EnVoyage Perfumes Carmel de Ville: Olfactive Landscapes Of The Monterey Peninsula

Certainly one of the most successful examples of this kind of artistry are the first two fragrances in Hermes “Un Jardin” series; Un Jardin en Mediterranee and Un Jardin sur Le Nil. For both of those fragrances the perfumer Jean-Claude Ellena spent time in the Meditteranean and near The Nile and let his nose become the way we would experience his impressions of those locales. I am reminded of this by perfumer Shelley Waddington and her Carmel By The Sea Series for her Envoyage Perfumes label

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The Mystery Of Musk: dupetit Botanical Musk Nr. 5

Alfredo Dupetit-Bernardi had his own unique way of interpreting the brief Anya McCoy laid out. Hr. Dupetit-Bernardi chose to work with three of his existing compositions as the foundation upon which he would build his “woody erotizing musk”.
Botanical Musk Nr. 5 served as a primer on Hr. Dupetit-Bernardi’s style of natural perfumery.
Hr. Dupetit-Bernardi found his own solution to the “mystery”. In this case it involved taking what came before and re-interpreting it into something brand new.

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*Menage a Trois* The Scents of Summer

Summer strode into California this year with the heat buzzing at around three digits daily. It’s dry, acrid and sometimes unbearable .My scents always come to the rescue. Although I am not in the habit of having winter- summer rotation fragrances I do find I am drawn to gauzier, less dense ones at the height of summer. This summer, three fragrances have my heart and I cannot get enough of them.

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*_Scents of Summer Swoon_* As Seen Through the Works of Maxfield Parrish

*The Dogdays* are here- no denying it.I’ve never been a summer girl; I was */born hot/*. Now, if I lived a Caribbean life, or the much more sensible rhythm of
those in warmer climes- The lingering glass of pastis at noon, the leisurely siesta, the gentle early evening ambling along ancient Roman paths near Avignon, so I choose to greet the summer swelter by creating my own personal Paradise vis a vis scent

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