Parfumeurs du Monde Petite Fumée (Bertrand Duchaufour) and Les Larmes d’Aden (Thierry Bernard) 2021 + the New Natural draw

Parfumeurs du Monde Petite Fumée (Bertrand Duchaufour) and Les Larmes d’Aden (Thierry Bernard) 2021

Parfumeurs du Monde Petite Fumée by Bertrand Duchaufour was inspired by the Book the Teachings of Don Juan and is new to the brand. Les Larmes d’Aden by brand founder and perfumer, Thierry Bernard, puts Incense is at the center chose to reproduce as faithfully as possible the Temple of Jerusalem Ketoret incense, rich in 11 ingredients, for some almost impossible to find.

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Naomi Goodsir Corpus Equus Review (Bertrand Duchaufour) 2021 + the wild charger draw

Naomi Goodsir Corpus Equus, which took eight years to complete, Bertrand Duchaufour was inspired by Pierre Soulages “Outrenoirs.” Leather is the very heart of the fragrance and is a homage of Naomi Goodsir and the white Arabian thoroughbred that she rode for many years in competitions. The notes were explained leather, rose petals, horse dung, gin and cigarette ashes.

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