Sasha Varon Soulgasm: The Soulgasm Report


Tango dance hall at night

Close up of violinist slowly..deliberately drawing his bow across his instrument

Camera pulls back as Tango couple begins to dance….

Female dancer throws back her head in typical tango style… her dance partner pulls her in close, passionately they lock eyes, twirl, and lock eyes again…

This is my “Soulgasm” fantasy. I am the violinist, composing the music in my head, I am the beautiful female dancer, in satin dress and high heels, I am the energy between the male, the female dancer and the music and this is my dream…

I asked my 19 year old daughter what her definition of “Soulgasm” would be. She said it “is a day when everything goes right, like the day I found my perfect apartment and everything fell into place. I looked up at heaven and said thank you!”

As a Natural Perfumer and advocate of all things natural it is with blushing cheeks that I admit to you my love of certain synthetic scents. I had a feeling about this perfume called Soulgasm. I went to the (beautiful) website and read about the notes in the scent,

Head notes: Peach, Anjou Pear, South African Freesia, Black Currant

Heart notes: Night-Blooming Jasmine, Eurasian Lily, Woodberry

Base notes: Musk, Amber, Vanilla

I immediately thought of my daughter, it smelled like her.

I just knew I had to try this one.

As soon as I received my samples and opened the vial I knew my psychic intuition was spot on. This scent seriously said “Emily” all over it (my daughter). I took it over to her and she squealed with delight. She said it smelled similar to something she wore when she was even younger and that she loved the “youthful-sexy” vibe to it. She says it’s a scent that makes you feel joyful. Her only complaint came later when she realized I had given her the “smaller” of the two samples.

OK, the name…Soulgasm

My definition of Soulgasm (besides my tango dancing dream) would be a moment in time where one feels “at one with the Universe”, like the flash of knowledge one gets when one “realizes physically” that we are one…not the intellectual understanding of that…but feeling it with ones whole being. For me those have been little moments in time, as a child as well as an adult, looking at daisies, or sniffing the scent of real violet flowers…. I couldn’t intellectualize those moments as a child but I certainly felt them.


About the actual perfume called Soulgasm. Certainly a perfume is always about your personal vibe of the moment, how it resonates with your chemistry, mood, hormones, the desired “message” one wants to give out.  If you like a sweet fruity floral *pop* with a sexy vanillic musky ambery base I say try it! I did and it is fun, lively and joyful. It lasts well and has good sillage.

A portion of all proceeds from every bottle of Soulgasm goes to the agency Vitamin Angels.

Photos above by Saffret Tuncel.

Enter to win a full size bottle of Soulgasm by commenting on site and giving us YOUR definition of Soulgasm. The draw will be at 11;59PM EST on Thursday August 12, 2010. Thanks for participating!

Monica Skye Miller, Senior Editor, Natural Perfume Editor

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  • Soulgasm is when nothing else in the world matters and the earth stands still! I can’t wait to try this. It sounds amazing!

    Lori 🙂

  • Here's a fun and provocative post that leaves me wanting to smell the perfume for sure!  On a carnal level, Soulgasm sounds intense, illicit, and quite naughty – on a spritual level it sounds like being entirely one with the universe.  Works for me!

  • Soulgasm sounds like a scent that will lure you over and out and down for the count and then up the other side, left with a wicked smile on your face…

  • This one sounds like she has achieved what  every perfumer would wish to…to evoke the sense of pure 'JOY'.

  • Soulgasm, is awakening from a night's rendevous with the universe. All of your dna has been touched by the hands of the divine………..Monica, thanks for taking me on the fragrant ride.

  • Yen Shinobu says:

    Soulgasm sounds like spreading the scent of the purest and cleanest  soul of a person to everyone. 
    Hope this comment will do.  Thank you Monica for letting me join on this.

  • Soulgasm ..I honestly do not care for the name but liked your review.  I guess were I asked to define what it meant I would say…an explosion of joy.

  • Soulgasm, sounds like that moment when I realize he's going to make it again!  He has overcome death once more.  I can only look up at the sky in wonderment and give thanks to whomever is out there listening and rejoice.

  • Janet Hogan says:

    Soulgasm…an orgasm for the soul, exciting, magically, playful to the senses, giving you a euphoric moment you will want to hold on to for a life time.

  • Derek W Pearce August 10 at 1:00pm

    OK Monica – my definition of the word soulgasm is as relevant or as irrelevant as anybody else's but for what it's worth it would probably involve an opium dream shared with some dear but doomed friends in a small, smokey, fabric strewn room

  • Regina Dillard says:

    My definition of Soulgasm is that it is a soulful orgasm. This means that the earth shakes once you apply Soulgasm to your skin.  You feel special and like you have never felt before, so you become excited, and the excitement lingers from day to night, or night to day.  Soulgasm helps you plan your work and work your plan. 
    It is like a new love affair. It will not fail you.

  • For me it would me something like "orgasm for the soul" 🙂 
    In the terms of scent… out of those perfumes that I have: I would say that Black Orchid would be the one… 
    I love that "word play" … 

  • Prince Barry says:

    Sounds amazing!!!
    Soulgasm to me at this moment in time is very poignant. Back in June, I lost my best friend at work, John, he was only 22 and was killed in a car crash with his 18 year old girlfriend. His death has affected me than any other death has affected me, I will never get over losing John. Not long after John's funeral, I was in touch with his 21 year old brother who I had never met via facebook. We immediately struck up a friendship and I helped Andy through a difficult time when he was wanting to join his brother. Since then, even though we have never met, he has adopted me as his big brother, but to me, the feelings that we have, are almost as if we are soul mates who have been waiting to be reconnected. Every time I speak to speak to Andy, I have a Soulgasm because it feels like souls being re-connected after a very long separation.
    Hope you didn't mind me sharing that personal story.

  • Soulgasm – To express the spiritual essense of what makes us prance through life with our true pure nature of Holy spirit love the purest and unconitional love of life the MANTRA MISSION OF WHAT MAKES US SAY OH MY GOD. THERE IS NO PERSON OR DRUG THAT CAN MAKE YOU HAVE THAT FEELING it is a TRUE SOULGASM WHEN THAT HAPPENS, your kundalini rises.

  • Danielle Fargo says:

    My definition of soulgasm is an intense feeling of bliss, sensuality, awakening and pleasure – all wrapped into a glorious fragrant warmth that engulfs the spirit and clears the mind.

  • Soulgasm for me.. it's like that day or night when your hair, makeup turns out perfectly.. You know you are the most beautiful woman wherever you go.. it's that self-awareness, confidence and  "goddess" vibe that comes alive (when we uncork that bottle)  and we are swirling through the events feeling powerful and that nothing can touch us. And it's like walking into a room, and like time slows down as you sip your favorite drink (champagne, cocktail) and you look around the room and lock eyes with  a man who definitely notices you.. and the chemistry  is burning in that glance.. and as you glance away.. you *wish* him to come to you.. and the lights seem to dim as suddenly he gets up and moves in your direction.. and he's about to find out what a challenge he's taken on.
    that's what this fragrance is like!

  • Soulgasm is a moment in one's life when you feel totaly and utterly at peace, when you can smell the rain before it starts, when you can feel the colors of the sky as the sun sets into the sea, it's that perfect moment of joy when your heart feels like it's going to burst and you feel tears of joy run down your face, the moment when you feel complete and whole.

  • Soulgasm is that moment of heartfelt awakening one has when realizing that nothing is separate and all things exist as one.

  • Didier Cholay says:

    Soulgasm is a pleonasm…e! The soul is always living in the Oneness. Orgasm is the while when the body is feeling this Oneness!

  • AmyBlackthorn says:

    Soulgasm is Purpose.  We are put on this earth to do Something.  A soulgasm is the Universe's way of letting us know we are on the right path. Teaching, painting, creating, they all have Purpose.

  • Llisa Jones says:

    soulgasm -what a wonderful new word to me=) and what a wonderful story and name for a perfume!!! i think of all-over-shake-the-chakras-out -joy! ….to reach out and touch the universe… a great big YES=)

  • My husband LOVES this perfume, so it is now a staple in the evenings…ha!  In all seriousness, I think that Soulgasm means something different for everyone.  It can be that 'A-ha!' moment when you realize your path, your independence, your beauty…anything!  Congrats on the great scent, great vision & great success!