Olibanum Neroli (Céline Perdriel) 2024 + sunshine in a bottle giveaway

Olibanum Neroli

Olibanum Neroli, photo by Nicoleta

Gérald Ghislain – the founder and creator of Histoires de Parfums is a pioneer in the world of niche perfumery, as 24 years ago (yes, 2000 was almost a quarter of a century ago) Histoires de Parfums launched their line of “stories to be read on your skin” – an olfactive library that has brought to life, over the years, famous characters, mythical years, poems, music, and amazing raw materials. With Olibanum, launched two years ago, the idea was completely different:  “I wanted to create a brand without telling stories, focused on a sole raw material, with a reasonable ecological impact. I’ve been told I was crazy. It made me want to do it.” Gérald Ghislain

Gerald Ghislain of Olibanum and Histoires de Parfums

Gérald Ghislain image via website

The brand is focused on simplicity, with perfumes that say how they smell and that smell how they say; constructed with a conscious approach and care to have a minimal ecological impact on the world, and committed, lending support to numerous humanitarian projects. Olibanum wears its green pledge proudly, with minimalist packaging, recycled and recyclable, organic alcohol made in France, formulas developed with ethical natural products, and every detail, including the supply chain, thoughtfully designed to be eco-friendly and to minimize the carbon footprint.

Olibanum perfumes

Olibanum logo – image via the brand

Why is olibanum the main focus? Gérald tells us: “Coveted by pharaohs and kings of antiquity, this burnt offering, which adorned altars around the world in India, Africa, Europe, and Mesopotamia, was believed to convey the prayers of rituals both sacred and secular. From India all the way to the Horn of Africa and passing through the Sultanate of Oman, the olibanum resin is harvested by cutting into the bark of the Boswellia tree to awaken its woodsy, aromatic, balsamic, mineral, spicy, and lemony tonalities. Even today, this resin purifies the atmosphere, relaxes, and soothes the mind.” The many faces of olibanum are explored and magnified with the use of another “hero ingredient”. We have the woods, the leaves, the flowers, the fruits, the seeds, and the roots. Think of having different colored lenses put over an olfactive microscope, through which you can explore the scenery, to discover new and surprising details. Plus – these “lenses” can be layered, to explore new facets, interactions, and dimensions.

Celine Pedriel of Cosmo International

Celine Pedriel at Cosmo International courtesy of the perfumer

For its 19th fragrance, Olibanum has chosen to team up with Celine Pedriel and focus on a beloved raw ingredient: neroli. The white fragrant flower of Citrus aurantium in this perfume comes from the province of Khemisset in Morocco. This variety was selected for its floral, citrus, green, and honeyed notes. “The arrival of orange blossoms in April causes great excitement because it is the moment awaited by thousands of women who, every year, participate in the harvest. It is also a big logistical challenge for the producer who must organize both harvesting and processing in the hours that follow. Each day he organizes the transport of 1,500 pickers to each of the three farms, from their villages to the fields. Only the open flowers, not buds, are harvested and sorted delicately before being transported to the factory to be extracted, for an absolute whose notes reveal a natural flower effect, less green than a neroli and less animal than an absolute. Notes of fresh petals are very refined and give the compositions a solar effect.”*

 Orange blossom perfumes

Orange blossom, image via the brand

As far as its mood-boosting qualities, Author and ÇaFleureBon Editor Elise Pearlstine eloquently summed it up: “Throughout history, aromatherapists and herbalists have long known that the flowers of bitter orange – both spicy and sweet-smelling —alleviate insomnia, anxiety, and depression, and in effect, this it is the Xanax of perfumery.”

Olibanum Neroli perfume

Olibanum Neroli, official photo 

The steam distillation of the petals produces Neroli, whereas extraction using volatile solvents produces Orange Blossom Absolute. I love both equally, with their different personalities and characters, and because I am – yet again – deep down the rabbit hole of Harry Potter books with my kid’s lecture club, I would compare Neroli with the charm of Hermione: classical, intricate, a bit old-school, lovable but with a little bit of “spicy bite”, making it an acquired taste. On the other hand, orange blossom, with its dreamy, airy, soft, and sweet aura would be Luna Lovegood – more lighthearted, delicate, and easier to love. I have a lot of perfumes in my collection focused on neroli and even more that are about orange blossom. From the refreshing Tom Ford Neroli Portofino to the crispness of Nishane’s Colognise to the sweetness of YSL’s Atlas Garden to the fruitiness of Dusita Anamcara – I love them all and they are regular in my perfume rotation, especially in the spring and summer.

In Olibanum Neroli, I have the best of both worlds: the complex, spicy spirit of Neroli mixed with the irresistible sweet and solar orange blossom. Add to that the sparkling opening of fizzy bergamot, the honeyed roundness of Jasmin, the fluffy facets of musk, and just enough incense to keep things grounded and interesting   – and you have the recipe for a fantastic summer scent. Sweet, fresh, floral, and clean, it makes me want to arrange summery Pinterest boards, make honeyed linden blossom lemonade, wear white linen dresses, and be uncharacteristically light-hearted.

Notes:  Bergamot, Neroli, Orange Blossom, Jasmin, Oliban, Musk

Nicoleta Tomsa, Senior Editor

*Information taken from Olibanum’s press release

Disclosure: A bottle of Neroli was offered by Olibanum. Opinions are my own.

Olibanum. Neroli

Thanks to the generosity of Olibanum we have a 1.7 oz bottle for one registered reader in the USA or EU only. You must register or your entry will not count. To be eligible, please leave a comment saying what sparks your interest based on Nicoleta’s review of Olibanum Neroli and where you live. Draw closes 6/2/2024

CURRENTLY AVAILABE IN THE EU https://www.olibanum.com/products/neroli AND COMING TO THE USA SOON

Follow us on Instagram @cafleurebonofficial@nicoleta.tomsa@olibanum.parfum@celine.perdriel.perfumer

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  • Ramses Perez says:

    I love how houses are innovating and creating new ideas and fragrances to “keep up with the tiles.” Yes creating an eco-friendly fragrance does seem like a daunting task and adds a cost that probably wouldn’t exist in just a regular fragrance but because of that it makes it the more attractive/penetrate a new community of eco-conscious consumers. It’s a very simple note breakdown and very summer oriented which I lack in my collection. Also, the bottle itself looks very vintage-y and like a relic, I personally love it. Cheers from USA.

  • phuongmtran says:

    Olibanum Neroli sounds so refreshing for the summer. The combination of neroli, orange blossom, and bergamot – spicy and sweet – is right up my alley. I am in CA, USA.

  • I love the delight in this review!
    Summer fragrances seem to be known as happy fragrances and those are one of my favorites.
    I, too, would like to be ‘ be uncharacteristically light-hearted’!!!
    Thanks for the giveaway. I am in the USA.

  • I’ve been searching for a great summer scent and this review for Olibanum Neroli peaked my interest. I like the idea of a spicy sweet and fresh fragrance to wear for the warm summer days. Definitely interested in learning more about Olibanum perfumes and will be checking them out when they’re available in the USA. I’m in California, USA.

  • Eris.can.swatch.kaos says:

    The simplicity of this fragrance is much appealing and appreciated. I can’t wait to try this for myself. Thank you for the beautiful review. I live in Oregon.

  • My interest was sparked by “…and just enough incense to keep things grounded and interesting.” US

  • Fizzy bergamot and jasmine sound like such a gorgeous combination! It really sparks mu interest! I live in Trzebnica, Poland, EU.

  • Sherin Thomas says:

    Excellent review ! I love the delight in this review!
    Summer fragrances seem to be known as happy fragrances and those are one of my favorites.
    Thanks for the giveaway. From PA,USA

  • wallygator88 says:

    Thanks for the nice writeup Nicoleta.
    It was super interesting to read about this brand in CFB a while back and I love the aesthetic, commitment to the supply chain and the simplicity of the notes.

    This fragrance really does a lot with just frankinsence, neroli, orange blossom, musks and jasmine. It sounds very pretty and I would love to get a nose on it.

    Cheers from WI, USA

  • bread1000000 says:

    Admittedly, neroli has almost always been a note that eluded me. Perhaps it was because I hadn’t smelled anything where it was the star, or maybe it wasn’t a very well-done, high-quality neroli. Nicoleta’s review has seemingly awakened a real interest in the flower for me, and it’s beautiful to see Olibanum spotlighting the well-loved but somehow underrated note. This fragrance sounds like it could be the one, especially for these warmer months, and provide levity during the cooler months even. Fantastic write-up 🙂

    Hello from Brooklyn, NY, hope everyone is doing well!

  • Nikolina_84 says:

    First of all, I looooove Neroli in perfumes – that alone piques my interest. And Orange Blossom too? Perfect!
    I’m glad Nicoleta is a fan of them too. I think she says it all with “In Olibanum Neroli, I have the best of both worlds: the complex, spicy spirit of Neroli mixed with the irresistible sweet and solar orange blossom. Add to that the sparkling opening of fizzy bergamot, the honeyed roundness of Jasmin, the fluffy facets of musk, and just enough incense to keep things grounded and interesting – and you have the recipe for a fantastic summer scent.”
    Hugs from EU. ❤️

  • John Gahlt says:

    Nicoleta’s review of Olibanum Neroli captures my interest with its vivid descriptions of the intricate blend of neroli and orange blossom, evoking both the spicy complexity and sweet lightness of these notes. The comparison to beloved literary characters adds a charming and relatable touch, making the fragrance feel both sophisticated and approachable. Additionally, the detailed account of the sustainable and ethical practices behind the brand highlights its commitment to environmental consciousness, making it even more appealing.

    I am from the EU (Germany)

  • I loved reading about the concept behind Olibanum – recycled materials, organic substances and as sustainability-oriented as possible.
    I love the note of neroli, and smelling it from this perspective of simplicity, paired with just a few other notes and keeping it simple and true to nature sounds very appealing to me. Also found its comparison to Hermione Granger very smart.
    Commenting from EU.

  • Sorohan Adriana says:

    Sweet, fresh, floral, and clean, opening of fizzy bergamot, the honeyed roundness of Jasmin, the fluffy facets of musk, and just enough incense to keep a fantastic summer scent. I need a new summer scent. I am from EU

  • I’m captivated by Nicoleta’s description of Olibanum Neroli. The blend of neroli’s complex, spicy spirit with the sweet and solar orange blossom sounds enchanting. The notes of bergamot, jasmine, and musk add to its appeal as a perfect summer scent. I’m particularly drawn to the eco-friendly and ethical approach of the brand. I live in Paris France. Thank you for this opportunity!

  • This one sounds like a perfect fragrance for summer: fresh, clean, floral and sweet. Easy to like and wear, definitely a perfume that sets the mood for those relaxing summer days.
    Thanks! Europe

  • I am so torn on my love of a well packaged bottle, but I also appreciate minimalism for its ecological impact. But enough of that, the star of this show is neroli, and how I love neroli. I can imagine the excitement and frenzy around the harvest. I appreciate the instruction on the differences between neroli and orange blossom absolute. In maryland.

  • I love that everything about this fragrance and packaging is eco friendly using recycled materials and organic alcohol. I adore neroli – it’s so fresh and uplifting. The entire composition sounds so lovely!
    I live in the US.

  • Nicoleta’s review of Olibanum Neroli sparks my interest with its vivid descriptions of the perfume’s complex, spicy neroli mixed with sweet and solar orange blossom. The imagery of the sparkling bergamot, honeyed jasmine, and grounding incense creating a fantastic summer scent is captivating. It makes me want to experience this fragrance that evokes such a light-hearted and summery mood. I live in Nashville, Tennessee.

  • Neroli! A gorgeous note. I live in a place where orange blossoms are plentiful – and they do smell like sunshine. I’m in the USA.

  • Néroli has the promise of a captivating and harmonious blend, where the neroli, providing a fresh, sweet, and slightly spicy dimension, merges with the orange blossom – rich, sweet, and heady, complimenting the aforementioned neroli with its slightly more intense and creamy profile.

    Kudos to mr. Ghislain for building a brand that focuses on quality, sustainability, ethics and not on the loud emptiness of bling.
    Thanks for the review and the draw, from EU.

  • ElenaChiss says:

    I know Gerald Ghislain through his other brand Histoires de Parfums from which I have two bottles and tested a dozen of the other available creations. I am curious on his approach his newer Olibanum., not only because of the ecological impact (which should be something of focus for each and every company), but more for the simple and elegant aim at having something uncomplicated, without much words, or advertisement.

  • Very much interested trying this one as neroli and orange blossom are a few of my favourite notes in perfume. Please consider me for drawing.
    Follower @cafleurebonofficial on instagram
    Thank you

  • I like simple citrus fragrances for the summer because anything too sweet or cloying feels heavy. A sparkling neroli/orange blossom with a honeyed jasmine sounds elegant and feminine. MD, USA.

  • Oh, this sounds so nice! I was never sure of the difference between Neroli and Orange Blossom so that was a great bit of info to get. I enjoyed hearing how things are created and processed and I love how committed the company is to eco-friendliness. I live in the USA.

  • roxhas1cat says:

    I love neroli!!! I don’t mind the minimal packaging, then I don’t feel guilty when I recycle the bottle. I had no idea this was so coveted and also used for burnt offerings. I had no idea the harvesting was so difficult. I just love a touch of incense in a fragrance. Thanks for the chance. USA.

  • Neroli is one of my favorite summer notes even though I’m really just getting into it. Knowing that this fragrance concentrates on the rawness of the materials really brings a smile to my face because sometimes I do just want to put on something simple and refreshing.

    I live in Dallas, TX

  • realtyisme says:

    There is a lot to be said when it comes to “simplicity” in fragrance. I like the concept. Looking forward to getting my nose on this neroli creation 🙂

  • I was captivated by both Michelyn’s introduction and Gérald Ghislain’s insights on the evolution of Histoires de Parfums and the concept behind Olibanum. Michelyn’s historical context of the brand’s journey, transitioning from storytelling fragrances to the pure essence of raw materials, beautifully sets the stage for Gérald’s innovative vision. Gérald’s determination to focus on a single raw material with minimal ecological impact and his passion for olibanum’s rich history and versatility is truly inspiring.

    Nicoleta’s review of Olibanum Neroli is equally enchanting. Her vivid descriptions bring the fragrance to life, highlighting the intricate balance between neroli and orange blossom. The comparison to Hermione and Luna from Harry Potter adds a whimsical touch that resonates with me. The detailed breakdown of the notes—bergamot, neroli, orange blossom, jasmine, olibanum, and musk—along with Nicoleta’s personal reflections, paints a clear and enticing picture of the scent. It makes me eager to experience the blend of spicy, floral, and sweet elements that promise to make Olibanum Neroli a perfect summer fragrance.


  • I was captivated by both Michelyn’s introduction and Gérald Ghislain’s insights on the evolution of Histoires de Parfums and the concept behind Olibanum. Michelyn’s historical context of the brand’s journey, transitioning from storytelling fragrances to the pure essence of raw materials, beautifully sets the stage for Gérald’s innovative vision. Gérald’s determination to focus on a single raw material with minimal ecological impact and his passion for olibanum’s rich history and versatility is truly inspiring.

    Nicoleta’s review of Olibanum Neroli is equally enchanting. Her vivid descriptions bring the fragrance to life, highlighting the intricate balance between neroli and orange blossom. The comparison to Hermione and Luna from Harry Potter adds a whimsical touch that resonates with me. The detailed breakdown of the notes—bergamot, neroli, orange blossom, jasmine, olibanum, and musk—along with Nicoleta’s personal reflections, paints a clear and enticing picture of the scent. It makes me eager to experience the blend of spicy, floral, and sweet elements that promise to make Olibanum Neroli a perfect summer fragrance.


  • I was captivated by both Michelyn’s introduction and Gérald Ghislain’s insights on the evolution of Histoires de Parfums and the concept behind Olibanum. Michelyn’s historical context of the brand’s journey, transitioning from storytelling fragrances to the pure essence of raw materials, beautifully sets the stage for Gérald’s innovative vision. Gérald’s determination to focus on a single raw material with minimal ecological impact and his passion for olibanum’s rich history and versatility is truly inspiring.

    Nicoleta’s review of Olibanum Neroli is equally enchanting. Her vivid descriptions bring the fragrance to life, highlighting the intricate balance between neroli and orange blossom. The comparison to Hermione and Luna from Harry Potter adds a whimsical touch that resonates with me. The detailed breakdown of the notes—bergamot, neroli, orange blossom, jasmine, olibanum, and musk—along with Nicoleta’s personal reflections, paints a clear and enticing picture of the scent. It makes me eager to experience the blend of spicy, floral, and sweet elements that promise to make Olibanum Neroli a perfect summer fragrance.


  • I love neroli so of course I am dying to try this! The combination with the honeyed jasmine note that Nicoleta described sounds wonderful too. Thanks for the opportunity to win! I’m in MN, USA.

  • I love neroli. Sounds interesting, orange blossom jasmine and spice. Love the breakdown of notes and sensory picture painted. Would love to sample this. April from Minnesota USA.

  • Sherin Thomas says:

    Amazing review !! Olibanum Neroli sounds so refreshing for the summer. The combination of neroli, orange blossom, and bergamot – spicy and sweet – is right up my alley. From PA,USA

  • What a cool bottle! The quirky sprayer is a nice touch—great branding and packaging. I like perfumes that focus on one material, like Olibanum does (Gérald Ghislain’s direction for the brand reminds me of Simon Constantine’s ånd Fragrances), though an entire brand devoted to one facets of one material is an even narrower focus. Nicoleta’s thoughts here stood out: “Think of having different colored lenses put over an olfactive microscope, through which you can explore the scenery, to discover new and surprising details. Plus – these “lenses” can be layered, to explore new facets, interactions, and dimensions.” Olibanum Neroli takes an interesting approach to its namesake, combining elements of both spicy-sweet neroli and bright orange blossom, with incense for complexity. Straightforward on paper, but it sounds elegantly composed.

    I’m in the USA.

  • MatthewKeilwitz says:

    I love the classic nature of the concept. So much of western culture is born out of a cult of originality these days. Don’t get me wrong, I understand and appreciate the creative impetus to be avant garde. But embodying the roots and history of the art, and being able to master a classic scent (and do it to modern production and performance standards) is truly something remarkable.

    FL, USA

  • Michael Prince says:

    I loved Nicoleta’s detailed review. This sounds amazing! A bright and fresh fragrance. I always loved the combination of Neroli and Orange Blossom. With the added warm and resinous Olibanum this sounds truly divine. I am from the USA.