Top Ten Perfumes of 2024 (Lauryn and Oli) + The Finale Giveaways

Top 10 niche Perfumes of 2024

Top Ten Perfumes of 2024 Lauryn and Oli

I will always agonise over an end of year list, just because it feels so damn final, especially in the realm of perfumery where the releases are so many and so constant. That said, the following are my top ten perfumes of 2024, fragrances released this year that I’ve smelled and have fully excited me – either because they a.) made me want to wear them or b.) they made me want to sit and study them, in some cathartic attempt to try and understand their craft better through writing. –Oli Marlow, Contributor

Best niche perfumes of 2024

Oli’s Top Ten Perfumes of 2024

Nissaba Berbera (Fabrice Pellegrin & Coralie Spicher):The raw materials at the heart of Nissaba’s Berbera are astonishingly good – though you’d expect nothing less from a brand started by Sebastien Tissot, a man who previously worked for the fragrance giant Firmenich overseeing the quality, sustainability and sourcing of natural materials. The perfume itself uses three separate distillations (co2, molecular and vulcan) of the same grade of frankincense to ensure that the hero ingredient remains the spine of the fragrance throughout. As is the brand’s want, it’s made to pay homage to the native region of Somalian incense, using an array of other natural materials (myrrh, opoponax, elemi, peppers and nutmeg) prevalent in the area to paint the picture. As such it’s dry and mysterious, pointedly spicy and overtly woody. I don’t often fall for incense fragrances, but this… this is an impeccably balanced thing that fulfills all of my daydreams of quitting everything to get properly into woodworking. @nissaba.fragrances @fabnose @coraliespicher

Room 1015 Wavechild (Jerome di Marino): I wrote about this earlier this year and Room 1015’s Wavechild remains, some six months later, as one of my favourite unseriously-serious perfumes. By that I mean it’s fun – there’s little pretense to it and my gosh do I respect that. The watermelon note is bombastic and nostalgic, balancing on top of marine nuances conjuring fading memories of ‘90s beach holidays gone by. Its fragrance scored my summer and now it does that transportive thing to me, taking me back to the Cornish coast whenever I smell it. Wavechild is a unique idea (smell scaping Californian surf culture) executed flawlessly by perfumer Jerome di Marino. @room1015fragrances @jeromedimarino

Sarah Baker Peach’s Revenge (Chris Maurice): There was a period of time post-Esxence where it felt like everyone and anyone was talking about Sarah Baker’s Peach’s Revenge with a clear and hushed kind of revelry, which is why perhaps it has appeared on so many of  my colleagues Top Ten Perfumes of 2024. Smelling it, you can see why… immediately. The rich, thick, titular tropical fruits come backed with a carnal caramel-ish hint that’s probably the result of a combination of the sulphuric side of the guava accord and some moreish amber molecules. Regardless of the how, it’s the what it does that is glorious – another unseriously-serious perfume that takes all the frivolity and pomp associated with a fruity perfume and delivers it with a singular juicy focus and a wicked undertone. @houseofsarahbaker @cdelaniche

Eau de Boujee Infleurno (Pia Long): Speaking of the sulphuric, Eau de Boujee’s Infleurno demonstrated further that such shadier undertones evident in the intensity of fruity aroma chemicals are there to be celebrated as much as they are utilised. Infleurno blossoms like a hyper realistic graphite drawing of a grapefruit with all manner of grey shading and cross hatching overlaid on top of a vivid and pocked citrus watercolour. It’s both arresting (in smell) and awesome (in approach) to smell someone figuring out a new way to present citrus aromas. Sure, we’ve had scorched terroir and volcanic air included as notes in perfumes before, but it’s what this mineral kind of dirt does to the scope of the grapefruit that I’m really enamoured with. It’s bold and it’s weird and it’s jagged and it’s awesome. Infleurno is another favorite from the team’s top ten perfumes of 2024 lists) @eau_de_boujee @perfumer.pia

Jovoy Paris Aqua Memorabilis (Vanina Murriaciole and Francois Henin): Jovoy Paris also did a similar thing with the clementine in their newest perfume Aqua Memorabilis: using slightly acrid, smokey aspects to colour the opening burst of citrus with something new and unique. Adding such a new, unexpected texture makes you contextualize the orange-ness of it all before a tone violet powers on through. The perfume also proved to be something of a conversation piece in certain circles, highlighting exactly just how moot a list of included notes can be. People read clementine and vetiver and jumped to a conclusion that proved to be miles away from the subtly classical, pithy, nuanced masculine lift in the heart. A reminder to trust your nose, not your eyes. @jovoyparis @verinavanina

Essential Parfums Neroli Botanica (Anne Flipo): In perfumery, there will always be tales as old as time and similarly there are ingredients that have been celebrated, bookended, re-visited, renewed and re-framed over and over again. But in spite of all that, Essential Parfums Neroli Botanica is a true delight. Anne Flipo worked to soften the neroli’s sharpness, enveloped it in a buttery, almost rubbery jasmine heart and cushioned it in woods and musk. Yes, it’s a classic combination you might well find in some form elsewhere, but in sticking to Essential Parfum’s manifesto of “simplicity is the ultimate sophistication” whilst using such high-grade materials, Flipo has made something vivid and memorable. Roll on spring… (A top 10 favorite for Michelyn and Sandi) @essential.parfums @anneflipoperfumer

 Arquiste A Grove By The Sea (​​Rodrigo Flores-Roux): Listing notes like olive, fennel, rosemary, clay and salt meant that Arquiste’s A Grove By The Sea was always going to attempt to confound expectations but it proves to be a very welcome shot of Mediterranean air within which you really can smell all of those herbal and mineral nuances. Principally a riff on a fig accord, the heart of the perfume eschews a lot of the coconutty nuances that are often present in such an approach and uses dry herbs to create a sense of baked-in heat, creating a vivid sense of the hot, stoney terroir illustrated within the perfume’s name. The dry down is sublime too, a hint of that ripe fig gets trapped in the cocktail of musks. @arquiste @rodrigofloresroux

Atelier Materi Ambre Papier (Celine Perdriel): Oddly enough, I spent a lot of time this year studying the smell of Papier d’Armenie to create my own resin heavy blend for use in a paper incense, so it proved to be some shade of kismet that Atelier Materi took inspiration from the same benzoin forward mixture for Ambre Papier. The eponymous paper facets are present in an amber composition that refuses to conform to the normal amber stereotypes: it’s dry, powdery and a bit coarse, all the time leaning away from any vanilla sweetness and diving further into the mirage and complexity of balsams. @ateliermateri @celine. perdriel.perfumer

Beaufort London Cape Wrath (Euan McCall): To celebrate the brand’s tenth anniversary Beaufort London released a new trio of fragrances developed by perfumer Euan McCall (of Jorum Studio renown). They’re all inspired by the seas that surround Britain but it’s the glazed mastic tones and mossy allure of Cape Wrath that really caught my nose. Honestly, 99% of the time I struggle with the reality of ‘aquatic’ fragrances because my brain tends to amplify any sharp, salty Calone like molecules in a way I just can’t abide, but Cape Wrath’s scope is so much greener. It’s like staring into a mottled green oceanic abyss through a glass bottomed boat: the pepper and the incense represent the thick pane of glass underneath which a tumult of ambergris, seaweed absolute and oakmoss swirl. The balance McCall achieves in this is marvellous – I can only imagine the scope of the dosing intricacies involved.  @beaufortlondon @jorumstudio

Jeroboam Your Oudhness (Vanina Muracciole): Maybe 2024 was actually the year of using salty aspects in new and different ways considering the number of times I’ve written so in this list alone? Regardless, Jeroboam’s Your Oudhness found those sodium nuances in the use of an aetoxylon wood called Gaharu Buaya, that grows only in the mangroves of Borneo. I wrote previously that the fragrance managed “ably to shift itself into this deluxe gloss of muted woody tones that feels super contemporary and classically luxuriant at the same time” and I stand by that. The perfume’s evolution and dynamic shift continues to fascinate me.  @jeroboam_perfumes  @verinavanina

Oli Marlow, Contributor

No introduction this year, I’ll let the top ten perfumes of 2024 speak for themselves. Let’s just say that 2024 was a killer year for niche perfumery. –Lauryn Beer, Senior Editor

What are the best hard to find perfumes of 2024

Top Ten Perfumes of 2024 Lauryn

Anatole LeBreton Armonia (Anatole Lebreton): Anatole Lebreton’s line of perfumes is one of the most original and arresting in modern perfumery. From the smoky green lavender Grimoire to his baked pastry Brioche, LeBreton designs scents like no one else. Recently, he launched his new Artifacts collection, three stunners inspired by antiquity. Animalic, resinous Uruk and orange blossom-almond Kairos could easily have made this list as well as my favourite of the three, Armonia, whose name means “harmony.” This iris-leather-powder scent pulls off a hattrick of blending delicate classically feminine notes and with smooth, car-seat leather. It’s perfect on both men and women and is one of my top iris-leather scents to date.  @anatole_lebreton

Angelos Creations Olfactives Pnoi (Angelos Balamis): OMG, if Angelos Balamis doesn’t do a boring perfume soon, I will pass out from repeated huffing of his brilliant range. This year’s remarkable leather frag, Pnoi, raises the ante yet again with a multifaceted homage to the gorgeous feminine tobacco perfumes of the 20s and 30s. It is as someone gave the original iteration of Tabac Blond a bath with one of those fine-milled, expensive French soaps. The effect is disconcertingly beautiful and sophisticated. Angelos again establishes that he is one of the best self-taught perfumers out there (and one its kindest guys).  @angelos_creations_olfactives

Astrophil and Stella In Extremis (Meo Fusciuni): Guiseppe Imprezzabile is one of perfumery’s most poetic risk-takers. His beautiful range of fragrances under his nom de parfum, Meo Fusciuni, is outstanding: specific, disciplined but unusual, and some are remarkably beautiful. And they are like nothing else. Smell 2023’s Viole Nere and tell me if this stunning, dark iris-violet perfume does not make your heart ache just a bit. Imprezzabile’s work for other brands is just as good. This year’s In Extremis for Italian brand Astrophil and Stella is inspired by Caravaggio and, like the masterworks of the great 17th century painter, is a gorgeous study in chiaroscuro and has appeared as one of the top ten perfumes of 2024 for Michelyn, Danu and Karl. @astrophilstellaperfume @meofusciuni_parfums

Filippo Sorcinelli Sacristie des Arbres. (Filippo Sorcinelli): Filippo Sorcinelli gave Esxence 2024 its most stunning new collection of the year: Memento Extrait De Sacristie, which draws its inspiration from notable churches. Few perfumers can bring as much range and subtlety to incense in fragrance as Sorcinelli, and I loved every single perfume in the line. My particular favourite is Sacriste des Arbes, a tranquil, meditative walk in an ancient forest where incense is being burned in a nearby temple. While it traverses similar ground to Commes des Garcons Kyoto and Serge Lutens Fille en Aiguilles, Sacristie des Arbres is so gorgeously blended and heartbreakingly lovely that it deserves its own place among woody incense classics.   @filippo_sorcinelli 

Map of the Heart Abundance V.8. (Jacques Huclier and Amelie Jacquin) A creamy sandalwood extravaganza is Australian house Map of the Heart’s Abundance V.8. Woodsy yet sophisticated, with the star ingredient’s every delicious facet teased out by perfumers Jacques Huclier and Amelie Jacquin, and beautifully blended with mineral, resinous, and bitter citric notes. It’s a spicy, warm, layered sandalwood that wears equally well in heat and damp chilly autumn fog. One of my favourites from this excellent brand. @mapoftheheart

Masque Milano Catherine (Caroline Dumur): One of the most recent additions to Masque Milano’s Le Donne di Masque line, Catherine is as lovely as a field of jasmine after a warm spring rain. Stemmy green notes mingle with cut grass, woody touches, and violet leaf, resulting in one of the prettiest green florals to come out since Vero Profumo’s magnificent Mito. @masquemilano @carolinedumurparfumeur

Parfums Dusita Pelagos (Pissara Umavijani): Pissara Umajivani’s Thai-inspired range keeps going from strength to strength. Pelagos is inspired by the seas surrounding the Greeks islands, but to label it an aquatic would be inaccurate. This is a lovely mix of herbs, flowers and salt spray, laid on a leathery-sandalwood base that steers Pelagos away from the ozonic qualities of a traditional aquatic. Rather, Pelagos smells like walking through a hilltop village in the Aegean, the scents of tree wood, flowers, wild thyme and earth overlaid with local flora. It is a lovely achievement. One of the top ten perfumes of 2024 for Ida, Nicoleta, Danu, and Olya. @ploiuma @parfumsdusita

Sentire A Room With a View. (Nata Dyshliuk): The most exquisite floral fragrance I smelled at this year’s Esxence was not being exhibited but came from a handful of samples extended to me by Nata Dyshliuk, a Ukrainian perfumer based in London. A stunningly ethereal but indelible linden-lilac confection, this is a carefully constructed, airy fragrance so poignant that it feels like nostalgia for something you’ve only dreamed of. @olfactive_impression

Sultan Pasha Joyeuse (Sultan Pasha): Ok, disclaimer: Sultan Pasha is a close friend. But he is also an exceptionally talented artist, known primarily for his fantastic range of attars. Joyeuse, like the breathtakingly beautiful Sacred Scarab Pasha did for Zoologist, is a foray into classical French perfumery. A perfectly pitched green fougere of the old school – so much so that I initially too it for a green chypre a la Germaine Cellier until the lavender expanded in the top – that still feels fresh and current thanks to a fascinating, subtle seaweed note and pinches of mint and sage. This is the single fragrance of 2024 I have worn most this year, and for good reason: it’s pretty damned perfect. Somewhere in the great fragrant beyond, Germaine Cellier and Geo. Trumper are wearing this and nodding in approval. @sultanpasha78

Qimu and Musicians Guitarist: Shanghai based brand Qimu and Musicians was new to me this year. The house’s four weirdly wonderful rock- n’ roll-inspired fragrances include one of the most grab-you-by-the-guitar strings perfumes of 2024’s Esxence. Guitarist twangs with sour berries and acid-green vines, all wrapped around what I think is chrysanthemum – floral, fruity but dry as Chablis. This is an original, vibrant, eye-opener. This brand is now squarely on my radar. @qimuand

Meo Fusciuni best perfumer of 2024

Photo courtesy of Meo Fusciuni

 Top Ten Perfumes of 2024: Perfumer of the Year Meo Fusciuni: Viole Nere, In Extremis, BUOI and the mineral-spattered rain scent Last Season … all in the space of 12 months. Meo Fusciuni is one of the most unique, poetic noses in artisan perfumery. And his booth at perfume shows is otherworldly; full of his original writings, atmospheric photography, and armlike tree branches that seemed to have gotten lost on their way to a tangled forest. Wearing his fragrances is like finding yourself walking down a city street or country lane and suddenly finding yourself in Jim Jarmusch film. Magic. @meofuscuini_parfums

Nata Dyshliuk of Sentire

Photo courtesy of the perfumer

Top Ten Perfumes of 2024 Rising Star: Nata Dyshliuk

Sultan Pasha introduced me to the talented and gracious Nata Dyshliuk at Esxence 2024 after singing her praises. When she gave me a handful of generous samples, I was gratified to find that she earned the praise. Her Atelier 14 is a marvel of ingenuity and smells exactly like a hot steam iron and freshly laundered linen, while the bespoke Emerald Wind is a classical green chypre so deliciously sharp yet rounded that I automatically wanted a bottle. I hope she adds Emerald Wind and Room with a View to her permanent collection soon because any lover of beauty should seek these out. Nata is one to watch. @olfactive_impressionLauryn Beer Senior Editor

For our Finale Top Ten Perfumes of 2024 Giveaways

Angelos Creatives Olfactives PNOI

Thanks to the generosity of Angelos Balamis, we have a 30ml Bottle of Angelos Creations Olfactives Pnoi for a registered reader in the USA or EU only. You must register or your comment will not count. (check out the limited time offer of a 15 ml and a soap in the same compound, so blind buy if you are in the EU).

Le Donne di masque Catherine Masque Milano

 Grazie Mille to Masque Milano for a 35 ml of Le Donne di Masque Catherine for a registered reader. You Must register.  in the USA or EU only.

 Essential Parfums Neroli Botanica

Milles Mercis to Essential Parfums Botanica for a 100 ml bottle of Néroli Botanica for one registered reader in the USA or EU.

Let us know what you think of Oli’s and Lauryn’s top ten perfumes of 2024. What sparked your interest? What do you want to try or have tried, where do you live and which you would like to win AND WHY. Please leave a quality comment. Draw closes 1/5/2024

Winners for all Top 10 perfumes of 2024 posts will be announced within 20 days of the draws closings.

Draws are still open for Rachel and Karl’s top ten perfumes of 2024 which include Astrophil & Stella In Extremis, Rogue Perfumery Absolue de Mousse and Darren Alan Perfumes Songes a Fleur here last day is January 1/2/25 and Olya’s and Steven’s, last day is January 3, 2024 for a chance to win Sarah Baker Peach’s Revenge and Nicolaï Parfumeur-Createur Pavlova here

This is a wrap for our editors and contributors top ten perfumes of 2024. Thank you to our readers, viewers and our friends-in-fragrance who sponsor our giveaways. We are so appreciative. All of us at CaFleureBon wish you a scent filled and safe 2025. May you, your loved ones and your families enjoy health, prosperity, and abundance.-Michelyn and the team

Follow us on Instagram @cafleurebonoffiial  @ollimarlowsmells @elledebee

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We announce the winners only on our site and on our Facebook page, so please “like” Çafleurebon and use our blog feed, or your dream prize will be just spilled perfume

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  • Thank you also for this top 10 and a happy new year, dear ÇaFleureBon team. With green branches, delicate violets, rose-jasmine colors and a leathery bitter sweet symphony, Pnoi sounds so wonderful.
    I would be very happy to win Pnoi and I am from the EU.

  • Sorohan Adriana says:

    Because I love touberose I want to win Catherine by Masque Milano, fresh jasmine and tuberose in bloom after rain sound for me like Do Son.I am from EU

  • Ramses Perez says:

    Closing out the best of 2024 with some familiar mentions but also a few new introductions. We as consumers need to unionize and demand a peach year because Peaches Revenge has truly set the world ablaze with the juiciness it has. Masque Milano is a house I love and even though Catherine is designed for women I’m dying to still try it and see what it’s about. Pelagos has once again hit the best of 2024 and Jeroboam’s Your Oudhness even though it’s a Harods exclusive, the bottle alone should warrant anyone to try it. I’ll echo what was said before that in a year of tumultuous releases, we’re still able to showcase the best of the best. I’m going for Essential Parfums Neroli Botânica should I be so lucky to win. I’m located in the USA.

  • Thanks Lauryn and Oli for the exciting selection. I have tried Aqua Memorabilis by Jovoy and it smells great like most creations from this brand. I am interested in trying Nissaba’s Berbera as it sounds nice with the three separate distillations of frankincense. Glad to see Meo Fusciuni in the list as I find him very talented and creative. Angelos Creations Pnoi is a very intriguing leather chypre and I would be more than happy to win it. I know he is using very high quality raw materials. Greetings from EU and I hope to win Pnoi 🙂

  • Another wonderful pair of lists! Thank you, Lauryn and Oli! ‘Twas great to once again find a couple scents that I missed over the course of the year. I’m quite intrigued by Sultan Pasha Joyeuse as I loved the vintage vibe of Sacred Scarab and am eager to experience a green fougere with a similar vintage vibe. Anatole LeBreton Armonia also sounds quite lovely. As a person who is trying to explore more variations of iris outside the standard lipsticky variety, I am interested to see how it plays with leather. Lastly, and one chosen to be featured in this giveaway, is Angelos Creations Olfactives Pnoi. I love tobacco, and the more feminine-leaning tobacco scents of yore possessed such a soft sweetness and glowing aura to them. I’m keen to see how Angelo has interpreted such a DNA. I’d be honored to add Pnoi to my collection. Best of luck to all. I live in NC, USA.

  • Great list. I see peaches Revenge and Pelagos made the list once again. Definitely need to try those 2. Catherine by Masque Milano sounds wonderful love the notes. Thank you for this chance USA

  • Le Donne di Masque Catherine – THE BOTTLE! To die for. The juice sounds gorgeous as well, being described as the “prettiest green floral…” Wow. I live in NY.

  • The final top 10s of 2024. Reading through all of the top 10s have shown me fragrances that I would have never heard about. Cape Wrath really caught me attention today. That salty aquatic incensey vibe sounds really sophisticated. The closest thing I have tried to this was ADG parfum, which some people compared to Profumo which has the aquatic insencey vibe. If I won this giveaway, I would like to try Pnoi. I would like to try this because it seems complex and multifaceted. The most complex fragrance I have ever tried was A*Men. Please everyone sample it. I live in the US.

  • I love Oli’s description of Wavechild. It is such a fun scent. Sometimes you are just in the mood for a perfume that smells amazing but doesn’t take itself too seriously. It was a truly great release from 2024. I would love to win Neroli Botánica.


  • Oli and Lauryn’s top ten perfumes of 2024 list is quite intriguing! They have a diverse selection that showcases a range of olfactory experiences. These selections reflect a balance between timeless classics and contemporary innovations, making the list both exciting and versatile and these are the aspects that sparked my interest. I would love to try and win the magnificent Angelos Creations Olfactives Pnoi. I live in Trzebnica, Poland, EU.

  • Oli and Lauren have different styles of writing and choices. I remember that Oli did 21 conduit street which I own so he seems to have insider knowledge.
    I love that he called Essential Parfums Neroli Botanica simplicity is the highest sophistication.
    Le Donne di masque Catherine sounds lyrical and Pnoi I read here and think I might buy the soap and 15 ml. My choice is Neroli Botanica
    May every one at Cafleurebon have a great year
    Eu here

  • happy new year to all cafleurebon staff!
    recently I smelled neroli botanica on my friend, and I absolutely loved it!
    This surprised me because I usually try to avoid these kind of fresh scents during winter, but neroli botanica Is different. the freshness of neroli seems to be rounded and smoothed by a sweeter note, while ginger and elemi give it an elegance boost.
    when I smelled this for the first time, it transmitted me a sense of peace and calm. I’d be really happy to have a full bottle.
    I’m from Italy.

  • rachel wiener says:

    Oh my goodness there is not one perfume in these lists that I have gotten my nose on! How you reviewers keep up is beyond me! Feminine tobacco and leather sounds right up my alley so I’d love to win Pnoi by Angelos Creations Olfatives. In USA

  • So much salt! I like this list, a nice counterweight to all the sugar and booze that seems to be out there right now. More natural, more elegant. The one I am most interested in of the bottles on offer is the simple floral — Neroli Botanica. I’m in the U.S.

  • goknitintheocean says:

    Hi there,

    So many great and surprising top ten selections here; thank you for sharing your thoughts and your writing with us! I was moved to want to sniff Nissaba Berbera, especially, one of Oli’s picks, and from Lauryn, Pelagos seems like it is destined for greatness, with Joyeuse a close second! There’s something about the presentation of outdoors, herbs, ocean, and air that makes me feel like I’m breaking into my perfume sniffing hobby at the 2.0 level. I’ve also loved reading more about Meo Fusciuni! How fun! Thank you! It’s hard to pick, but I suspect that the bottle of Catherine would be the most fun for me to win in the drawing.

    Happy New Year, and much appreciation to all of the writers and administrators. I live in NYC/USA.


  • Gosh, so many perfumes and perfumers I’ve never heard of! I don’t know how the writers keep track of everything they’ve smelled. I found today’s list particularly inventive, full of newer or more experimental artists. Sentire A Room With A View is probably the one I’d most like to try. My husband’s family is Ukranian, so always interested in anything from there, plus I love florals, and this one sounds divine. For the draw I’d most like to win Masque Milano Catherine. I am very curious about these new scents to the line, and haven’t been able to find them anywhere. I also am intrigued by Essential Parfums Neroli, because everything I’ve tried from this very reasonably priced line has been good. Thank you to Cafleurebon editors for these fun and fabulous lists. Thank you all the perfumers who have contributed. Happy 2025 everyone, from USA!

  • My favorite perfumes on your lists are: infleurno, pnoi, armonia, in extremis, Catherine, pelagos, joyeuse. The one I would like to win is Catherine because I think it will be perfect for spring!
    I live in France, EU.

  • nicoletheo15 says:

    Exciting list!! I absolutely love Wavechild and I’m itching to try A Grove by the Sea! I live in MA / USA and would love to win the Neroli Botanica! The notes speak to me and I’m sure it would be a love ❤️

  • Lauryn’s and Oli’s list showcases the brilliance and diversity of niche perfumery this year. Several fragrances have sparked my curiosity: Pnoi by Angelos Creations Olfactives, for its vintage-inspired elegance and reimagining of feminine tobacco-leather scents; Sarah Baker Peach’s Revenge, for its bold juxtaposition of tropical sweetness and a wicked undertone; and Meo Fusciuni’s In Extremis, a poetic homage to Caravaggio’s chiaroscuro.
    I also greatly admire Anatole Lebreton’s work and am a proud owner of Grimoire. I look forward to testing his three new entries soon.
    Living in Italy, where artisan perfumery thrives, I deeply appreciate the artistry behind these creations. If I could win one, it would be Pnoi, as its sophisticated blend of classic and contemporary elements perfectly aligns with my love for evocative, elegant, and timeless fragrances.
    Marco from Italy

  • This was so enjoyable to read . Everything appeals – here there is inspiration, memory , enlightenment, joy , love , invocation and innovation. I don’t think there is even one I don’t want to try but if I had to , Peach’s Revenge (I adore peaches the feel and smell of a sunwarmed fuzzy peach is one of my summer musts ) . And then the one where you are nostalgic for something you only dreamed of – that’s a quality I think only exists in fragrance or music . I live in NY and I would love to try the Neroli Botanica – it’s nice to think of florals in the beginning of what looks to be a long winter .

  • Oh I love all this salt and incense! And unique florals – linden and lilac!? These lists are amazing! Mei Fusciuni is a too fave this year for me also. I am in agreeance with Pnoi! I have not tried Catherine or Néroli Botanica but have big loves from both of the houses. Ooof hard decisions…. I will go for Catherine. Thank you for the generous giveaway. I am located in USA.

  • I’ve been so impressed with the diversity and breadth of the fragrances on everyone’s top ten lists for 2024. So many great perfumes and perfumers were recognized. I’ve tried a few Angelos Balamis fragrances (Angeliki, Eau de Vertu) and would love to win Pnoi. I’m a fan of Tabac Blond and any homage to that great scent is on my to try list. MD, USA.

  • The grand finale! Sentire A Room With a View sounds so dreamy, I can envision a graceful dance of lilac and linden together. Pnoi really stood out to me on some of the earlier countdowns so I’m excited seeing that it’s one of the prizes! Besides those, I enjoyed reading about all the picks from Oli and Lauryn and earlier contributors. I’m going on a trip next month where there’s a nice perfume boutique with lots of niche fragrance lines, I’m keeping a list so that I’ll be able to sniff strategically. I’d love to win Angelos Creations Olfactives Pnoi if I was the lucky winner, though the other two selections also sound lovely to me. I’m in the USA, thank you for the draw. Cheers to the new year!

  • Happy New years to everyone!

    Sultan Pasha has been on my radar for a while and I’m looking forward to exploring his attar later this year. Sacred Scarab is also on my list of perfumes I need to sample. I’m hopeful that at some point jeroboam your Oudhness comes in a smaller bottle like their other fragrence. Over the past year I’ve become a big fan of 15 and 30ml bottles. I see that Palegos is on yet another list and so I may have to sample it one more time.

    Brooklyn NY
    Interested in Pnoi

  • what an amazing year for fragrance. so much variety but seems like across the lists, marine and atmospheric meditative scents stood out to me. Beaufort, Arquiste, Bianchi and a slew of others have caught my eye with what seems like scents outside oft their comfort zone. I’d have to thank Oli for breaking the news for me that Beaufort has yet released intriguingly new scents to my scent mind. Their Pyroclasm is more up to speed to my quirky niche tastes but i do appreciate what they are trying to do with Cape Wrath. I am also glad Influerno is getting more limelight though i have yet to get my nose on any Boujee Bougies. Lauryn’s description of Pnoi is short but intriguing as well. So much so that the bottle i’d like to win is Angelos Creations Olfactives Pnoi (oddly enough which i have been spelling as Pnoy close enough to what we Filipinos colloquially call ourselves)

    more power to the CaFleureBon team this 2025. From oregon, USA

  • Wow! To be honest, both Pnoi and Catherine interests me a lot, but I honestly can’t handle my feelings when I read about flowers and spring rain. Catherine seems to be simply beautiful, classy, evocative. Masque Milano is simply amazing. I’d like to try it! I am from Eu.

  • The finale was magical! I added so many fragrances to my sampling wish list from this one and all of the previous posts. I’m excited to hear Beaufort released new fragrances as well as Anatole Lebreton. These two houses always release something unique. I was able to sample all new Le Donne de Masque Masque fragrances and I must admit I loved them all. For the giveaway I will choose Catherine as it is indeed a loveeeely green floral fragrance. Superb. I’m from Illinois US.

  • Oli and Lauryn have outdone themselves with this year’s top ten – such a beautifully curated mix of groundbreaking, evocative fragrances. I love how their lists balance playful experimentation with timeless elegance. For me, Oli’s description of Nissaba Berbera absolutely grabbed me – three types of frankincense distilled in different ways? That sounds like a meditative deep dive into incense that I’d love to explore, especially with that dry, spicy, woody profile.

    Lauryn’s pick of Filippo Sorcinelli Sacristie des Arbres has my full attention, too. I’m a sucker for incense perfumes, and the idea of walking through a serene ancient forest with temple smoke wafting in the air is irresistible. It sounds like it would hit that sweet spot between spiritual and grounded.

    But honestly, Angelos Balamis’ Pnoi (Πνοή) is the one that really sparked something in me. A modern nod to the femme-fatale tobacco scents of the ‘20s and ‘30s, with that touch of expensive French soap? Yes, please. I adore fragrances that bring a vintage elegance with a contemporary twist, and the way Lauryn described it makes me think of glamour without pretense. I’d love to win Pnoi – not only because it sounds stunning, but also because Angelos Balamis’ work seems so rich in narrative and artistry. It’s one of those perfumes you’d wear and feel like you’re stepping into another time, and who doesn’t want a little of that magic?

    I am from the EU

  • hippononamus says:

    I haven’t tried a single one of Oli and Lauryn’s picks, but as usual it reminded me how so many fragrances are being released all the time and how many get missed, even by your reviewers. Kamikura by Di Ser, Tirtha by Prisanna and Sleepy Hollow by Folkwinds are my favorite releases of the year and well worth sampling. I’d take the Pnoi if chosen as Angelos’s perfumes are always well-done if not my cup of tea. Nissaba’s line has long intrigued me and I will try to sample eventually. I’m in the US.

  • A Grove By the Sea, Cape Wrath, Room With a View (Linden AND lilac, bonus!), Sacrestie des Arbres sounds wonderful.. and a perfect perfume in Joyeuse? Never have i ever tried a watermelon scent, so Room 1015 I’ll have to try. The reviews is common favorites are still unique, and the perfumes that are on one list, I still want to try.
    Thank you for a lovely end of year list, and also for the generous give aways. I will try something outside of my usual comfort zone and hopefully win Pnoi… it just sounds so layered and wonderful. I’m in the US.

  • Arian Jamali says:

    Thank you also for this top 10 and a happy new year, dear ÇaFleureBon team. With green branches, delicate violets, rose-jasmine colors and a leathery bitter sweet symphony, Pnoi sounds so wonderful.
    I would be very happy to win Pnoi and I am from USA.

  • These lists present us with such a great opportunity to discover some of the best fragrances of 2024.
    From these lists, I have only become acquainted with Armonia from Anatole Breton and I was greatly impressed with this release and house.
    Angelos Creations have been under my radar since the release of Grace D’orient which I have been cherishing. I look forward to trying out his new scent. After seeing Peach’s Revenge being listed in a few Best of 2024 is definitely getting my attention. I can’t wait to try in. Same goes for Pegasos from Dusita.
    Many thanks for this draw. I’d love to win a bottle of Pnoi from Angelos Creations. I live in France.

  • Again so many perfumes, so many great reviews.

    I’m familiar with just one perfume from this list – the beautiful Neroli Botanica Essential Parfums which is absolutely amazing.

    I’d love to try Catherine Masque Milano because of the description “Stemmy green notes mingle with cut grass, woody touches, and violet leaf, resulting in one of the prettiest green florals to come out since Vero Profumo’s magnificent Mito.” and also Arquiste’s A Grove By The Sea – a shot of Mediterranean air within which you really can smell all of those herbal and mineral nuances.

    Brands I’m dying to try are Beaufort London and Nissaba.

    I’d loooove to win Masque Milano Catherine.

    I’m from Croatia, EU.

  • Patricia R. says:

    It is a wonderful choice offered here, especially related to the marine notes in various perfumes. Nissaba Berbera, Grove by the Sea and Pnoi would be my choice as the notes most resonate with my preferences, but since I can’t smell the masterworks it is the name and/or the bottle that attract me to the specific ones. Pnoi bottle looks very good. I live in the EU.

  • PetaloDiCera says:

    Thanks a lot for this final top ten list! It’s been so interesting wrapping up 2024 with all you guys!
    I love lots of the perfumes on your selection and i’m intrigued by a lot of the ones I don’t know.
    I would love to receive Catherine by Masque Milano, I simply adore everything they create!!
    A splendid, scented 2025 for you all!!
    Smiles from Italy, EU.

  • says:

    The last of the Cafleurebon top ten lists is here, and I have more now than ever before to add to my own seeking out list.
    As a fan of the iris-leather combo in perfumery, Armonia is one I will have to seek out. I’m intrigued. Ambre Papier has my interest piqued as well. A resinous paper scent? Yes please. There are others mentioned here that I’ve also added to my must-try list.
    As for the draw Pnoi is the most interesting to me and one that I think I could wear with heart. I live in Oregon.

  • wonderscent.mari says:

    Happy New Year to the entire ÇaFleureBon team and the inspiring top 10 list! Oli’s Top Ten Perfumes I would like to explore Room 1015 Wavechild!
    Its intriguing composition sounds truly mesmerizing, and I’d love to explore its essence. Another one would be Sarah Baker Peach’s Revenge which has my curiosity aroused as it has been mentioned by various Cafleurebon writers, as you also mentioned.
    From Lauryn’s list want to explore a new to me perfume house Anatole LeBreton and their creations, especially Armonia & Kairos! Really interesting and creative scents!
    Also Masque Milano is a house that I would like to explore more since I love their creations, so I would be grateful if I win Catherine, a beautiful & sensual green floral scent.
    Thank you for the opportunity and for sharing such a delightful list of fragrances!
    I live in Germany EU

  • Taleofarose says:

    As readers we let ourselves inside the world of story tellers. Thank you all at ÇaFleureBon for securing the passage.

    I’ve tried In Extremis- love it, love it, love it! In fact I bought 2 bottles, afraid of running out :). Sacriste des Arbes sparks my interest, after the busy holiday season a meditative walk in the woods is what the doctor orders.

    I would love to win a bottle of Pnoi. Violets have been my all time favorites, and oddly enough I don’t have a single perfume that captures the soul of this flower. 267 raw materials? What an amazing gift the creator has to be able to
    blend them in one single “breath”.

    Happy New Year from Portugal/EU

  • snowflake15 says:

    As always, a list comprising of every variety in perfume. I choose neroli botanica, but the others to check out include pnoi , viole nere, and a room with a view. USA

  • Oli includes in his list the perfumes that have excited him, either to wear or to study as an olfactory art. Unlike him, I really like incense perfumes and his choice of Nissaba’s Berbera stands out for its raw ingredients: the best resins from the incense region of Somalia. Three citrus stand out: the mandarin of Jovoy Aqua Memorabilis, the neroli of Essential Parfums Néroli Botanica and the grapefruit of Eau de Boujee Infleurno: the hand of Pia lLong has put it on almost all the lists. Lauryn highlights as Perfumer of the Year Meo Fusciuni, the poet of perfumery, with his creations In Extremis and BUOI (which are on many lists) and Last Season & Viole Nere. She discovers for me a genre that I love: chypre made by Sultan Pasha : Joyeuse . Like an old school with a green twist. It’s not by chance that it’s the one Lauryn has worn in 2024. I would like to win Angelos Balamis Pnoi, because Angelo is a genious and I have a weakness for a leather frag. Angelo doesn’t make anything boring and with his complex formulas he makes very versatile and wearable perfumes. I live in Spain, EU.

  • Just back from holidays travels, so I am slowly reading through all the top ten lists. Wow – what a year! Hard to believe the sheer volume and variety of scents released in 2024, especially from niche brands. Oli’s and Lauryn’s lists contain a handful of names familiar to me (no doubt thanks to past articles on Cafleurebon!) and others not so much. Of Oli’s choices, I’m most interested in Nissaba Berbera and Essential Parfums Neroli Botanica because I always opt for perfumes with a high amount of natural ingredients (and also just love incense perfumes and neroli)! From Lauryn’s list, it’s gotta be Angelos Creations Olfactives Pnoi and Sultan Pasha Joyeuse. I’ve tried Sultan Pasha’s sample set and was blown away by many of the scents, and past reviews of Pnoi (and other perfumes in Angelos’ line) have sold me on it as a must-try.

    If chosen for this draw, I’d love to try Pnoi because the imagery from J’s review from earlier in this year really stuck with me and I’d be so happy to experience the beauty of this leather perfume!

    Best wishes for the New Year from the US!

  • I have not tried any of these top scents, but am very curious about finally trying the Meo Fusciuni line, and Filippo Sorcinelli’s Sacristrie des Arbes calls to me, as the theme of incense in a dark forest is my love language. Of the draw, I would love to try the beautifully described Masque Milano Catherine, from Le Donne di Masque line. It sounds like the perfect fragrance for upcoming spring-a wet field of flowers surrounded by trees. Thank you for sharing your favorites! CA, USA

  • Shibuichi2000 says:

    Reading Oli’ s and Lauryn’s top 10, I was thinking about seas, churches and gardens – I do like all 3, when it comes to finding them in scents.
    For me, it’s always interesting to test/buy perfumes with the same profile, not only because that’s what I like to wear, but also because I want to see what’s different in the approach – some of the picks in the tops seem to be exactly that : surprising takes on overused themes, these would be my first to discover.
    Hm, this year I should try to trust more my nose, and less my eyes – see what will come out of it.
    Also, to get acquainted with Anatole Lebreton’s creations and sample Meo’s Viole nere and Last season.
    Until then, I’d be extatic to win Catherine

  • i’m captivated by oli’s poetic descriptions that evoke clear images and feelings. i’ve read about arquiste’s a grove by the sea earlier this year and it sounds so transportive. also, calling the paper facet in Atelier Materi Ambre Papier “coarse” makes SO much sense to me, that is very cool.

    i’d love to win the pnoi, as it sounds like a riotous work of art with so many notes to unfold. i imagine is being a very alive fragrance and i’m so intrigued! (and i am in the US).

  • I haven’t tried any of these scents but I’ve heard of a few! But my goodness some of those bottles look like works of art… A heart, a hand! Which end holds the juice? Fascinating to view. Masque Milano Catherine sounds like just the perfume to brighten up the coming year. Hello from Honolulu HI.

  • Wow, there are a few more fragrances that struck a common chord of admiration from many of the CaFleurBon editors! Peach Revenge, Neroli Botanica and Catherine, Infleurno, Pelagos, InExtremis, Buio…if the editors are I impressed, then I am intrigued! But this article adds a few that are entirely new to my world – Guitarist, Joyeuse, amd Room With A View appeal to me with their herbal, natural qualities. So many beautiful descriptions, so many generous giveaway! If I had to choose, Neroli Botanica might suit me most….although Catherine is tempting as well. Thank you for this generous draw, I live in the USA.

  • foreverscents says:

    Both Oli and Lauryn’s lists included perfumes I have heard much about and also some that were completely new to me.
    Infleurno from Oli’s list is definitely a fragrance I will seek out. It’s mineral graphite note combined with the citrus sounds glorious.
    From Lauryn’s list, I am inspired to search for Guitarist. The sour berry note is what appeals to me.
    If I were the winner of the draw, I would choose Pnoi. The leather note and the homage to fragrances from the 20s and 30s appeals to me.
    I live in the USA.

  • I loved these lists and many of your choices piqued my interest namely – Nissaba Berbera because I am obsessed with frankincense. A sulfuric twist on fruit also seems to be a slight theme with Peach’s Revenge and Influerno and now I fear I have to try these because I don’t think I’ve heard of anything like these YET! Truly eye-opening.

    If chosen I would choose Masque Milanos Catherine the idea of Jasmine “after a warm spring rain” sounds especially nice during the middle of this frigid winter. I am in the USA. 🙂

  • Quite interesting picks, what captivated my mind and nose the most was Sacristie Des Arbres Filippo Sorcinelli, the bottle in itself wraps a seductive sweet ambery aroma, the fragrance looks like a masterpiece. But i’d like to win Angelos Creations Olfactives Pnoi as it’s the most unique fragrance i have seen, the breathtaking unique powerful smell sounds very intriguing.

  • Svetlanafrance says:

    Angelos Creations Olfactives Pnoi. Its tribute to the feminine tobacco perfumes of the 1920s and 1930s resonates deeply with my appreciation for timeless elegance.

    The combination of vintage-inspired richness with the clean, refined aura of fine-milled French soaps creates a fragrance that feels both nostalgic and refreshingly modern. I imagine it as a perfect blend of sophistication and uniqueness—ideal for someone who values individuality and classic charm.

    Living in France, I have developed a profound appreciation for artisanal perfumery. Here, scents are not just accessories but essential expressions of one’s identity.

    Angelos Creations Olfactives Pnoi embodies the craftsmanship and artistry that define the world of niche fragrances. Winning this perfume would allow me to experience this extraordinary creation and cherish.

  • I don’t know how Nissaba went unnoticed as it is from one of my favorite perfumers Fabrice. There’s that Peach’s Revenge again. I need to try a Grove by the Sea again, I remember liking it, but felt I had a few in my collection that were similar. I am very interested in Catherine as I never even saw it come out and I love the “girls” from Masque Milano, but only own one. The green floral has gotten my attention. After reading the paragraph about Meo, I am really regretting not going to my local shop when he came to speak. Hopefully he will return, seems like a very interesting and creative person. I’d choose Pnoi if I am the lucky person. Happy New Year. USA.

  • Looking at the notes of Neroli Botanica from Essential Parfums it seems to be right up my alley. What is not to like about a crisp, refreshing white floral fragrance with subtle hints of vetiver and ginger?
    Thanks! Europe

  • Thanks for the terrific end-of-year lists. Lots of thoughtful recommendations, and I appreciate the insight about trends and the industry.

    Oli’s list makes me want to check out the frankincense materials in Nissaba Berbera, the unusual rendering of grapefruit in Eau de Boujee Infleurno, the smoked orange Jovoy Paris Aqua Memorabilis, and the stoney sense of place in Arquiste A Grove By The Sea. Lauryn pointed my attention to the temple incense of Filippo Sorcinelli Sacristie des Arbres and the layered sandalwood of Map of the Heart Abundance V.8., Parfums Dusita Pelagos keeps getting recommended, Sultan Pasha’s take on a green fougère sounds exceptional, and Guitarist’s mix of sour berries, greenery, and dry florals is wild.

    I’m in the USA. If I were to win, I’d choose Angelos Creations Olfactives Pnoi—tobacco and leather combinations are wonderful.

    Happy new year!

  • wallygator88 says:

    Thank you for these wonderful end of the year lists.

    I loved reading about Nissaba Berbera and their use of different frankinsence and Angelos Olfactive’s Pnoi. Pnoi sounds like a wonderful take on classic scents like Tabac Blond, that I would love to try.

    Cheers from WI, USA

  • I’ve only tried two fragrances from Oli’s top ten list, but I enjoyed reading through it. I love how she described Wavechild as being “unseriously serious.” I agree with that statement. Peach’s Revenge sounds delicious, and I’ve been meaning to try it since it was released. Although Neroli Botanica sounds simple, it also sounds beautiful and perfect for spring. Ambre Papier is the second fragrance I’ve tried from Oli’s list, which I really enjoyed.

    I’ve only tried Pelagos from Lauryn’s list, but she included some I really want to try. Pnoi sounds very intriguing. Lauryn’s comment about Abundance V.8. wearing well in both “heat and damp chilly autumn fog” makes me want to test it. Catherine sounds right up my alley with its notes of greenery, jasmine, and woods. I would love this one for spring. Since lilac is my favorite flower, I absolutely must try A Room With a View. I will definitely be checking out Nata’s fragrances, and I really hope to see A Room With a View soon!

    I would love to be considered for any of the three fragrance draws. However, my number one pick would be Masque Milano Catherine. Catherine sounds so beautiful for spring, and since I am a spring baby, I have a soft spot for florals.

    Thank you, Oli and Lauryn, for sharing your top ten lists. Thank you to the perfumers/houses for their generous giveaways! I am located in the USA.

  • what a great list by oli and lauryn
    I am really interested in winning masque milano Catherine which sounds just beautiful
    Impressed by the wide variety of perfumes
    From USA

  • What a beautiful choices and reviews!
    All perfumes sound very interesting and beautiful !
    Love Neroli Botanica, but recently began love white flowers.
    But Pnoi sounds just amazing, so would like to win Pnoi.
    From Greece

  • I love the diversity of fragrances here, and how each one transports you to a different place or memory, like the Cornish coast or an incense-filled church. Of the three generously offered, I would most like to try Pnoi due to its complexity and sophisticated blend of notes. (Beyond the giveaway, Pelagos is also calling my name – reading the description reminded me of walking outside on a hot summer day.) Thanks and hello from CO, USA!

  • Wow there are quite few in Oli’s and Lauryn’s lists I haven’t tried or even heard of! 2024 has been a busy year. Lovely to see Natasha Dyshliuk featured of whom I got Tobacco Sun and English Garden this year.
    Also really would love to try Cape Wrath from Beaufort.
    I’m a fan of Angelos Balamis work and Pnoi sounds fantastic. Would love to win. Marit the Netherlands

  • Another fantastic pair of lists! Thank you, Lauryn and Oli! It’s always a pleasure to discover a few fragrances I missed during the year. Sultan Pasha Joyeuse has caught my eye—I loved the vintage vibe of Sacred Scarab, so I’m excited to explore a green fougère with a similar aesthetic. Anatole LeBreton Armonia also sounds delightful, especially as someone looking to expand my appreciation of the iris beyond the classic lipsticky profile. I’m curious to see how it pairs with leather. Lastly, I’m thrilled to see Angelos Creations Olfactives Pnoi included in the giveaway. I adore tobacco scents, and those with a more feminine-leaning sweetness and a glowing softness have always appealed to me. I’m eager to see Angelo’s interpretation of this timeless DNA and would be honored to add Pnoi to my collection. Best of luck to everyone! Greetings from NY 😉

  • Wow, these snapshots of favorite fragrances make my mouth water! What lovely and evocative writers you both are!
    I would love to win Masque Milano Catherine. It sounds like a delightful scent–a green floral, with jasmine and summer rain.
    Thank so much for these days lovely reviews. It has been wonderful to go along on this fragrant journey.
    I live in the US.

  • Max Corvinus says:

    Wow, so many unique scents. My all-time favourites are the Nissaba with its triple distillation of frankincense and Astrophil and Stella’s In Extremis for the very fact that it was made by Meo Fusciuni – my personal hero.
    I live in the EU and would like to win the Angelos Balamis new creation since I have already tried some of his work and find it intriguing.

  • I have the opportunity to try two perfumes of this list ( I print it and it is in my handbag, just in case!) and I am charmed.