Bringing Sexy Back: “Chemistry” 101

Why do we wear fragrance? For most of us, it’s a sensory form of self-expression. But if we cut through the clutter of jargon, and really examine the power of scent at its most elemental level, it’s all about pheromones that attract. Even the word sensual sounds like the word scent. Deep down, we want to be ‘sexy’. According to Geza Schoen, an independent perfumer, “At the end of the day anyone wearing a perfume wants to smell seductive”.

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Niche, Nicher, Nichest: Perfumes in Two Verses

“But— Niche’s growth is so explosive there is danger here too. If a niche fragrance is not singular and different; if it tries to pass off expensive hard to find perfume as fine fragrance, it will become as ubiquitous and as boring as many of the commercial fragrances and lose its relevancy and cache.”

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