Fragrance of Our Fathers Part 1 + Parfumerie Generale “Coze” Giveaway

What is a father? Is it our biological male parent? Not always… The Father-child relationship is more than paternity. In this six part series I have asked many friends-in fragrances to create an olfactive portrait of their father or father figure. Some chose to use poetry, some music, some prose. Yet, there was a marked difference between an earlier piece we did for Mother’s Day entitled Scented Memories of Our Mothers ; the fragrance of our fathers seemed more about rituals and ‘smells’

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EXCERPTS: The Mainstream Media “Discover’ Natural Perfumery

Although many of us in the global fragrance community have been writing about the resurgence of Natural Perfumery as a ‘lost’ Art for nearly a decade, it it is now a ‘growing’ trend that has reached mainstream media. As our lives have been taken over by increasing isolation, technology (there have been more technologic advances over the the past five years than in the past 5000), and products that are mass produced without soul nor passion, the artisnal movement has been gaining momentum since the year 2000. It will not slow down, that I assure you. To refuse to acknowledge it, is burying your head in the sand.

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