CaFleureBon Young Perfumers: Patrice Revillard of Maelstrom + Panouge Paris and Teo Cabanel Draw


Robert Herrmann, Michelyn Camen, Patrice Revillard, Yohan Cervi and Ermano Picco at Esxence 2018

Robert Herrmann (RIP), Michelyn Camen, Patrice Revillard, Yohan Cervi and Ermano Picco at Esxence 2018, April 9 (photo by Rania Naim)

Preface: Our Young Perfumer Series began almost eight years ago with Cecile Zarokian. My goal was to shine a light on the next generation of classically trained olfactive artists. I met Patrice Revillard at Esxence 2018 along with Maelstrom evaluator Yohann Cervi, Rania Naim of Jacques Fath, Robert Herrmann, Senior Editor Emeritus (RIP) and Editor Ermano Picco. We were the first appointment of the day.

What was my take on Jacques Fath L’Iris de Fath? In French, “C’est a vous couper le souffle” (It takes your breath away). Jacques Fath L’Iris de Fath was my best in show-  elegant and timeless. One can imagine both Greta Garbo and Eva Green wearing it. I was not alone in feeling such emotion. Perfumer Sylvaine Delacourte smelled it and criedPerfumer Sultan Pasha gave Rania Naim a rare sealed bottle of the original Iris Gris from 1946 and with much feeling said, “it belongs to you.”-Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief

Maelstrom Perfumer Patrice Revillard

Patrice Revillard© courtesy of the perfumer

I was born in 1992 in Annecy, Haute-Savoie, south-east of France. I grew up in this landscape of mountains, lakes and green pastures from the French Alps. That’s why I am very attached to nature. I am more a country boy than a townie. Some friends say there is always a “Heidi side” in me… Maybe because I love to come back in Haute-Savoie when I can leave Paris and spend time in my garden at my parents’. I came to Paris 10 years ago to start my studies at the Ecole Supérieure du Parfum. Before that, I had a bachelor degree in science (biology) and two years spent at the university. I had started to study chemistry and biology because I wanted to specialize in botany. Since I was very young I have spent my time drawing, painting, and creating things made with all materials I found around me… My mother used to tell  “you will be a painter when you’re older, you will be an artist !” But I always said “No!”, because to me painting was not a job, just my hobby. My second hobby was gardening in the little corner of my Grand-Mother’s garden she gave to me, collecting plants, doing herbariums… As my passion for botany grew, I thought it could be more than a hobby (because it was not artistic, therefore more useful in my mind) : it seemed to be a good idea for a job! That’s why, after my bachelor degree I started courses at the university. I love plant biology but this kind of very theoretical training was not for me. I always loved creating and imagining things. As my interest in perfume increased significantly since I discovered it a few years before, I decided to stop these studies which didn’t like to start something else. Today I don’t know if I am an artist (I don’t like this word which means everything and nothing), but my Mom was right in a way: I do a creative job finally! But she was skeptical and surprised when I came to her with my letter of application for perfume school!

Illustration by Patrice Revillard for Matières Libres Absinthe Gaïac

Patrice Revillard’s Illustration for Matières Libres Absinthe Gaïac

You could think, after this story about my studies, I speak about drawing, botany and perfume as 3 different things. As 3 disciplines, or fields, that I treat separately as potential subject of a job. That’s true in a way, because we can be a painter, a plant science searcher or a perfumer. Not the three simultaneously (I guess). But it’s wrong because they are closely tied up in my mind and in my perfumer’s work. First of all, plants gave me an interest in smells which later became a passion for perfume. Then, my practice of drawing and painting gave me the key to see perfume as a fully artistic medium with its artistic movements and with its History influenced by the different social, cultural and economic contexts through the ages.

Rania Naim Yohan cervi Patrice Revillaud Jacques Fath L'Iris de Fath

Rania Naim of Panouge ,Yohan Cervi Patrice Revillard (Jacques Fath L’Iris de Fath)-photo by Amber Jobin©

Although few of my perfumes on the market pay tribute to flowers for the moment, I love to rebuild their scent to understand how they are made. Try to capture the beauty of their smell to keep in bottles the memories to which they are attached . It’s a kind of personal work for the moment. Sometimes, I make candles with them, for my friends or for myself. However, if they are not the main subject of a perfume, flowers and plants are (to me) always an inspiration for the delicacy and ephemeral approach of the perfume. A kind of beauty and poetry which is lacking in perfumery today! When I entered my perfume studies at ESP (École Supérieure du Parfum), I had in mind the desire to become a perfumer, for sure. I have a lot of respect for all the careers/jobs around the perfumer (evaluators, marketing, technicians…) but if I started this new formation it was to express my creativity and my personal vision of the perfume. With time, I realized that the best for me would be to become an independent perfumer. A little optimistic and idealist maybe. Our professors tell us continuously that only a few of us would become perfumers (undoubtedly true when you see the labour market of the profession) and be independent was totally utopic. Especially directly at the end of our studies. But I stayed with this dream and this hypothetical option in mind and in 2017, before to be graduated, I founded Maelstrom with two friends: Marie Schnirer and Yohan Cervi.

In hindsight, we can say it was crazy to give it a try, but it was an opportunity that should be seized. I was 25. The excuse would have been youth!

Patrice Revillard perfumer

Patrice Revillard© courtesy of the perfumer

Before starting the project, we knew a lot of people in the perfume industry, moreover in the niche part of it (professional connections we made with Yohan during several years before, by writing about our passion for Perfume in our blogs or in several websites or magazines). However, I can’t say we were peaceful and that the beginning was easier. For sure, it was better than nothing, but we had to prove ourselves. Even now, for me, each day and each creation is a proof I give for my current clients and for the future brands which will work with us, that I am an experienced perfumer. Even if I don’t work for a big company. I think it’s linked to my attention to details and my eternal dissatisfaction when I work. It’s why I couldn’t work completely alone. To be independent doesn’t mean to be alone. It’s important to have it in mind. The work of Yohan is important for that : his job as an evaluator is a support to me in my work. He knows when to tell me “Stop! It’s perfect to provide this version to the client”. Or “do some other modifications on the base note, on that note, try maybe with this other note…”. For some years, one of the most important things I learned is to work with someone who criticizes and questions my work. For the best and the worst. The best is the compliments, the shared feeling to have something good or interesting, and our common goal to satisfy the client. The worst is that you have to push your pride aside to hear the advice that apparently doesn’t work with what you imagined originally. And finally, the worst is to do the best. These discussions stimulate our work and our common goal : satisfy our clients and create something beautiful !

Jacques Fath Fath de Fath

 L’Iris de Fath Photo by Ermano Picco©

One of my first creations was L’Iris de Fath. I won the competition organized by the brand Jacques Fath to re-create its mythical perfume from the 40’s: Iris Gris. Yohan made a valuable contribution in this work with his great knowledge in Perfume History. The both of us are proud to help the heritage conservation of the Perfumery and to have such a mythical perfume as a first creation. This win benefited us to acquire legitimacy and recognition of the industry. A way to prove to our future clients that they can have confidence in our young laboratory. After that, I signed for different niche brands as Chabaud, Sylvaine Delacourte, Téo Cabanel, Visiteurs…

Patrice Revillard

Patrice Revillard© courtesy of the perfumer

The two things why I wanted to create my own lab was doing what I want and working directly and closely with the clients, listen to them and share a beautiful moment of creation. By trying unexpected things together, or more in a classic way, but always for the same aim: create beautiful things. Two years ago, we met Téo Cabanel’s team. It was a perfect match at the first meeting. Caroline Ilacqua is such a beautiful person with a lot of ideas and who is not afraid to take risks. She came with a lot of ideas and challenged us during all the creative process of Les Expressions Parfumées, the new collection of the brand. It was a perfect atmosphere of creation : a lot of ideas came from all sides, we understood each other, Caroline paid attention to our suggestions and managed us to go further.

Teo Cabonel Je ne sais quoi review

photo courtesy of Teo Cabanel

For example, without Caroline, I would have never created Je ne sais quoi! She had a clear idea of what she wanted for this one: a genmaicha with its smell of green tea and roasted rice. She loved my first proposal but she challenged me on the rice accord to enhance this facet. To me, the rice had to be unobtrusive, kept integrated in the tea accord, not too much predominant. With her fantastic artistic director’s nose, she brought me where I would never have gone with my perfumer approach. She told me several times “increase the rice ! Increase the puffed rice again !”. It was funny but totally insane to me to overdose this facet. At the end of the development, I was a little terrified by this creation. I was scared by what people would say about it. But Caroline and team Teo Cabonel liked it a lot, and it reassured me. Finally, I heard and read a lot of good comments about “Je ne sais quoi”. I am very proud of this creation. With time and projects, I understood that the best part in creative freedom is not doing what you want, it’s having fun and pleasing yourself.

A lot of nice things will come in the future. I am very impatient to share them with you !

Patrice Revillard of Maelstrom

L’iris de Fath, Jacques Fath Read Michelyn’s review and interview here

L’Iris de Fath was a top ten perfume of 2018 by Ermano and Michelyn


Patrice Revillard is a young independent perfumer

Patrice Revillard© courtesy of the perfumer

Perfumes by Patrice Revillard as of 2/9/2022

– Île Mythique, Chabaud

– Beach Bizarre, Visiteur


Creative director Rania Naim of Panouge, Matières Libres fragrance collection & Maelstrom perfumers Marie Schnirer & Patrice Revillard

Creative director Rania Naim of Panouge, Matières Libres fragrance collection & Maelstrom perfumers Marie Schnirer & Patrice Revillard (collage by Despina: photos courtesy of Panouge & Maelstrom)

Absinthe Gaïac, Panouge

Datura Amaretti, Panouge

– Oranzo, Sylvaine Delacourte

– Cycle 001, Violet

– Oh là là, Téo Cabanel

– Je ne sais quoi, Téo Cabanel

Ca boum, Téo Cabanel

– Et voilà, Téo Cabanel

– Cuir Nappa, Première Note

– Maghrib, Uniform

– Étoile d’Oranger, Les Néréides

– Swing feather, Nolença

– Le Thé, Nolença

– Verde, Venti4

– Eden Volcanique, Poécile

– Ambre Archeoceti, Aïeul (Candle)

– Oranger du levant, Aïeul (Candle)

– Altar, Aïeul (Candle)

– Trio de Schubert, Dièse Paris (Candle)

– Seiko Paris, olfactory signature of the Parisian boutique

– Icicle France, olfactory signature of the parisian boutique

– Candle “Trio de Schubert”, Dièse Paris

– Vermeil, Bienaimé

– Eden volcanique, Poécile

In Support of Patrice Revillard both Panouge Paris and Teo Cabanel are offering the following:


Panouge Matières Libres Datura Amaretti by Patrice Revillard

Courtesy of Matieres Libres

Thanks to the generosity of Rania Naim Creative Director and founder of Fath Essentials, Panouge Paris, Isabey and Matieres Libres we have a draw for a 100ml bottle of Matières Libres Datura Amaretti (value: 107€)

Matières Libres Absinthe Gaïac review

Visual interpretation of Matières Libres Absinthe Gaïac by Cristian©


 A 100 ml bottle of Matières Libres Absinthe Gaïac for one registered reader in the EU, UK, USA or Canada. Absinthe Gaiiac for one registered reader in EU, USA or Canada. You must register here or your comment will not count. 

Teo Cabanel Ca Boum review

 Teo Cabanel Ca Boum visual by Olya Bar©

Big Merci to Caroline Ilacqua of Teo Cabanel,  we have a draw for a 100 ml bottle (105 €)  of Ça Boum for one registered reader in the USA, Canada, UK and EU. You must register here or your comment will not count. 

To be eligible please leave a comment with what you found fascinating  about Patrice Revillard , his path to perfumery, if you are familiar with any of the fragrances he signed, your choice should you win (please leave one from Matiere Libres  and/or Teo Cabanel if you are in the USA) and where you live. There will be two winners Draw closes 2/12/2022

Follow Patrice Revillard @patrice.rvd on Instagram to follow his journey as a perfumer.

Follow us on Instagram @cafleurebonofficial, @maelstrom_parfumeurs @yohancervi @marie_schnirer@jacquesfathsparfums @panougeparis @ranyabana @teocabonel @carolineilacqua @visiteurparfum @premierenote @lesnerediesparis @nolencaparfums @chabaud_masion_de_parfum @sylvainedelacourte @violet.parfums @benaime_1935

This is our Privacy and Draw Rules Policy

We announce the winners only on site and on our Facebook page, so Like ÇaFleureBon and use our blog feed … or your dream prize will be just spilled perfume.


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  • His amazing perfumes were fascinating to me about Patrice Revillard, his path to perfumery was something really fascinating, I’m familiar with any fragrances he signed my choice that I would love to win would be Ça Boum. I live in Poland, EU.

  • Brilliant interview and friendship. Gained so much insight about Patrice that hasn’t been available on other platforms.

    Not entering the competition. Just appreciation for a beautiful presentation.

    Karl UK

  • Claumarchini says:

    Thank you for this great article, it was really fascinating to read about Patrice’s path, his studies, the things he likes and to have an insight on the creative process behind the birth of a perfume. It is so inspiring to hear about the dreams and stories of young talents, I am sure he is going to have a wonderful career. I have sampled Absinthe Gaiac and found it so beautiful that I would love to be the lucky winner. Greetings from Italy

  • Michelyn!! ❤️❤️❤️ CaFleureBon’s Young Perfumer series is fabulous! How delightful to learn more about Patrice Revillard and his path to perfumery! His interests, experience, and talents really showcase how perfumery is at once a science and an art. I first learned of Ca Boum (and ordered my first full bottle) after the wonderful review of that scent here on CaFleurBon. As it is almost empty, I would be so delighted to win a replacement bottle of Ca Boum! Thank you for the wonderful opportunity! USA ❤️

  • It’s always interesting reading about a creator’s artistic journey. Patrick Revillard seems to have had a clear vision concerning his love of scent. He also seems to have met ,at people who were able to help shape and influence his creativity. I’ve only been able to sample Ca Boum from this list but from the description would love to try Matieres Libres Absinthe Gaiac. Thanks for the opportunity. I’m in MD, USA.

  • Sorohan Adriana says:

    Datura is a fragrance with a magical, mysteriously interesting scent that becomes interesting in such gourmand notes. I am very curious about this datura. In any perfume composition I met the datura I like it.
    I am from EU Bucharest Romania Europe

  • Ah such an amazing story and so much fun to read. I really enjoy these posts about perfumers and their journey. Patrice Revillard has an interesting story and I love how he switched from studying botany to going to perfumery school which allowed him to have a creative career. He was always an interesting person to me, ever since I learned that he was in fact the winner of the contest to recreate L’Iris (and that was one of the first things he made!). I mostly know his work through Two Cabanel fragrances which I tested recently. I was blown away by several of Two Cabanel offerings and it turned out that they were mostly Patrice’s creations. I adore the super amped up rice note of Je ne sais quoi. So unique, yet so wearable. To be honest I’d like to win Ca Boum, or if not that one then Absinthe Gaïac. I’m form Illinois, USA.

  • I thoroughly enjoyed reading about Patrice Revillard. I love that he combined his passions of botany, drawing, and perfumery and became a successful perfumer. Perfumery is as much an art as it is a science, so it seems as though he found the perfect career for himself. He’s already worked with many houses, and I was surprised to find out he created Teo Cabanel Je Ne Sais Quoi! He should be proud of this creation, as it’s one of the best green tea/toasted rice fragrances I have tried. I would love to try some of Patrice’s other creations, especially Datura Amaretti, Bienaimé Vermeil, Teo Cabanel Ça Boum, and Teo Cabanel Oh Là Là. I have actually really wanted to try Datura Amaretti since it was released as datura is one of my favorite notes; it sounds absolutely delicious!

    Thank you for this very interesting article about Patrice Revillard. Also, a big thank you to Rania Naim and Caroline Ilacqua for the generous giveaways. I would LOVE to win Panouge Datura Amaretti (first choice) or Teo Cabanel Ça Boum (second choice). I am located in the USA.

  • I’m fascinated with his path from studying chemistry and biology and ending up as a perfumer, that was really bold in my opinion! I haven’t tried any of his creations unfortunately…
    My choice is Libres Datura Amaretti or Teo Cabanel.
    I’m from Croatia ❤️

  • It’s just amazing to see someone chase after their dreams and make them come true, do what you love and create art through scents. Beautiful! I’ve never tried his creations, but I’m sure I will. Ca boum sounds very appealing, Absinthe Gaiac on second place.
    Hello from EU, CRO.

  • Wow. Although I have never heard of Patrice Revillard, I am instantly in awe of his journey within perfumery. I loved reading his story and seeing where and how his artistic origins ultimately led him into the world of perfumery and of creating art through this medium. When he spoke about how the trifecta of his interests in botany, drawing/painting, and perfumery transitioned into becoming a perfumer, I thought that was pretty neat. It was especially heartwarming how his mother saw from the beginning that he was destined to be an artist (albeit within the world of perfumery). Lastly, I was very impressed by his wisdom. When he said “one of the most important things I learned is to work with someone who criticizes and questions my work. For the best and the worst.” I thought that was incredibly humble and insightful. No doubt his willingness to accept direction (and even criticism) has pushed him to grow and continually improve as a professional. I have heard of and been very interested in trying many of Téo Cabanel’s offerings, and especially Ça Boum (which is heralded by one of my favorite Fragrance YouTubers, Justin Copeland). Therefore, Ça Boum would be my first choice should I be chosen for this incredible giveaway. I am unfamiliar with Panouge Paris, but out of the two offered, Matières Libres Datura Amaretti would be my choice so that I could gift it to my lovely wife. Thanks, as always, for the opportunities and cheers from Illinois!

  • I have not tried any of these three wonderful prizes, but Ca Boum sounds right up my alley: immortelle, vanilla, plenty of roses and jasmine.
    Please count me in for Ca Boum from Teo Cabanel.
    I am in Europe. Thank you!

  • professors tell us continuously that only a few of us would become perfumers (undoubtedly true when you see the labour market of the profession) and be independent was totally utopic. Especially directly at the end of our studies. But I stayed with this dream and this hypothetical option in mind and in 2017, before to be graduated, I founded Maelstrom with two friends: Marie Schnirer and Yohan Cervi.

    In hindsight, we can say it was crazy to give it a try, but it was an opportunity that should be seized. I was 25. The excuse would have been youth! I am really fascinated by Patrice’s journey an immensely talented individual who has has great appetite and desire to fulfil his dreams. I was not familiar with Patrice’s work but I will try to find out more about his creations. If I am lucky to win I would love to win Absinthe gaiac. Thanks a million from the United Kingdom

  • For example, without Caroline, I would have never created Je ne sais quoi! She had a clear idea of what she wanted for this one: a genmaicha with its smell of green tea and roasted rice. She loved my first proposal but she challenged me on the rice accord to enhance this facet. To me, the rice had to be unobtrusive, kept integrated in the tea accord, not too much predominant. With her fantastic artistic director’s nose, she brought me where I would never have gone with my perfumer approach. She told me several times “increase the rice ! Increase the puffed rice again !”. It was funny but totally insane to me to overdose this facet. At the end of the development, I was a little terrified by this creation. I was scared by what people would say about it. But Caroline and team Teo Cabonel liked it a lot, and it reassured me. Finally, I heard and read a lot of good comments about “Je ne sais quoi”. I am very proud of this creation. With time and projects, I understood that the best part in creative freedom is not doing what you want, it’s having fun and pleasing yourself.

    A lot of nice things will come in the future. I am very impatient to share them with you. Patrice Revillard. A beautiful and informative piece. I am struck by Patrice’s drive and courage to follow his dream and his raw talent for perfumery. If I am lucky to win I would love to win Ca Boum. A perfumer that I was not familiar with until now I wish him every success in the future. Thanks a lot from the UK

  • I am not familiar with any of the signed fragrances. A thorough biographical portrait of the perfumer made for a captivating read. If chosen I’d like the Ca Boum. US

  • Patrice sounds like he will continue to be a wonderful perfumer. I enjoyed reading about his journey and appreciate that he knows what his shortfalls/limits are and how is he always open to criticism and feedback.

    I have never heard of any of these fragrances that are being offered. When I read up on the notes of each of them, I was immediately drawn to Matières Libres Datura Amaretti for its lovely gourmand notes. I’d very much like to win Datura Amaretti, for sure!

    I live in the USA.

  • Thank you for this. It was so intriguing to read about someone’s path to becoming a perfumer and a bit about the “behind the scenes” process of creating a perfume. I’ve actually been wanting to try Je ne sais quoi because I love genmaicha tea.

    If I win the drawing, I would prefer Matières Libres Datura Amaretti or Ça Boum.
    I live in the US.

  • Patrice has a very charming way with the English language, and I like that he didn’t try to make it look easy. I’ve never tried any of his scents, they sound marvelous. I am in the US and would love to win either Ça Boum or Absinthe Gaïac .

  • I like how Patrice and his love of biology and chemistry found his forte in the fragrance world. Absinthe Gaïac Would be my selection here in the USA

  • Many thanks for that fascinating article. Indeed I know one of the mentioned perfumes, “Absinthe gaiac”, and i dearly love it. Most fascinating I found that he studied Botany, since the green aspects in his perfumes are often such a delight,

    Would like to win Absinthe gaiac in order to have enough to drown in it 😉
    Living in Germany, EU

  • I love the fragrances from teo cabanel, what an interesting brand in it’s concept, juices and bottle. I think I would choose ça boum if I will be so lucky to be selected I love his work for teo cabanel and v/siteur with beach bizarre! Finger crossed

  • Thank you for sharing Patrice Revillard’s journey. I loved reading about his Grandmother’s garden. All of the fragrances offered in this draw sound fabulous. I’m drawn to Datura Amaretti because I have enjoyed datura in my garden for many years. Ça Boum is also enticing with its sweet salty vibe. Mich USA

  • Michelyn’s introduction of the Young Perfumers series was informative. I enjoyed reading about Patrice Revillard, though I have yet to try any of his creations. He is talented in so many fields.

    Thank you for this lovely article on Patrice. Also, many thanks to Rania Naim and Caroline Ilacqua for their generous giveaways. I would love to win Teo Cabanel Ça Boum (first choice) or Panouge Datura Amaretti (second choice). I am in the USA.

  • I would love to try Absinthe Gaiiac although I have also heard Ca Boum is amazing. But it was so interesting how he traced all the way back to being an artist! I wish I had figured it all out at such a young age. In maryland.

  • This article has been very informative about Patrice Revillard. I appreciated him sharing his interests in plants, art and perfumery and how these disciplines interact with each other as a perfumer. I also appreciate his statement that collaboration have been crucial to his success. I have not experienced any of Patrice’s fragrance but I have heard a lot about Ca Boum by Teo Cabanel. If I win I will like Absinthe Gaiac (Matiere Libres) and Ca Boum (Teo Cabanel). Greetings from Maryland, US.

  • Thank you for this interesting article!

    Moms just know! My mom always told me I was creative and I became a graphics designer myself.

    What a great story. You’ve made an excellent decision to start your own company at the right time. It is great to read that you and your partners work so well together and from the list of successes I can see that Maelstrom is becoming a real established name in the perfume industry.

    My partner has Ça Boum and Oh là là, so i am familiar with Patrice’s more feminine leaning fragrances, but I would love to try his more masculine Matières Libres Absinthe Gaïac for myself!

    Greetings from the UK!

  • It’s amazing that such a young perfumer was able to recreate Iris de Fath. I would love to spend a day picking his brain. This has made me curious to try all his creations. I haven’t got my nose on any of them yet. Cherry, almond, amaretto and anything in that direction always tickles my fancy, so I would love to win Matières Libres Datura Amaretti as my first choice. If I win Teo Cabanel Ça Boum, I would also be incredibly happy. I would love to try a Revillard creation.
    I live in Denmark, EU.

  • Datura Amaretti for me please. Cherry, datura, ylang-ylang, almond, musc and biscuit accord. A truly interesting blend that I know will make its wearer feeling very special.
    I sm in based in the EU

  • It was like a piece of nice chocolate to my morning coffee and left me smiling. I love how he used his university gained knowledge and different hobbies as stepping stones to becoming a perfumer. Such an inspiring story!
    Indeed, when I was sampling some perfumes from the new line by Téo Cabanel (Oh là là, Je ne sais quoi, and Et voilà) I thought to myself – well, that is a nice turn and indeed I saw nice painting in my imagination created by beautiful combinations of notes! All three of them seemed to be very natural additions to my perfume drawer.
    In case the luck turns to me, I would choose Ça Boum by Téo Cabanel as I haven’t had the chance to test this one.
    Thank you, Lina, EU, Lithuania

  • From scientist to an artist – that was quite a journey and I admire his passion, courage and determination many of us simply don’t have.
    I’m from Europe and I’d choose Matières Libres Datura Amaretti.

  • Many thanks for this interesting article. It was really fascinating to read about Patrice’s path, his studies and his creations. I am not familiar with all this creation, but they sound very beautiful.
    I would like to win Datura Amaretti.

  • Thank you so much Michelyn for having this amazing experience by this young perfumer. I loved reading Patrice Revillards experience and his path to become a master perfumer. I loved how he began his studies at the ESP and his mother was a little surprised. His journey is an inspiration for many who want to become a perfume artist.
    I have a sample of Ça Boum and I love it.
    I would love to win Absinthe Gaiac and if its not that I would love to have a full bottle of Ça Boum .
    I live in the U.S.

  • What a beautiful interview! I adore the work of Patrice Revillard and own quite a few of his compositions, each is always done with emotion and perfectly calibrated elegance. Would absolutely love to win je ne said quoi by Teo Cabanel, the puffed rice sounds so unusual. I live in Brooklyn, New York.

  • Fantastic review! I own Et Voila from Teo Cabanel and love it, clean skin accord ftw! I have also sampled Ca Boum, Je ne Sais Quoi and Oh La La and they are very interesting and different fragrances. I would love to win Ca Boum in this giveaway to give my girlfriend as a gift, she wears it very well. Thank you for the opportunity! I live in Romania, EU.

  • I think that it’s interesting that Patrice is reliant on his friend, and work partner, Yohan’s praise/criticism. I also thought that it’s interesting to hear how his work relationship is with a creative director who hired him. I’ve only heard of some of his works, but I haven’t tried any of them yet. If I win, then I would choose Matières Libres “Absinthe Gaïac” or Teo Cabanel “Ca Boum”. I live in the U.S.A. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

  • It was very refreshing to read how Patrice experimented with what he wanted to do in life and still managed to become successful at such a young age. I guess it shows the importance of having an open mind and taking calculated risks. Not always easy, so kudos to him. I generally received a lot of positivity from his notes, a sense of optimism and vision. It just so happens that he has created Oranzo, a sparkling citrus/floral very dear to me for sentimental reasons (reminds me of my grandmother and the lemon tree she had in her tiny garden). I would love to be included in the draw for Datura Amaretti or Ca Boum. Good luck to all! Greetings from Greece!

  • redwheelbarrow says:

    Wow what an amazing journey to take at such a young age. I love that Patrice Revillard did not give up on his dream. He seems so humble to have accomplished so much. I appreciate that he acknowledges the teamwork that comes into such creations. I can imagine he has an incredibly bright future. I’ve not experienced any of these fragrances. Were I to win, I would choose Datura Amaretti. Thank you, from the US.

  • wandering_nose says:

    I am feeling so inspired by Patrice Revillard’s story! His multiple interests oscillating around plants and deep understanding of botany have made him a true scientist on top of being a very aware perfumer. Truly astounded by his approach to perfume as a fully artistic medium, influenced by history, culture, social and economic factors throughout the ages. At such a young age, he has worked independently and for some renowned niche houses so I can see very bright future ahead of him. I am yet to get acquainted with Patrice’s creations, and I feel Matières Libres Absinthe Gaïac would be the perfect place to start – that would be my choice should I win. Many thanks for the draw. I am based in Dublin, Ireland, EU

  • I enjoyed this article. What impresses me most about Patrice Revillard, is how he approaches his creations. He is very open to creative suggestion from those around him. A great trait that most admire. I have not yet had the opportunity to get my nose on fragrances from either of these houses. My choice(s) should I be chosen for the giveaway are Matiere Livres Absinthe Gaiac, as well as, Teo Cabanel Ca Boum. As always, thank you for the opportunity. I live in the USA.

  • In storytelling there’s a quote from the famous R’n’b singer Usher

    “Success is about dedication. You may not be where you want to be or do what you want to do when you’re on the journey. But you’ve got to be willing to have vision and foresight that leads you to an incredible end.”

    It fits Patrice Revillard so well , he could’ve said it himself, it fits his way of thinking, approach to work , and life almost perfectly.
    Ça Boum I not only know , but also own, it’s modern, beachy , not overly sweet vanilla and florals fragrance, that can easily put you into vacation mode . There’s some tropical greenness, and sweetness in Ça Boum, It smells so good
    Datura Amaretti I’d like to win, I presume unconventional gourmand
    Thank you for the opportunity

  • I think it’s uncanny that his mom saw him in a creative profession while he believed he’d become a scientist. His mom was quite prescient.

    I wish I had some experience with Mr. Revillard’s work for Panouge. I’ve looked at their site several times trying to uncover how one orders samples or where to find a retailer in the US. I’d be thrilled just to try Datura Amaretti. I don’t know what I’d do if I won it–swoon, I guess!

  • Michael Prince says:

    I loved learning about Patrice Revillard and his path to perfumery learning about this young and talented perfumers childhood growing up in France, his vision and dreams of becoing a botanist. Growing up as a talented artist and painter he enjoyed gardening. In his studies, he pursued biology since he always wanted to be a botanist. I am fascinated by his path to perfumery. I am familiar with his creations for Teo Cabanel and I’ve heard about his creations for Matières Libres. If I win I would choose Matières Libres Absinthe Gaiac. I am from the USA.

  • I was not familiar with Patrice before. What a great journey from biology and botany to perfumery. Absinthe Gaïac from Matiere Libres sounds great and Ca Boum from Teo Cabanel sounds great too! I’m in NJ

  • It seems that Patrice Revillard knew his path from the beginnig, or at least, he know that his profession will be related to plants. I have never heard of him but, from what I’ve read, his striving to be an independent perfumer making his own ideas come true, makes a good impression on me. Only this kind of attitude can give us a really good, soul-moving fragragrance. Probably that was the reason why L’Iris de Fath was received so well.
    I would love to win Absinthe Gaiac or Ca Boum.
    I live in Poland.

  • What a great read! I enjoyed learning about L’Iris de Fath. I am not that familiar with any of the fragrances mentioned however! Interesting that the love for fragrance grew out of biology. I would love to win Ca Boum. Thank you from Canada.

  • wallygator88 says:

    Thanks for the great write-up!

    It’s great to read the path of Patrice from childhood, through school, his journey as a creative and the decision to move into independent perfumery. It was also amazing to hear about his work with Teo Cabanel.

    I’ve unfortunately not had a chance to smell anything from this house before.

    I would love to win Absinthe Gaiac and/or Ca Boum.

    Cheers from WI, USA

  • Such a fine young gentleman Patrice Revillard , the perfumer . Most people his age do not have even 10% of his motivation, and vision for the future. He wanted success, and was not afraid to roll his sleeves up , and fight for his goals.
    I’m certain i’ll enjoy Panouge Matières Libres Datura Amaretti , I like cherries, expensive liquor, cookies , and the compliment factor is important to me , Matiere Libres Datura Amaretti has it all .
    Exciting giveaway, USA

  • I’m not a perfumer, but I had similar path to
    Patrice Revillard. I just knew what future holds since my teenage years, I always wanted to visit Paris, and to become classically trained Pastry Chef, it took me A LOT, it was beyond stressful, to say the least , but it was worth it, the same way it was for Patrice Revillard . After graduating, I went to study under onr of the greatest geniuses in the culinary world, and one of the best Chocolatiers ever Pierre Hermé .
    I’m truly glad Patrice Revillard found his path too , and it’s quite successful in the perfume sphere.
    From Teo Cabanel I’m familiar with Oh Là Là, and Cafe Cabanel , I think the first one was made by Patrice Revillard too .
    I’d like to win Datura Amaretti , i think it would smell kind of like Cherry Custard Tart with Sliced Almonds , and Amaretto Cherry Semifreddo .
    Appreciate reading about Patrice Revillard path to success, and the giveaway campaign

  • Fantastic article, kudos to all of you who made it possible
    Seeing the first picture had me thinking, about the past, the present and the future, we miss you Robert, RIP good guy.
    Patrice Revillard is the young jedi master of the fragrance world, the way he won Rania Naim contest for the reworked version of L’Iris de Fath is almost mythical. 5 noses were given samples, ingredients and 9 months to recreate an Icon.
    At the time Patrice Revillard won the contest, he was still studying , remarkable job
    L’Iris de Fath is a fragrance that can put you through experience similar to orgasm , especially if you love iris. I have the blast of smelling the reworked version from time to time, good friend of mine, doing crypto currencies is wearing it.
    If your pockets are just as deep, trying L’Iris de Fath is an absolute necessity. But be aware it’s not just expensive, but also rare , it’s limited to just 150 bottles per year.
    I know all three fragrances, Datura Amaretti is in my opinion the best one.
    Thanks a lot

  • I so wish i had such mindset, and was committed to my goals and dreams, when I was at Patrice Revillard age , to be honest I was afraid to work independently. Hands down, smart and really talented man.
    Cherries, tea cookies , and almost narcotic poisonous datura flower , Datura Amaretti is calling me.
    Thanks for the draw

  • This story had some interesting differences from the usual perfumers’ statements. Revillard acknowledges some conflicting feelings about whether to consider himself an artist or not, for example. I haven’t tried any of the scents listed for him, but he must be a big deal if he won the Jacques Fath challenge! If I win, I’d prefer Absinthe Gaïac. (USA)

  • Unfortunately in some business is literally impossible to be independent, of self employed if you’re in your 20’s. I’m a tailor, and at the age of Patrice Revillard made a name for himself, no tailor could do . It’s not impossible, but highly unlikely . I do consider myself quite talented, and still I was apprentice for 9 years.
    Sweet without being sticky , floral without being indolic , playful without being lustful, Datura Amaretti is perfectly balanced, happy fragrance i’d prefer to get
    Thank you all, to Patrice Revillard, Matiere Libres and Teo Cabanel

  • Wonderful article! What I found fascinating about Patrice Revillard and his path to perfumery is how he sees perfumery as the perfect melding of three different fields of study – combining his interest and practice in painting, plant science, and perfumery. I particularly thought it was interesting how he described his experience drawing and painting as helping him see perfume as a “fully artistic medium” with artistic movements and affected by social, cultural and economic contexts through the ages. That is something that did not occur to be before, but in hindsight yes definitely sounds right, with the different perfume styles of the ages.

    The only fragrance Patrice Revillard signed that I’m familiar with is Sylvaine DelacourteI’s Oranzo, which is a lovely botanical orange blossom, full of green leaves and stems and herbaceous notes.

    If I were to win, my first choice would be the Matiere Libres Datura Amaretti, while my second choice would be the Teo Cabanel Ca Boum. I live in the US.