Redamance Queen Nzinga Winner
I just launched the first perfume, Redamance Queen Nzinga who was the queen of what is now Angola and a brilliant military strategist. -Maria Zappas
I just launched the first perfume, Redamance Queen Nzinga who was the queen of what is now Angola and a brilliant military strategist. -Maria Zappas
Sniffapalooza Fall Ball 2019 marks the 30th edition of the NYC event created by Karen Dubin and Karen Adams. Fragrance activities began October 25-27, 2019
Providence Perfume Co. Drunk on the Moon is a joy to wear, and I hope that you will try it for yourselves; I’d love to know what you think
Lili Bermuda Nautilus begins as a breath of brisk, salty sea air and cool sunshine. Nautilus is at once fresh, balanced and invigorating.
The inspiration creative directors Karl Bradl and Robert Gerstner chose for Aedes de Venustas Iris Nazarena comes from the hills East of Nazareth
Each of the five fragrances in the Sylvaine Delacourte Orange Blossom Collection is a sister to the others in their shared orange blossom DNA