Best Paintings (May-June 2021 Spilled Perfume) + 9 Olfactive Art prizes


What are the best paintings in the world

Best Paintings Collage by Michelyn

 Public places are open in most parts of the world. While we still wear masks many of us who are art lovers have visited local museums.  Best paintings are diverse- from Renaissance masters to Abstract artists. Our favorite paintings are well known or obscure, portraits and landscapes Baroque to Surrealism win this month’s spilled perfume your task is to match the Editors and Contributors with one of their favorite Paintings

Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper

Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli

 Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.

Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud

Neringa Svobutaite, Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.

Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.

Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt

Olya Bar, Contributor:  Les Amants by Magritte

Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky

Ermano Picco, Editor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati

Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor,  Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi

Elise Pearlstine, Editor, Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo

Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor:  Irises, Van Gogh

Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief Salome by Henri Regnault

Great Italian Masters

Photo: Ermano  Raffaello, Caravaggio, Botticelli…

For our Best Paintings Draw Draw

 Worldwide Der Duft ACT

US, EU, UK and Australia Goldfield & Banks Silky Woods

US, EU, UK or Canada Lubin Eva

USA: EU, UK and Canada 50 ml Isabey Fleur Nocturne

USA. EU, UK 100 ml  M. Micallef Pomelos

 Worldwide: 50 ml bottle of Parfum d’Empire Acqua di Scandola

USA, EU, UK. 100 ml Kajal Dahab

Worldwide: Maher Olfactive Sun Soaked 100 ml

USA Only: 50 ml bottle of Grossmith London Phul-Nana EDP ($295)

If a reader matches our answers to our picks for best paintings, they automatically win three prizes they asked for (country restrictions) and if no one guesses correctly, the draw is TOTALLY random, which means YOU MAY NOT WIN WHAT YOU WROTE DOWN. Each entry must include the name of the editor or contributor and their famous first lines to be eligible and of course you must be a Registered CaFleureBon reader click here, and use your registered name. You can only enter once on the same IP. You can list as many as you want) Draw closes 7/10/21. Are you familiar with any of our choices? What would be your favorite painting?

Great Art is in the eye of the beholder: It should evoke or provoke. These are attributes that the best paintings share: uncompromisingly authentic, unselfconscious, daring, ambitious, enlightening, Unique, stimulating, thought-provoking and a feast for the senses.

This is our Privacy and Draw Rules Policy

We announce the winners only on site and on our Facebook page, so Like Cafleurebon and use our  Blog FEED…or your dream prize will be just spilled perfume

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  • Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: Les Amants by Magritte
    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Neringa Svobutaite: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.
    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Olya Bar, Contributor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Ermano Picco, Editor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor, Judith The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor, Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Irises, Van Gogh
    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief Salome by Henri Regnault

    My choices are:
    Grossmith London Phul-Nana EDP
    Goldfield & Banks Silky Woods
    Parfum d’Empire Acqua di Scandola

    I am in USA

  • Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: Les Amants by Magritte
    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Neringa Svobutaite: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Salome by Henri Regnault.
    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Olya Bar, Contributor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Ermano Picco, Editor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor, Judith The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor, Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Irises, Van Gogh
    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt
    My choices are:

    Goldfield & Banks Silky Woods
    Parfum d’Empire Acqua di Scandola
    100 ml Kajal Duwab
    I am in USA
    I only knew Van Gogh Irises sadly. My favorite painting is Claude Monet Waterlilies

  • Brad Woolslayer says:

    Sherri Sebastian Contributing Editor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov
    Marianne Butler Senior Contributor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Steven Gavrielatos Video Journalist Contributor: Irises, Van Gogh
    Emmanuelle Varron Sr Contributor: Les Amants by Magritte
    Neringa Svobutaite: “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Sandi Lundberg Associate Contributor: Salome by Henri Regnault
    Ida Meister Deputy Editor: Sky Blue by Wassily Kandinsky
    Olya Bar Contributor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Despina Veneti Sr. Editor: Judith Beheading Hohofernes, Artemesia Gentileschi
    Ermano Picco Editor: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varro
    Lauren Beer Sr. Editor: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael
    Elise Pearlstine Editor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Nicoleta Tomsa Editor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt
    Michelyn Camen Editor in Chief: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    I would love to win Parfum d’ Empire Acqua di Scandola, Der Duft ACT, and Goldfield and Banks Silky Woods. I live in Maryland USA.

  • Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: Irises, Van Gogh
    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt
    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Neringa Svobutaite. The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.
    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Olya Bar, Contributor: Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    Ermano Picco, Editor: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor, Les Amants by Magritte
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor, Salome by Henri Regnault
    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief “Raja” by Felice Casorati

    The Storm on the Sea of Galilee by Rembrandt is stunning and is one of my favorites.
    Would love to win:
    Grossmith London Phul-Nana
    Kajal Dahab (I think it’s misspelled in the list of fragrances above)
    Goldfield & Banks Silky Woods
    VA, USA

  • Some day I will know enough about the wonderful editors and staff at Cafleurebon to have some hope with these drawings. Here is my selection:

    Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael
    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper.
    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Neringa Svobutaite, The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.
    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.
    Olya Bar, Contributor: Les Amants by Magritte
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    Ermano Picco, Editor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor, Salome by Henri Regnault
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor, Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Irises, Van Gogh
    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi

    For the draw, I’d like to win, in decreasing order of preference:
    1. 50 ml bottle of Grossmith London Phul-Nana EDP
    2. 100 ml Kajal Duwab
    3. Maher Olfactive Sun Soaked 100 ml
    4. 100 ml M. Micallef Pomelos
    5. 50 ml bottle of Parfum d’Empire Acqua di Scandola
    6. Der Duft ACT
    7. Goldfield & Banks Silky Woods
    8. 50 ml Isabey Fleur Nocturne
    9. Lubin Eva
    Not familiar with some listed painters, but my favorites are impressionists, some classical painters such as Titian, Botticelli, and of course de Vinci and Michelangelo, surrealists (Max Ernst, for example). A favorite painting is The Elder Sister by William-Adolphe Bouguereau. I am in the USA. Thanks for the draw.

  • Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.“

    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt

    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: Salome by Henri Regnault.

    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Sleeping by Lucien Freud

    Neringa Svobutaite, Les Amants by Magritte

    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli

    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: Intermission” by Edward Hopper

    Olya Bar, Contributor: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.

    Ermano Picco, Editor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati

    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor, Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi

    Elise Pearlstine, Editor, Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky

    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael
    Michelyn Came: irises, Van Gogh

    I would happily take any of the gifts

    Worldwide Der Duft ACT

    US, EU, UK and Australia Goldfield & Banks Silky Woods

    US, EU, UK or Canada Lubin Eva

    USA: EU, UK and Canada 50 ml Isabey Fleur Nocturne

    USA. EU, UK 100 ml M. Micallef Pomelos

    Worldwide: 50 ml bottle of Parfum d’Empire Acqua di Scandola

    USA, EU, UK. 100 ml Kajal Duwab

    Worldwide: Maher Olfactive Sun Soaked 100 ml

    USA Only: 50 ml bottle of Grossmith London
    I have always,love the dance by Matisse

  • I’m looking forward to visiting museums in a post-pandemic world. My guesses are as follows:

    Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: Salome by Henri Regnault
    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt
     Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Neringa Svobutaite, Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Olya Bar, Contributor: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.
    Ermano Picco, Editor:  Les Amants by Magritte
    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor, Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor, The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief Irises, Van Gogh

    I would love to win any of the following: der Duft ACT, G&B Silky Woods, Lubin Eva, Isabey Fleur Nocturne, M. Micallef Pomelos, Pd’E Acquaint di Scandola, Kajal Dalahb, Maher Olfactive Sun Soaked, Grossmith London Phil-Nana.

    A favorite painting is impossible to pick but I like the Surrealists. I’ll go with The Lovers by Magritte.

    I’m in MD, USA.

  • Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: Les Amants by Magritte
    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.
    Neringa Svobutaite: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.
    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Olya Bar, Contributor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Ermano Picco, Editor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor, Judith The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor, Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Irises, Van Gogh
    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief Salome by Henri Regnault

    My choices are:
    Grossmith London Phul-Nana EDP
    Goldfield & Banks Silky Woods
    Parfum d’Empire Acqua di Scandola
    USA, EU, UK. 100 ml Kajal Dahab

    I am in the USA
    Jackson Pollack Ocean Greyness is my favorite painting and from your answers Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky

  • Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    Neringa Svobutaite: Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Salome by Henri Regnault
    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Olya Bar, Contributor: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael
    Ermano Picco, Editor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: Les Amants by Magritte
    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt
    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief: Irises, Van Gogh

    Some of your choices i know:
    The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael
    The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Les Amants by Magritte
    Irises, Van Gogh

    My picks would be
    Goldfield & Banks Silky Woods
    Kajal Dahab
    Maher Olfactive Sun Soaked

    Favorite painting – Van Gogh Starry Night
    Thanks for the draw
    USA, and Germany from time to time

  • AleksCipri says:

    These kind of posts are so much fun but also completely impossible to be done completely correctly. But lets try to guess:
    Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
     Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: Salome by Henri Regnault
    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.
    Neringa Svobutaite, Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Irises, Van Gogh
    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Olya Bar, Contributor:  The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: enefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Ermano Picco, Editor:“Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor,  : “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor, The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.
    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor:  Les Amants by Magritte
    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief : Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.

    These are amazing paintings I must agree. My favorite one from these is the famous The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt, but I also love Klimt a lot.
    My fragrances picks are (I’m in Illinois, US):
    1.Goldfield & Banks Silky Woods
    2. Isabey Fleur Nocturne
    3. Der Duft ACT
    4.Lubin Eva
    5. Kajal Dahab
    6.Grossmith London Phul-Nana EDP ($295)
    7.M. Micallef Pomelos
    8. Maher Olfactive Sun Soaked

  • Cynthia F. says:

    I appreciate the generous giveaways on your blog! I’m new to reading it but I’ll give it a shot:

    Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: Salome by Henri Regnault
    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Despina Veneti,Sr. Editor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Les Amants by Magritte
    Neringa Svobutaite:Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov
    Olya Bar, Contributor: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Ermano Picco, Editor: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael
    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor,: Irises, Van Gogh
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt
    I would love to win: Lubin “Eva,” Goldfield and Banks “Silky Woods,” and Kajal “Dahab.”
    I’ve always loved the work of the painter Leon Bakst who did set and costume design for the Ballet Russe. One of my favorites is Nijinsky’s faun costume: “L’Apres Midi d’un Faune.”
    TX, USA

  • Fun idea! Greetings from NC, USA.

    Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Les Amants by Magritte
    Neringa Svobutaite: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt
    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper.
    Olya Bar, Contributor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    Ermano Picco, Editor: Salome by Henri Regnault
    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.
    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Irises, Van Gogh
    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi

    I regret to say I am only familiar with the Klimt, Judith Beheading Holofernes, and Irises. Of these… Judith is no doubt my favorite! One of my favorite paintings ever.

    My choices, in order:
    1. Goldfield & Banks Silky Woods
    2. Grossmith London Phul-Nana EDP
    3. Isabey Fleur Nocturne

  • ElenaChiss says:

    Sherri Sebastian: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.
    Marianne Butler: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Steven Gavrielatos: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Ida Meister: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.
    Emmanuelle Varron: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Neringa Svobutaite: Salome by Henri Regnaul
    Sandi Lundberg: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Olya Bar: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt
    Despina Veneti: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    Ermano Picco: Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Lauryn Beer: “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Elise Pearlstine: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Nicoleta Tomsa: Irises, Van Gogh
    Michelyn Camen: Les Amants by Magritte

    A very nice draw! This is fun! If I were to win, I would go for the Kajal Dahab, Lubin Eva, Isabey Fleur Nocturne.

    I am in EU

  • Sherri Sebastian: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Marianne Butler: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov
    Steven Gavrielatos: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Ida Meister: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.
    Emmanuelle Varron: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Neringa Svobutaite: Salome by Henri Regnaul
    Sandi Lundberg: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt
    Olya Bar: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Despina Veneti: Irises, Van Gogh
    Ermano Picco: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Lauryn Beer: “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Elise Pearlstine: Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Nicoleta Tomsa: Les Amants by Magritte
    Michelyn Camen: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky

    I really like the work of Rene Magritte, altough I can’t say that I have a favorite as it’s difficult to choose only one from so many different great paitings!
    I am in Europe so I will go with either Pomelos from M.Micallef or Dahab from Kajal. Thank you!

  • Sherri Sebastian: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael
    Marianne Butler: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov
    Steven Gavrielatos: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Ida Meister: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Emmanuelle Varron: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Neringa Svobutaite: Salome by Henri Regnaul
    Sandi Lundberg: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt
    Olya Bar: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Despina Veneti: Les Amants by Magritte
    Ermano Picco: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Lauryn Beer: “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Elise Pearlstine: Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Nicoleta Tomsa: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    Michelyn Camen: Irises, Van Gogh

    I am a fan of everything that has been influenced by the School of Florence, with Sandro Botticelli’s paintings being my favorite. Perhaps his Birth of Venus is his most known work and also a favorite of mine.

    I am in Europe and from the list, I am very curious about Act, Eva and Dahab. Many thanks!

  • debbsch1194 says:

    Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt
    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Salome by Henri Regnault.
    Neringa Svobutaite, Les Amants by Magritte
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.
    Olya Bar, Contributor:  Juudith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov
    Ermano Picco, Editor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor, Irises, Van Gogh.
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor, Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper

    I want to win
    -Der Duft Act
    -Maher sun soaked
    -Aqua di sacándola

    Thank you. Mexico

  • Sherri Sebastian: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov
    Marianne Butler: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Steven Gavrielatos: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael
    Ida Meister: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt
    Emmanuelle Varron: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Neringa Svobutaite: Salome by Henri Regnaul
    Sandi Lundberg: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Olya Bar: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Despina Veneti: Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Ermano Picco: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Lauryn Beer: Irises, Van Gogh
    Elise Pearlstine: Les Amants by Magritte
    Nicoleta Tomsa: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    Michelyn Camen: “Raja” by Felice Casorati

    I am sure I haven’t guessed a single one lol, but being in Europe, I still go with Dahab and Eva. Thanks!

  • Fun! I hope to learn more about the editors, staff, & contributors who make up this lovely community! In the mean time, here are my guesses:

    Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: Les Amants by Magritte

    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: Intermission” by Edward Hopper

    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo

    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Salome by Henri Regnault

    Neringa Svobutaite: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt

    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky

    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: Irises, Van Gogh

    Olya Bar, Contributor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati

    Ermano Picco, Editor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli

    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud

    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.

    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi

    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.

    My fragrance choices:
    Der Duft ACT
    Isabey Fleur Nocturne
    M. Micallef Pomelos
    Any perfume would be great! ❤️

    Thank you for this opportunity! I live in the USA

  • Rachel Part 2
    I forgot to say: yes, I am familiar with several of these lovely paintings! My favorite (this week) is a Chinese Ming dynasty by Lan Ying called Hermit Fisherman on a Spring River. Thank you!

  • Sherri Sebastian-Sky Blue by Wassily Kandinsky ;Marriane Butler-Salome by Henri Regnault ; Steven Gavrielatos-Irises by Van Gogh ; Emmanuelle Varron-Bordando el manto terrestre by Remedios Varo ; Neringa Svobutaite-Artemisia Gentileschi ; Sandi Lundberg-Les Amants by Magritte ;Ida Meister-Raja by Felice Casorati ; Ermano Picco-Benefits Supervisor Sleeping byLucien Freud ; Laurin Beer-Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov ; Elise Pearlstine-The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli ; Nicoleta Tomsa-The Storm on the Sea of Galilee by Rembrandt ; Michelyn Carmen-Intermission by Edward Hopper.I hope I matched at least one of their answers,My favourite painting is The Garden of Earthly Delights by Hieronymus Bosch , wich i saw two years ago in Prado, and if i’m lucky to win my preferences are-Kajal Dahab,Silky Woods,Lubin Eva,Sun Soaked,Fleur Nocturne,Der Duft Act,M Micallef Pomelos,Aqua di Scandola. Thanks for this supergenerous draw, from EU!

  • Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: Salome by Henri Regnault
    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.
    Neringa Svobutaite, Les Amants by Magritte
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.
    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.
    Olya Bar, Contributor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Irises, Van Gogh
    Ermano Picco, Editor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor, The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor, Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo

    I would like to win :

    Der Duft ACT
    Kajal Dahab
    Parfum d’Empire Acqua di Scandola

    Living in the EU

  • Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper

    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli

    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.

    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud

    Neringa Svobutaite, Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.

    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.

    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt

    Olya Bar, Contributor: Les Amants by Magritte

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky

    Ermano Picco, Editor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati

    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor, Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi

    Elise Pearlstine, Editor, Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo

    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Irises, Van Gogh

    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief Salome by Henri Regnault
    If I am lucky to win I would love to win Kajal Dahab, M Micallef Pomelos and Maher olfactive sun soaked. Art is not my strongest point I am not familiar with these paintings. Thanks a million from the United Kingdom

  • aurora_ru says:

    Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael
    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Neringa Svobutaite: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Olya Bar, Contributor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Irises, Van Gogh
    Ermano Picco, Editor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: Les Amants by Magritte
    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief: Salome by Henri Regnault

    Interesting choices, will be interesting to find out the right answers. For me it is very difficult to choose one favorite painting, because I love a lot, but let’s say it would be something from Kazimir Malevich.

    I live in the EU and would love to win:
    – Parfum d’Empire Acqua di Scandola
    – Lubin Eva
    – Der Duft ACT
    – Goldfield & Banks Silky Woods
    – Kajal Dahab
    – M. Micallef Pomelos
    – Isabey Fleur Nocturne
    Thank you!

  • Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper

    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli

    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.

    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud

    Neringa Svobutaite, Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.

    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.

    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt

    Olya Bar, Contributor: Les Amants by Magritte

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky

    Ermano Picco, Editor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati

    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor, Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi

    Elise Pearlstine, Editor, Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo

    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Irises, Van Gogh

    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief Salome by Henri Regnault If I am successful I would love to win Maher olfactive sun soaked, Isabey fleur nocturne and Kajal Dahab. My favourite painting is The scream edvard munch. Thanks a lot from the UK

  • Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: Les Amants by Magritte
    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Neringa Svobutaite: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Irises, Van Gogh
    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Olya Bar, Contributor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Ermano Picco, Editor: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael
    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.
    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief : Salome by Henri Regnault

    My choices are:
    Parfum d’Empire Acqua di Scandola
    Kajal Duwab
    Maher Olfactive Sun Soaked

    My favorite painter of the list is Artemisia Gentileschi, the most highly regarded of women artists in Baroque. I had the chance to see an exhibition of her work in the National Gallery of London: amazing! Unfortunately in Spain, in Museo del Prado we have only one superb painting “The Birth of Saint John the Baptist”. I live in Spain, EU

  • JulietteC says:

    My guess …

    *Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky

    *Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.

    *Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo

    *Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov

    *Neringa Svobutaite, Les Amants by Magritte

    *Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Intermission” by Edward Hopper

    *Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud

    *Olya Bar, Contributor: Salome by Henri Regnault

    *Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Irises, Van Gogh

    *Ermano Picco, Editor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt

    *Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor – The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli

    *Elise Pearlstine, Editor – The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.

    *Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi

    *Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief: “Raja” by Felice Casorati

    And my own pick regarding paintings is The Cradle by Berthe Morisot. I am only familiar with 2 of your choices, Les Amants by Magritte and Irises, Van Gogh.

    I would choose, if I am lucky & inspired to win, any of these:

    1) Isabey Fleur Nocturne
    2) Lubin Eva
    3) Goldfield & Banks Silky Woods

    Thank you for the chance!

  • JulietteC says:

    My guess …

    *Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky

    *Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.

    *Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo

    *Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov

    *Neringa Svobutaite, Les Amants by Magritte

    *Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Intermission” by Edward Hopper

    *Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud

    *Olya Bar, Contributor: Salome by Henri Regnault

    *Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Irises, Van Gogh

    *Ermano Picco, Editor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt

    *Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor – The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli

    *Elise Pearlstine, Editor – The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.

    *Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi

    *Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief: “Raja” by Felice Casorati

    And my own pick regarding paintings is The Cradle by Berthe Morisot. I am only familiar with 2 of your choices, Les Amants by Magritte and Irises, Van Gogh.

    I would choose, if I am lucky & inspired to win, any of these:

    1) Isabey Fleur Nocturne
    2) Lubin Eva
    3) Goldfield & Banks Silky Woods

    Thank you for the chance! I live in EU, please delete my other comment because I forget to add where I live.

  • kramerongo says:

    Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael
    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper.
    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Neringa Svobutaite, The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.
    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.
    Olya Bar, Contributor: Les Amants by Magritte
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    Ermano Picco, Editor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor, Salome by Henri Regnault
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor, Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Irises, Van Gogh
    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi

    For the draw I like to win

    1: Parfum d’Empire Acqua di Scandola
    2: Grossmith London Phul-Nana EDP

    Only two bottle I like:)

    I am in Sweden EU and CA USA

  • Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.“

    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt

    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: Salome by Henri Regnault.

    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Sleeping by Lucien Freud

    Neringa Svobutaite, Les Amants by Magritte

    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli

    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: Intermission” by Edward Hopper

    Olya Bar, Contributor: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.

    Ermano Picco, Editor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati

    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor, Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi

    Elise Pearlstine, Editor, Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky

    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael
    Michelyn Came: irises, Van Gogh

    I would love to win ,
    Goldfield & Banks Silky Woods.

    50 ml bottle of Parfum d’Empire Acqua di Scandola

    Kajal Dahab

    Maher Olfactive Sun Soaked 🙂

    I live in Israel but also have my home in Ireland too 🙂

  • Sherri Sebastian: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Marianne Butler: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt
    Steven Gavrielatos: Les Amants by Magritte
    Emmanuelle Varron: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov
    Neringa Svobutaite: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Sandi Lundberg: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Ida Meister: Irises, Van Gogh
    Olya Bar: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael
    Despina Veneti: Salome by Henri Regnault
    Ermano Picco: Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Lauryn Beer: “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Elise Pearlstine: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Nicoleta Tomsa: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Michelyn Camen: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    I also enjoy Iris by Van Gogh. If lucky, I’d choose: Phul-Nana, Pomelos, Dahab, Eva, Fleur Nocturne, Silky Woods, Act, Sun Soaked, Acqua di Scandola. Thanks for another great article and generous draw! Mich USA

  • Bernadine says:

    Guessing games fun
    Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor:The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: Les Amants by Magritte
    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.
    Neringa Svobutaite: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.
    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor:Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Olya Bar, Contributor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Ermano Picco, Editor: Judith The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.
    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor, “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor, Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Irises, Van Gogh
    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief Salome by Henri Regnault

    The Sistine chapel would be my choice of beauty

    My choices are:
    Goldfield & Banks Silky Woods
    Parfum d’Empire Acqua di Scandola
    Kajal Dahab

    I am in the EU

  • Julesinrose says:

    Nice to see these paintings. I have a huge urge to hop on a plane to get myself to a good art museum. I am familiar with all these paintings, as I had to have been having gone to art school in NYC. If I had to choose a favorite I would waver between an early Renaissance portrait or a Rothko.

    My guesses are totally randomly generated. There’s no way I am going to get this right anyway, lol:

    Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi

    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli

    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.

    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud

    Neringa Svobutaite, Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.

    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.

    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt

    Olya Bar, Contributor: Raja” by Felice Casorati

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky

    Ermano Picco, Editor: Les Amants by Magritte

    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor, “Intermission” by Edward Hopper

    Elise Pearlstine, Editor, Irises, Van Gogh

    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo

    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief Salome by Henri Regnault

    I would be delighted to win any of the perfumes! In the US

  • Ohhh these are so so tricky! But I will give it a go, cuz why not!

    Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: Les Amants by Magritte

    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud

    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.

    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky

    Neringa Svobutaite, The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.

    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati

    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: Irises, Van Gogh

    Olya Bar, Contributor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi

    Ermano Picco, Editor: Salome by Henri Regnault

    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor, The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt

    Elise Pearlstine, Editor, The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli

    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo

    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.

    Thank you – from Canada!

    My choices are:
    1. Lubin Eva
    2. Maher Olfactive Sun Soaked
    3. Der Duft ACT

  • redwheelbarrow says:

    Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.
    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.
    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: Salome by Henri Regnault
    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Les Amants by Magritte
    Neringa Svobutait: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Olya Bar, Contributor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Ermano Picco, Editor: Irises, Van Gogh
    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Michelyn Camen: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov

    Were I incredibly lucky I’d chose Kajal Dahab, Der Duft Act, and Maher Olfactive Sun Soaked. Thank you for the draw, from the US

  • Andreea Elena Timofte says:

    Sherri Sebastian Contributing Editor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov
    Marianne Butler Senior Contributor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Steven Gavrielatos Video Journalist Contributor: Irises, Van Gogh
    Emmanuelle Varron Sr Contributor: Les Amants by Magritte
    Neringa Svobutaite: “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Sandi Lundberg Associate Contributor: Salome by Henri Regnault
    Ida Meister Deputy Editor: Sky Blue by Wassily Kandinsky
    Olya Bar Contributor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Despina Veneti Sr. Editor: Judith Beheading Hohofernes, Artemesia Gentileschi
    Ermano Picco Editor: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varro
    Lauren Beer Sr. Editor: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael
    Elise Pearlstine Editor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Nicoleta Tomsa Editor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt
    Michelyn Camen Editor in Chief: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud.

    100 ml Kajal Dahab, 100 ml M. Micallef Pomelos, 50 ml Isabey Fleur Nocturne I WOULD LOVE TO WIN.
    I am not familiar with your choices, I don’t have a favorite paiting.
    I live in London, UK.

  • Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: Les Amants by Magritte
    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Judith The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.
    Neringa Svobutaite: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Salome by Henri Regnault.
    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Olya Bar, Contributor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Ermano Picco, Editor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor, The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor, The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Irises, Van Gogh
    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt

    My choices are:
    Parfum d’Empire Acqua di Scandola
    Kajal Dahab
    Maher – Sun Soaked

    Living in Germany, EU

  • DulciusExAsperis says:

    So excited to see MY favorite painting listed: Judith Beheading Holofernes by Gentileschi! I first learned about this painting in college and became fascinated with it. Good choice!

    Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.
    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Les Amants by Magritte
    Neringa Svobutaite, The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: The Annunciation – Crivelli
    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.
    Olya Bar, Contributor: Irises, Van Gogh
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Ermano Picco, Editor: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor – Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor, “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Salome by Henri Regnault
    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief Judith Beheading Holofernes – Gentileschi

    I’d love to win:
    Fleur Nocturne
    Lubin Eva
    Sun Soaked
    I’m in USA!

  • Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: Salome by Henri Regnault
    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael
    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt
    Neringa Svobutaite: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: Irises, Van Gogh
    Olya Bar, Contributor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Ermano Picco, Editor: Les Amants by Magritte
    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor:“Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor:Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli

    I would like Der Duft ACT, Sun Soaked, or Lubin Eva!

    Thank you from Canada!

  • WaltherP99 says:

    Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov
    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    Neringa Svobutaite: Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Salome by Henri Regnault
    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Olya Bar, Contributor: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Irises, Van Gogh
    Ermano Picco, Editor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: Les Amants by Magritte
    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt
    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael

    I’d like to win one of
    1.Kajal Dahab
    2.Goldfield & Banks Silky Woods
    3.Maher Olfactive Sun Soaked

    Everybody knows Irises, Van Gogh , I also know
    The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael

    La Gioconda by Leonardo da Vinci is my favorite painting.
    Thanks a lot

  • Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: Irises, Van Gogh
    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting, Rembrandt
    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Les Amants by Magritte
    Neringa Svobutaite: Raja by Felice Casorati
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Intermission by Edward Hopper
    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael
    Olya Bar, Contributor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Ermano Picco, Editor: Salome by Henri Regnault
    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Elise Pearlstine, Edito: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt

    My choices are Goldfield & Banks Silky Woods, Kajal Dahab & Der Duft ACT.

    Greetings from the UK!

  • Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky

    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: : “Raja” by Felice Casorati

     Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: Les Amants by Magritte

    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt

    Neringa Svobutaite, Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.

    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi

    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo

    Olya Bar, Contributor:   Irises, Van Gogh

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Salome by Henri Regnault

    Ermano Picco, Editor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.

    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor, Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud

    Elise Pearlstine, Editor, The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.

    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor:  “Intermission” by Edward Hopper

    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli

    I would choose:
    – Goldfield & Banks Silky Woods
    – M. Micallef Pomelos
    – Der Duft ACT


  • My guesses are:
    Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.
    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: Irises, Van Gogh
    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Neringa Svobutaite: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.
    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Olya Bar, Contributor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Ermano Picco, Editor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor: Judith The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: Salome by Henri Regnault
    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Les Amants by Magritte
    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo

    My favourite painting is Les Amants by Magritte.

    Would love to win:
    Silky Woods by Goldfield & Banks
    Pomelos by M.Micallef
    Eva by Lubin
    Sun Soaked by Maher Oflactive

    Thanks for a fun game and the opportunity to win wonderful concoctions.

    Greetings from Slovenia.

  • I will guess as follows:
    Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.

    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky

    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: Salome by Henri Regnault.

    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Sleeping by Lucien Freud

    Neringa Svobutaite, Les Amants by Magritte

    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli

    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt

    Olya Bar, Contributor: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael

    Ermano Picco, Editor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati

    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor, Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi

    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: Intermission by Edward Hopper

    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov

    Michelyn Camen: irises, Van Gogh

    My picks would be:
    1. Isabey Fleur Nocturne
    2. Kajal Dahab
    3. M. Micallef Pomelos
    4. Goldfield and Banks – Silky Woods
    5. Der Duft Act

    I am familiar with the great classics of painting, but in no way a connoisseur, so I was happy to discover many great artists from this article.
    I don’t really have a favorite painting, but I like Monet’s style and the soft hues he uses in his nature paintings.
    I am in the EU.

  • Laurentiu says:

    Sherri Sebastian: Irises, Van Gogh
    Marianne Butler: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    Steven Gavrielatos: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Ida Meister: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Emmanuelle Varron: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Neringa Svobutaite: Salome by Henri Regnaul
    Sandi Lundberg: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt
    Olya Bar: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Despina Veneti: Les Amants by Magritte
    Ermano Picco: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Lauryn Beer: “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Elise Pearlstine: Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Nicoleta Tomsa: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov
    Michelyn Camen: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael

    I am curious about Eva and Dahab. Thanks! Europe

  • phoenixad says:

    Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: Salome by Henri Regnault
    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: Irises, Van Gogh
    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor:Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Neringa Svobutaite: “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: Les Amants by Magritte
    Olya Bar, Contributor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.
    Ermano Picco, Editor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.
    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud.
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.
    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper

    Thanks for the giveaway. I am in EU.
    My choices are:
    100 ml Kajal Dahab
    50 ml bottle of Parfum d’Empire Acqua di Scandola
    Goldfield & Banks Silky Woods

  • -Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.
    -Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    -Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    -Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Salome by Henri Regnault
    -Neringa Svobutaite, Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    -Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    -Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: Les Amants by Magritte
    -Olya Bar, Contributor:  Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    -Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    -Ermano Picco, Editor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    -Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor,  The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.
    -Elise Pearlstine, Editor, Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    -Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor:  Irises, Van Gogh
    -Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.

    One of my favorite paintings is Swans reflecting elphants by Salvador Dali.

    I would love to win:
    1- Der Duft Act
    2-Maher Olfactive Sun Soaked
    3-Kajal Dahab
    4-Parfum d’Empire Acqua di Scandola

    Best regards from Mexico!

  • Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.
    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: Salome by Henri Regnault
    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Neringa Svobutaite: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Irises, Van Gogh
    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Olya Bar, Contributor: Les Amants by Magritte
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Ermano Picco, Editor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Judith The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.
    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.
    1) Grossmith London Phul-Nana EDP
    2) Der Duft ACT
    3) 50 ml bottle of Parfum d’Empire Acqua di ScandolaA

  • Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.
    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Neringa Svobutaite, Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: Salome by Henri Regnault
    Olya Bar, Contributor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Ermano Picco, Editor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor, “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor, Irises, Van Gogh
    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.
    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief Les Amants by Magritte

    My choices are:
    Goldfield & Banks Silky Woods
    Maher Olfactive Sun Soaked
    Der Duft ACT

    I live in the EU and my favorite painting is Fireside Angel by Max Ernst.

  • Amanda32828 says:

    Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.
    Neringa Svobutaite, Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.
    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: Les Amants by Magritte
    Olya Bar, Contributor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Ermano Picco, Editor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor, Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor, Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Salome by Henri Regnault
    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief Irises, Van Gogh
    My top three choices are:
    M. Micallef Pomelos
    Kajal Dahab
    Grossmith London Phul-Nana EDP
    I hope I win, commenting from Orlando, Florida USA.

  • Dubaiscents says:

    Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: Salome by Henri Regnault
    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt
    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Neringa Svobutaite, Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Olya Bar, Contributor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.
    Ermano Picco, Editor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor, Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor, Les Amants by Magritte
    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief Irises, Van Gogh

    I would love to win any of the following: Isabey Fleur Nocturne, Maher Olfactive Sun Soaked, Grossmith London Phil-Nana.

    My favorite painting is the Courtesan (after Eisen) by Van Gogh.

  • Sorohan Adriana says:

    Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: Les Amants by Magritte
    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Neringa Svobutaite: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.
    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Olya Bar, Contributor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Ermano Picco, Editor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor, Judith The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor, Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Irises, Van Gogh
    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief Salome by Henri Regnault

    My choices are:
    Isabey Fleur Nocturne
    and Maher Olfactive Sun Soaked
    I am from Eu Bucharest Romania Europe

  • IvanVelikov says:

    Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: Irises, Van Gogh
    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov
    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael
    Neringa Svobutaite: Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Salome by Henri Regnault
    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Olya Bar, Contributor: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Ermano Picco, Editor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: Les Amants by Magritte
    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt
    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky

    If lucky i would like to win one of
    *Kajal Dahab
    *Goldfield & Banks Silky Woods
    *Maher Olfactive Sun Soaked

    Irises, Van Gogh and The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli are the two paintings I’ve seen before

    The Last Supper Leonardo da Vinci is my favorite painting.
    Thank you all for sharing your favorite paintings
    USA , rarely Paris France

  • Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt“

    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli

    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.

    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud

    Neringa Svobutaite, Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi.

    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Raja” by Felice Casorati

    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt

    Olya Bar, Contributor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky

    Ermano Picco, Editor: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo “

    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor, Irises, Van Gogh

    Elise Pearlstine, Editor, Salome by Henri Regnault

    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Intermission” by Edward Hopper

    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief Les Amants by Magritte
    Should i guess I’ d like to ein Der duftAct, Silky woods, Acqua di Scandola, Kajal Dahab.

    As for my favourite painting, hmm, maybe Annunciation by Leonardo. Or portraitnof Dira Maar by Picasso, or Yves Klein Blue or…
    I’m in EU

  • Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: Les Amants by Magritte
    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.
    Neringa Svobutaite: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.
    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor:Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Olya Bar, Contributor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Ermano Picco, Editor: Judith The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.
    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor, “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor, Irises, Van Gogh
    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief Salome by Henri Regnault

    Worldwide Der Duft ACT

    US, EU, UK and Australia Goldfield & Banks Silky Woods

    US, EU, UK or Canada Lubin Eva

    USA: EU, UK and Canada 50 ml Isabey Fleur Nocturne

    USA. EU, UK 100 ml M. Micallef Pomelos

    Worldwide: 50 ml bottle of Parfum d’Empire Acqua di Scandola

    USA, EU, UK. 100 ml Kajal Dahab

    Worldwide: Maher Olfactive Sun Soaked 100 ml

    My favorite painting is La Danse by Magritte

  • Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper

    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli

    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.

    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud

    Neringa Svobutaite, Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.

    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.

    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt

    Olya Bar, Contributor: Les Amants by Magritte

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky

    Ermano Picco, Editor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati

    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor, Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi

    Elise Pearlstine, Editor, Irises, Van Gogh

    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo

    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief Salome by Henri Regnault

    Australia so I would like any of the worldwide
    Act, Sun Soaked, Acqua di Scandola
    favorite painting The Pioneer by Frederick McCubbin

  • I love Irises by Van Gogh! Gorgeous painting! <3 Here's my best guess! If I won, then I would choose POMELOS, ACQUA DI SCANDOLA and SILKY WOODS. I'm crossing my fingers!!!
    I live in the USA

    Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.
    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
     Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Neringa Svobutaite, Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.
    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Olya Bar, Contributor:  Les Amants by Magritte
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    Ermano Picco, Editor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor,  Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor, Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Salome by Henri Regnault
    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief : Irises, Van Gogh

  • Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: Les Amants by Magritte
    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Neringa Svobutaite, The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov
    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Olya Bar, Contributor: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.
    Ermano Picco, Editor: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor, Irises, Van Gogh
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor, “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Salome by Henri Regnault
    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky

    I love classic art, so obviously, I have seen some of the paintings. Vincent Van Gogh is my favorite artist whose legacy is so rich that it makes it hard to choose a fave. If i had to single one of his works out, it would probably be the Sower or Wheat Field with Crows, both are truly magnificent.
    My choices are:
    Worldwide Der Duft ACT
    Worldwide: 50 ml bottle of Parfum d’Empire Acqua di Scandola
    Worldwide: Maher Olfactive Sun Soaked 100 ml
    I live in Russia

  • Trinity33 says:

    What a fun contest! Here are my guesses:

    Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.
    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.
     Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Neringa Svobutaite: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: Salome by Henri Regnault
    Olya Bar, Contributor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Irises, Van Gogh
    Ermano Picco, Editor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt
    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor: Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi

    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief : Les Amants by Magritte

    I would be delighted to win any fragrance for which I’m eligible: Der Duft ACT, Goldfield & Banks Silky Woods, Lubin Eva, Isabey Fleur Nocturne,
    M. Micallef Pomelos, Parfum d’Empire Acqua di Scandola, Kajal Duhab, Maher Olfactive Sun Soaked , Grossmith London Phul-Nana

    I’m partial to Abstract art. I’ll pick Helen Frankenthaler’s Mountains and Sea.

  • wandering_nose says:

    Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt
    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: Salome by Henri Regnault
    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Neringa Svobutaite: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael
    Olya Bar, Contributor: Irises, Van Gogh
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Les Amants by Magritte
    Ermano Picco, Editor: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky

    My choices would be:
    1. Goldfield & Banks Silky Woods
    2. Kajal Dahab
    3. Der Duft ACT

    My favorite painting is Gustav Klimt’s “The Kiss”.
    Big thanks from Ireland, EU

  • fleurdetilleul says:

    Impossible to guess, but fun to try… 😀
    Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: Salome by Henri Regnault
    Despina Veneti,Sr. Editor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Les Amants by Magritte
    Neringa Svobutaite:Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov
    Olya Bar, Contributor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt
    Ermano Picco, Editor: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael
    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor,: Irises, Van Gogh
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo

    I love the visual arts and sometimes I paint too. Among your choices, my favourite style is to be found in Salome by Henri Regnault, but I also enjoy abstract such as Kandinsky (Sky Blue is very beautiful). I will dare to suggest everyone check out Nicolae Grigorescu too, he’s my favourite Romanian painter and a genius, painting from a very young age and graduating from École des Beaux-Arts before Pierre-Auguste Renoir who was his colleague.

    I’m from the EU and I’d like to enter for the Isabey Fleur Nocturne, Goldfield & Banks Silky Woods, Lubin Eva and Maher Olfactive Sun Soaked. Thank you!

  • Fragrance Capital says:

    Very nice idea! You mix the essence of fragrances with the mysterious beauty of the art and the favorites of Cafleurebon’s editors. I must say that, I can not correctly answer all of them but let’s try 🙂
    Sherri Sebastian: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Marianne Butler: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Steven Gavrielatos: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.
    Emmanuelle Varron: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Neringa Svobutaite, Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.
    Sandi Lundberg: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.
    Ida Meister: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Olya Bar, Contributor: Les Amants by Magritte
    Despina Veneti: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    Ermano Picco: “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Lauryn Beer, Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Elise Pearlstine: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Nicoleta Tomsa: Irises, Van Gogh
    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief Salome by Henri Regnault

    My choices:
    – Der Duft ACT
    – 50 ml bottle of Parfum d’Empire Acqua di Scandola
    – Maher Olfactive Sun Soaked 100 ml
    Greetings from Sarajevo, BiH 🙂

  • jmmcmenamin says:

    Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Neringa Svobutaite, Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Les Amants by Magritte
    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: Salome by Henri Regnault
    Olya Bar, Contributor:  The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Ermano Picco, Editor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor,  Irises, Van Gogh
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor, Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.
    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor:  Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli

    If my completely random guesses actually are correct, I’d like:
    Lubin Eva
    Isabey Fleur Nocturne
    Maher Olfactive Sun Soaked

    I am familiar with Lubin, Isabey and Kajal.

    I love the expat American artist John Singer Sargent. Of those listed, I love Irises.

    Located in Louisiana, USA.

  • Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor:he Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.

    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli

    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky T
    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud

    Neringa Svobutaite, Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.

    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.

    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt

    Olya Bar, Contributor: Les Amants by Magritte

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Salome by Henri Regnault

    Ermano Picco, Editor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper

    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor, Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi

    Elise Pearlstine, Editor, Irises, Van Gogh

    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Salome by Henri Regnault

    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Kehind Wiley is my favorite artist and The painting is Barack Obama

    I qualify for all USA
    US, EU, UK and Australia Goldfield & Banks Silky Woods

    US, EU, UK or Canada Lubin Eva

    USA: EU, UK and Canada 50 ml Isabey Fleur Nocturne

    USA. EU, UK 100 ml M. Micallef Pomelos

    Worldwide: 50 ml bottle of Parfum d’Empire Acqua di Scandola

    USA, EU, UK. 100 ml Kajal Dahab

    Worldwide: Maher Olfactive Sun Soaked 100 ml

    USA Only: 50 ml bottle of Grossmith London Phul-Nana EDP ($295)

  • Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.

    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.

    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud

    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Salome by Henri Regnault

    Neringa Svobutaite, “Raja” by Felice Casorati

    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Intermission” by Edward Hopper

    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.

    Olya Bar, Contributor: Irises, Van Gogh

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky

    Ermano Picco, Editor: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo

    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor, Les Amants by Magritte

    Elise Pearlstine, Editor, The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt

    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli

    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief: Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi

    I am familiar with some of these choices, but I very much enjoyed looking all of them up. My favourite painting is probably Study after Velazquez’s Portrait of Pope Innocent X by Francis Bacon, as gauche as it probably is now.

    I live in Canada, and so if I were to win, I’d choose Der Duft ACT, Parfum d’Empire Acqua di Scandola, or Isabey’s Fleur Nocturne.

    Thank you!

  • Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper

    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli

    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.

    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud

    Neringa Svobutaite, Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.

    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.

    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt

    Olya Bar, Contributor: Les Amants by Magritte

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky

    Ermano Picco, Editor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati

    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor, Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi

    Elise Pearlstine, Editor, Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo

    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Irises, Van Gogh

    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief Salome by Henri Regnault
    I would love to win a bottle of: Kajal Dahab, Parfum d’Empire Acqua di Scandola, Maher Olfactive Sun Soaked, Goldfield & Banks Silky Woods, and Der Duft ACT. I’ve heard of all of these fragrances, but I haven’t tried any of them yet. I live in MD., U.S.A.

  • wallygator88 says:

    Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper

    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli

    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.

    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud

    Neringa Svobutaite, Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.

    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.

    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt

    Olya Bar, Contributor: Les Amants by Magritte

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky

    Ermano Picco, Editor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati

    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor, Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi

    Elise Pearlstine, Editor, Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo

    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Irises, Van Gogh

    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief Salome by Henri Regnault

    Id love to win any of the Worldwide or US only fragrances

    Cheers from WI, USA

  • Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor:Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: Les Amants by Magritte
    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Neringa Svobutaite: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.
    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Olya Bar, Contributor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Salome by Henri Regnault
    Ermano Picco, Editor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor, Judith The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor, Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief Irises, Van Gogh
    I like Crying Girl by Roy Lichtenstein
    My choices are:
    Lubin Eva
    Goldfield & Banks Silky Woods
    Parfum d’Empire Acqua di Scandola

  • rodelinda says:

    Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael

    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati

    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt

    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper

    Neringa Svobutaite: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud

    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.

    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt

    Olya Bar, Contributor: Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli

    Ermano Picco, Editor: Sky Blue by Wassily Kandinsky

    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor: Irises, Van Gogh

    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo

    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Salome by Henri Regnault

    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief: Les Amants by Magritte

    I can’t pick a favorite, but I love The Lady Clare by John William Waterhouse. My choices would be Grossmith London Phul-Nana, Kajal Dahab, and Lubin Eva.

  • Claumarchini says:

    Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    Neringa Svobutaite, Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Salome by Henri Regnault
    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.
    Olya Bar, Contributor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Irises, Van Gogh
    Ermano Picco, Editor: Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor, Les Amants by Magritte
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor, “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.
    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief : The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli

    My choices would be Maher Olfactive Sun Soaked, Jakal Dahab and Goldfield & Banks Silky Woods
    Difficult to say what my favourite painting is, there are too many! I am particularly fond of Kandinskji, once I had a vertigo while staring at a painting and could not move but felt like I was literally entering the painting!
    Greetings from Italy

  • Sherri Sebastian – Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Marianne Butler – Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov
    Steven Gavrielatos – “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Ida Meister – The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.
    Emmanuelle Varron – The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Neringa Svobutaite – Salome by Henri Regnaul
    Sandi Lundberg – Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt
    Olya Bar – The Storm on the Sea of Galilee by Rembrandt
    Despina Veneti – Irises, Van Gogh
    Ermano Picco – Bordando el Manto Terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Lauryn Beer – “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Elise Pearlstine – Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Nicoleta Tomsa – Les Amants by Magritte
    Michelyn Camen – Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky

    I am familiar with about half of the art mentioned. The Storm on the Sea of Galilee is the one that I like the most.

    Shawn Maher is a tremendous perfumer, so my choice would be Maher Olfactive Sun Soaked. In Canada.

  • Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor:Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: Les Amants by Magritte
    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Neringa Svobutaite: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.
    Olya Bar, Contributor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Salome by Henri Regnault
    Ermano Picco, Editor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor, Judith The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor, Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Irises, Van Gogh
    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    I like Crying Girl by Roy Lichtenstein
    My choices are:
    Lubin Eva
    Goldfield & Banks Silky Woods
    Parfum d’Empire Acqua di Scandola
    USA: EU, UK and Canada 50 ml Isabey Fleur Nocturne

    USA. EU, UK 100 ml M. Micallef Pomelos

    Worldwide: 50 ml bottle of Parfum d’Empire Acqua di Scandola
    The girl with a pearl by Johannes Vermeer is my favorite painting
    I like whoever chose The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt

  • Very interesting draw !!

    Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo

    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper

    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.

    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud

    Neringa Svobutaite, Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.

    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.

    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli

    Olya Bar, Contributor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky

    Ermano Picco, Editor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati

    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor, Les Amants by Magritte

    Elise Pearlstine, Editor, Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi

    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Salome by Henri Regnault

    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief Irises, Van Gogh

    I would like to win:
    Der Duft ACT
    Goldfield & Banks Silky Woods
    Lubin Eva
    Isabey Fleur Nocturne
    M. Micallef Pomelos
    Parfum d’Empire Acqua di Scandola
    Kajal Dahab
    Maher Olfactive Sun Soaked
    Grossmith London Phul-Nana
    from USA

  • Nice giveaway!!

    Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.

    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli

    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: Irises, Van Gogh

    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud

    Neringa Svobutaite, Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.

    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.

    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo

    Olya Bar, Contributor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky

    Ermano Picco, Editor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati

    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor, Les Amants by Magritte

    Elise Pearlstine, Editor, Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi

    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper

    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief Salome by Henri Regnault

    I would like to win:
    Kajal Dahab
    Der Duft ACT
    Goldfield & Banks Silky Woods
    Lubin Eva
    Isabey Fleur Nocturne
    M. Micallef Pomelos
    Parfum d’Empire Acqua di Scandola
    Grossmith London Phul-Nana
    Maher Olfactive Sun Soaked

    from US

  • Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor:
    Judith The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.
    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: Les Amants by Magritte
    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Neringa Svobutaite: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Salome by Henri Regnault.
    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Olya Bar, Contributor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Ermano Picco, Editor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor, Benefitss Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor, Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Irises, Van Gogh
    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt

    I would like to win:
    Kajal Dahab
    Der Duft ACT
    Goldfield & Banks Silky Woods
    Lubin Eva
    Isabey Fleur Nocturne
    M. Micallef Pomelos
    Parfum d’Empire Acqua di Scandola
    Grossmith London Phul-Nana
    Maher Olfactive Sun Soaked

    from US

  • Ani.myan11 says:

    Nice giveaway!!

    Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: Intermission” by Edward Hopper

    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli

    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: Irises, Van Gogh

    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael. Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud

    Neringa Svobutaite, Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.

    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.

    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo

    Olya Bar, Contributor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt

    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky

    Ermano Picco, Editor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati

    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor, Les Amants by Magritte

    Elise Pearlstine, Editor, Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi

    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: “The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.

    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief Salome by Henri Regnault

    I would like to win:
    Goldfield & Banks Silky Woods
    Kajal Dahab
    Der Duft ACT
    Lubin Eva
    Isabey Fleur Nocturne
    M. Micallef Pomelos
    Parfum d’Empire Acqua di Scandola
    Grossmith London Phul-Nana

    from US

  • Uncle1979 says:

    Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael
    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov
    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    Neringa Svobutaite: Irises, Van Gogh
    Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Salome by Henri Regnault
    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Olya Bar, Contributor: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Ermano Picco, Editor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: Les Amants by Magritte
    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt
    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt

    I’d love to win one of the following
    -Kajal Dahab
    -Goldfield & Banks Silky Woods
    -Maher Olfactive Sun Soaked

    I’ve seen Irises, Van Gogh
    Il bacio (The Kiss) by Francesco Hayez is my favorite painting. I have high end reproduction at home .
    Appreciate reading about all of your favorite paintings, and the giveaway campaign
    Enjoying my long vacation in Spain, in just a few days I’m going back to US

  • petergigov says:

    Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor:The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael
    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov
    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    Neringa Svobutaite: Irises, Van Gogh
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Les Amants by Magritte
    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Olya Bar, Contributor: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Ermano Picco, Editor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: Salome by Henri Regnault
    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt
    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael
    I’m interested in
    Kajal Dahab
    Goldfield & Banks Silky Woods
    Der Duft ACT
    Maher Olfactive Sun Soaked
    Irises, Van Gogh and The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael are famous
    The Fall of Phaeton Rubens I’d say is my favorite painting
    Exciting giveaway, USA

  • This is so hard
    Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor:Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: Les Amants by Magritte
    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Neringa Svobutaite: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.
    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Olya Bar, Contributor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Salome by Henri Regnault
    Ermano Picco, Editor: Judith The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.
    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor, “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor, Irises, Van Gogh
    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    USA, EU, UK. 100 ml Kajal Dahab

    Worldwide: Maher Olfactive Sun Soaked 100 ml

    USA Only: 50 ml bottle of Grossmith London Phul-Nana EDP ($295)

  • The Mona Lisa Leonardo da Vinci is my favorite painting, a bit trivial I know, but still…

    Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor:The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov
    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Neringa Svobutaite: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Les Amants by Magritte
    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt
    Olya Bar, Contributor: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    Ermano Picco, Editor: Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: Salome by Henri Regnault
    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief: Irises, Van Gogh

    My wish-list is:
    Der Duft ACT
    Goldfield & Banks Silky Woods
    Kajal Dahab
    Maher Olfactive Sun Soaked
    “Raja” by Felice Casorati , The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt , The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael , Les Amants by Magritte and Irises, Van Gogh are all paintings i know about
    Thank you
    Back and forth between USA and Scotland, two weeks in US -> two weeks in Scotland, and so on. Basically both USA and UK at the same time

  • Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: Salome by Henri Regnault
    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Neringa Svobutaite, Irises, Van Gogh
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Olya Bar, Contributor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Ermano Picco, Editor: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael.
    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor, “Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor, Les Amants by Magritte
    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt.
    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov.

    I’m interested in all draws that I’m eligible for. My top 3 are: M. Micallef Pomelos, Grossmith London Phul-Nana, and Kajal Dahab

    I live in the USA. Thanks for the giveaway!

  • Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor:“Raja” by Felice Casorati
    Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt
    Steven Gavrielatos, Video Journalist Contributor: Afternoon and Petunias by Vladimir Volegov
    Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping by Lucien Freud
    Neringa Svobutaite: The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael
    Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Les Amants by Magritte
    Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: “Intermission” by Edward Hopper
    Olya Bar, Contributor: Bordando el manto terrestre, Remedios Varo
    Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi
    Ermano Picco, Editor: Sky Blue, by Wassily Kandinsky
    Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor: The Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli
    Elise Pearlstine, Editor: Salome by Henri Regnault
    Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt
    Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief: Irises, Van Gogh

    I’d like to win, in no particular order Goldfield & Banks Silky Woods , Kajal Dahab or Maher Olfactive Sun Soaked
    I had to Google most the paintings , and the three I’ve seen before are The Ansidei Madonna by Raphael , The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Painting by Rembrandt and Irises, Van Gogh.

    Johannes Vermeer, Girl with a Pearl Earring I like for sentimental reasons, we had a copy in our house when i was a child
    Thanks to all contributors