The Winner of En Voyage PerfumesTagetes Femme and Tagetes Homme Draw


Sugar Skulls in a bed of sacred marigolds for Dia de Los Muertos

Perfumer Shelley Waddington of En Voyage is introducing two fragrances for the fall and winter seasons. She was inspired by the spiritual significance of the marigold flower in the rituals of Nepalese and Latin cultures, and named the fragrances Tagetes Femme and Tagetes Homme (tagetes is the genus of the marigold family). The myriad golden and orange hues of the marigold are striking. I was astounded by the photographs a friend posted from India, of the lavish decoration of everything in sight with endless brilliant garlands and heaps of marigolds. I have always liked their odd earthy aroma, and would love to experience whole rooms full of it, or a big heap of them around my neck.

Shelley Waddington of En Voyage, offered a reader’s choice of a 4ml bottle of either Tagetes Femme or Tagetes Homme and the winner is monica H who chose Tagetes Femme. Please email with  Envoyage Tagetes Femme as your subject and your mailing details by Monday October 22, 2012 8pm EST.

We announce the winners only on site and on our Facebook page, so Like Cafleurebon and use our RSS option…or your dream prize will be just spilled perfume.