April Showers and May Flowers Winners

Favorite Spring Flowers

April Showers Bring May flowers 2021 Collage by Michelyn

April Showers Bring May flowers comes from a poem in 1557 by Thomas Tusser) … and allergy season is in full bloom. Instagram was filled with images so many of us took of flowers from bud to bloom, symbol of rebirth as we began to take off our masks and to come out of hibernation. To win this month’s spilled perfume your task is to match the Editors and Contributors with one of their favorite flowers:

No one guessed correctly, see below

Sherri Sebastian, Contributing Editor: wild jasmine

Marianne Butler, Senior Contributor – dogwood flowers

Sebastian Jara: Gardenia

Emmanuelle Varron, Sr. Contributor narcissus flowers

Sandi Lundberg, Associate Contributor: Leucojum

Ida Meister, Deputy Editor: Daisies

Hernando Courtright, Sr. Contributor: Mertensia virginica

Despina Veneti, Sr. Editor: Jasmine

Ermano Picco, Editor: Lily of the Valley

Lauryn Beer, Sr. Editor Bearded iris flowers

Elise Pearlstine, Editor: tuberose

Nicoleta Tomsa, Editor: lilacs

Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief: magnolia

For our April Showers brings May flowers Draw

The Winner is Sandro Mateusch : Worldwide Der Duft ACT

The Winner is US and EU AMAZEFRAG: Strangelove lostinflowers perfume oil necklace

 The Winner is Angela Worldwide Parfum d’Empire Mal-Aimé 12 ml

The Winner is Georgia V WorldwideDSH Perfumes Drama Queen 10 ml EDP or VDP

The Winner is moshe Worldwide; Le Jardin Retrouvé Rose Trocadéro body duo.

The Winner is EDDIER US, EU, UK and Australia Goldfield & Banks Silky Woods

The Winner is US and EU Uncle1979 100 ml Lethe Ulrich Lang New York

The Winner is Dana World Wide Maher Olfactive Sun Soaked 100 ml

The Winner is Medallaroc USA 30ml bottle of BLUEHILL Fragrances Midnight Ride

Since no reader guessed correctly the draw is completely random, and the winners were chosen through a random number generator.  YOU WILL NOT NECCESARILY GET WHT YOU LISTED. If you are one of the April Showers and May Flowers, please email Michelyn at Cafleurebon dawt com with the exact name of your prize as the subject for example complete mailing, name and phone details by 5/31/21 4PM EST. This is a deadline and no exceptions if you are late. Please use the email from your comment so we know it is you. DO NOT MENTION SPILLED PERFUME Or April Showers and May Flowers. Just include a nice note to the perfumer.

This is our Privacy and Draw Rules Policy

We announce the winners only on site and on our Facebook page, so Like Cafleurebon and use our  Blog FEED…or your dream prize will be just spilled perfume