ÇaFleureBon Profiles In American Perfumery: Chris Christiansen of Gentleman’s Nod +SIDAMA Giveaway

Chris Christiansen of Gentleman's Nod

Chris Christiansen, Owner/Operator and Creative Director of Gentleman’s Nod

Profile: I was born in Orange California in 1978 to a hardworking and successful single mother. I was a naturally curious child with a TON of enthusiasm and an overly active imagination. Much of my younger years were spent playing just about every sport conceivable, but I was equally devoted to exploring nature, reading, and writing. From as far back as I can remember I had a near insatiable desire to explore and learn about the world around me. I can remember from an early age that scent was one of the ways that I enjoyed exploring the world. Some of my earliest memories are anchored by scent. They include walking through my great aunt’s garden when I was 2 years old. The warm sun on my face with the scent of dill carried on a cool ocean breeze. I can also clearly recall the scent of my great grandmother and her home. It was a wonderful combo of yeast, toasted almonds and freshly baked bread. The scent of Christmas morning was always Cardamom, Cinnamon, and the Danish fried pastry Æbleskiver. My grandfather who made them smoked a pipe and I still love the warm, rich, aromatic quality of tobacco.

Chris Christiansen of Gentleman’s Nod  at his High School Graduation with his Mom

Chris Christiansen of Gentleman’s Nod at his High School Graduation with his Mom

The power of personal scent wasn’t really awakened for me until the late 80’s or early 90’s. During this time my mother bought me Guy Laroche’s Drakkar Noir, Calvin Klein’s Eternity, and Ralph Lauren’s Polo Green. My mother would later adopt Mugler’s Angel as her “signature scent” which I adored. It was then I first recognized how a personal scent could impact your mood, alter perception, and even have an effect on those around you.

1990 in California garden

Chris Christiansen of Gentleman’s Nod with his Great-Grandmother in Garden1980

Entrepreneurism and a creative spirit are definitely in my blood. My maternal grandfather found his niche in the combination of an auto parts warehouse and retail store. My paternal grandfather posthumously came to be known as the neon king of Vancouver. He would also start thoroughbred racing stables even sending a stakes winner to Kentucky. In my life, this creative spirit has manifested itself in a near constant stream of ideas. When I was younger my friends and I created board games and even wrote 90+ pages of documentation and artwork for a video game which we never created. At this stage I found joy more in the creative process than building anything concrete. I’ve discovered that if you are truly passionate about creative pursuits they can be found most anywhere. In undergrad and my early career days I developed forecasting models and designed databases to make mundane office work more productive. It wouldn’t be for several years and after meeting the love of my life that I would find my true calling.

Chris Christiansen of Gentleman's nod with his wife Leslie at their wedding

Chris Christiansen of Gentleman’s Nod and his wife Leslie at their wedding

I was first confronted by the notion of traditional wet shaving in 2012, while attending grad school in Southern California. I recall being particularly “intrigued” by the idea of using more traditional tools and techniques to achieve a better shave. At the time I abhorred shaving. It was just something I did to look presentable at the office. I used electric shavers which were horrific Cartridge razors and a pressurized can of shaving gel was only slightly better. I was captivated by the idea of doing something with excellence and mastering the associated techniques. After a few months of sifting through forums online and telling my wife how intrigued I was by this concept she was sick of hearing about it. So at the age of 35 my wonderful mother got me a great first kit consisting of a shaving brush, Merkur 38c safety razor, lavender shaving soap and shaving cream. Little did my mother or wife know the firestorm this little gift would set ablaze!  Right from the very first shave I was hooked. It was “game over”, before the first pitch tossed, before the first pass with that 38c. My whole concept of shaving was undone, instantaneously and permanently! However, not even I was prepared for transformational effect that this one aspect of my morning routine would have on the way I approached personal care in general.

Chris Christiansen of Gentlemen's Nod Off Roading in Canada

Chris Christiansen of Gentleman’s Nod his Dad and Leslie Off Roading in Canada

The seemingly innocuous act of shaving had turned into a passion, borderline obsession with the entire men’s grooming industry. It was pure joy and the scents were so fabulous and unique. Three years later I was working in sales management in the field and found myself frustrated and unsatisfied with my capacity to influence the industry I loved. On the morning of my 38th birthday I awoke from an intricately detailed dream about starting a men’s grooming company. So, I immediately set up a humble little soap lab in my basement

Gentleman's Nod aftershave.

Chris Christiansen of Gentleman’s Nod Bottling Aftershave in New Commercial Space

Gentleman’s Nod was launched in April of 2019 and provided the perfect opportunity to direct my creative efforts both to my love of scent as well as my love of the men’s grooming industry in general. We now operate out of a commercial space and our products have brought joy to many people all over the world.

Chris Christiansen of Gentleman's Nod at The Golden Pineapple Awards Best Spring Fragrance Bluegrass Muse

Chris Christiansen of Gentleman’s Nod with Leslie at Golden Pineapple Fragrance Awards (Best Spring Fragrance 2024  for Bluegrass Muse a collaboration with BBS.Live, composed by perfumer Gino Percontino)

On American Perfumery: This is certainly a unique time in American Perfumery. Access to information, raw materials, and support has never been easier. There is great value in traditional perfumery education in the bastions of fragrance throughout the world, especially for those who know their path and can afford it. But I also believe it is a great time for the creative and committed artisan who is self-taught. I spent thousands of hours in research and countless more in trial-and-error learning to make different types of soaps and cosmetic products. I believe the same is being accomplished in the world of perfumery today.

Ernest Hemingway at his typewriter Wikipedia

Favorite American Artist: For me artistry lies in the ability to tell a believable and interesting story. The artist creates and invites you to experience their creation and take a journey with them. Art is transformative. The most compelling artists easily draw us into their narratives. Ernest Hemingway is certainly one of my favorite artists. The way he weaves a narrative makes me feel as if i am there in the story, not just watching but experiencing what his characters are. One of my favorite Hemingway quotes is: “In order to write about life, you must first live it.”

Chris Christiansen, Owner/Operator and Creative Director of Gentleman’s Nod.

Ugo Charron of Mane composed Gentleman's Nod Sidama

Ugo Charron of Mane experiencing perfume on Canva© courtesy of the perfumer        

Thanks to Chris Christiansen of Gentlemen’s Nod we have a draw for a registered reader in US / CANADA for a 50 ml bottle of SIDAMA, created by perfumer Ugo Charron, MANE.

Gentleman's Nod Sidama

2024 Art & Olfaction Independent Finalist SIDAMA in The Independent Category Photo By Brian Yost

Notes of Coffee, Rum, Apricot, Berries, Iris, Dark Chocolate, Coffeewood©, Vetiver, Orcanox, Evee Wood© and Patchouli

To enter the draw, you must be a registered reader. Please leave a comment with what you found fascinating about Chris’s path to perfumery, and where you live. Draw closes 5/27/2024

Chris Christiansen is 177th in our American perfumer series, which officially began in 2011 with Dawn Spencer Hurwitz of DSH Perfumes.

All photos belong to Chris© unless otherwise noted.

On behalf of our team at CaFleureBon, we wish you and Ugo the best of luck on June 7, 2024 in Lisbon


Please like CaFleureBon Profiles in American Perfumery and your entry will count twice. Please leave that in your comment.

Follow us on Instagram @cafleurebonofficial @gentlemansnod

This is our Privacy and Draw Rules Policy

We announce the winners only on our site and on our Facebook page, so like ÇaFleureBon and use our  blog feed…or your dream prize will be just spilled perfume



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  • Ramses Perez says:

    There’s always a catalyst in someone’s life and we’re glad Chris Christiansen decided to pursue his dream of opening a grooming company. I was not familiar with this house but reading the article I learned more about how Chris started his journey. I, like Chris, also do enjoy a bit of self care and always striving to look my best. Not knowing what it would turn into he still pushed through and now it’s a full fledged company with many different products. Sidama gives me a boozy, gourmand-y and dark vibe and I am also familiar with Ugo now after reading the article last week of him growing up in the countryside of France and having woods/natural materials be a big part of his compositions. I liked CaFleureBon Profiles in American Perfumery on Facebook. Cheers from the USA.

  • AleksCipri says:

    This was such an interesting origin story. I love reading stories like this and it’s always amazing to see people pursuing their passion and being able to grow their vision over time. Huge congratulations on being one of the finalists in this year’s art and olfaction awards! I’m from Illinois, US.

  • It is amazing how we start off thinking we will be one thing and then life takes hold and something as small as a shaving kit for a gift can change everything. In maryland.

  • I always appreciate the stories behind the brands, especially all the wonderful indie brands we have been getting here in the states across the last several years. Chris’s story is a classic American dream type of tale. The man stumbled across a new passion for fragrance and grooming, started a small soap lab in his home, and then turned it into a full line of men’s grooming products. It just goes to show that if you pour your passion and heart into something, you can make it happen. Chris sounds like a heck of a cool guy, too. I could not agree more with his perspective on art and fragrance being a transformative experience. I use multiple fragrances multiple times each day because of the journey each on takes me on. SIDAMA certainly sounds like it would make a wonderful destination. I imagine the combination of coffee, rum, and iris might take me to a cool night on the wraparound porch of a plantation house in the deep south, or perhaps a smoking lounge/card room in a New Orleans pub. Either way, I’d be thrilled to visit. Best of luck to everyone. I live in NC, USA.

  • WillRhodes says:

    What an incredible journey that led to this creation. Sidama speaks of that journey and I think this fragrance has great depth and inspiration. It really sounds like a special fragrance, that from the notes alone, is right up my alley.

  • Eris.can.swatch.kaos says:

    I love how Chris is self-taught with a passion for self-care. To be successful doesn’t mean you need years of schooling. It’s inspiring to se his success. I liked Profiles in American Perfumery on FB. I live in Oregon.

  • What I loved the most about learning about Chris Christianson of Gentleman’s Nod, is that he seems artistic, humble an an entrepreneur, coming from a family of entrepreneurs. I really liked his quote about Hemingway, “In order to write about a life you first must live on.” I ordered a sample of SIDAMA, because of his memory of Ethiopian Coffee. I am in Canada

  • Chris Christiansen certainly had an interesting journey in perfume composition . It helps that he had a mother that supported his creativity. I love that he came to scent through his passion for shaving and men’s grooming, Gentlemen’s Nod sounds yummy with notes of coffee, rum and fruit. MD, USA.

  • AromaDulce73 says:

    I had the pleasure of meeting Chris at the Golden Pineapple Fragrance Awards. I was able to check out a few of his fragrances. Like Chris Drakkar Noir, Eternity and Ralph Lauren’s Polo Green were all a part of my collection growing up. I enjoyed reading about Chris’ journey into fragrances. I liked how he was inspired by his grandparents. One big takeaway for me, never underestimate the power of a dream.

    Los Angeles Ca. USA

  • carlos_lager says:

    Chris’ transition from despising shaving to turning it into a creative, passionate endeavor is really inspiring. His story shows how a simple gift can start a lifelong passion and lead to a successful business. I live in Austria (EU)

  • Weirdly, what most struck me was the wet shaving. Though I think the obsessive quality of that scene can be a bit much, switching to a Merkur safety razor over a decade ago was also a game-changer for me. I’m in Oklahoma, USA.

  • Dreams are so often an underutilized modality for personal growth and creative development, that I’m elated to hear Chris use it as a springboard for his passion. Even the venerated Alberto Morillas made it known in a past interview that he regularly used dreams as part of his creative process when working on a formula (often to the chagrin of his wife, lol). Fortunately, I can certainly relate with Chris’ early introduction to fragrances, as Drakkar Noir, Polo, Eternity AND Angel were also a part of mine. And with their relative potency back in the day, it’s no surprise that they left a lasting impression.

    Very much agree that this is a unique time for artisanal perfumery, with so many creators now being given the opportunity to showcase truly exceptional perfumes as mediocrity in the mass markets make way for individual exploration into the strange and wonderful. Now I’m no perfumer myself, but with my recent foray into the material sciences behind the art, I can absolutely appreciate the amount of work that goes into learning a new craft and navigating the minefields of cosmetic product development. There is no substitute for the drive necessary to succeed.

    A massive congrats for the AOA nomination as well! Incidentally, I’m also a very big fan of another perfume nominated in the same category – Des Cendres – so Sidama is in great company. Just like Nicolai’s recent Caravanserail Intense is Patricia’s fruity ode to arabic coffee along the desert trade routes, Sidama sounds like a wonderfully boozy take on the ethiopian variety. Ugo and Chris should be proud. And with GN’s collaboration with George (Zaharoff) – another creator I wholeheartedly support – the brand undoubtedly has a bright future ahead. Existential prose aside, what could be more inspiring than the success that comes with the realization of a dream?

  • I was introduced to perfumery by way of the wet shaving hobby, so I know of Gentleman’s Nod and own a few of their products, but didn’t know anything about Christiansen. It sounds like he started exploring wet shaving just a year or two after I did. Many perfume enthusiasts would enjoy would wet shaving; I hope a few people reading this blog give it a chance.

    I’ve noticed in many of these profiles the perfumers can remember scents from their childhood; in his case, dill in his great aunt’s garden, ocean breezes, baking Æbleskiver, and pipe smoke (the last of which tends to show up a lot in wet shaving scents). I also enjoyed reading about his early creative efforts, like his childhood video game project. Thanks for another interesting American Perfumery profile.

    I’m in the midwest, USA. I like CaFleureBon Profiles in American Perfumery on Facebook. Thanks for the giveaway!

  • It’s amazing what a gift can bring to a person. A ripple effect across one’s life! Well now I am quite curious about the shaving that isn’t horrible, all of my son’s complain about it. Sounds like it’s my turn to make a mother’s gift!
    Thank you for the opportunity to win, I am in California.

  • realtyisme says:

    Chris’ journey seems to have some great inspirations. From his mom, great-grandmother, grandfather, to his friends who attributed to what became his passion for shaving and fragrance products.
    The notes in SIDAMA are calling my name. They sound wonderful 🙂
    PA, USA

  • I have definitely gone through some of the phases Chris has in his perfume journey though not so much on the creative front. Really interesting to see how something that is seemingly just a shaving kit can be a catalyst for something so life changing. Really like some of the notes that I see in SIDMA and hope Chris the best in his journey.
    TX, USA.

  • khoifishy says:

    Interesting to see how his transition from the shaving industry to affecting fragrance and how open the field can be to upcoming American artists. Love the scent memories from his childhood influenced his artistic development.

  • I love that he came to perfumery by such a roundabout way but ultimately by looking for comfort and luxury through memories of family and home. A great story! I live in the USA.

  • oliviatworkowsky says:

    I think that everybody has a different path in their life, and I always find it so fastening to learn about other peoples paths to their passion. I really enjoyed reading the path to his perfumery passion! It truly is amazing How such a small part of your life can’t transform your life and help you find your passion, for him I loved the little notion that the shaving set completely set his perfumery path “ablaze” and helped him to find his true passion is amazing! People don’t realize how gifts and small things said can help someone find their passion!

    Commenting from Missouri in the USA

  • Sherin Thomas says:

    I loved the narrative of such an interesting story. I love reading stories like this and it’s always amazing to see people pursuing their passion and being able to grow their vision over time. Huge congratulations on being one of the finalists in this year’s art and olfaction awards! From PA, USA

  • Michael Prince says:

    I loved learning more about Chris Christiansen’s Path to Perfumery. I am a huge fan of his work and the brand. I own Sidama and it’s an absolute masterpiece. It’s a unique fragrance that is perfect for the colder weather. I am from the USA.