Chanel Paris-Riviera (Les Eaux) Review

Olivier Polge has created a joyous, sparkling, tribute to everything orange,I can easily imagine Chanel Paris-Riviera being on my best of 2019 list.
Olivier Polge has created a joyous, sparkling, tribute to everything orange,I can easily imagine Chanel Paris-Riviera being on my best of 2019 list.
Beso Beach Restaurants via Beso Beach & apped by Robert Every lazy day at the beach begins and ends with a kiss; the first kiss of morning sunlight on sparkling cerulean water, the mid-day kiss of heat, sand, and idle conversation, and finally the evening kiss of laughter, assignation, and bronzed salty skin under …
Ramon Monegal La Isla Blanca is true to my memories of Ibiza; cascading white flowers climbing the ancient wall in Old Town, almond trees, Mediterranean air
Carner Barcelona Rose and Dragon by award winning master perfumer Rodrigo Flores-Roux is rose perfume that plumbs the very depths of its dark heart.
Like a head long dive into a cool clear emerald green pool, Hermetica Multilotus is akin to an exclusive spa visit deep in tropical Sri Lanka
Sultan Pasha Moonlit Reverie is an enveloping, heady floral hallucination that makes your head swim. Crystalline beams of moonlight kiss the blooms