The Winner of The Hanukkah or is it Chanukah Draw featuring Adam Sandler and Hansel and Dreidel

Growing up there were so many songs for Christmas and just a few traditional BORING songs for Hanukkah. It is ironic that the quinetessential Christmas songs "I am dreaming of a White Christmas" was written by Irving Berlin and Sammy Cahn wrote "Let it snow, let it snow". But it took the son of a schmata (garment center) guy to write the first contemporary Hanukah song.


Hansel & Dreidel (pronounce draydel); Mr. Leonesio at his quirky best as he mixes a potent concoction of honey, wheat absolute, sandalwood, and musk. Imagine your breakfast cereal is in mating season and you’ll have an idea of what this smells like. Very animalic and the wheat, honey and sandalwood add contrast to the musk. No gin and tonic-a or notes of marijaun-ica.

The winner is MIM who will drink a gin and tonic-a and call her friend veronica

We will contact her within 24 hrs.

Thank you  Brent at  for the  5ml rollon of Hansel and Dreidel for a draw.

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