Frassaï Dormir al Sol Review (Irina Burlakova) 2024 + Drowsing in the Sun Giveaway

Frassai dormir al Sol

Frassaï Dormir al Sol courtesy of the brand

What though the radiance

Which was once so bright

Be now for ever taken from my sight,

Though nothing can bring back the hour

Of splendour in the grass,

Of glory in the flower,

We will grieve not, rather find

Strength in what remains behind. ~ William Wordsworth, excerpt from Splendour in the Grass

Natalia Outeda Frassaï

Natalia Outeda via Instagram

To drowse in the splendor of the meadow – sunlit, redolent of new mown hay and fecund soil beneath us: fertile, yes – but as dry as high summer permits. Rains come and go; the surrounding hues evolve in varying tons of gold and green. Due to the vagaries of latitude and longitude, Frassaï’s creative director Natalia Outeda finds herself in the midst of an Argentine winter just as our summer here unfolds in all its languor. Natalia very recently related that despite this disparity, she is taking comfort in Frassaï’s newest release Dormir al Sol (To Sleep in the Sun). Once I familiarize you with this dreamy perfume, I’m certain that you’ll understand how that comes to be.

Perfumer Irina Burlakova of Mane

Perfumer Irina Burlakova of Mane courtesy of Mane

What does it mean ‘to sleep in the sun”? My immediate association resembles a Martín Malharro or Monet painting which teems with haystacks, farm workers stealing a midday siesta in the midst of a coumarinic-scented field of grain; lovers whose heavy limbs entwine while the sun is at its zenith and any other activity must be curtailed until the soaring temperatures abate, just a little. Perfumer Irina Burlakova of Mane has gilded Dormir al Sol with potent atmospherics and brings these to the table, where they conjointly create an ambience of gourmand détente.


Dormir al sol by Frassai

Frassaï Dormir al Sol image via @frassai Instagram

Lime and mandarin provide their fleeting citrus-charm-as-introduction, and appear bold upon first spritz. I have the trompe-nez impression of linden as they meld with mimosa absolute: powerfully sweet, powdery, pollen-y, haylike, resolutely floral and dry-grassy. There is a solar dustiness to mimosa which reminds us of heliotrope. The perfumer offsets this effect with one of the Mane pure jungle essence™ captives for piquancy – forest pepper. Not really a peppercorn as we know it (more a berry), forest pepper is a member of the same botanical family as Timut and Szechuan (Sichuan) pepper: spicy and floral, with hints of mandarin. The masterly sleight-of-hand in employing a burnished saffron complement several other materials: with patchouli and guaiac wood, it summons a lightly smoky, earthy leather; with Mane’s brandy pure jungle essence™, a glowing libational ember. At this stage in its development Dormir al Sol is heavy-lidded and passionate as a sundrunk odalisque. The inclusion of Bourbon vetiver contributes a warmly nutty, balsamic touch of moist verdancy which enlivens, balances, and modulates the aridity of wood and spice. Well into the drydown, this fragrance feels like a cloud of comfort; gossamer perfume, but not ghostly, it floats upon the flesh and the ether with companionable ease.

My most beautiful hiding places,

places that best fit my soul’s deepest colors,

are made of all those others forgot.

 They are solitary sites hollowed out in the grass’ caress,

in a shadow of wings, in a passing song. ~ excerpt from Ballad of Forgotten Places, by Argentinian poet Olga Orozco

Notes: lime, mandarin, forest pepper pure jungle essence™ (Mane), mimosa absolute, brandy pure jungle essence™ (Mane), guaiac wood Gran Chaco (the second largest rainforest in South America), vetiver Bourbon, patchouli Gayo (the highlands of Aceh,Sumatra), saffron


Bottle kindly gifted by Natalia Outeda, (who noted my enthusiasm at Esxence 2024 when Dormir al Sol was being presented). Many thanks! My nose is my own…

~ Ida Meister, Deputy and Natural Perfumery Editor

Art Direction: Michelyn

Best Frassai Perfumes Dormir al Sol

Frassaï Dormir al Sol art courtesy of the brand

Thanks to the largesse of Frassaï, we have a draw for three registered readers:  one in the EU, one in the UK and one in the USA for a 9ml ml flacon of Frassaï Dormir al Sol. Please be sure to register. To be eligible please let us know what appeals to you about Ida’s review, and where you live.   Draw closes 7/12/204

Stockists here.

Learn about Natalia Outeda’s role as a Creative director of Frassaï here

Please read Ida’s reviews of El Descanso Verano Porteño Blondine and Tian Di

Follow us @cafleurebonofficial @idameister @frassaï @natalia_outeda @perfumer.irina.burlakova

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We announce the winners only on our site and on our Facebook page, so like ÇaFleureBon and use our blog feed… or your dream prize will be just spilled perfume.


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  • Laurentiu says:

    Brandy, patchouli, pepper and vetiver sound really good together. I am curious about the role of saffron and mimosa in the overall composition. Thanks! Europe

  • KleinJörg says:

    Ida’s review of Frassaï Dormir al Sol captivates me with its vivid and poetic imagery, transporting me to sun-drenched meadows and invoking the nostalgic charm of summer siestas. The intricate blend of lime, mandarin, mimosa, and exotic spices promises a multi-layered olfactory journey that is both comforting and evocative. Her detailed description of the fragrance’s evolution on the skin, from its bold citrus introduction to its warm, smoky drydown, makes it irresistibly intriguing.

    I live in the EU

  • The notes of lime and forest pepper sounds like a beautiful and complex combination of earthy and fresh notes. I live in Trzebnica, Poland, EU.

  • phuongmtran says:

    I have long wanted to try Frassai’s fragrances. The note combination in Dormir Al Sol is like nothing I have in my collection, and it truly sounds like a dreamy perfume. The poetic review confirms its magical imagery. I am in the USA.

  • AleksCipri says:

    I love Frassai as a brand and this new release is making merely excited. Reading Ida’s review I realizes this fragrance is bridging two kinds of perfumes and notes I like – powdery mimosa scents and calming woody and leathery fragrances. I own one bottle from the brand but I have a few more on my wish list. I cannot wait to sample this one too! Cheers from Illinois, US.

  • Ida has provided us with a beautiful illustration of this fragrance. The hay bales, the workers “resting their eyes”, the golden hues beating down – such a wonderful interpretation! This sounds like a wonderfully cozy fragrance, but one that drapes over you like a shawl rather than hugging you tight like a turtleneck. I’m quite curious about the Mane pure jungle essence™ captive, as I do not think I have encountered this material before. i love the zippy citrus-like essence of Szechuan pepper, so I am hoping its cousin is equally zingy. Best of luck to all. I live in NC, USA.

  • says:

    What a beautiful review. It transported me to far off places, lying in the sun. I’d love to get my nose on this fragrance, it sounds like a dream. I live in Oregon.

  • sherin thomas says:

    Lovely review indeed ! The notes of lime and forest pepper sounds like a beautiful and complex combination of earthy and fresh notes. From PA,USA

  • The linden-mimosa duo has to be gorgeous. The perfume sounds very harmonious and classical on all its facets, with a bright zesty opening, sinking into two of the flowers I love most and acquiring its final layer, the richest and most enveloping, with bourbon vetiver, guaiac wood and patchouli.
    Ida’s review truly transports to an idyllic, campestral image, full of colors, feelings and especially scents.
    Greetings from the EU.

  • passionate as a sundrunk odalisque. The inclusion of Bourbon vetiver contributes a warmly nutty, balsamic touch of moist verdancy which enlivens, balances, and modulates the aridity of wood and spice. Well into the drydown, this fragrance feels like a cloud of comfort; gossamer perfume, but not ghostly, it floats upon the flesh and the ether with companionable ease. The three notes that stood out were Brandy, Patchouli and Vetiver this sounds like a heavenly combination. A beautiful description by Ida has piqued my interest. Thanks a million from the UK

  • masterly sleight-of-hand in employing a burnished saffron complement several other materials: with patchouli and guaiac wood, it summons a lightly smoky, earthy leather; with Mane’s brandy pure jungle essence™, a glowing libational ember. At this stage in its development Dormir al Sol is heavy-lidded and passionate as a sundrunk odalisque. The inclusion of Bourbon vetiver contributes a warmly nutty, balsamic touch of moist verdancy which enlivens, balances, and modulates the aridity of wood and spice. Well into the drydown, this fragrance feels like a cloud of comfort; gossamer perfume, but not ghostly, it floats upon the flesh and the ether with companionable ease. I am just in love with the ingredients especially saffron, patchouli and guaiac wood giving the leathery effect. The vetiver and brandy adding warm balsamic nutty touch.Thanks a lot from the UK

  • I liked the notes in Natalia Outeda’s creation. Most specific what interests me is this effect with one of the Mane pure jungle essence™ captives for piquancy – forest pepper.
    From EU.

  • A lazy summer day in the fields waiting for the siesta sounds like a perfect antidote to the super heated world of today, The blend of notes sounds earthy and spicy and completely comforting. MD,USA

  • This sounds incredible! “Solar dustiness” combined with some really intriguing captives make this a must smell. I am in the UK

  • roxhas1cat says:

    Always learning. I had to look up the word “detente”. Never heard of the forest pepper before. I am a fan of guiaic wood in fragrance. This sounds like a summer dream! USA.

  • This sounds so much better than the time I fell asleep in the sun. Let’s say I ended up at the ER. Not good. I’m much rather try this perfume. In maryland.

  • This sounds so interesting, Ida’s description painted pictures in my mind that I would love to compare to the scent itself. Thank you for the draw and the lovely review. I’m in the us.

  • absurdnose says:

    I’ve heard such good things about Frassai! I love how the list of notes so evoke this theme of a beautiful nap in the sun. Sounds absolutely lovely. Thank you for the giveaway! I am in the USA.

  • This sounds truly dreamy. I loved the description of what it means to ‘sleep in the sun’. Frassai is a brand I’m really eager to try. I’veard great things about them. I’m in the UK.

  • What a captivating review! The way you describe Frassaï Dormir al Sol evokes such vivid imagery of a sunlit siesta. The combination of bergamot and mimosa sounds like a perfect balance of fresh and floral. I’m particularly intrigued by the addition of mate absolute – it’s a note I haven’t encountered much in fragrances, but it seems to add an interesting twist. Thank you for this delightful review. I’m eager to try this perfume myself!

    I’m from the EU

  • Ida, your review has truly transported me to a serene afternoon under the sun. The detailed breakdown of the notes, from the citrusy opening to the earthy dry-down, makes this fragrance sound like a masterpiece. The inspiration behind Dormir al Sol is beautifully captured in your words, and I appreciate how you’ve highlighted the artistry involved in its creation. This is definitely going on my must-try list!

    I’m from the EU

  • Ida, your review has truly transported me to a serene afternoon under the sun. The detailed breakdown of the notes, from the citrusy opening to the earthy dry-down, makes this fragrance sound like a masterpiece. The inspiration behind Dormir al Sol is beautifully captured in your words, and I appreciate how you’ve highlighted the artistry involved in its creation. This is definitely going on my must-try list!

    I’m from the EU

  • olgAPOISON says:

    Lime, mimosa, vetiver… So amazing! This is earthy and beautiful. Would love to try. From eu.

  • WeAreScentient says:

    The sun is something I can only step in for a while without spf 50. It’s nice to be able to smell it through your review Ida.
    Frassaï are always impressive perfumes.
    Much love from Dublin.

  • Great review of Frassaï’s new scent ‘Dormir al Sol’. I like how it starts with citrus and moves into mimosa and that forest pepper note from Mane. The mix of saffron, patchouli, and guaiac wood creating a leather smell is interesting. Nice touch adding vetiver to balance out the dry woods and spices.
    It’s cool to see both natural ingredients and Mane’s special blends used here. Natalia Outeda’s idea of ‘sleeping in the sun’ comes through in the scent profile. The description of the drydown as a ‘cloud of comfort’ makes me want to try it. I’m curious how the mimosa and vetiver will work together on skin.

  • “To sleep in the sun” is a wonderful name for a perfume—very evocative. The use of forest pepper stands out here; I’m not familiar, but “spicy and floral, with hints of mandarin” sounds uplifting, and complex when combined with bronzed saffron. I can feel the warmth on my face already. Great review, Ida.

    I’m in the USA.

  • Ida paints such a beautiful picture of this fragrance! Golden embers, sundrunk warmth, I want it all! Thanks for the opportunity to win – I’m in MN, USA.

  • mleenstra says:

    Ow I love Frassaï. The perfumes are so different and full of life. I really love how Ida describes Dormir al Sol as heavy lidded in the build up but comforting in the drydown. This is also how I experience Tian Di which I love from this brand. Would love to try Dormir Al Sol. Marit UK

  • Oh, wow, Hay is one of my all time favorite notes. The drowsy sunshine filled scene Ida paints makes this sound amazing! I live in the US.

  • Patricia R. says:

    I always wonder, when it comes to the seasons, if the Sun particularly, feels and looks the same on the other side of the globe, or is similar in quality in some way to ours. I’d like to try the sample of this fragrance. I live in the EU.

  • I always enjoy Ida’s reviews because she adds a poetic flair that goes beyond olfactory descriptors. I appreciate a set scene; environments, elements, emotions — all the things and feels.
    This sounds absolutely lovely. It’s funny I didn’t realize the slight similarity with mimosa and heliotrope until I read this, as I don’t have much in my collection with mimosa but knew something familiar kept grabbing my attention.

    Good luck to everyone and boop the snoots of your pets from me!! My goodest good boy had to leave me, but never my heart.

  • ajraccounts says:

    Wow. I love how Ida’s review beautifully conjures the multisensory experience of lolling about in a field in summer — and the suggestion that this perfume is an olfactory impression of that, well, I’m very curious to try it! I’m in CA, USA.

  • Sherin Thomas says:

    What a captivating review! The way you describe Frassaï Dormir al Sol evokes such vivid imagery of a sunlit siesta. The combination of bergamot and mimosa sounds like a perfect balance of fresh and floral. From PA, USA

  • Danu Seith-Fyr says:

    A stunning ,warm and solar perfume, this is the epitome of relaxation and to just release all under the sun. Gorgeous writing as usual dear Ida.
    I live in Sw France

  • So many incredibly ingredients! Sumatran patchouli is one of my favorites, so comforting. And the Gaiac wood sounds truly precious. I love a bouton vetiver. And Indian mimosa?! What’s not to love! I’m so grateful for the review as I had not heard of this before. I am located in US.

  • wallygator88 says:

    THanks for the nice writeup Ida.

    Really interesting fragrance to read about.

    Cheers from WI, USA