Lady Gaga Leaks Black Fluid Perfume on Twitter


 “Looks like photos of my perfume are being leaked. Oh you fashion editors I could just crinkle my hands at you!” Lady Gaga tweeted Wednesday (June 13) afternoon to her 15 million fans.



In spite of rumors that it would smell like blood and semen (even meat), the fragrance called  Fame (Black Fluid)  is composed of tears of belladonna, crushed  heart of tiger orchidea, with a black veil of incense, pulverized apricot and the combinative essences of saffron and honey drops ( it says so on the back of the box). It also says compounded by Lady Gaga so maybe there is a blood connection after all.ounded   


Is it me or does the bottle look like a Mugler Alien clone?

Launching September  2012


Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief

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  • noetic owl says:

    Definitely looks like a copycat. Incense, apricot and honey sounds good though 🙂 .

  • I don’t know about all that!

    The TM Alien bottle is purple and faceted like a gem with Klingon-esque gold accent tips. FAME is a rounded thick plain bottle with gold talons (like Gaga’s nails) on the cap and the fluid is black. (NB: Even the POLO Double Black opaque bottle, when held to the light, is actually dark violet glass)

    Saying THIS is a “clone” of Alien is like saying MJ ripped off TF for Men ad for Bang! ads. Both have a perfume bottle covering “naughty bits”, true, but TF’s had a close up of a female and MJ was in his own ad and full bodied (and looking fine!).

    They say “There is nothing *new* under the sun” and really how different can any perfume bottles really be? *shrugs* AG Mandragore (and its Poupre flanker) have purple bottles (and juice) and gold on them as well…

    I (for one) am looking VERY forward to trying this and do believe if Chandler Burr were to do an “Open Sky” episode of this; it would be very differently received….without the presentation, preconceived ideas (positive or negative) and hype!!

    Marketing is marketing (as we all know by terms like “sensual musk” or “solar woods”). I am trying to keep my mind (and nostrils) open on this, and judge it by the merits (or lack thereof) of the actual juice. Which, by the way, sound wonderful!!

    I adore Lady Gaga (but it took me a while to come around) and am hoping this juice is as awesome as she is. Incense, tiger orchids, saffron, juicy golden apricots, honey and Belladonna (which I have tinctured before and does not have a real floral odor until macerated then it is rather green and bitter) sounds wickedly wonderful and amazingly sexy!!

  • noetic owl says:

    I agree with Michelyn that this will sell based on whose name is on it (Lady Gaga is quite popular: even old me likes some of her songs 🙂 ). However, I love John’s idea about adding this to the Open Sky series so that it could be judged for the juice alone and not for any preconceived notions. By the way, I ordered Series 1 Episode 1 just in time before it sold out. I spray it liberally on a daily basis and have had no complaints from my perfume hating co-worker and allergy prone hubby so it has been a sucess for me-soft, clean,feminine,sweet….. and I do enjoy the mystery and not knowing what it is or judging it based on the bottle. Wonder what others are thinking? I know that there was a bit of controversy and negative writing on the perfume blogs about this project. It worked out for me so I am glad that I took a chance on this one 🙂 .

  • Somerville Metro Man says:


    You see Klingons in the Alien bottle? I see Vorlons. 😛

    Thankfully I don’t see any blood or semen notes in The Gaga perfume.

    I was hoping for a creative bottle after the acid-fueled design of Gaga’s Holiday Workshop at Barney’s last December. In the end I’m with you it is the contents and not the container I care most about.


  • Maybe the word is HIGHLY deriviative. I expected a more creative, iconic and original presentation. I immediately thought ALIEN. That being said this will sell no matter what the bottle looks like or how the perfume smells. Reading ingredient notes is like reading tea leaves…just as effective. Calm down John it will either a bad romance or a love game. You little monster;)

  • From a distance, you are right: the bottles could be siblings–not quite clones though… But it looks as though Lady Gaga’s does not have any jagged edges…

    Will her perfume? That is the question…