Rook Perfumes Forest (Dr. Nadeem Crowe) + A Walk in the Woods Draw

Rook Perfumes Forest

 Screen shot Rook Perfumes Forest via official Instagram

On early summer mornings, when a drowsy sun greets a passing cloud or two before turning to the serious business of burning off the chill, the forest is stirring awake. Along a woodland trail carpeted with pine needles, birds gossip, and red salamanders play hide-and-seek. 6-year-old me turns over the crumbling underside of a log to watch a community of mites and beetles scuttle, furious at being roused. Ferns hang heavy with dew while a daddy longlegs goes about its elegant business. I smell the watery bracken of a lake through the trees and my heart quickens. As I look up in a clearing, the sky is an all-seeing blue. I don’t know it yet, but the brisk zest of conifer and cedar, the mulchy damp of forest floor and the warm aroma of sap I breathe in without a thought will together become markers of time, scent memories of that world without horizon that exists only in childhood.

Rook Perfumes Forest

Girl Walking in Forest, image via pexels©

Forest paints an olfactory portrait of those long-gone Pennsylvania woods with such arresting accuracy that it nearly brought me to tears. The first spray brings a whoosh rattle of pine trees shaking in the wind – that unmistakably cold, sharp whiff of needles and the nutty, cardboard smell of pinecone. Pine is a particularly difficult note to get right in perfumery; it often reminds me of floor cleaner. But Rook Perfumes founder and nose  Dr. Nadeem Crowe has managed to get it just right: aromatic, turpenic and slightly minty. He flanks the pine quickly with black pepper and cypress, which help create a 3-D pine forest aroma much like the one I remember from girlhood. The pepper heightens the pine note, and along with the warmer, more citric cypress, steers the fragrance away from Pine-Sol territory.

Lake image via pexels©

As I sit with the fragrance, a mineral aspect comes forward, and I remember the wet stone smell of the lakeshore. This recollection is reinforced by patchouli coming through, and there is a redolence of dead leaves that stir in the deep water when I scooped them up with my kayak paddle. Cedar, all dark sawdust and camphor, moves past the conifer notes for a while, dominating the perfume’s heart and bringing us deep into the woods.

It’s cold out today. As I walk with my dog down the street, I retest Forest in the rawness of January. To my surprise, Forest has turned into a woody incense perfume thick with elemi (a note I gravitate to), with its lemony herbal perfume. There’s no frankincense in here that I know of, yet the fragrance smells at his juncture as if it does, an illusion created perhaps by the elemi and patchouli combining with the cedar. Whatever it is, the effect is absolutely lovely, and it gives the fragrance an unexpectedly sophisticated dimension.

Hudson River by Winslow Homer©

Gradually, Rook Perfumes Forest goes its own way, turning flintier, the coniferous aspects becoming a little more distant, as if one were walking out of the woods, away from the lake towards home. As it dries down, Forest smells equally of cedar and pine, garlanded by greenery and the pungent tang of pepper. It wears beautifully in the cold and just as well before a wood fire with a cup of tea. As I look out the window, watching for the promised snow flurries to begin their soft agitation, I raise my wrist unthinkingly and breathe in the perfume again. It smells less like the woods by the lake now – the cedar and incense-y elements have travelled elsewhere – but, as I wait, it smells like a beginning.

Notes: French cypress, pine needle, black pepper, elemi Iran, green notes, Indonesian patchouli, Virginian cedar and white musk.

Disclaimer: Sample of Rook Perfumes Forest kindly provided by Rook Perfumes. My opinions are entirely subjective and my own.

Lauryn Beer, Senior Editor

Rook Perfumes Forest by Nadeem Crowe

Rook Perfumes Forest, image via the brand

Thanks to the generosity of Rook Perfumes, we have a 50 ml bottle of Forest for one registered reader in in the US, UK, EU (excluding Romania, Russia, Spain, Greece and Turkey). You must register or your entry will not count. To be eligible, please leave a comment saying what strikes you about Rook Perfumes Forest based on Lauryn’s review and where you live. Draw closes 1/24/2023.

Read Senior Editor Nicoleta Tomsa’s reviews of Rook Perfumes Scent of the Metaverse and Undergrowth.

Enjoy Senior Editor Karl Topham’s review of RSX/3 School

Scent of The Metaverse Verse 1 was co-recipient of Best Experimental Scent 2022

Forest is also available in the USA at Luckyscent

Follow us on Instagram @cafleurebonofficial @elledebee @rookperfumes @drnadeemcrowe

This is our Privacy and Draw Rules Policy.

We announce the winners only on our site and on our Facebook page, so “like” Çafleurebon and use our blog feed, or your dream prize will be just spilled perfume.

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  • One of my favorite things is image of the forest. Reading the article leads me into multi layered counterpoint of the forest. Highly anticipating to win the bottle!
    Staten Island,NY

  • hippononamus says:

    Having spent several summers in Pennsylvania woods growing up, I’m most struck that Forest recreates that. I have several geography specific woods scents, but they focus on California or the PNW. I’m in the US.

  • I have read about Rook Perfumes on Cafleurebon and now I am
    DEFINITELY going to buy a sample set. Great article, I can smell her memories through my phone. I would love to win Forest
    I live in the UK

  • Brad Woolslayer says:

    I also have childhood memories growing up in Pennsyvania. I’d visit my grandma on Sunday afternoons, and explore the forest, looking for salamanders. Those childhood memories linger forever and it’s nice when a fragrance acts like a reminder of those simpler times. I also sampled this one from Lucky Scent and found it quite pleasant. I live in Maryland USA.

  • I grew up in New England, not PA, but forests similarly loomed large in my youth, and yes, their smell is so important to me. Rook Perfumes Forest sounds beautiful, and I’d love to smell it.
    I’m in WV, USA

  • As much as a realistic pine forest scent appeals to me already, it is Lauryn’s mention of the mineralic, wet-stone, and flint-like aspects of this fragrance that really piques my interest. I’ve sampled Rook’s namesake perfume, Rook, as well as their incense-focused fragrance, Thurible. Both were straight-forward yet incredibly complex, so I expect this to be no different. I’ve heard this is their best selling fragrance and I would love to get my nose on it. I live in North Carolina, USA.

  • The idea of a forest inspired fragrance strikes me. I absolutely love these kind of perfumes! This one sounds really fascinating to me. I live in Trzebnica, Poland, EU.

  • Lauryn!!! ❤️❤️❤️
    What a Gorgeous review!!! I Love green fragrances SO much! I bet this fragrance is SO transportive! I have Rook’s School and it is one of the most accurate and transportive scents I’ve experienced! A Beautiful forrested Lakeside sounds heavenly! Thank you for the opportunity! USA ❤️

  • Really like Lauryn’s recount of the fragrance shifting notes in a story like aspect. Really like citrus and woody fragrances so will definitely need to try this out, especially since it seems that it can be worn all season round. From TX, USA.

  • Oooh id love go try this. I grew up/live in the PNW and spent a week hiking in mt rainier ntnl park each summer with my mom. Pine/evergreen scents are so so nostalgic for me, and so soothing. I’ve really never had luck with any foresty scents. Like you say, they can veer into pinesol/cleaner land pretty easily. I would love to find something to transport me to the forest for real, not just some sad synthetic attempt, this sounds like it could be a wonderful option. Added to my to test list, im sure i wont win, but i do want to get my nose on it after reading. Im in Bellingham, wa.

  • There are a lot of forest fragrances out there, especially from small artisan brands. I always like that smell and enjoy it at home. But hardly I perceive them as a perfume to wear in public. I trust Rook to be different. I’d love to win this to Germany, thank you for the draw!

  • My goodness the timing of this. I was just longing for that pine forest scent and thinking … I have some similar like fir and of course plenty of cedar, some hinoki, cypress and veering further away oak… but really not something distinctly pine forward and this review comes the very next day!! Elemi is a real love. All of this sounds like exactly what I was pining for lol.
    In USA thank you so much Rook and Cafluerebon for the giveaway.

  • As it dries down, Forest smells equally of cedar and pine, garlanded by greenery and the pungent tang of pepper. It wears beautifully in the cold and just as well before a wood fire with a cup of tea. As I look out the window, watching for the promised snow flurries to begin their soft agitation, I raise my wrist unthinkingly and breathe in the perfume again. It smells less like the woods by the lake now – the cedar and incense-y elements have travelled elsewhere – but, as I wait, it smells like a beginning.

    Notes: French cypress, pine needle, black pepper, elemi Iran, green notes, Indonesian patchouli, Virginian cedar and white musk. I am intrigued by the notes especially Indonesian Patchouli and Cedar in particular this is a house that has been on my radar for a while now. Thanks a million from the UK

  • I am fascinated by the combination that Lauryn described of Elemi, Patchouli and Cedar giving this fragrance a sophisticated dimension as described by Lauryn. A house that I have got no experience with put I need to explore this house further. Thanks a lot from the United Kingdom

  • I love how well Lauryn describes how Rook Forest evokes the cold quiet of the forest. I grew up on the east coast and I would love a perfume that is reminiscent of the woods there. I’m in MN, USA.

  • Lauryn’s wonderful article transported to a misty, cool, crisp place in the mountains, in the middle of a pine forest, inhaling the freshness, but also the earthy fullness and the balsamic touch of tree resins. Truly a magical synesthetic experience which filled me with nostalgia.
    I am writing from EU, Denmark.
    Thanks a lot.

  • Lauryn, thank you for the beautiful review of Forest. I have similar memories of exploring the forest during my childhood in Upstate NY. Gosh, I miss the wooded hills, particularly now that I live in the Midwest where it isn’t quite the same. I would love a bottle of Forest just to reminisce. ~Indiana

  • Lovely! I smelled this fragrance long time ago and remember it being one of my top two fragrances from Rook. Still didn’t get a bottle, but after reading the review I really have to get my nose on this again. I remember loving the pine forest smell that definately dos not remind of pine cleaner. What I also like from Lauryn’s review is how elemi becomes more pronounces after a while mixing with ceded and patchouly. Lovely fragrance. I’m from Illinois, US.

  • Sounds like a beautiful woody aromatic perfume. Lauryn’s description reminds me of childhood hikes with my family. Would love to try it. In HI, US.

  • Lauryn’s description of Rook Perfumes Forest is very clear and detailed. Forest seems to vividly evoke the memories one may have of being in a forest. It reminded me of Shinrin-yoku or the Japanese term for forest bathing for one’s physical and mental health. Pine that doesn’t smell like floor cleaner, incense, patchouli, etc. are lovely notes and short of actually doing Shinrin-yoku, using a spritz or two of Forest seems to be the next best thing. Thanks for the review and draw. From continental United States.

  • Walking through the woods is one of the ways I reduce anxiety and give myself time and space to think through important things. It’s a complete sensory experience with; the visual of the forest the auditory of the wind and wildlife and of course the olfactory of the pine, cedar, mineral and earth. Rook Perfumes Forest seems a wonderful approximation of the experience of walking through the woods. MD, USA.

  • The forest in winter is a magical place. It snowed here and the scent in the air is crisp yet damp with snowmelt. I enjoyed reading that Forest “wears beautifully in the cold.” Thanks for the opportunity to sniff. Mich USA

  • bigscoundrel says:

    This Rook sounds like an an experience almost authentic and real. I hope I win. New Jersey USA.

  • I will start by saying that woods are my happy place. The smell of trees, soil, peace…. The description of getting the pine cone smell right and not as a cleaning supply already sounds promising as that is often the reason I do not enjoy some fragrances with this prominent note. Reading the impression I could almost see pines, feel needless and smell resin from pine trees… Maybe a mixture of those with other components is what brings a cosy and slightly refreshing elemi feel. I would be so lucky to smell this fragrance and even more so to win it. Greetings from Austria.

  • I love a good pine scent, but I agree with Lauryn that the line between Pine-Sol and naturalistic evergreen woods is a fine one. I immediately wanted to try Rook Perfumes Forest when Lauryn opened this review with a detailed portrait of a woodland hike, and then pointed out that with this perfume “Dr. Nadeem Crowe has managed to get it just right,” rendering the pine forest in detailed, 3D accuracy. I can close my eyes and imagine that smell; I wonder how close Crowe’s take is to what I conjure up from memory. I’m also intrigued by this perfume’s progression from 4K forest, into woody incense, and then onto a wooded lakeshore. This is going on my to-try list right now—thanks for beautiful review, Lauryn.

    I’m in the USA. Thanks for the giveaway!

  • It seems that this is a kind of Fragrance that you want to have for yourself. Not to attract others. It evokes subtle memories and impressions that you prefere to experience alone. I love grey and green, wet, mineral scent. And knowing some releases of Rook I believe this scent to be really close to nature in its real form. I would like to win a bottle and I live in Poland.

  • Bigyike5000 says:

    Being from Pennsylvania, and spending lots of time in the Forrest camping and hiking, this sounds like a home run for me. Love the distinction that this is a Citric Peppery Pine that steers clear of Pine Sol territory – The Elemi note gets me very excited as well, with it being one of my favorite accords in woodsy fragrances like Boundless and Material by Amouage. Crossing my fingers to hopefully win this one!

  • Regis Monkton says:

    I am totally interested in trying this fragrance. Its notes listing appeals to me very much. Lauryn’s review of it made it seem something I need to try. I want to see if it gives me a feeling of a new beginning as Lauryn seemed to say that about it. I love pine in fragrances and Lauryn caused me to think that the pine in this is superlative. I want to experience the “aromatic, turpenic and slightly minty” qualities of the pine in this fragrance. I live in the U.S.A. Please let me win this one.

  • Wow, what a beautifully written post. This took me back to my childhood in North Carolina, playing in the woods past dark and chasing lightning bugs, the smell of pine and bark staying on my skin until forced to shower it off. The description of the balance of pine really sold this one for me. You are so right that pibe can so easily be overwhelming or smell like cleaning product. Would love to smell this one and be transported back to simpler times. Pittsburgh, PA, USA.

  • I love the idea of a fragrance taking me through, what I would consider, the 4 seasons. What better than a forest as the media.
    Tha ls for the offerings.
    Oklahoma USA

  • Michael Prince says:

    What strikes me about Rook Perfumes Forest based on Lauryn’s review is amazing. I have so many childhood memories of the outdoors hiking, camping, and having fun. I agree, that in perfumery it’s nearly impossible to capture that realistic essence of the green, herbal, earthy, and woody elements of the forest. It sounds like Rook Perfumes founder and nose Dr. Nadeem Crowe has finally done it. I would love to win and try Rook Perfumes Forest. I am from the USA.

  • The forest is a very serene and beautiful spot, and very important to me personally because of when dad used to bring me hunting. It would be awesome to have a perfume that encapsulates the smell of the forest, so hopefully I can win.

    I live in Sweden, EU.

  • Great job by Lauryn!
    I love taking a walk to the forest since I was a little child when my father used to get me and my siblings with him for long walks to the forest.
    I think this perfume is amazing for the notes of french cypress and pine needle also the patchouli that comesa trhough the fragrance. I think this is a fantastic fragrance and I hope I get my nose on it soon.
    USA here.

  • foreverscents says:

    I felt like I was on a walk in the forest while reading Lauryn”s review. I was brought back to the summers I spent at my grandmothers”s lakefront cabin in Western Massachusetts. I can smell the pine tress right by the shore. I’d like to wear Forest and return again and again to long-ago summers.
    I live in the USA.

  • sephrenia300 says:

    Wonderful review Lauryn! What strikes me about Rook Perfumes Forest based on Lauryn’s review is the idea of a fragrance that is a photorealistic olfactory portrait of Pennsylvania woods. I love photorealistic, woodsy scents, particularly of temperate northeastern or northwestern forests. I live in the US.

  • wallygator88 says:

    Thanks for the great review Lauryn. An interesting set of notes, that took me to the time I spent camping at the Boundary Waters. Our campsite was scented with the scent of soft pine, which along with the earth, woody notes and lake water, was such a beutiful experience.

    Cheers from WI, USA