Rosy and Earnest Vanilla Rum Royal (Nathalie Feisthauer) 2024 + À votre santé Giveaway

Vanilla Rum Royal by Rosy & Earnest

Rosy & Earnest Vanilla Rum Royal – eau de parfum photo Johanna Barlet 

Last month, I attended Beauty Independent’s Uplink Expo, a trade show that connects entrepreneurs and suppliers who are focused on emerging beauty collections. The New York City event featured 60 commercially ready under-the-radar brands to discover and meet their founders in person.

Brand founders of Rosy & Earnest Marilou Hamer and Caroline Gelineault

Brand founders of Rosy & Earnest Marilou Hamer and Caroline Gelineault photo Hernando Courtright©

My show’s highlight was meeting Rosy & Earnest co-founders, Marilou Hamer and Caroline Gelineault.  Rosy and Earnest is from Montreal, Canada has four fragrances to date, their “namesake” scents, Be Rosy and Be Earnest from March 2023, and in April 2024 the launch of two new gourmand scents, Pistachio Delight and Vanilla Rum Royal. As they told me the most satisfying decision for the brands was to pursue EWG Verified certification. Becoming only the second brand in the Eau de Parfum category (and the only Canadian) to receive it is quite an achievement. This decision made it problematic to find a perfumer with a mindset to work with a different range of ingredients and to fully disclose those ingredients.


Nathalie Feisthauer Master Perfumer

Nathalie Feisthauer courtesy of the perfumer

So why did they go down this path I asked? As mothers, they had dealt with health and inflammation issues and questioned the safety of the ingredients in the products we were using, particularly fragrances because perfume ingredients are seldom listed due to what the industry calls “trade secrets.” This allows companies to withhold numerous ingredients under the generic term “fragrance” or “parfum” potentially concealing harmful substances linked to various health concerns. A report that alarmed them was “Right to Know: Exposing Toxic Fragrance Chemicals in Beauty, Personal Care, and Cleaning Products,” published in 2018 by Breast Cancer Prevention Partners (BCPP). I would concur being very familiar with the report (I’ve been a board member of two Breast Cancer Foundations). Rosy & Earnest fragrances are composed by Master Perfumer Nathalie Feisthauer, the perfect perfumer for this house. Madame Feisthauer has more awards and accolades that there are too many too list. She is that good.

Rosy & Earnest Vanilla Rum Royal ewg certified

photo Rosy & Earnest

Vanilla is one of my favorite ingredients and takes me to a happy place.  I am very discerning because there so many on the marketplace, but Rosy & Earnest Vanilla Rum Royal smells unique. The bergamot here is engaging and elegant opening the door to the nuanced pink berries which add brightness. The white wine lees essence imparts a California chardonnay vibe with its vanilla tones and is deftly blended with what smells like top shelf rum, slightly, but not overly sweet, and worthy of its own snifter. The warmth of the rum balances the smooth, silkiness of the vanilla- a creamy, delicious treat for your nose. Rosy & Earnest Vanilla Rum Royal is a decadently enticing revelation, and here is where I raise a glass to Marilou, Caroline and Nathalie.  À votre santé

Top Notes: Bergamot, Pink berries, White wine lees; Heart Notes: Rum CO2 extract; Base Notes: Vanilla, Oak, LabdanumMusk

Perfume concentration:  22%

Disclosure: Hernando received a bottle, opinions his own

Hernando Courtright, Senior Contributor, and Brand Ambassador

Rosy & Earnest Vanilla Rum Royal launched 2024

Vanilla Rum Royal photo Natalia Alaimo

Thanks to Rosy & Earnest, we have 50 ml of Vanilla Rum Royal for one registered reader in the US and Canada. You must be registered or your comment will not count to be eligible, please comment on what sparked your interest in Hernando’s review and where you live. Draw closes 7/10/24

Read Olya Bar’s review of Pistachio Delight here.

Nathalie Feisthauer was Nicoleta’s best Perfumer of 2023 and Michelyn’s of 2022 and 2021

Learn more about this women-owned brand here

Instagram @cafleurebonofficial @CourtrightMgmt @nathalie.Feisthauer @rosyandearnest @marilou.hamer

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We announce the winners on our site and on our Facebook page, so Like CaFleureBon and use our blog feed… or your dream prize will be just spilled perfume.


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  • David Furman says:

    I imagine a zesty and sweet treat much like key lime pie. First your hit with a jolt of flavor then it mellows out into a vanilla sensation towards the end. I could see this being very similar and the parfum concentration is cool too. I like my scents to have legs as well as character. The fact that this isn’t solely a sweet vanilla bomb like many on the market and I think it shows a delicate touch of TLC from it’s creator. From Jacksonville, NC.

  • Thank you for this amazing giveaway! Hernando’s review of Rosy & Earnest Vanilla Rum Royal truly piqued my interest. The unique combination of bergamot, pink berries, and white wine lees creating a California chardonnay vibe sounds fascinating. I am particularly intrigued by how the top-shelf rum and smooth vanilla blend seamlessly, making it a creamy, delicious treat for the nose. The commitment to using safe, fully disclosed ingredients and achieving EWG Verified certification is commendable. This attention to quality and safety makes Rosy & Earnest stand out. I live in Nashville, TN, USA, and would be thrilled to experience this unique fragrance!

  • KleinJörg says:

    Hernando’s review sparked my interest with its vivid description of the scent profile of Rosy & Earnest Vanilla Rum Royal, particularly the unique combination of bergamot, pink berries, and white wine lees essence. The emphasis on the brand’s commitment to EWG Verified certification and the transparency of ingredients adds a layer of trust and appeal. Additionally, the personal touch from the co-founders’ motivation and Nathalie Feisthauer’s expertise further intrigued me about this distinctive fragrance.


  • Shelley87 says:

    I have never heard of thr brand Rosy & Earnest. I truly appreciate the founders being concerned about toxic ingredients in perfumes and decided to do something about it. This sounds like such a beautiful, unique scent with vanilla, rum, white wine, bergamot, etc. I have been looking for a unique, grownup vanilla scent for quite some time. This sounds like it could fit the bill.

  • Ramses Perez says:

    I remember reading about Pistachio Delight a few weeks ago and little did I know the brand had other fragrances. The EWG Certification is truly an achievement of great magnitude because indeed lots of the products we use (especially beauty ones) do have lots of harmful ingredients to us. If you ever use an app called Yuka and start scanning everything you encounter you would stop buying lots of things you thought were good (I have). I also share a love for Vanilla like Hernando and mixing it with the rum accord is a match made in boozy vanilla heaven. This one also looks like it’s not too heavy so it’s perfect for the summer. Cheers from the USA

  • I am a lover of Vanilla in all forms whether it is gourmand or sweet. Love to try this, from PA USA

  • phuongmtran says:

    I love vanilla fragrances as well, and am glad to read how Vanilla Rum Royal stands out with the addition of bergamot, white wine, and rum. Many kudos to Rosy & Earnest for receiving the EWG Verified certification! I am in the US.

  • says:

    What a beautiful introduction to the bran’s and a lovely description of Vanilla Rum Royal. I am excited to sniff this scent for myself and bathe in it’s beauty. I can’t wait. I live in Oregon.

  • Great to see a Canadian brand in the mix! And as a health professional myself, I likewise have to applaud Marilou and Caroline for their commitment to transparency in the industry. The truth is that rigorous, real-world long-term safety data on a long list of compounds (especially novel proprietary ones) is continually lacking, and oftentimes delayed to serve the interests of political hierarchies and corporate magnates. Additionally, external validity is likewise plagued by the fact that any number of variables affecting our health are always changing in response to mounting life stresses and a deteriorating environment. What might not have been toxic to the average person 20 years ago, might very well be now, necessitating continual reevaluation of previous research. Making sure that customers and enthusiasts alike are informed about what they intimately interact with (and what could be more intimate than breathing something in) empowers them with the right to make more knowledgeable decisions regarding their future health. Incidentally, I used perfume myself as a substitute for former vices like sugary foods and alcohol, so to hear that Vanilla Rum Royal has a good dose of both certainly caught my attention! lol I seriously would love to try that rum accord Hernando mentions. Sounds like a wonderful autumn addition to boot. Or should I say…no doot aboot it? Yeah, you can tell I’m Canadian. Eh? Here’s to transparency and disclosure. Cheers. From Canada.

  • On Hernando’s review piqued my interest regarding what those lovely perfumers envisioned, and goal, and its to make fragrances chemical and toxic substance free. Especially that they are actually practicing what they what to achieve, and I hope most perfumers will follow their examples. Vanilla scents/ notes are one of my favorite fragrances. So im hoping i can get my hands of this one. Im from California USA

  • My interest was sparked when the reviewer wrote, “I am very discerning because there so many on the marketplace, but Rosy & Earnest Vanilla Rum Royal smells unique”. US

  • genmartini says:

    I’m delighted to learn about this Canadian brand!
    Just last week, a friend was asking about ‘safer’ perfumes and what she could buy, I didn’t really have an answer, but now I would recommend she try this brand now that’s I’ve learned about EWG Verified certification, I think this was just the information she was looking for. But not something I was really focused on in my personal perfume studies. So that was a useful part of the article for me.
    The composition is appealing, even if I don’t win this bottle, I will be looking to order a sample set anyhow! Vanilla, Oak, Labdanum – this combo sounds lovely, labdanum is my favourite perfume ingredient, I usually anything with a good dose of it. Congrats to these two ladies and I wish them much success. ~ Genevieve in BC CANADA.

  • redwheelbarrow says:

    I love hearing about a unique vanilla fragrance because sometimes I feel like there are so many that seem redundant. I know very little about EWG verified fragrances and it’s probably something I should learn more about. This house is new to me and I love reading about what they are doing about the safety of fragrances. Also, this one sounds amazing. Thank you for the draw, from the US.

  • jessica.rauch says:

    I like that Rost & Earnest obtained their EWG certification! That is amazing. The fragrance sounds like such an interesting vanilla with the wine essence and rum. I love the sound of it! – NYC

  • I completely understand the want to decrease inflammatory inducing ingredients. Inflammation has plagued my family and for years we stayed away from so many things. I am excited about perfumes, a serious love of mine, being less inflammatory. In maryland.

  • I’ve been searching for vanilla fragrances recently and like the way this review describes how this fragrance’s notes open and evolve. Sounds yummy. I’m in US and thank you for this chance.

  • I adore that they work only with perfumers who disclose ALL the ingredients! I have struggled endlessly with the new spiky woods/super ambers in current fragrances that are often not listed, but are loud, aggressive and nose burning, and have time and again sampled fragrances with innocuous-looking notes lists only to find those horrible chemicals in there. I”m not sure they are health harming, but they are very offensive to my sinuses. Full disclosure would helps SO MUCH. And yes, we all need to have a say in what exactly it is we put on our bodies and inhale! I live in the US

  • roxhas1cat says:

    Thanks for always bringing these lesser known fragrances to our attention. I would love to try creamy deliciousness for my nose. 22% concentration is bonus. Going straightaway to check out Olya
    s Pistachio Delight review. Thanks for the chance. USA.

  • Vanilla is probably my favorite note in fragrances. I love the sweetness of it. I love the warmth of it. The thought of adding that bergamot and champagne note to it sounds very enjoyable and surprisingly good. Then to add those berries in there I am very interested. Hernando mentions “The warmth of the rum balances the smooth, silkiness of the vanilla- a creamy, delicious treat for your nose” and I definitely can see the thought of that being very enticing.

    I live in Dallas, TX

  • Wow what a great review thank you Hernando. So much going on here that is innovative, unique, intriguing and wonderful! I love the idea of a California Chardonnay vibe! With vanilla and rum and just the right amount of pop from the pink pepper and the warmth of labdanum. Amazing! Something with zero florals in it and no green aromatics. Just effervescent wine and warm vanilla woods and rum. I can’t wait to try it! I am in California.

  • This is my first or second time hearing about Rosy & Earnest, and I have not been able to find it to get a chance to smell it. Hernando wrote a review that definitely made me want to sniff this, especially as it was described as unique for a vanilla fragrance. There are so many vanilla perfumes on the market, so the fact that this can stand out is impressive. I am very interested in trying this one, I think the white wine smell blending with vanilla to make a rum smell is super intriguing. Thank you for the giveaway, from Canada!

  • kellyatwood says:

    This sounds amazing!! I absolutely love that this house is EWG certified, as I’ve been looking for more clean fragrances to add to the rotation. Plus the combo of vanilla and rum sounds absolutely divine. Austin, TX

  • I appreciate a boozy vanilla fragrance but this is the first one I’ve seen with a Chardonnay essence. Chardonnay has its own vanillic oaky notes to contribute so the addition with the rum must make for a satisfying blend. Nathalie Feisthauer makes such great fragrances. I’m excited to try this one. MD, USA

  • It’s impressive how often Nathalie Feisthauer is involved with a new release. I appreciate that she worked with Hamer and Gelineault to pursue EWG Verified certification, which I assume restricts the materials available and dramatically impacts the creative process. Hernando’s review suggests Vanilla Rum Royal is an excellent example of the form; the rum sounds restrained and well balanced to a warm, creamy vanilla. Lovely.

    I’m in the USA.

  • sherin thomas says:

    Amazing review ! I have never heard of thr brand Rosy & Earnest. I truly appreciate the founders being concerned about toxic ingredients in perfumes and decided to do something about it. This sounds like such a beautiful, unique scent with vanilla, rum, white wine, bergamot, etc. I have been looking for a unique, grownup vanilla scent for quite some time. This sounds like it could fit the bill. From PA,USA

  • wallygator88 says:

    THanks for the review Hernando.

    Really interesting to hear about this brand. I have heard mixed opinions about EWG branding (if anyone can point me to a reliable source to read up about this, I would be most grateful), but it’s still cool that they are working on creating a brand that takes care of its consumers.

    I appreciate a good vanilla scent. This is really interesting because of the pink berries and white wine lees. I’m imagining a smooth, sweet vanilla with beautiful fizzy tones and lots of warmth and nuance.

    Cheers from WI, USA