Green tree shaped air fresheners

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor:  cooked broccoli left overnight

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: unwashed hair

    My choices: Patchouli Intense Parfums de Nicolai, Atelier des Ors Larmes du Desert and Francesca Bianchi The lover's Tale. Thanks for the draw! I live in Europe

  • Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor:  Unwashed hair

    Dana Sandu, Contributor:   Wet dog

    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor: Old dirt Sponge

    Sebastian Jara, Sr. Contributor: French sausages

    Gail Gross, Senior Editor: cheap cigar smoke

    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: Gangrene

    Ermano Picco, Editor: cooked broccoli left overnight

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor: Petunias

    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor: Otter poop

    Ida Meister, Senior Editor: Halitosis

    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor: Rotten potatoes

    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor: Seafood

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor: The smell of cats, and their litter box

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief:  Those Green tree shaped air fresheners

    I’d love to win: Larmes du desert, Patchouli intense, Houbigant Bois Mystique

    Thanks for the draw, i am in the EU.

  • Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor: seafood

    Dana Sandu, Contributor:cooked broccoli left overnight.

    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor:cheap cigar smoke  

    Sebastian Jara, Editor:those Green tree shaped air fresheners

    Gail Gross, Senior Editor:Otter poop  

    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor:gangrene

    Ermano Picco, Editor:rotten potatoes

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor:Petunias

    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor:unwashed hair

    Ida Meister, Senior Editor:Old dirt sponge

    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor:French sausages

    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor:the smell of cats, and their litter box  

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor:halitosis

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: wet dog

    I have a weak gag reflex so when I smell something I truly hate or see I gag or worse puke…

    Smells I hate:
    Surströmming (fermented Baltic Sea herring)
    cigarette smoke
    burned hair
    fried eggs
    body odour(Instant gag)

    Thanks for fabulous giveaway ,much appreciated !

    Heres my pics in order
    Atelier Des Ors Larmes du Desert,
    Houbigant Bois Mystique
    Parfums de Nicolai Patchouli Intense
    The Lover’s Tale

  • gunmetal24 says:

    Haha, another crazy challenge.

    Here’s my guess:



    Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor: those Green tree shaped air fresheners

    Dana Sandu, Contributor:  cheap cigar smoke

    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor:  gangrene

    Sebastian Jara, Editor: French sausages

    Gail Gross, Senior Editor: Petunias

    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: halitosis

    Ermano Picco, Editor: seafood

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor: unwashed hair

    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor: Otter poop

    Ida Meister, Senior Editor: the smell of cats, and their litter box

    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor: cooked broccoli left overnight.

     Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor:  Old dirt sponge

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor: rotten potatoes

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: wet dog


    Based in Canada. My picks would be:

    Atelier Des Ors – Larmes du Desert

    Francesca Bianchi – The Lover's Tale

    Houbigant: Bois Mystique


    Good luck to everyone!





  • olleriksson says:

    This is such a fun challenge, and so difficult 😀 My worst smell is sewage draining trucks… 

    My answers: 

    Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor: those Green tree shaped air fresheners

    Dana Sandu, Contributor: halitosis

    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor: unwashed hair

    Sebastian Jara, Editor: cooked broccoli left overnight

    Gail Gross, Senior Editor: gangrene

    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: wet dog

    Ermano Picco, Editor: French sausages

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor: Petunias

    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor: seafood

    Ida Meister, Senior Editor: cheap cigar smoke 

    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor: rotten potatoes

    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor: Otter poop

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor: the smell of cats, and their litter box

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: old dirt sponge

    My perfume picks (in order): 

    Atelier des Ors – Larmes du Desert
    Nicolaï – Patchouli Intense
    Ormond Jayne

    I'm in Florida, US 

  • Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor: cooked btoccoli left overnight

    Dana Sandu, Contributor: gangrene

    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor:  rotten potatoes

    Sebastian Jara, Editor:   halitosis

    Gail Gross, Senior Editor:   green tree shaped air fresheners

    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: french sausages

    Ermano Picco, Editor:   cheap cigar smoke

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor:   petunias

    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor:   cats litter box

    Ida Meister, Senior Editor:  unwashed hair

    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor:  seafood

    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor:  old dirt sponce

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor:   wet dog

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief     otter poop


    1. Southern Bloom

    2  Ormonde Jane Prive

    3. Houbigant Bois Mystique


    I work in a medical setting and experience unpleasant smells daily, but halitosis is the one that I most despise.  Thanks for the fun giveaway.

  • Ok, it's very frustrating, trying to register and comment for days (no confirmation mail ever arrived) and even the unregistered comments not showing up, but this is fun enough so I will try to do it and hopefully it will show up:

    Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor: cats litter box

    Dana Sandu, Contributor:  old dirt sponge.

    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor:  cheap cigar smoke

    Sebastian Jara, Editor: halitosis

    Gail Gross, Senior Editor: French sausages

    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: rotten potatoes 

    Ermano Picco, Editor:  those Green tree shaped air fresheners

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor: unwashed hair

    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor: Otter poop

    Ida Meister, Senior Editor: gangrene

    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor: seafood

    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor:  Green tree shaped air fresheners

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor: wet dog

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: petunias

    My horror smells are: mint tea (ever since I was a child; it got me gagging), some peoples' sweat during summer (it's a chemical thing probably, because I am not sweat averse generally) and of course, organic waste…after a couple of days.

    My preferences among the listed fragrances:

    1. Atelier des Ors – Larmes du Desert

    2. Houbigant – Bois Mystique

    3. F. Bianchi – The Lover's Tale

    From EU.

  • Correcting the upper answer since I somehow inserted the (poor, quite inoffensive actually) air fresheners twice…

    I would say Sir Ermano Picco would be the one hating those long cooked broccoli.


  • Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor –  the smell of cats, and their litter box

    Dana Sandu, Contributor – cooked broccoli left overnight

    Hernando Courtright – those Green tree shaped air fresheners

    Sebastian Jara – French sausages

    Gail Gross, Senior Editor – cheap cigar smoke

    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor –  Otter poop

    Ermano Picco, Editor – Petunias

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor – Old dirt sponge

    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor – rotten potatoes

    Ida Meister, Senior Editor – wet dog

    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor – halitosis
    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor – unwashed hair

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor – gangrene

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief – seafood

    Hope i'll be able to win one of:

    1.Atelier Des Ors Larmes du Desert

    2.Houbigant Bois Mystique

    3.Goldfield and Banks Southern Bloom 

    Back and forth between USA and Scotland -> 1 week in US -> 1 week in Scotland , and so on. Basically both USA and EU/UK at the same time.

  • stinky odors? Very inventive. I would say  the lady on the bus yesterday, she smelled terribly of mothballs and no deodorant.

    Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor: halitosis

    Dana Sandu, Contributor:  unwashed hair

    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor:  Old dirt sponge

    Sebastian Jara, Editor: French sausages

    Gail Gross, Senior Editor: cooked broccoli left overnight.

    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: Petunias

    Ermano Picco, Editor: wet dog

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor: cheap cigar smoke

    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor: Otter poop

    Ida Meister, seafood

    Senior Editor: Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor: gangrene

     Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor:  those Green tree shaped air fresheners

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor: rotten potatoes

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: the smell of cats, and their litter box

    UK here and would love to win A Lover's Tale, Nicolai Patchouli Intense, Bois Mystique

  •  Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor: halitosis
    Dana Sandu, Contributor:  cooked broccoli left overnight.
    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor:   those Green tree shaped air fresheners
    Sebastian Jara, Editor: wet dog
    Gail Gross, Senior Editor: French sausages
    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: cheap cigar smoke
    Ermano Picco, Editor: Old dirt sponge
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor: the smell of cats, and their litter box
    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor: Petunias
    Ida Meister, Senior Editor: rotten potatoes
    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor: Otter poop
     Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor:  gangrene
    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor:unwashed hair
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: seafood

    You've got some excellent suggestions listed, wet dogs definitely stink 🙂 Personally, I can't stand the smell of laundry detergent.

    Should I win, my choices would be Atelier Des Ors Larmes du Desert & Parfums de Nicolai Patchouli Intense. I live in Russia


  • Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor:unwashed hair

    Dana Sandu, Contributor: cooked broccoli left overnight

    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor: rotten potatoes

    Sebastian Jara, Editor:  halitosis

    Gail Gross, Senior Editor:  green tree shaped air fresheners

    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: french sausages

    Ermano Picco, Editor:   cheap cigar smoke

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor:   petunias

    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor:   cats litter box

    Ida Meister, Senior Editor:  gangrene

    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor:  seafood

    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor:  old dirt sponce

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor:   wet dog

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief     otter poop


    1. Southern Bloom

    2  Ormonde Jane Prive

    3. Houbigant Bois Mystique

    4. Atelier des Ors Larmes Desert


  • LadyoftheOakenForest says:

    What a fun post! I'll have a go too.

    Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor: rotten potatoes 

    Dana Sandu, Contributor:  Old dirt sponge

    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor:   seafood 

    Sebastian Jara, Editor: wet dog

    Gail Gross, Senior Editor: unwashed hair 

    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: Otter poop 

    Ermano Picco, Editor: Petunias  

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor: the smell of cats, and their litter box 

    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor: halitosis 

    Ida Meister, Senior Editor: cooked broccoli left overnight

    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor: cheap cigar smoke
    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor:  gangrene

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor: those Green tree shaped air fresheners 

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: French sausages 

    I am based in the UK and would love to be entered for  Francesca Bianchi The Lovers Tale and Atelier des Ors Larmes du Desert. 

    Thank you for the generous giveaway! 

  • Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor: halitosis
    Dana Sandu, Contributor: cheap cigar smoke
    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor: tree shaped air fresheners
    Sebastian Jara, Editor: otter poop
    Gail Gross, Senior Editor: rotten potatoes
    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: gangrene
    Ermano Picco, Editor: cats and litter boxes
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor: cooked broccoli left overnight
    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor: old dirty sponge
    Ida Meister, Senior Editor: unwashed hair
    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor: seafood
    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor: French sausages
    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor: petunias
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: wet dog
    Reading this dislikes I definitely agree with a lot of the ones which are mentioned. Garlic breath is also awful.
    I live in EU and I would love to win any of the perfumes mentioned which are winable for residents of EU.
    Thank you for this lovely draw!

  • aurora_ru says:

    Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor: French sausages

    Dana Sandu, Contributor: cooked broccoli left overnight 

    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor: unwashed hair

    Sebastian Jara, Editor: rotten potatoes

    Gail Gross, Senior Editor: wet dog 

    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: Old dirt sponge

    Ermano Picco, Editor: gangrene

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor: seafood

    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor: Otter poop

    Ida Meister, Senior Editor: cheap cigar smoke

    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor: halitosis

    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor:  the smell of cats, and their litter box

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor: Petunias 

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: those Green tree shaped air fresheners

    I don't agree with things like petunias, wet dogs, broccoli, sausages and unwashed hair, but I definately agree with rotten potatoes, they stink awfully also because they are very toxic, be careful! 

    My choice:

    A Lovers Tale Francesca Bianchi,

    Patchouli Intense Parfums de Nicolai,

    Des Ors Larmes du Desert Atelier des Ors.

    Thank you!!!




  • Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor:Petunias

    Dana Sandu, Contributor: the smell of cats, and their litter box 

    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor:  Otter poop

    Sebastian Jara, Editor: French sausages

    Gail Gross, Senior Editor: halitosis

    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: those Green tree shaped air fresheners

    Ermano Picco, Editor: rotten potatoes

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor: wet dog

    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor: gangrene

    Ida Meister, Senior Editor: Old dirt sponge

    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor: cheap cigar smoke

    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor: cooked broccoli left overnight.

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor:unwashed hair

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief:  seafood

    My choices:

    Houbigant Mystique, Ormonde Jayne Prive, Southern Bloom USA

     I really don't like the smell of mildew


  • Ohhh! So many yucks!!!

    Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor: the smell of cats, and their litter box

    Dana Sandu, Contributor:  halitosis

    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor:  Petunias 

    Sebastian Jara, Editor: unwashed hair

    Gail Gross, Senior Editor: cheap cigar smoke   

    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: French sausages

    Ermano Picco, Editor: wet dog

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor: gangrene

    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor:  seafood

    Ida Meister, Senior Editor: rotten potatoes

    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor: those Green tree shaped air fresheners
    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor:  Old dirt sponge  

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor: Otter poop

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: cooked broccoli left overnight. 

    I'd love to smell most of the perfumes offered here, but most of all Larmes du Desert (USA)


    Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor: unwashed hair

    Dana Sandu, Contributor:   halitosis

    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor:  Old dirt sponge

    Sebastian Jara, Editor: French sausages

    Gail Gross, Senior Editor: cooked broccoli left overnight.

    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor:  wet dog

    Ermano Picco, Editor:  petunias 

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor: cheap cigar smoke

    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor: Gangrene

    Ida Meister, Senior Editor: otter poop

    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor: rotten potatoes 
     Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor:  sea food

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor: those Green tree shaped air fresheners

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: the smell of cats, and their litter box

    Choices : 50 ml bottle of Ormonde Jayne Prive, Houbigant Bois Mystique and southern bloom. 

    I don’t like the smell of dirty socks. 

  • Hikmat Sher Afridi says:

    I guess the odors that stinks to lovely editors, contributors, reviewers, and writers are:

    Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor: Petunias

    Dana Sandu, Contributor: Otter Poop

    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor: Gangrene

    Sebastian Jara, Editor: Unwashed Hair

    Gail Gross, Senior Editor: Cooked Broccoli Left Overnight

    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: Old Dirt Sponge

    Ermano Picco, Editor: French Sausages

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor: Those Green Tree Shaped Air Fresheners

    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor: Wet Dog

    Ida Meister, Senior Editor: Seafood

    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor: Cheap Cigar Smoke

    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor: The Smell Of Cats, And Their Litter Box

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor: Rotten Potatoes

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: Halitosis

    If I am among the winners, my choices are:

    1. Parfums de Nicolao Patchouli Intense

    2. Atelier Des Ors Larmes du Desert

    Thanks for the generosity. Pakistan

  • cardinalmind says:

    Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor: halitosis

    Dana Sandu, Contributor:  unwashed hair

    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor:  Old dirt sponge

    Sebastian Jara, Editor: French sausages

    Gail Gross, Senior Editor: cooked broccoli left overnight.

    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: Petunias

    Ermano Picco, Editor: wet dog

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor: cheap cigar smoke

    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor: Otter poop

    Ida Meister, Senior Editor: gangrene

    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor: seafood
     Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor:  rotten potatoes

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor: those Green tree shaped air fresheners

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: the smell of cats, and their litter box

    Sorry but having smelt almost all of those, I had to puke a little just by remembering them. But halitosis kills me almost everyday, since I talk to a lot of people everyday and some really have it.

    Given the chance, I'd love to have 1. Atelier Des Ors Larmes du Desert 2. 50 ml bottle of Ormonde Jayne Prive, a Saks Fifth Avenue exclusive and 3. Houbigant Bois Mystique. Cheers from USA!

  • What a funny draq!! Very creative idea.

    Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor: seafood

    Dana Sandu, Contributor:  unwashed hair

    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor:  Old dirt sponge

    Sebastian Jara, Editor: French sausages

    Gail Gross, Senior Editor: cooked broccoli left overnight.

    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: Petunias

    Ermano Picco, Editor: wet dog

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor: rotten potatoes

    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor: Otter poop

    Ida Meister, Senior Editor: gangrene

    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor: the smell of cats, and their litter box
     Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor: halitosis

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor: those Green tree shaped air fresheners

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: cheap cigar smoke

    I would like to win:

    1) Atelier Des Ors Larmes du Desert

    2) Ormonde Jayne Prive 

    3) Parfums de Nicolaï Patchouli Intense

    4) Goldfield and Banks Southern Bloom 

    5) Houbigant Bois Mystique

    from USA

  • Bernadette says:

    Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor: cooked brocolli left overnight

    Dana Sandu, Contributor:  unwashed hair Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor:  rotten potatoes

    Sebastian Jara, Editor: the smell of cats, and their litter box gangrene

    Gail Gross, Senior Editor: seafood

    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: old dirty sponge

    Ermano Picco, Editor: wet dog

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor: petunias

    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor: halitosis

    Ida Meister, Senior Editor: cheap cigar smoke

    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor:otter poop
     Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor:  unwashed hair

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor: gangrene

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief:those Green tree shaped air fresheners

    USA  I would like to win  Goldfield and Banks Southern Bloom  , Houbigant Bois Mystique

  • doveskylark says:

    Clayton Ilolahia: wet dog

    Dana Sandu: gangrene

    Hernando Courtright: halitosis

    Sebastan Jara: seafood

    Gail Gross: the smell of cats and their litter box

    Lauryn Beer: old dirt sponge 

    Ermano Picco: those green tree shaped air fresheners 

    Despina Veneti: French sausages 

    Marianne Butler: petunias 

    Ida Meister: otter poop

    Robert Herrmann: unwashed hair

    Elise Pearlstine: cheap cigar smoke

    Danu Seith-Fyr: rotten potatoes

    Michelyn Camen: cooked broccoli. left overnight

    If I were the winner: Larmes du Desert, Ormande Jayne Prive, The Lover's Tale, Goldfield and Banks Southern Bloom, Houbigant Bois Mystique

    I hate the smell of cigarettes. 

    I live in the USA. 

  • Here we go again!

    Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor: seafood

    Dana Sandu, Contributor:  unwashed hair

    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor:  Old dirt sponge

    Sebastian Jara, Editor: French sausages

    Gail Gross, Senior Editor: cooked broccoli left overnight.

    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: Petunias

    Ermano Picco, Editor: wet dog

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor: rotten potatoes

    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor: the smell of cats, and their litter box

    Ida Meister, Senior Editor: gangrene

    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor: Otter poop

     Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor: halitosis

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor: those Green tree shaped air fresheners

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: cheap cigar smoke

    If I win my choices would be: Prive, Southern Bloom and A Lovers Tale

  • Haha let's go

    Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor: rotten potatoes

    Dana Sandu, Contributor:  seafood

    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor:   Otter poop

    Sebastian Jara, Editor: Petunias

    Gail Gross, Senior Editor: Old dirt sponge

    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: gangrene

    Ermano Picco, Editor: wet dog

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor: cheap cigar smoke

    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor: cooked broccoli left overnight.

    Ida Meister, Senior Editor: French sausages

    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor: unwashed hair
     Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor:  the smell of cats, and their litter box

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor: those Green tree shaped air fresheners

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: halitosis

    If I win I would like the Atelier Des Ors Larmes du Desert and Houbigant Bois Mystique. Good luck everyone !

    I live in EU.

  • Andreea Florica says:

    I will try

    Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor: those Green tree shaped air fresheners

    Dana Sandu, Contributor:halitosis

    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor: unwashed hair

    Sebastian Jara, Editor: cheap cigar smoke

    Gail Gross, Senior Editor: Old dirt sponge

    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: French sausages

    Ermano Picco, Editor: wet dog

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor: Petunias

    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor:  the smell of cats, and their litter box

    Ida Meister, Senior Editor: gangrene

    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor: Otter poop
     Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor:  cooked broccoli left overnight.

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor: rotten potatoes

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: seafood

    For me I would like the Houbigant Bois Mystique, Atelier Des Ors Larmes du Desert and  Parfums de Nicolai Patchouli Intense.

    I'm from EU.

  • Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor: rotten potatoes

    Dana Sandu, Contributor:  Otter poop

    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor:  gangrene

    Sebastian Jara, Editor: halitosis

    Gail Gross, Senior Editor: French sausages

    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: wet dog

    Ermano Picco, Editor: cheap cigar smoke

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor: Old dirt sponge

    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor: cheap cigar smoke

    Ida Meister, Senior Editor: unwashed hair

    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor: those Green tree shaped air fresheners

    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor:  seafood

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor: cooked broccoli left overnight.

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: the smell of cats, and their litter box

    My choices if I win are:

    Atelier Des Ors Larmes du Desert

    Ormande Jayne Prive

    Parfums de Nicolai Patchouli Intense 

    Houbigant Bois Mystique

    Goldfield and Banks Southern Bloom

    Thanks for the giveaway and I live in the US!













  • Fuu…!

    I hate oral had smell.

    I appreciate this very interesting ariticle and draw! Thanks)

    Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor: uneashef hair

    Dana Sandu, Contributor: seafoods 

    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor: French sausages

    Sebastian Jara, Editor: Old dirty sponge

    Gail Gross, Senior Editor: cooked broccoli left overnight.

    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: Petunias

    Ermano Picco, Editor: rotten potatoes

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor: wet dog

    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor: Otter poop

    Ida Meister, Senior Editor: gangrene

    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor: the smell of cats, and their litter box
     Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor: cheap sigar smoke

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor: those Green tree shaped air fresheners

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: halitosis

    I would like to win: AtelierDes Ors Larmes du Desertr, Ormondeayne Prive, Parfums de Nicolaï Patchouli Intense, Goldfieldand Banks Southern Bloom , Houbigant Bois Mystique 




  • Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor: French sausages
    Dana Sandu, Contributor:  rotten potatoes
    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor:  cheap cigar smoke
    Sebastian Jara, Editor: those Green tree shaped air fresheners
    Gail Gross, Senior Editor: the smell of cats, and their litter box
    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: halitosis
    Ermano Picco, Editor: Petunias
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor: Otter poop
    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor: cooked broccoli left overnight.
    Ida Meister, Senior Editor: Old dirt sponge
    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor: wet dog
    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor: unwashed hair
    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor:  seafood
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: gangrene

    My choices:

    Parfums de Nicolai Patchouli Intense

    Goldfield and Banks Southern Bloom 

    Francesca Bianchi The Lover’s Tale


    I live in the USA


  • Dorian Fischer says:

    Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor: gangrene
    Dana Sandu, Contributor: rotten potatoes
    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor: those Green tree shaped air fresheners
    Sebastian Jara, Editor: cheap cigar smoke
    Gail Gross, Senior Editor: the smell of cats, and their litter box
    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: halitosis
    Ermano Picco, Editor: Petunias
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor: Otter poop
    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor: cooked broccoli left overnight.
    Ida Meister, Senior Editor: Old dirt sponge
    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor: wet dog
    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor: unwashed hair
    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor: seafood
    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: French sausages

    I absolutely hate the smell of cigarettes-smoke!

    My choices:

    Parfums de Nicolai Patchouli Intense

    Atelier Des Ors Larmes du Desert

    Houbigant Bois Mystique 

    From Austria



    Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor –  seafood

    Dana Sandu, Contributor – gangrene

    Hernando Courtright – halitosis

    Sebastian Jara – French sausages

    Gail Gross, Senior Editor – unwashed hair

    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor –  rotten potatoes

    Ermano Picco, Editor – Old dirt sponge

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor – Otter poop

    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor – those Green tree shaped air fresheners

    Ida Meister, Senior Editor – Petunias

    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor – wet dog

    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor –  the smell of cats, and their litter box

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor – cooked broccoli left overnight

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief – cheap cigar smoke

    "What are odors do you think stink?"

    Socks after hours of Mountain and hill walking & scrambling

    One of 1/2/3 will be fantastic

    1.Atelier Des Ors Larmes du Desert

    2.Parfums de Nicolai Patchouli Intense

    3.Houbigant Bois Mystique

    USA most of the year , and Germany from time to time



  • Clayton Ilolahia, Contributor:those Green tree shaped air fresheners

    Dana Sandu, Contributor: Otter poop

    Hernando Courtright, Sr Contributor: cheap cigar smoke

    Sebastian Jara, Editor: Old dirt sponge

    Gail Gross, Senior Editor: rotten potatoes

    Lauryn Beer, Sr, Editor: the smell of cats, and their litter box

    Ermano Picco, Editor: French sausages

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Contributor: unwashed hair

    Marianne Butler, Sr. Contributor: halitosis

    Ida Meister, Senior Editor: seafood

    Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor: gangrene
    Elise Pearlstine, Sr. Contributor: wet dog

    Danu Seith-Fyr, Sr. Contributor: cooked broccoli left overnight

    Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief: Petunias

    I would love to win: Francesca Bianchi The Lover's Tale, Parfums de Nicolai Patchouli Intense and Atelier Des Ors Larmes du Desert

    I live in the EU.

  • Clayton Ilolahia,  otter poop

    Dana Sandu Petunias

    Hernando Courtright, gangrene

    Sebastian Jara, rotten potatoes

    Gail Gross, cooked broccoli left overnight.

    Lauryn Beer,  Old dirt sponge

    Ermano Picco,  cheap cigar smoke

    Despina Veneti,  French sausages

    Marianne Butler,  unwashed hair

    Ida Meister, wet dog

    Robert Herrmann, the smell of cats, and their litter box
     Elise Pearlstine, cooked broccoli left overnight.

    Danu Seith-Fyr, halitosis

    Michelyn Camen,  those Green tree shaped air fresheners


    id like to go with,

    The Lovers Tale

    Soutbern Bloom

    Atelier Des Ors

    thanks, U.S