Frederic Malle Le Parfum de Therese: (Fragrance, Love Story and The Plum ) by Michel Roudnitska + Draw

Le Perfume de Therese is a fragrance I have very strong feelings for since my childhood. My father created it, tested on my mother for years before reaching its final version in 1961. It was created from my father’s heart, extraordinary talent, no “brief”, which sums up his genius in a single perfume. At the same time Malle introduced my Noir Epices, our creations would be sold under this brand together

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TOP TEN Fragrances of 2021 (Michelyn and Ermano) + Of Weeds, Leather and Lilies Draw

Best 10 Fragrances of 2021

The top ten fragrances of 2021 include perfumes that we felt were a cut above the ordinary. All are from niche, natural or artisan brands and include Frederic Malle Synthetic Jungle, Naomi Goodsir Corpus Equus, Amouage Material, Puredistance No. 12, Grandiflora Saskia, Parfum d’Empire Mal Aime, Amouage Epic Woman 56, Indult My Ju Ju, Parfums Dusita Cavatina, Voskanian Pêche Chyprée, Masque Milano Lost Alice

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