Anya’s Garden Part 1: Dancing in the Moon Light




What it must be like to dance in the moon light…


 "In My Vertigo 

In my dizziness

In my drunken haze

Whirling and dancing

Like a spinning wheel

I saw myself

As the source of existence"



Fragrance has a way of taking us on a kind of surrendered journey with each bottle we encounter. It might be the print that captures our attention or the shape of a flacon that calls out to be explored. However, it is that liquid syrup camouflaged behind all the advertising and packaging that we really desire.


It is from the very first whiff, we become enthralled or not. Whatever choice we make, it’s definitely the smoke rising up out of the mouth of the bottle that claims control over our senses.


This initial spark deepens with each inhalation taking the smoke even further into our being. No statement is truer about the affect fragrance has on us and it stands as even a bolder declaration when naturals are featured.



Plants know us intimately! We like long-standing lovers are locked into a yogic exchange of life-force; one perishes so does the other. Understanding this gives light to the experience to be had with each fragrant creation inhaled.



Moon Dance by Anya McCoy of Anya’s Garden is my current lover. I have explored  this scent for weeks applying and re-applying entering her spell, searching through the structure of her odor each time for her to reveal some long kept secret of how she came to be. She held firm, spoke slowly and begged to be adored. It was only after speaking with Anya that I could better put into words the allure of Moon Dance beyond my emotional attachment.


This ode to tuberose is very warm with the stinging power of this floral  threading its way throughout the composition. It has an under current of an oak barrel aged honey wine with hints of dark berries and dried rose petals. It just lingers in the atmosphere like the summer sun beaming up into the atmosphere the scent of roses, jasmine and raw honey. This fragrance permeates everything with a sweet lasting smell lingers in the air.



In a word,   MoonDance is rich, with a drydown giving way to the scent of violets and mimosa levitating on the crisp woody base notes of sandalwood and opoponox. Many of the floral notes experienced at the heart of this fragrance can be found growing in Anya’s private garden paradise.


The sensuality of this fragrance is sure to capture your imagination and keep you returning to experience deep purple violets, white withering tuberose and the precious woods that make it such a very special perfume.

– Rodney Hughes, Natural Fragrance Editor



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  • chayaruchama says:

    How beautifully put, Rodney.
    This is one opulent fragrant journey, isn't it ?

  • Rodney, it was such fun speaking with you on the phone! I hope you do find that perfect condo in Miami, we can roam the gardens here, finding our inspiration.
    Ida, nice words again from you – thanks so much.

  • Anya,
    It was a pleasure to chat with you, hearing your voice and connecting with your person helped me to better put into words what I felt about Moon Dance.
    I would love to roam the gardens with you. Looking forward to really experience your garden, sounds splendid!

  • Great writing Rodney, thank you for sending a waft of smoke my way through your evocative words, this scent sounds truly magical!