Parfums de Nicolai L’Eau Mixte: Mixing Up Eau De Cologne

It has been a very good year for perfumers to re-interpret the eau de cologne style of fragrance construction. Each new iteration has seen some of the most talented perfumers we have, take the classic architecture of eau de cologne and impose their own design on this venerable style of fragrance.
Patricia de Nicolai makes some interesting additions to make L’Eau Mixte an Eau de Cologne all her own.

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Bourbon French Parfums: There Is A Perfume House In New Orleans

There is a house in New Orleans, no it’s not the “House of the Rising Sun”, but a perfumery that has existed for over 150 years. Unlike in The Animals classic song, the House of Bourbon French Parfums, hasn’t been the ruin of many poor boys although they might have made a few perfumistas poor.
Since 1843, Bourbon French Parfums haven’t changed very much, although the name has. From the earliest days until the present whoever “le nez” has been, they were influenced by all that makes New Orleans a special American city.

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Demeter Fragrance Library Funeral Home-Sometimes You Need a Fragrant Smile

When I contacted Demeter and asked for a sample to review and I told them they could send me anything I realized that anything is exactly what I could get. When my box arrived from Demeter I eagerly opened it and found waiting inside, Funeral Home. My first reaction was “Ewwww!” but then much like Bill Cosby in his famous “Chocolate Cake for Breakfast” monologue; I stopped and thought what could be in Funeral Home. Flowers…flowers would be in Funeral Home. Polished wood…..polished wood would be in Funeral Home. Clean carpet…clean carpet would be in Funeral Home. Flowers, wood and clean carpet that sounds like a fragrance, six sprays of Funeral Home coming up!

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