Remake of Scent of Mystery 1st Smell-O-Vision Film (1960): Holiday in Spain (Saskia Wilson Brown of Institute of Art and Olfaction and Antonio Gardoni of Bogue)

scent of mystery smell ovision

Did you know that there was a movie which was the first and only film to feature an automated scent track?  A murder mystery featuring an all-star cast, Scent of Mystery is THE original Smell-O-Vision movie. A cat-and-mouse caper set in a series of beautiful Spanish landscapes the plot revolves around the pursuit of a mysterious woman present only via her distinctive perfume until the final moments of the film…here is the trailer

Looks good right?  So why did legendary director Jack Cardiff say: “Scent of Mystery is the one film I want to erase from my memory. The reason for this is that, through no fault of my own, the film was a complete disaster” (1986). According to Jack: “It didn’t come off because the smells were a fake… but sooner or later someone will get around to doing it properly.” 

scent of mystery movie

The time is now. This recently restored film (now in a slightly modified version entitled Holiday in Spain) returns to the very big screen with a new experimental theatrical scent-track, re-imagining the scents from the original film. Antonio Gardoni of Bogue Profumo’s MAAI is one of two scents that provide vital clues in a plot written for smell. Each audience member will have a scented Spanish fan and will be prompted to liberate the Scent of Mystery via a scented actor dressed as the ‘Mystery Girl’ (played by Elizabeth Taylor in the film). A variety of scent dispersion systems will be used to create an interactive and participatory experience and the first outing for the film in 55 years. 

saskia wilson brown institute of art and olfaction

Saskia Wilson Brown (read our interview here by Stevie Wilson of L.A. Story)

The team includes Saskia Wilson-Brown, founder of the Institute of Art and Olfaction, Neal Harris founder of Scent events, Antonio Gardoni of Bogue (Scent of Mystery Fragrance, MAAI, recommended by Luca Turin for the project), John Foley (wardrobe) distributer Brian Jamieson, Cinerama expert (and restorer) Dave Strohmaier and Australian producer, Tammy Burnstock.


Antonio Gardoni of Bogue Profumo

According to Antonio Gardoni: “I’m feeling so proud to be involved in this special project, as as a scent artist I never considered this  field restricted to body-perfumery, and exploring the interactions and  influences between images, sound and space with the airy universe of  scents has always been part of my work.  It was an honor for me to be part of the team, to work with Saskia from IAO and Tammy. I am looking forward to experience the unique theater event that will happen soon. The world of perfume’s passionate people can help with this project and more events and screening in the future by contributing to the crowdfunding project". 

 SCREENINGS:  October 16th The British National Media Museum, Bradford UK

October 22nd, 9pm Danish Film Institute – DFI Filmhouse Gothersgade 55 1123 Copenhagen K Denmark

More screenings are in the works and The Scent of Mystery should reach Hollywood in 2016. You can learn more on Art and Olfaction's event calendar here

The Scent of Mystery has its own Facebook page here 

Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief

Via Antonio Gardoni, Tammy Burnstock and Saskia-Wilson Brown

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One comment on “Remake of Scent of Mystery 1st Smell-O-Vision Film (1960): Holiday in Spain (Saskia Wilson Brown of Institute of Art and Olfaction and Antonio Gardoni of Bogue)”

  • bunchofpants says:

    In 1981 John Waters released a film called “Polyester” in what he called “Odorama.” Theater patrons were given scratch and sniff cards and at certain points in the film were instructed which scent to scratch.