Wherever I Go:The Second Ad for Chanel No. 5 Featuring Brad Pitt – Part 2…The Story Continues “Inevitable”

A very different ad from the first, both featuring Brad Pitt for Chanel No. 5.  What do you think of Part 2? -Michelyn Camen, Editor in Chief


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  • I’m trying to like it, but it’s just not working for me. Granted, this second ad is better than the first, that first one was just creepy! If Chanel could have sprung a few million for Angelina too, and if they had done an ad with the two of them, even with the EXACT SAME verbiage, then it would be powerful.

  • I like this one although the black and white cut away at the end seems out of place . I definitely would NOT want Angelina in this , it would ruin the fantasy of watching Brad

  • Sorry, but I don’t like it..for me it’s not a problema that Mr. Pitt it there, but it’s not Chanel N5 for me..

  • Meh, better than the first in that it is less laughable, but he still looks like a cross between a goat and a sloppy 14 year old boy.

  • You know I like this better than the first ad. I just don’t see the need for Brad Pitt at all.I closed my eyes and thought of my favorite Chanel 5 ads and the first I thought of was Audrey Tatou
    There isn’t anything about Brad Pitt scruffy straggly face that’s appealing
    But the opening was pretty decent and I Like his voice over
    Me I would pick a more debonaire guy like Clooney or sexy in a grown up way like Daniel Craig as the first man to represent Chanel 5
    Chanel is a very smart company so I am sure they did lots if focus groups and maybe Brad Pitt appeals to the customer for 5 which isn’t me …coco mademoiselle or 19 more my speed

  • Huh, I was surprised how much more I appreciated his voice in the second one — I guess visually he’s too distracting. :p

  • Thanks for showing this! I think the first ad was smart because it generated a lot of buzz. The second one is more “normal” for Chanel. The only part of the second one that I don’t like is the word “inevitable”. Perhaps this works better in French, but in English it just doesn’t grab me. I know what they mean, but it seems like too much of a leap from the idea of destined romance to a fragrance if the only bridge is that word. Perhaps if they beat on it with an entire campaign, the word will become synonymous with Chanel no. 5, but I just don’t think it’s the best word for the connection that I think they’re after.

    We’ll see. I must admit – Chanel usually knows what they’re doing.

  • Better than Part 1. And Neil is correct that the enigmatic Part 1 generated a lot of buzz — it was the “sound of the day” on Canada’s CBC Radio national news magazine which, while it often checks out pop culture, has rarely or never ventured into commentary on fragrance or fragrance ads.

    These Brad Pitt ads leave me totally cold, and I do not think they are anywhere asinteresting or as well done as Chanels’ recent “For the First Time” animated video.

  • Way better. The first one was so…ponderous? Trying too hard to be “deep”? I guess I’d rather hear Brad’s voice than look at him.

  • I’m in the minority, but I like both ads … and I’m not really that much of a fan of Brad.