Abel Laundry Day (Frances Shoemack and Isaac Sinclair) 2024 + Take Me Out to Air Giveaway

Laundry day by Abel Fragrances

Abel Laundry Day/ Lottie Griffit – Unsplash, Laundry Day Abel Campaign

 Spring is when life’s alive in everything.” – Christina Rossetti

After the confinement of winter, there is a moment, a moment we all recognize but find hard to define, our bodies know it even before the manifest signs. We feel a vigour, a sense of urgency to mirror nature, a buoyant sense of approaching liberation. Huddled away internally we yearned for this shift, the urge to send the shutters wide and to fling arms wide to the skies, delighting in all and every small sign of the spring’s arrival.

Abel Fragrances founder Frances Shoemack and master perfumer Isaac Sinclair

Frances Shoemack and Master Perfumer Isaac Sinclair courtesy of the brand

To capture a moment of the seasons change, to encapsulate a shift we all participate in, that moment of exhaled relief, realization that the wind has altered her course, that the light is more luminous and the warmth seeps through the clouds. Somehow the light gets in, filtering through clouds that finally part, leaden winter skies acquiesce to the luminous gathering. Here in a deeply saturated France at the cusp of Midsummer, its difficult to return to that hopeful moment of winters retreat, it seems as far away as the blue skies, shy above the grey mantle.  Scented on my wrist is that timely reminder, the newest addition to the Abel collection, Laundry Day and there is an instant relief, a salute to the sun and a reminder of Springs promise.

Abel based in Wellington, New Zealand, perfume creatives, Founder Frances Shoemack and Perfumer Isaac Sinclair, is a brand that exhibits integrity at every step of the process and a true, natural sustainability, have taken that joyful, moment of Springs arrival, all those subtle signs that our bodies respond to.

A Light exists in Spring

Not present on the Year

At any other period –

When March is scarcely here

A Color stands abroad

On Solitary Fields

That Science cannot overtake

But Human Nature feels. –Emily Dickinson.

Here is the light that makes everything seem renewed, the open skies that draw us outwards towards the exterior, the wind that carries the warmth against skin, the scent of light, the scent of joy and the stirring soil, the scent of freedom. Transferring these shifts into a simple daily task, airing the laundry.

Abel Laundry Day

Simon Berger, Lien van Win, Apostolos Vamvouras – all Unsplash, Abel Laundry Day Campaign.

Once a year, there is a day when during the daily tasks, we know that this is the day when once again our lives can be aired in the fresh air along with our linen. This pure and ritual act of observing the movement of sheets in the sun, the warming air and the way they feel and smell after their intimacy with sun and wind. They mirror and remind us of our own feelings. Unfurl yourself out of the pleated folds of winters and huddled drowsiness, there is a renewed light to play with.

Abel Laundry Day natural perfume

Abel Laundry Day Campaign, Daoudi Aissa – Unsplash, Karen Mae- Unsplash, Abel Laundry Day Campaign.

Abel Laundry Day aligns an unconscious effervescence buried deep in our instincts with the sap that rises and the clouds that part. Suddenly nature has garnered her strength and the scent of herbaceous cut grass is evident, a note of green tea and an ethical Biotech* note of cut grass, one of those markers that the warmth has returned.

An unctuous lime dazzles with its fresh intenseness paired with a bergamot, orange and neroli a four square of brightness that dances in circles of abandon around us, cajoling and waking our senses, passionfruit so exotic and enticing that it jolts us from our wintry apathy, opened eyes to the expansiveness around as we finally throw open the windows and scent the shift on the breeze, shaking ourselves out in sun-filled sails of linen, loosening all the wrinkles. In combination they emit the luscious traces of the summer to come, cocktails of fresh juices laced with sunlight, they dance on the caress of winds, scent of their freshly laundered state exciting us.

A full-blown magnolia of creamy thick proportions enriches this effervescent citrus, blowing in the promise of floral abundance to come. All the mustiness of winters sleep is shaken off as linen slough off all the accumulated odors of being closeted indoors, nothing better than to let loose under those first shafts of spring sunlight. Send me fluttering, heart skipping a beat, let me loose under open skies, first warmth touch on skin or fabric.

Best natural perfumes

Ishan Sharma, Analia Ferrario – Unsplash, Abel Campaign.

Vetiver is an inspired addition, anchoring the whole composition back to the stirring earth under a caress of sun, where it begins, a vetiver of moist expectations and softly unfolding life, sheathed in a silken Biotech* musk, so burgeoning it is like the sensation of newly washed linen brushing erotically over skin.

Francis Shoemack and Isaac Sinclair have averted our gaze from the vast array of information our senses perceive on a minute-to-minute basis to an awareness of the joy and delight in the simple tasks, the details that encompass all. Laundry Day takes us out to air and revives us with its refreshing exuberance. Take a breath, it reminds us to pause and stretch out our dusty wings once more.

Ingredients: aldehyde c12 — *plant derived aldehyde note  — *plant derived green tea note bergamot oil (bergapten free) — Italy lime oilwest indian orange oilsouth africa neroli oil — tunisia green tea extract — *plant derived green tea note— *naturally derived creamy note passionfruit  — *upcycled passionfruit note  magnolia flower — china vetiver oil — haiti ambroxan — *plant derived ambergris note  — *biotech ambergris  — *biotech musk  — *biotech plant solvent.

Danu Seith-Fyr, Contributor

My thanks for to Frances for continued friendship and my gift o Abel  Laundry Day, all words are my own.

Here is a link to Abel’s article on ‘Biotech’*, what it is and why they use it in their perfumes. All Abel fragrances are created from all naturally derived components, ethically and sustainably crafted.

Abel Laundry Day

Abel Laundry Day courtesy of the brand

Thanks to the generosity of Abel and Frances Shoemack we have a 50ml bottle of Laundry Day for one registered reader in the US, EU, UK, NZ and Australia YOU MUST REGISTER OR YOU NOT BE ELIGIBLE. Please leave a comment about what strikes you about Danu’s review and where you live. Draw closes 6/27/2024

Please see Danu’s review of Black Anise

Editor’s Note: Abel is a 100 PERCENT NATURAL house. Black Anise was Michelyn’s and Ermano’s Best Natural Perfume of 2023, a Best of Scent 2023 for Ermano and Michelyn along with and  Danu. As reported by Ermano Picco in 2017, Isaac Sinclair was a pupil of Maurice Roucel

Please follow us on Instagram – @cafleurebonofficial  @danu_sf  @ode_r_ @abelfragrance @francesschoemack

This is our Privacy and Draw Rules Policy.

We announce the winners only on our site and on our Facebook page, so please “like” ÇaFleureBon and use our blog feed, or your dream prize will be just spilled perfume


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  • WillRhodes says:

    Oh how I love clean scents such as Laundry Day by Abel. The smell that evokes the feeling of being draped in fresh clean laundered linens is an experience I will always love in fragrance. I love that this does its own original approach with this scent profile especially with the addition of the passion fruit note and the dry down with vetiver. Sounds beautiful!
    -In Chicago

  • Ramses Perez says:

    There’s nothing better than the smell of a clean, laundry-like scent. So pure, airy and refined. I agree with Danu sometimes we just need to pause for a minute and take a breath, admire what’s around us. We’re always rushing to do everything and go everywhere that taking a break from it all, resets us mentally and physically and prepares us for our next journey. This fragrance looks like an easy to reach, signature scent, everyday fragrance as it is non-offensive and easy going. Kudos to Abel too for being a company that only works with natural and ethically sourced ingredients as we know how that can get very expensive but they stand behind that principle. Cheers from US.

  • Sorohan Adriana says:

    A freshness that is always desired, especially on hot summer days. I am from EU

  • Eris.can.swatch.kaos says:

    The reviewer paints a stunning picture of Laundry Day, a bright and beautiful review. The ethically sourced facets of this fragrance speak softly, a gentle caress of scent. I can’t wait to smell this on skin. I live in Oregon.

  • That smell of the bed linens when they have dried in teh sun is one of the most precious smells of childhood. I wish I could live that again. Living in the city makes that very hard to source. The review did more than describe a wonderful-sounding fragrance, it brought me back a memory I cherish. Thank you! I live in the US.

  • chrisskins says:

    The perfect summer fragrance – lime, orange, and my new pal, VETIVER! I would love try Laundry Day; Danu Seith-Fyr describes this as, “Send me fluttering, heart skipping a beat, let me loose under open skies, first warmth touch on skin or fabric”. I live in NY.

  • phuongmtran says:

    What a lovely description of the fragrance. It sounds very clean and uplifting. I love that Abel is all natural and ethically crafted. I am in the US.

  • VictoriaSs says:

    Danu’s review of Abel’s Laundry Day vividly captures the essence of spring’s renewal and the joy of simple, everyday tasks. The poetic language and sensory descriptions create a strong connection between the fragrance and the natural world, emphasizing the importance of sustainability and natural ingredients. This review beautifully conveys the transformative power of the perfume, making the reader eager to experience the fresh, invigorating scent firsthand.

    I am from the EU

  • Francis Shoemack and Isaac Sinclair have averted our gaze from the vast array of information our senses perceive on a minute-to-minute basis to an awareness of the joy and delight in the simple tasks, the details that encompass all. Laundry Day takes us out to air and revives us with its refreshing exuberance. Take a breath, it reminds us to pause and stretch out our dusty wings once more.

    Ingredients: aldehyde c12 — *plant derived aldehyde note — *plant derived green tea note bergamot oil (bergapten free) — Italy lime oil — west indian orange oil — south africa neroli oil — tunisia green tea extract — *plant derived green tea note— *naturally derived creamy note passionfruit — *upcycled passionfruit note magnolia flower — china vetiver oil — haiti ambroxan — *plant derived ambergris note — *biotech ambergris — *biotech musk — *biotech plant solvent. A wonderful piece really fascinated by the notes especially by Italy lime oil, west Indian orange oil, south african neroli oil and tunisian green tea extract. Thanks a lot from the UK

  • magnolia of creamy thick proportions enriches this effervescent citrus, blowing in the promise of floral abundance to come. All the mustiness of winters sleep is shaken off as linen slough off all the accumulated odors of being closeted indoors, nothing better than to let loose under those first shafts of spring sunlight. Send me fluttering, heart skipping a beat, let me loose under open skies, first warmth touch on skin or fabric. Abel is a house known for naturally derived components and ethically and sustainably crafted. This sounds like a super clean and refreshing fragrance the oils of neroli, orange and lime really stands out in this composition. Thanks a million from the UK

  • Patricia R. says:

    Light is so inspiring and it’s a source of our being so I’m sure the likeness of spring light and renewing energy of the fresh laundry imbued wind are a good step to recreate that feeling. I like the note of tea tree in particular. I live in the EU.

  • chamberoflilith says:

    I’ve been wanting to try Abel for a while now. Danu’s poetic review clicked with my search for a luminous fragrance to add to my collection. I’ve been using a lot of Neela Vermeire’s Mohur and, more, recently, the new Gabar fragrance, Rise, but none of these are citrus-centered. “Once a year, there is a day when during the daily tasks, we know that this is the day when once again our lives can be aired in the fresh air along with our linen.” This is so true, not only Earth, but our personal life has seasons, too. Thanks, from Romania

  • An unctuous lime dazzles with its fresh intenseness paired with a bergamot, orange and neroli, a full-blown magnolia of creamy thick proportions enriches this effervescent citrus. Vetiver – an inspired addition, sheathed in a silken Biotech musk… Oh, my interest is sparked!
    Hugs from EU.

  • This perfume presents itself beautifully minimalist in both its appearance and its content.
    This means that in its simplicity it is “naturally” in harmony with the world. Clean and essential, I don’t know the brand but I really like their idea of ​​a liberating perfume.
    Linda (EU)

  • Wellington, New Zealand is on of my favorite places. I loved the notes bergamot oil, lime oil and neroli oil, most important for me is the statement that all Abel fragrances are created from all naturally derived components, ethically and sustainably crafted. Very well done!
    From EU.

  • Sounds absolutely invigorating!
    I am most thrilled about Danu’s description of the opening: this effervescent quartett of lime, bergamot, orange and orange blossom to shake away any drowsiness, followed by notes one more beautiful than the other: passionfruit, magnolia (one of my favorites, such a pure and creamy scent) and vetiver.
    Sounds like a smart, modern and inspired combination.
    I live in the EU.

  • What struck me most was the word “laundry” in the name. Now I want to smell this. US

  • Living in Nashville, TN, brings a unique charm and vibrancy to your life, much like the invigorating essence of Abel’s Laundry Day fragrance. The vivid descriptions of spring’s arrival and the fresh, airy notes of the perfume resonate perfectly with the spirit of Nashville’s blooming parks and lively streets. Frances Shoemack and Isaac Sinclair’s ability to encapsulate the essence of renewal and joy mirrors the invigorating feeling of stepping into a sunlit day in Nashville. Here, the vibrant music scene and the natural beauty blend seamlessly, creating a perfect backdrop for a fragrance that celebrates the fresh, rejuvenating spirit of spring.

    From Nashville, TN, USA

  • Doing the laundry right now and bemoaning the fact that I can’t string it up on a line to dry (urban living, sigh). Whenever I visit my parents’ rural house in the summer my mother always provides me a bed with line-dried sheets. The scent is heavenly. Danu’s review shows that Abel’s Laundry Day captures the essence of
    that paradoxical feeling of warmth of linen in the sun and the crisp, refreshing nature of the clean scent itself.

    Suffice to say – I’d love to try this scent! (As a natural perfumery enthusiast, I’m also very curious about how their biotech moleclues work within the composition).

    Best wishes from NJ, USA!

  • Januarililjan says:

    I love how clean and natural this seems. I like when I smell laundry, so comforting to me. This seems to capture it good, but still unique. In summer this seems perfect. Hope I get to try. I live in EU.

  • I reflected on this subject earlier today. In simple tasks, we can enjoy the mundane and appreciate the small moments that make up our lives. These moments are reminders to slow down, be mindful, and savor the little things that bring happiness.
    Danu, this review took me back to my childhood, when I helped my mum hang the laundry early in the morning while the air was still fresh and crisp. I also love that this brand exhibits integrity at every step of the process and true, natural sustainability. This is important to me.
    I am in the USA.
    Thanks to Abel for the generosity of the draw.

  • mmcalister says:

    Well, Danu, this is an absolutely gorgeous review. Laundry Day sounds like a stunning encapsulation of the feeling we get when winter’s bite loosens itself and we can relish in the warmth and comfort of Spring’s embrace. Neroli, lime, passion fruit, musk green tea, ambergris, magnolia? What a dream.

    Greetings from Florida!

  • jessica.rauch says:

    I love the clean smell of laundry- especially in summer. I love the combination of citrus and floral with musk. It sounds like such a fresh scent! -New York, NY

  • For me, it’s impossible to overstate how great it feels to clean my space, wash my sheets, and lay in them when they’re fresh out of the dryer, with the warm and soft detergent smell is permeating the air along with the natural, dry linen scent that feels like home in and of itself. It’s enough to lift me out of any funk, and sometimes I wish I could have that feeling bottled into a scent. Luckily it seems that Abel has successfully made the perfect thing for me! Danu’s review reads almost like a biography of the scent profile and it was so lovely to enjoy. Hope to give this one a sniff very soon 🙂 I live in Brooklyn, NYC!

  • Wow clean laundry and new car smells are both my favorite scents out there!
    I’m super excited when I read that there is lime, bergamot, passion fruit,orange and neroli. Sounds like a banger fragrance.
    Also the photos in this article did a fabulous job of portraying an image of this scent in my head.
    NJ USA

  • I don’t currently own a perfume that falls under the recently laundered linens, but it’s a genre I’ve been meaning to get into sooooooo much. And what better way to start with a perfume focusing on naturals and sustainability! On top of the linen note, I love the supporting additions of vetiver, lime etc.

    I live in Sweden, EU.

  • Shibuichi2000 says:

    Aaaah, Laundry Day – a perfume that was probably made for me *giggles*.I love everything that is inspired by crisp air, cleanliness, lazy summer days – the day Danu speaks about, when you know spring will come, is indeed one filled with a sense of freedom and optimism that is definitely something to encapsulate in a scent.
    This must be the most beautiful thing I’ve read in a long time : “their intimacy with sun and wind” – gorgeous choice of words.
    I’m in EU.

  • ScentofAbsinthe says:

    Ive never smelled a 100% natural perfume before, and I would very much love to get to partake of this fresh, clean fragrance. The way it is described makes it seem worth adding to my collection!

    A dedicated reader from VA, USA.


  • David Furman says:

    Citric, creamy, floral is what I’m imagining based off the review. The concept of laundry day is new and cool. We all know that freshness and pride taken in a fresh load of garmits. This is probably fruity and light but you never know til you know. Would like to win this, from Jacksonville, NC.

  • I really enjoy fragrances that invoke clean laundry. The inclusion of green tea notes are a perfect addition. I like that most, if not all of the ingredients are plant derived. While there’s the tea and citrus notes, that drydown of ambroxan sounds so comforting.
    I live in the USA.

  • donfisch74 says:

    sounds bright and inviting! there’s really nothing like fresh linen. also intrigued by the Vetiver in there as well. -in mN

  • What Interest me about Danu’s review were the mixtures of ingredients that perfuma has. Bergamont, orange, passion grapefruit, nad neroli makes me imagine that this one will a perfect fragrance for summer, hot and warm weather, but the creaminess of it will be probably good as well for winter. Im from California USA

  • I love that time of year when we start to truly feel the rising of the spring juices, and our days start to have a pleasant hold on us. I’d love to see that in a fragrance. In maryland.

  • A clean linen laundry scent is the perfect antidote to the heavy tropical fruit and suntan lotion scents so prevalent in summer. The effervescent lime and citrus combined with creamy magnolia and green tea sounds uplifting and pretty. MD, USA.

  • sherin thomas says:

    Lovely review !! The smell that evokes the feeling of being draped in fresh clean laundered linens is an experience I will always love in fragrance. I love that this does its own original approach with this scent profile especially with the addition of the passion fruit note and the dry down with vetiver. From, PA,USA

  • zazazelle says:

    “… and the way they feel and smell after their intimacy with sun and wind. They mirror and remind us of our own feelings. Unfurl yourself out of the pleated folds of winters and huddled drowsiness, there is a renewed light to play with.”
    Here in the North, we are already in stress, that White Nights and Summer will be over soon, in a week or so, as July will be rainy and August already with dark, cold nights. But there is always a scent of clean bedsheets, even in the darkest winter.
    I really like what Abel is doing, my favorite from their creations is Green Cedar. This one sounds even better, and that passionfruit note is intriguing.
    Please sign me in, I live in the EU.

  • aurora_ru says:

    Abel is amazing brand not only for their fragrances, but also for their mindful ethical attitude and natural ingredients. This new release took my attention because I love the scent of fresh linens, fresh breeze and citruses. I am intrigued how the passionfruit is blended with fresh grass and aldehydes. As you are saying: “Send me fluttering, heart skipping a beat, let me loose under open skies, first warmth touch on skin or fabric.”
    I would love to win Laundry Day by Abel, I live in the EU, thank you!

  • I was really impressed with Abel Black Anise, so I’m intrigued by a lighter fragrance from the brand. It sounds Abel Laundry Day has more going on than the name would suggest—I love a green grass note, there’s citrus and fruit, plus pillowy magnolia. The vetiver and musk base sounds particularly lovely and true to the brief. Easy summer wear.

    I’m in the USA.

  • The erotic charge of fresh laundry! This was not something I could conjure until I read this seductive review. What a beauty!
    I’m in the US.

  • You had me at the scent of magnolia! But I am also curious about all of these “biotech” notes especially the green tea and how they translate into that fresh linen smell! Abel always has a lightness about them that is rare in natural perfumes. Thank you for the chance. I am located in US.

  • foreverscents says:

    Danu’s review evoked so many wonderful images related to the luminosity of spring, summer, and fresh linen swaying in the breeze. The notes of Laundry Day also sound evocative, especially the lime, neroli and vetiver. Laundry Day is certainly a fragrance to wear to stop time and revel in the wonders of the present moment.
    I live in the USA.