CaFleureBon Favorite Winter Fragrances: Part 2 + Help Me Make It Through The Night Draw

In Part 2 (Part 1 can be found here) of CaFleureBon’s Favorite Winter Fragrances we let the men of CaFleureBon have their chance to help you make it through the night with ten of their choices.

One of our newest contributors starts us off.

John Reasinger, Weekly Contributor

Caron’s “Parfum Sacre” is my “go to” incense scent. Regal and elegant, but not too smoky nor to stuffy, this is like a woolen cloak for the soul. Intensely sensual and balmy, spiced flowers lying on a bed of vanilla sweetened myrrh and musk.

Thierry Mugler’s “A*MEN” is less feminine than the original Angel, but just as delicious. An unusual blending of gourmand notes and masculine accords paired with sexy panache, this makes a statement and truly comes to life in colder temperatures.

Lord’s Jester’s “ARES EDP” has to be the best amber scent I have smelled to date, and is all natural.  Amazing sillage and unbelievable longevity make this blend of resin, woods and spices a winter staple.

Etat Libre d’Orange’s “Tom of Finland” is my newest love and possibly my next signature scent. A blend of cypress, leather, styrax and all things masculine creates something refined and smooth, as opposed to brutish or vulgar, and uber-sexy.

Yves Rocher’s “Fantaisies d’Hiver (Folies de Siasons)” combines violets, watery notes and woody vanilla into something icy, rich and astonishingly beautiful. This is like a walk in the snow or frozen flowers dusted with powdered sugar.

Mark Behnke, Managing Editor

You would think after all of the Christmas trees and pine boughs that surrounded me during December the last thing I would want is more of the same but for some inexplicable reason like Oliver Twist I want a little more fir in my life.

L’Artisan Parfumeur “Fou D’Absinthe” I think some people expected a wild alcoholic ride from this one based on its name. I think some people expected something light and subdued because Olivia Giacobetti was the nose. Instead it is more like a walk through a winter pine forest…..with a bottle of absinthe in my mittened hand.

Serge Lutens “Fille en Aiguilles” Babelfish translates the name to “girl out of needles”; I’m told it is supposed to refer to a woman in stiletto heels. I think the machine translation is the better match as the needles here are pine needles, again from a winter wood, but this time they are matched with very pungent frankincense. This time I’m holding a censer on my chilly coniferous walk.

Pino Silvestre When I want my pine straight up this is my choice. The fact that this is one of the best fragrance bargains out there, less than $20, plus the amazing pine accord is created from a group of herbal notes without a drop of resin to be found in the note list. The pine cone shaped bottle might look cheap but the juice is better than many others at a much higher price.

Heeley Cardinal When I want my incense straight up this is my choice. Cardinal is Midnight Mass in fragrant form. I expect to see a curl of smoke rising out of the atomizer every time I prepare to spray it on.

Molinard Habanita A man cannot live by resin alone and so when I need a break this is my alternative Winter Warmer. Habanita was introduced in 1921 to be “the perfume for cigarettes”.  In these smoke-free days Habanita has all the tobacco you need in the opening before unfurling a floral fusillade leading to an Oriental finish. This is so addicting I’m not sure there shouldn’t be a Surgeon General’s warning on the box.

Four of our choices are up for draw

50mL bottle of Etat Libre D’Orange Tom of Finland Courtesy of Fragrance and Art

50mL bottle of Caron Parfum Sacre courtesy of Phytouniverse in New York City

30mL bottle of Lord’s Jester Ares Courtesy of Lord’s Jester

50mL bottle of L’Artisan Parfumeur Fou D’Absinthe Courtesy of L’Artisan USA.


To be eligible to win one of these bottles please leave a comment telling us how you make it through the winter night or welcome our newest writer John Reasinger.  We will draw four winners using on January 15, 2012.

We announce the winners only on site and on our Facebook page, so Like Cafleurebon and use our RSS option…or your dream prize will be just spilt perfume

-Art Direction, Michelyn Camen, EIC

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  • Well I live in Southern California and to get thru winter is really easy, just to wear a sweater and voila! You are set. And to get thrum a winter night? Is easy too: a tshirt and a warm sweatpants and presto! Sometimes I wish for a little bit of a colder weather but I guess somle of you guys would think I am nuts. And also a big welcome to John to be part of this awesome blot.

  • Getting through winter here is easy. Winter brings X-country skiing, truffle hunting, animal tracking, winter constellations, nights in playing scrabble and friends over for craft nights. SAD light therapy boxes make it easier too.

  • taffynfontana says:

    Woolen cloak for the soul what wonderful imagery. As for making it through a long cold winters night I have to say my favorite way is holding close and tight to the one I love. Best wishes to John may he be inspired working with all these creative people

  • Welcome, John! Great choices. Parfum Scare is amazing.

    Mark, I’m glad you picked Heeley Cardinal, because one of my runners-up was Smell Bent Tibet ur Bottom $, which is being discontinued. Cardinal is my closest favorite in that genre of sort of light, resinous incense.

  • One way to fight the chill of a long winter’s night is a cordial glass or two of absinthe! 😉 Fou d’Absinthe would be an amazing prize!!

    Also a thick woolen sweater, a cup of creamy chai, some spicy incense and lots of comfy blankets help me get through a cold winter’s night…

    Thanks for the welcome; my heart is already a little bit warmer!! 😀

  • So glad to have John contributing to CaFleureBon! I look forward to his weekly writings. Here in the southwest desert I make it through the cold winter nights in layers, and with some very fine sheets 😉 Don’t like turning the thermostat up, as I don’t sleep well if it is to warm. It also helps to have an arsenal of scents to comfort me!

  • Welcome to Mr. John R!!!! Actually, if you’d have asked me what he’d have chosen, I would have been right something fabulous from Lords Jester:)
    As for how to get through long winter nights. Well, I am blessed in that I have a gas fireplace its nice for the atmosphere and it kicks serious heat!
    I have been a collector of down blankets for twenty years, finally I have found one so soft and so light it feels like a marshmallow and it looks that way. When the kids or DH sleep on my side they comment on how mom has the best blanket ever:) and I do say they are most correct.
    I lived in New England for many years and the cold there was bitter. Over time, I’ve collected comfort and warmth items. Socks, shoes,boots, coats and a very special hoodie made of the softest stuff ever…I can’t even tell you about it top secret;)
    Candles and winter scents help me. As does tea and a frothy latte or hot chocolate.
    Oatmeal made with milk is like a winter hug. Warm candle lit baths get me feeling great too. I can’t stand “heat” it makes my sinuses dry and we can’t have that, it would effect my sniffing!
    After having kids, I am rarely cold. My chemistry must have changed somehow. I’m forever hot. I rare wear more than a vest all winter.
    I do feel a bit sad to say I have a wool allergy:( cashmere, merino matters not the type I can’t wear it:(
    I’ll tell you what I would love to wear this winter, Johns pick, Caron Parfum Sacre:)
    Thanks so much for this wonderful draw best of luck to John:) thanks to the generous sponsors also:) cheers !

  • Welcome John! These all sound really lovely I don’t think I’ve given the Tom of Finland enough of a chance and most of the others I’ve not had the pleasure to experience. I love naturals best so I’m sure I’d be in amber heaven with Lord’s Jester Ares.

    Thanks for the draw!

  • Hi John! I look forward to reading your contributions here. Mark, your description of Fou d’Absinthe makes me want to try it again! On a really cold winter night, I reach for my big black cat and a glass of cognac. 🙂

  • Great job John, happy to see you here 🙂 welcome an wishing you much fun writing. Love the Parfum Sacre choice for sure as its one of my favorites from Caron. Some great choices.

  • Hey John, so glad to see you my friend and my best wishes are with you. Talking of winter, this season really makes me suffer from winter blues and to beat them I like a cuppa and peanuts. My pick would be Lord’s Jester.

  • Welcome, John! What a great way to start — to introduce us to your Winter faves. I enjoyed reading about the perfume you like so much it may be your next signature scent! I know this must be quite a strong feeling then.

    To get through a long Winter night is not too hard on the West Coast a.k.a. Wet Coast, but if I recall the days when I lived in the full season country, I would say — a clear skies. Yep, it’s colder that way, but that’s what really helped me survive those Winter nights. My private talks with Orion. I’m sure a fur coat would’ve helped but I never did own one.

    May I share some joy of your Parfum Sacre, John, should I be the lucky winner?

  • I already like John…he has great suggestions and I have added a couple of his suggestions to my ever-growing must try list. I love Parfum Sacre and I have gone through a couple of Fille En Aigiuelles decants recently. I may have to break down and buy a full bottle.
    Since I live in Northern California, I never see winter. Fall starts in October and lasts until late March when Spring and the rain arrives.

  • Welcome John!!! Winter nights – winter isn’t anymore what it used to be – no snow, no minus temperatures. Unfortunately because it’s just like surviving from fall to spring, thus I started to hate this year season. If I could choose, I would take Fou d’Absinthe. Thx

  • I make it through the winter nights by sleeping through them! I am a summer person, that’ for sure, so I need my overdose of sweet or thick scents to fill my day with warmth. Nevertheless, lately I am feeling very intrigued by pine/fir scents. Must be the call of the wilderness. That is why I choose Fou d’Absinthe…. By the way: welcome, John, you must be lucky to be there!

  • I am with Alica. Winter is not the same. How can a winter be winter without snow ? (at least for me which I grew up enjoying the snow in the winter). It is a sad thing, but I can not do anything about it. We shall see.. I hope it will snow again for it is very sad.
    If I were to win, I would like Tom of Finaland.
    Thanks for the giveaway and Welcom John!

  • marcopietro says:

    Welcome John! I agree with you about Tom of Finland, great fragrance! But I’d like to try Lord’s Jester’s “ARES EDP”, it sounds very comfortable and perfect in winter season.

  • Congratulations on the new gig, John!

    I made it through a snowy day and night in Chicago with Frapin 1270, Indian food delivered, and a cup of chai.

    And I’d love the Fou d’Absinthe!

  • Geee John !!! how good to see your brilliant thought forms about perumes once again !:) love your writting style and floatinh in touchable comparisions, personalizations of smells … Good luck in your new mission here.

  • Welcome John! Tom of Finland is simply great, that’s true 🙂
    To get through a long Winter night is rather hard here in Siberia, so I try to survive spending a month in South Asia.

  • Welcome John! Nice picks, particularly Parfum Sacre and Habanita. Two perfumes to help me get through a cold winter’s night right now would be Shalimar and By Kilian’s Rose Oud.

  • hey johnny – great to see you reviewing here, you’ve done a great job! 😀
    my answer on ‘how to make it though the winter night’ is: tea. green tea, herbal tea, fruit tea, or earl grey… lots of it. and of course a delightfully spicy scent – like opium, minuit enchantee, or black cashmere. or shalimar. or mugler’s a travers le miroir – absinthe in scents feels somehow calming (and fou d’absinthe comes straight to my wishlist!) 🙂

  • Welcome, John! I look forward to future contributions from you. I make it through the winter night with layers and layers of clothing (I am a little thing and always cold 🙂 ), great tea and thoughts of spring, my favorite season. I would love to win one of John’s picks from one of my favorite houses- Caron’s Parfum Sacre.

  • A small nip of Amaretto , lots of warm blankets including my beloved silk-filled duvet .I have to agree Parfum Sacre is a gorgeous winter treat .

  • I make it through the cold winter nights with my electric blanket! Couldn’t live without it!
    I am absolutely delighted to welcome John as a contributer! How exciting!

  • Mark ,how surprised I was to read of your Pino Silvestre selection!!!! Often ‘cheapies’ are dismissed so easily.I do however rather like your Fou dAbsinthe,description. Winters here are very open fireplace can certainly take away the ‘chill’ as well as either hot chocolate or whiskey drinks. blankies and flanny PJs snuggled up to my DH help when he isn’t doing night shifts. ohhh Johnny baby….so thrilled to see /read your thoughts here…..and Parfum Sacre is simply stunning. a beautiful choice.

  • Congratulations and welcolme, John! You made me want to try the Yves Rocher perfume. But I guess it’s hard to find.

    Where I live winter is very mild so we don’t need a lot to make it through. Just a good duvet to sleep and a blanket for the sofa.

  • How do I get through the winter? Well, with the heater on (but not too high), a blanket and some trashy television to keep me amused! LOL
    Great pics from the contributors too! And welcome to John, I look forward to reading your articles!

  • Borko Boris says:

    Welcome John! You had a great start with your choices!

    We make it through winter very easy. When you have love you have everything. It does not matter if outside is cold, inside is very warm, always. Very cozy, comforting. Is a pleasure to get inside, when you return home, and you are frozed, knowing that a lovely wife waits for you to come home.

    If I were to choose I would go for Tom of Finalnd. Thank you!

  • Welcome John, we share some perfume loves. 🙂

    As to winter nights here in the midwest US – well, warming libations of various sorts are a big help (hot chocolate w/peppermint schnapps is a treat). Also wool socks, lots of fleece, a very large furry cat, Netflix streaming, Wazamba & Barbara Bui, good friends, popcorn & board games, snowy midnight walks…..I actually enjoy winter very much.

  • Hot shower, tea and walking around covered in quilts when staying inside but usually winter nights are nights out with friends to lift our moods while waiting for spring to come.

  • Getting through winter- visit family in North Idaho for two weeks, learn to drive on ice and then come home to SF. Here all is lovely.

    The resin wood comment in describing Lord’s Jester’s “ARES EDP is interesting. I love smelling it in real forests.

    Welcome John. I am a new reader of three weeks and am loving all the info.

  • Lots of blankets, one on top of the other, feeling like an Indian in the wilderness. Window open a crack to get that cold winter air.

    I love Caron’s Parfum Sacre. It reminds me of incense lingering in a tall cold church. The crowd gathers to hear Mozart’s Requiem.

    Welcome, John. I love reading the nice articles.

  • Wool socks and a warming glass of cognac always do the trick for me! And welcome to the blog, John. I look forward to more of your posts. Agree that Tom of Finland is great for winter, too!

  • hello john — lovely choices, yours 🙂

    how i make it through the winter night (if it’s cold enough — but even if it’s not):

    a fire in the fireplace
    a book in bed
    a glass of wine (with or without a good meal) …

    like that.

  • Scentual healing says:

    I throughly enjoyed this week of winter favorites. I make it through the night with hot tea and my favorite perfume for winter Caron Parfum Sacré . Since it might be a cold winter that is the perfume I would like to win. Great art and music as always

  • well, you had me at Ares by Lord’s Jester, then you added Tom of Finaland and a Yves Rocher? i think i might have to spend the rest of the winter night trying to figure John out! but mostly i survive be surrounding myself with resinous/warm botanicals… in the air, in the bath and on/in my body. invite all the house creatures into bed and we sleep/snore/purr/pet until dawn.

    welcome John! already very good things have been passing through the grape vine.. you know the organic grape perfumers alcohol vine? that one. *grin*

    welcome aboard john! do keep your head and hands INSIDE the ride at a times. you don’t want to end up like that johnny worchester kid… they found his head by the snow cone dispenser. just saying.

  • Welcome John!

    Winter feels better with hot chocolate and lots of tea. Baked potatoes in the fireplace. Hot wine with honey and spices.
    Parfum sacre is such a beautiful fragrance.

  • A very warm welcome to John, looking forward to reading more 🙂
    What wonderful fragrant picks, I can’t believe I don’t own those winter-must-have Parfum Sacre and Fou d’absinth…
    Love Habanita and Fille too, thanks for reminding me of Habanita, which I haven’t worn in a while.
    Apart from perfumes, my Tibet lamb’s scarf, woolly jumpers and coffee gets me through this time of year. I suppose the positive side of winter is that I get to wear the fragrances I love the most, and that’s not so bad 😉
    Thanks for the shared post and the wonderful draw.

  • Welcome, welcome John! I make it through winter nights by burying myself in eiderdown and flannel, after liberally applying an appropriate fragrance…nothing better than snuggling up in a cool/cold room!!! Fou d’Absinthe- you are calling to me!

  • Winter in the Pacific Northwest is mostly just cold, rainy, and dark, but I really don’t mind. We’ve had more sunny days than usual this year, so getting outside for a walk or run in the sun during the day is a perfect way to counteract the dark nights.

    I’ve tried most of the selections mentioned here, but Lord’s Jester’s Ares is one that I have not. If I won anything that’s the fragrance I’d want, although I wouldn’t complain about any of the others, either – excellent selections all.

  • Welcome, John. It’s nice to see you hear. As for getting thru the winter. No problem, I love the cold. A nice walk in the freezing cold and come home to a fire in the fireplace. I’d take it over a hot & humid summer, any day!

    I would choose Serge Lutens “Fille en Aiguilles. As I have a good supply of my favorite, Caron Parfum Sacre, already

  • Welcome, John 🙂 You’ve done a great job.
    Getting through the winter nights with a cup of hot chocolate and my favourite perfume, Inception.

  • Welcome, John. I may not be a real perfume head, but your insight always gives me something to think about when i am thinking about gifts for my special someone

  • Caron’s “Parfum Sacre” sounds amazing. I would LOVE to sniff that one. Thank you for this lovely draw.
    As far how I am making it through winter, well, I am going against the grain and going to an indoor pool to pretend it’s summer. Swimming laps while looking up through the skylights, I just forget for a little while that it’s 29 outside.
    By the way, I had Creed’s Original Santale on and it actually lasted through an hour of swimming! Now that’s some powerful juice!

  • I would love to thank each and every one of you who have welcomed me so warmly to CaFleureBon. <3 This outpouring of love and touching reception makes me realize that I made the right choice coming here.

    It is my sincere wish to delight and entertain you with future features, reviews and articles! 😀

    I look forward to being a part of this great team and hope that through our shared passions we can all learn from one another and grow as parfumistas and people…

    Smell swell and Be Well!!!

  • Welcome John,it’s nice to have you here.
    I love the still winter days,picture in white.Taking a walk in the park or going up in the mountain is great pleasure.Staying near the fireplace would keep us warm and bring us together.
    Ares would help me make it throug the night.I love this perfume and soon will go for the edp version.

  • Welcome John, yours is a name I recognize! So many great choices, that I agree with… I’ve really enjoyed reading both parts of the winter fragrance extravaganza. I’ve also been reminded of ones I’ve been attracted to, but not yet had the chance to try, like Lord’s Jester Ares. I’ll have to remedy that. Thanks for the draw!

  • Welcome John! I can’t wait to read more from you. As for the winter, thoughts of spring help me get through the cold, cold winter. 🙂 Thanks for the draw!

  • Welcome John!!!!! I make it through Michigan winters with tons of layers of clothing and deep, warm fragrances. I would love to try Lord’s Jester’s ARES EDP if given a chance.

  • Welcome, John! Look forward to seeing you here too. 🙂

    BTW, I try to ensure I snuggle with my cat to stay warm. He’s usually willing to participate.

  • Welcome. Very nice choices. The SL pine scent is drawing me back for a second try; I may have to have a decant, this time around.

    This fall and winter, I have found a new appreciation for Parfum Sacre. It’s warm, close to the body, and delicious, like a lightweight down comforter. My comforter gets me through the winter nights.

  • Welcome, John. Nice choices! Especially Parfum Sacre, which I wore today (already have a bottle). I love it when men are comfortable wearing a scent that isn’t marked ‘pour homme’ if it works for them, just like I am comfortable saying that etat libre’s scents are weird and sometimes wonderful, like me, and I would love to try Tom of Finland (even though the box makes me giggle!).

    Every time I see Lord’s Jester I remember ‘Busking in Japan and paying the Yakuza’–it’s very vivid. This year I want to learn more about natural perfumery and American perfumers. I would also love to try this one! Amber is one of my favorite winter scents. It’s also how I get through winter nights, along with tea, hot water bottles, baths and candles, and some wool socks I ‘borrowed’ from my dad. And music, too. Cheers me right up through a cold dreary evening.

    Fille en Aiguilles is lovely, I’ve sampled it and it is very pine-y while also being a more complex scent. I’m now very curious about Fou D’Absinthe and Habanita. Lovely reviews, and thanks for the draw!

  • My favourite of the bunch would be Tom of Finalnd. I would be quite happy if I win that one.
    Also, I wish you John a warm welcome and I hope you will delight us from now on with many, many articles.

  • I make it through the winter nights by thinking of an warm exotic place. An island where the sun is a permanent presence, where you stay on the beach in a hammock and a gentle music plays in the background relaxing you.
    Also, a warm welcome, as warm as the temperature on my dream island, to John!

    My pick ? Tom of Finalnd