There’s a reason the Tree of Knowledge in the Biblical Garden of Eden was a fruit tree. The Book of Genesis depicts Adam and Eve, the world’s first pair of lovers, as innocent until they quenched their thirst with its ripe, juicy flesh. While the new limited edition M. Micallef Art Collection fragrances Puzzle No. 1 and Puzzle No. 2 are said to be inspired by the games lovers play, they could just as easily be inspired by the idea of original sin.
Thanks to the great generosity of M. Micallef Parfums, we have a worldwide reader’s choice draw for a bottle of Puzzle No. 1 or Puzzle No. 2. The winner of the random draw is Dari who chose Puzzle 1. Please email michelyn at cafleurebon dot com with M.Micallef Puzzle 1 as your subject, your complete mailing details and phone number by June 16, 2014 3 PM EST. This is a deadline and there is noe exception if you are late. You must use the email address that you posted the comment with.
We announce the winners only on site and on our Facebook page, so Like Cafleurebon and use our RSS option…or your dream prize will be just spilled perfume.