Maison d’Etto Macanudo Review (Mackenzie Reilly)

Masion d'etto Macanudo

Maison d’Etto Macanudo via Maison d’Etto

Morning, when the meadows are still damp with ground fog, the rising sun just cutting the cloud cover. Horses stamping, impatient to run, their breaths warm and misted against the morning chill. In the air hangs the sweet clover scent of fresh-cut hay, the smell of damp earth clods from where the horses kicked and stamped, impatient to run. It’s the kind of morning to set the blood racing, eager for beauty. Macanudo, by rising star perfumer ( CaFleureBon Best of Scent 2019) Mackenzie Reilly, is the smell of an early spring day in Kentucky horse country just as the sun is coming up.

Maison d'Etto Macanudo review

Stella McCartney photographed by Annie Liebovitz for Vogue

Maiso d’Etto’s ethos is connection — to self, to others, to nature, to the world, and connection to purpose. Central, too, is founder and equestrienne Brianna Lipovsky’s love of horses.

Brianna Lipovsky of Maison d'Etto

The Maison d’Etto Team perfumers Mackenzie Reilly, Carlos Benaim, Celine Barel and seated Brianna Lipovsky via instagram

As she explains, “The debut collection is inspired by the horses that have taken me on personal journeys — connecting me to myself, others, nature and the world through unspoken and invisible languages. Each fragrance represents a horse that has had a pivotal impact on my life and the scent brings to life each of the magical moments.”

Perfumer Mackenzie Reilly

Mackenzie Reilly, image via The Fragrance Foundation©

 Right at the outset, Macanudo lets you know you’re in for a jaunty, lighthearted ride. It opens with a big smile – nuttiness from tonka bean and the fresh hay sweetness of coumarin accompanied by soapy, splashy neroli. There’s a dab of bright citrus in there from bergamot, like a dapple of sunlight. A particularly green vetiver soon arrives, bringing with it the smell of new grass and rooted soil; the cool, almost minty smell of an open field where the frost is just burning off.

Maison d'etto perfumes

Photo by Zoe Berkovic for Velveteen Clothing

Meadow flowers are blooming, the glowing, hypnotic smell of narcissus rising from damp ground. Gradually, quietly, the vetiver and warms up into the buoyant aroma of fresh grass. Some light but slightly sweaty musk begins to cantor through the middle of the fragrance, along with a thin, mineral smell of wet ground, a subtle reminder that horses and riding are key inspirations for this fragrance.

Described as a “modern vetiver” on the Maison d’Etto website, Macanudo to me is foremost a hay fragrance, but greener, sparkier. It has a beguiling touch of innocence about it; nothing here feels overthought, but as well-chosen and carefree as a crisp cotton shirt with good jeans. Wearing it is like leaving city worries and suburban traffic snarls aside, abandoning your car by the roadside to head across the fields. It’s a breath of fresh air from a talented young perfumer.

Notes: Fresh grass, bergamot, hay, jonquil, wet earth, Haitian vetiver, tonka bean.

Disclaimer: Sample set of Maison d’Etto fragrances generously supplied by Maison d’Etto. My opinions are my own.

Lauryn Beer, Senior Editor

Editor’s Note:   Macanudo is a Spanish word and also the name of the well-known premium, really expensive Cigar brand.  Depending on the Latin American country can mean great,hip, or  magnificent.   I know a cigar aficionado and just thought I would mention it.

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  • What a pleasant review by Lauryn Beer. The images and olfactory world created by her review makes me want to check it out. As spring shows it birth here (it is Texas USA so spring comes early, or pops up in mid-winter as a sign of hope), I can smell the early spring flowers and even see narcissus and other flowers blooming. Such an insult to call them weeds and try to kill them using Roundup – unfortunately it happens a lot. Loved the pictures, the imagery of morning sun, the musky smells of the horses, and mist and most of ”Wearing it is like leaving city worries and suburban traffic snarls aside, abandoning your car by the roadside to head across the fields. It’s a breath of fresh air from a talented young perfumer.” Thank you Lauren for the review and Mackenzie for creating the perfume that can transport the weary city dwellers to a calmer, now vanishing world.

  • “Macanudo”:It opens with a big smile – nuttiness from tonka bean and the fresh hay sweetness of coumarin accompanied by soapy, splashy neroli. There’s a dab of bright citrus in there from bergamot, like a dapple of sunlight. A particularly green vetiver soon arrives, bringing with it the smell of new grass and rooted soil; the cool, almost minty smell of an open field where the frost is just burning off.”
    Thank you Lauryn Beer, Senior Editor for lovely review!
    Florida USA

  • Not too long ago, I would have balked at the idea of horses playing a role in fragrance inspiration but having smelled Parfum De Marly fragrances, I’m much more open to them now 🙂 Nice review Lauryn

  • It sounds like a great fragrance invoking feelings of the greenery in the great plains. Very curious about what it would smell like! USA

  • Lauryn’s review takes me into the setting of this fragrance and its overall feeling. I really have a sense of what Macanudo is all about. Thanks for a light heartened review and a generous draw. I’m in the USA.

  • redwheelbarrow says:

    I love the scent of hay and this sounds wonderful. I spent four years in horse country and will need to seek this one out for the memories. It sounds beautiful.

  • MMMM I like the notes and would like to smell the tonka bean with the grass and vetiver. Great review:)

  • m.r.everything says:

    Fantastic review Lauryn! This was definitely a great read and I really look forward to the next one! I have had a few Macanudo’s with my father, who is big into cigars, so when I saw the name of this fragrance, I surely had to have a look. I am going to have to look further into this fragrance and see about obtaining a sample. Thanks again Lauryn, for the great read and superb write-up.

  • ScentitarFragrance says:

    You grabbed me at fresh hay. I love hay as a note in fragrance and this really looks to capture the countryside and even a ride on a horse. It is always fun to see a upcoming perfumer and see what new creative ideas and concepts are coming up ! Lovely Idea and inspiration for this one !