Christèle Jacquemin Celebration (Christèle Jacquemin) 2024 + In Praise of Avignon Giveaway

Christele Jacquemin Celebration

Photographer and Perfumer Christèle Jacquemin holding Christèle Jacquemin Celebration

Ever since this year’s Esxence, I have been waiting patiently for a sample of Christèle Jacquemin Celebration: it was one of the first new releases I smelt as I entered, and it left a lasting impression. There were no available samples at the time, and the perfumer promised to send me one as soon as Celebration had been matured and was ready for sale. My sample arrived last week – and it is even better than I’d remembered. Christèle informed me that she had tweaked its formula and was pleased with the results. Frankly, it was worth waiting for: at more than 90% naturals, Celebration is a photorealistic homage to the Avignon of photographer/perfumer Christèle’s birth – but you don’t have to take my word alone. Our own Ermano Picco (the polymath of many hats) included Celebration amongst his Best of Show Esxence 2024 in Essencional (an online presence which one of Esxence’s founders, Silvio Levi –  set up in 2018 as a natural continuation of Esxence’s workshops).

Avignon inspired Christele Jacquemin Celebration

Christèle Jacquemin Celebration photography courtesy of the brand

The octagon tower casts a shade

Cool and gray like a cutlass blade;

In sun-baked vines the cicalas spin,

The little green lizards run out and in.

A sail dips over the ocean’s rim,

And bubbles rise to the fountain’s brim.

The minstrel touches his silver strings,

And gazing up to the lady, sings: —

Down the road to Avignon,

The long, long road to Avignon,

Across the bridge to Avignon,

One morning in the spring.” ~ excerpt from Down the Road to Avignon by Amy Lowell

Ida’s photos of the Palais des Papes,  dancing Roma, and carnival puppets while in Avignon July -August 1998

Provence has been dear to my heart since I explored it in 1972, when I was 18. Besides Grasse and all the medieval towns and backwaters where Roman soldiers once trod – Avignon was a revelation: living history infused with current day significance. The Palais des Papes, the sprawling vineyards which surround its environs, its extant, preserved fortress walls. I visited again in the summer of 1998 when our sons were very young, and fondly recall the extraordinary light which suffused this ancient city. It was festival, carnival time – and Roma dancers swarmed the streets with their fervid grace; traditional giant puppets filled the city center. A marvelous melding of the sacred and the profane.

The fragrance invites you to make a paradigm shift and to serenely assert oneself by celebrating life.” ~ Christèle Jacquemin describing Celebration.

Celebration perfume by Christele Jacquemin

Christèle Jacquemin Celebration photography courtesy of the brand

Christèle Jacquemin invites us into her natal realm and wellspring of spiritual sustenance with her latest fragrance. Celebration’s individual elements play off one another with great skill: two precious incenses are incorporated with holy copal – and to my delight, the effect is beautifully balanced. Holy copal is utilized in religious ceremonies (the Mayans relied upon it), and is smoky, lemony, and pine-inflected – but it is tenderly handled here so that it blends felicitously with all the other aromatic materials. The perfumer refers to ‘true frankincense’, which could mean any number of characteristics, as there are many varieties; from what I’ve been able to glean re: Ogaden olibanum (aka Boswellia rivae), it is sourced from the arid portion of Somalia which borders the Ethiopian highlands. Ogaden olibanum is called “sweet incense” and “honey frankincense” because of its spicy, candied personality – and it differs from other frankincenses due to its abundance of a potent dark resinous timbre, alive with intensely woody, terpenic aspects. While the Ogaden possesses notes of lemon and pine, they are less prominent than in other incenses. The sole floral feature in Celebration arises from exquisite elderflower – itself complex, often described as honeyed, haylike; dried fruit and tobacco-nuanced; fruity, floral; and possessing facets resembling chocolate cherry. The crowning unexpected touch arises from deeply verdant, resinous galbanum – which imparts a lovely sappiness and a snapped stem nuance. It makes perfect sense to align this olibanum with cocoa, beeswax, and a honey accord: they both complement and flesh out the entire composition.

Christele Jacquemin Celebration 2024

Christèle Jacquemin Celebration photo by the perfumer

In the setting of the venerable city of Avignon, home to the popes from 1309-1376, the city which came under Julius Caesar’s rule in 49 BC – Christèle Jacquemin has created a visionary perfume of her own. Christèle Jacquemin Celebration reflects the depth of her gratitude for this sundrenched natal locale, replete with life’s bounty. I believe that this perfume honors both the perfumer and her inspiration, and I am smitten. I will also note that I promptly ordered myself a bottle – which is not something I do these days unless the fragrance sings a siren song – which Celebration most certainly did.

Notes: Absolutes of cocoa, beeswax, elderflower. Essential oils of true frankincense, Ogaden olibanum, galbanum, holy copal. Honey accord.

Sample kindly provided by the perfumer – many thanks! It’s my favorite of your line.  My nose is my own…

Celebration by Christele Jacquemin

Christèle Jacquemin Celebration via the brand

Thanks to the generosity of Christèle Jacquemin we have a  30 ml bottle of Celebration for one registered reader in the EU, USA, or UK. You must register or your entry will not count. To be eligible, please leave a comment saying what sparks your interest based on Ida’s review of Christèle Jacquemin Celebration, and where you live. Draw closes 6/9/2024

Please read Nicoleta’s review of Christèle Jacquemin Memory Lane and Meandering Soul included in her10 best perfumes of 2021.

Karl’s review of the 2020 Art and Olfaction Finalist Impermanence

Enjoy Lauryn’s essay on Christèle Jacquemin Underworld

Follow us on Instagram @cafleurebonofficial @idameister @christelejacquemin

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We announce the winners only on our site and on our Facebook page, so “like” Çafleurebon and use our blog feed, or your dream prize will be just spilled perfume.

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  • Ramses Perez says:

    A honey and frankincense mix is certainly an occasion for celebration.not mentioned on Ida’s review but based on the notes this could go in a gourmand direction under the right circumstances. I love tobacco and honey in fragrances, they tend to be very versatile and one can pull it off the whole year. What I’m more interested in this one is the special frankincense note they used as it sets the fragrance apart from everything else we’ve smelled I’m sure. The maturation and final mixture were change but Jacqueline was very please with the result and so was Ida. Cheers from USA.

  • John Gahlt says:

    Ida’s review of Christèle Jacquemin Celebration captivates me with its vivid descriptions of the fragrance’s intricate blend of smoky, lemony holy copal and the sweet, candied Ogaden olibanum. The inclusion of elderflower and the surprising touch of verdant galbanum create a multi-layered aroma that sounds truly unique and enchanting. This perfume’s connection to the historic and sun-drenched city of Avignon makes me want it so much!

    I am from EU Germany

  • I love the smell of copal! I go to a Dia de los Muertos celebration here in the city where I live every year and the smell of copal incense has me swooning every time i visit. Thanks for the opportunity to win – I’m in California.

  • says:

    Thank you Ida for a gloriously spiritual review. Based on this review, I must get my nose on this fragrance. If I can’t travel there physically, I can travel there spiritually. I live in Oregon.

  • AleksCipri says:

    I recently got an email from her website about this new release and I was so excited! I love her fragrances. Now reading Ida’s reviews I’m even more excited, honestly. Christele can masterfully blend notes and I have no doubt that the interplay between different types of incense in this release must be magical. I’m also happy to hear she included elderflower, which is simply a magnificent flower and I can see how it can nicely be combined with honey and cocoa. I’m definitely planning to sample this one. Cheers from Illinois, US.

  • This is the first ever time that I hear about holy copal! Very curious what it smells like. The whole composition, though, sounds exquisite, with both a spiritual and a mundane side. Frankincense and piney/woody notes on one side, and then honeyed notes and even chocolate cherry, on the other. I am very intrigued.
    Ida once again a master of words.
    Commenting from the EU.

  • sherin thomas says:

    Amazing review! I love the smell of copal! I go to a Dia de los Muertos celebration here in the city where I live every year and the smell of copal incense has me swooning every time i visit. Thanks for the opportunity to win From PA,USA

  • Oh,wow, this sounds amazing. I kinda am drooling a little. The resin incense elements combined with beeswax and cocoa? I think I want to drink this. I certainly want to bathe in it. But it has made my Want To Try list, so I will be looking to source a sample no matter what happens! I live in the USA.

  • Oh I studied in Avignon for a semester in college and just loved it. I do enjoy elderflower and incense scents so I think this one is for me. Thank you for bringing back some memories, and for the lovely review. Thank you so much for the give away! In the US.

  • I love incense fragrances but I can’t imagine one with cocoa and honey so I’m intrigued. I’m in the UK.

  • Cocoa and honey in one perfume sound like a beautiful and sweet combination, it really sparks my interest. I live in Trzebnica, Poland, EU.

  • roxhas1cat says:

    Must have been hard to wait for that fragrance to mature. So many accolades. Must be absolutely splendid if Ida wants to buy her own bottle, I’m sure she is used to having the best of the best. The further I get in my fragrance journey, the more selective I become. I had no idea there were so many facets to these glorious resins. I love scents with a dried fruit note. Thanks for the chance. USA.

  • Cocoa and honest? Sounds delicious!
    What sparks my interest is the fact Ida was so smitten by this perfume that she promptly ordered herself a bottle. Now that says it all! ❤️
    Hugs from EU.

  • sanvean79 says:

    Thank you for highlighting this creation. I don’t think I’ve come across a perfume with an elderflower note, but I love the smell coming off the flowers on a sunny day. And paired with good frankincense? I’m salivating!
    Thanks for the chance and greetings from London, UK.

  • In the setting of the venerable city of Avignon, home to the popes from 1309-1376, the city which came under Julius Caesar’s rule in 49 BC – Christèle Jacquemin has created a visionary perfume of her own. Christèle Jacquemin Celebration reflects the depth of her gratitude for this sundrenched natal locale, replete with life’s bounty. I believe that this perfume honors both the perfumer and her inspiration, and I am smitten. I will also note that I promptly ordered myself a bottle – which is not something I do these days unless the fragrance sings a siren song – which Celebration most certainly did.

    Notes: Absolutes of cocoa, beeswax, elderflower. Essential oils of true frankincense, Ogaden olibanum, galbanum, holy copal. Honey accord. This sounds like a magical concoction especially special frankincense and honey accord. This is a house that has been on my radar for a while but I need to try to get some samples for sure. Thanks a million from the UK

  • A beautiful description by Ida really fascinated by the use of two different Frankenscence olibanum and holy copal addind cocoa and honey was an absolute masterstroke. Thanks a lot from the UK

  • Celebration sounds like such a gorgeous composition with so much heart and intention put into it. Ida also clearly took a lot of time to look into every facet of this scent and I really appreciate that, it’s a special trait that makes these reviews more than just reviews, but truly educational supplements. Can’t wait to sniff this one day!

    I’m in Brooklyn, NY.

  • zazazelle says:

    Beeswax and frankincense is a combo I enjoy a lot in fragrances, so I am very intrigued about this one. Thank you for the detailed description which kind of frankincense is used here, this motivates to sample this even more. From the review I like this part:
    “A marvelous melding of the sacred and the profane.- The fragrance invites you to make a paradigm shift and to serenely assert oneself by celebrating life.” 
    Thank you very much for this draw, I am from the EU.

  • Interesting review profiling Avignon’s history and culture. And Celebration sounds terrific—Christèle Jacquemin achieved impressive results with over 90% natural materials. The focus on a combination of Holy copal and terpenic frankincense provides a sense of place, the honeyed fruity-floral elderflower note is an unusual choice, and the galbanum provides a green dimension to both. Really interesting composition. I’d love to try this.

    I’m in the USA.

  • This sounds wonderful. Being keen on sniffing as many variations of notes and ingredients as possible to satisfy my olfactory curiosity (perhaps my own celebration of life) I’m particularly intrigued by the description of ogaden olibanum: “potent dark resinous timbre, alive with intensely woody, terpenic aspects”. Would love to get my nose on this. I’m in the UK.

  • ScentofAbsinthe says:

    I am very intrigued by the holy copal which I have not had an opportunity to smell, as well as the honey frankincense combination. The beeswax is one of my favorite smells as well. Ida’s statement that she bought a bottle definitely caught my attention, and I’m sure this scent will catch my attention. I really want to see how the galbanaum combines with the rest of the notes.

    Hopefully, (fingers crossed,) I get to add this one to my collection. As a new member of Cafleurebon I am thrilled to get to take place in my first drawing. 🙂

    Please and love from the USA.

    (I live in southern Virginia, USA)

  • Celebration utilizes some interesting notes and accords in its construction. The combination of copal and frankincense sounds like a complex resinous incense which is bolstered by the galbanum. Elderflower as the floral note is new to me but the hay-like, dried fruit and tobacco facets sounds like it pairs well with the honey accord. MD, USA.

  • I am most intrigued by the frankincense in this fragrance as it is my favorite note.
    I am in the USA.

  • Holy incenses are truly magical to me. I’m a devoted Catholic, and I love a good incense scent. That fragrant smoke goes straight to my soul. In maryland.

  • Based on Ida’s review of Christèle Jacquemin Celebration, I am truly intrigued by the intricate balance of natural elements and the historical depth the fragrance evokes. The combination of precious incenses, elderflower, and the unique Ogaden olibanum, all meticulously blended, paints a vivid olfactory picture of Avignon’s rich heritage. This perfume seems to offer not just a scent, but a journey into the heart of Provence. I live in Nashville, and I am excited to experience this celebration of life and history through Christèle Jacquemin’s artistry.

    live in Nashville,TN.

  • Love how Ida describes the simphony of notes: the sole floral feature in Celebration arises from exquisite elderflower – itself complex, often described as honeyed, haylike; dried fruit and tobacco-nuanced; fruity, floral; and possessing facets resembling chocolate cherry. The crowning unexpected touch arises from deeply verdant, resinous galbanum. It makes perfect sense to align this olibanum with cocoa, beeswax, and a honey accord: they both complement and flesh out the entire composition.
    Seems utterly amazing!

  • Christèle Jacquemin’s works are fascinating. I’m very excited to see what her take on incense is, as it’s a note I love. Together with honey, cocoa, and the other notes… sounds more that interesing!
    Greetings from Germany.

  • The different varieties of frankincense is truly fascinating to me. Thank you for the article and the opportunity! I’m from the EU.

  • What a beautifully written review! Christele Jacquemin Celebration sounds like a captivating fragrance, perfectly blending historical richness with luxurious notes. The combination of cocoa, beeswax, and elderflower, along with the essential oils and honey accord, truly sounds enchanting. Your enthusiasm is contagious, and it makes me eager to experience this scent myself. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and for the generous giveaway opportunity!

    From France EU

  • This review captures the essence of Celebration perfectly! The vivid imagery of Avignon and the detailed description of the notes make it clear why this fragrance stands out. The blend of cocoa, beeswax, elderflower, and sacred resins sounds both unique and intriguing. It’s evident that Christèle Jacquemin has poured her heart into this creation. I’m intrigued and can’t wait to try it out myself. Thanks for sharing your experience!

    From EU

  • Oh my goodness this sounds truly breathtaking. So many favorite notes and just what I crave so often. I am really excited and interested to try this!!! What a treasure. I am in US. Thank you for the chance to win.

  • As a fan of incense in fragrances, I’m intrigued. The elderflower note, with facets resembling chocolate cherry, definitely caught my attention. Thanks for the opportunity to sniff. MI USA

  • I’ve been eager to try out Christèle Jacquemin’s scents and after reading the notes of Celebration, it seems it speaks a language I’m usually very fond of. Learning about Ogaden olibanum, the sweet incense, was eye-opening even for an incense fanatic like me.
    Many thanks for this draw. I live in the EU.