Spiritum Paris 11 Psychic Vibes, 22 Universal Mind, 33 Cosmos Guide (Philippe Paparella) 2024 + Master Numbers Collection Giveaway

Spiritum Paris 11 Psychic Vibes, 22 Universal Mind and 33 Cosmos Mind

Spiritum Paris 11 Psychic Vibes, 22 Universal Mind, 33 Cosmo Mind collage by Michelyn

It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul. Invictus – William Ernest Henley

Written vast into the woven fabric of our lives, there are instincts, certain knowing’s that are part of who we are, we may not rationally understand them or be able to reason them with our intellect yet they are indelibly marked in our psyche, unquestionably known.  We attribute and resonate with aspects that commune with our deeper selves, perhaps engage with us in unspoken conversations. One of these paths to understand our very nature is Numerology, calculating a number that corresponds to your given name at birth. A resonance of who we were when we entered uncluttered and with a purity, offering a sight upon our destiny and purpose in this lifetime.

Jonathan Dufour of Spiritum Paris and symrise perfumer Philippe Paparella

Spiritum Paris founder Jonathan Dufour and Senior Symrise perfumer Phillippe Paparella via Instagram @philippe_paparella_paris

After attending a life-altering retreat in South America, founder Jonathan Dufour had a profound realization of the role of perfume in unlocking doorways to insights and experiences, how the utilisation of perfumed materials echoes down the aeons and has always been used to offer a way to be closer to the divine in ourselves, to elevate and clear the obstacles and detritus of physical living from the human spirit.  He chose to create Spiritum Paris using Numerology and the sum of his experiences.

Jonathan is an ebullient and embracing soul, one cannot fail to be immersed in his joyful presence, warm and immensely kind he emanates all that Spiritum Paris stands for and was created to represent. His collection created with perfumers Phillip Paparella and Bertrand Duchaufour holds a key for everyone to discover a perfume that fits that lock, uniquely for each. All created to evoke a centering in the comprehension of self, your gifted path. Opening the way to our hidden potential.

Phillippe Paparella of Symrise

Phillipe Paparella of Symrise is the recipient of The Prix International Francois Coty (Michelyn’s Note)

Spiritum Paris The Master Numbers are three very special numbers in Numerology and these three perfumes emanate that personal power in three very unique ways, this collection all created in collaboration with perfumer Phillippe Paparella.

Spiritum Paris 11 Psychic Vibes

Spiritum Paris 11 Psychic Vibes courtesy of the brand

Destiny is the push of our Instincts to the pull of our Purpose – T D Jakes

 Spiritum Paris 11 Psychic Vibes – my very own personal Master Number, this gathering of notes settles on me as a second skin, I feel at home in its presence, it melds into me and emphasizes all my most true aspects, the me that came first, before birth and what I entered with in that purest of states. 11 is what was shining deeply in those newborn eyes before the world imposed its filters and veils. Spiritum Paris 11 Psychic Vibes is a number attributed with great sensitivity, profound awareness and intuitive comprehension, seeing beyond with all the senses. We are lifted by its herbal and sensual properties, mildly intoxicating so as to escape a little these earthly confines and enter another way of seeing, Frankincense and Elemi with earthy, ethereal Violet Leaves encircle with airs of hazy shifts, the sense that the air around is becoming mirage like, shimmering with a shapeshifting quality that suggests the heightening of our senses.

Max van den Oetelar – Unsplash

 Passing beyond my feet are merging with a forest floor, the sensation of an interchange between my flesh and the mosses, fallen leaves and the unseen lifeforce within.   I am clothed in greener garb and find myself well rooted in a humus bed. Tendrils of Vetiver and Nagamotha draw me closer to where my deep nature knows its home, there is a sense in Spiritum Paris 11 Psychic Vibes of homecoming, that sense of knowing where we are in our place, it takes me home to my soul immersed in nature and held in her eternal heartbeat. 11- Psychic Vibes is the drawing in close of all the threads of my existence, weaving me back in towards that single, pure place where there is clarity and greater vision. Feeling into myself, relearning the fundamental essence.  Heightened senses are expanded to encompass more than the 5 so well known, Cedar, Sage and Myrrh, sacred through so many of human incarnations allow me to drift further outwards into the greater void and deeper inwards.

Jeremy Bishop and Anja Bauer – Unsplash

In Spiritum Paris 11 Psychic Vibes, I reside in the vesica pisces that was mine from the very beginning, my birthing place in time, pathways through the forest are clearer and the way marked with intuition. Follow, you will always be in the right place at the right time.

Top: Frankincense, Cardamom, elemi, Violet Leaves, Bergamot, Saffron and Pear; middle: Licorice, Nutmeg, Ginger, Myrrh Oil, Cedar, Sage and Jasmine; base:  Patchouli, Vanilla, Vetiver, Amber, Moss, Leather, Fir, Cypriol Oil or Nagarmotha, Sandalwood and Musk.

Spiritum Paris 22 Universal Mind

Spiritum Paris 22 Universal Mind courtesy of the brand

All-encompassing, here is a chance to reach the stars seated under the darkening skies, that liminal threshold between night and day where everything shifts in perception, the world stills and draws breath, an inhalation of transition. On that liminal horizon, light softens, shadows lengthen and forms dissolve and transform.  Tis the moment for all the limits of our preconceptions to dissipate, room for the companions of our physical life to take wing, to move quietly among us. A lingering brush here, a small breeze there. Elemental play arises in Spiritum 22 Universal Mind, with the peppered floral overtones in the palest Rose light graced with an ethereal intoxication of freesia, just enough to ignite and bring a sparkle to the eyes.

Mark Basar, Jakob Owens,Greg Rakoz and Shubham Dhage- All Unsplash

Infused with the sublime, subtle beauties that give rise to our instinctive emotions, that make us smile, laugh, cry and shine. Love, here is the catalyst, with love we are invincible, we can achieve anything, love makes us immortal.  A curious rapture arises in me, how familiar it seems, Sichuan Pepper and Absinthe lull me and melt my heart, the dawning of an exquisite comprehension.

Via Spiritum Website

Spiritum Paris 22 Universal Mind is the infinite capacity to build anything we could imagine and dream of within a continuous stream of love.  If only we conceived that acting out of any kind of Divinity without dogma, without separation and with love then all the highest endeavors are possible. With a heart full of effusive delight, we are opened to the possible, all limits dissolve in the exquisite chiming of a trinity of Jasmine, Geranium and Fleur d’Oranger. A trio that pierces through our reticent meniscus of doubts and habits, all those thoughts that hold us back, that damage our lives irreparably, in 22 Universal Mind here is the remedy.  It dances on skin so joyously, soft, gentle murmurings without inhibition, free to fly and soar, in its formula lies a secret of ages that we can all access, nothing complicated about it really, just a return to the very core of our humanity – Love.

Top : Absinthe, Frankincense, Freesia, Bulgarian Rose, Sichuan Pepper, Ginger Heart : Jasmine Abs, Cedar, Cinnamon, Geranium, Orange Flower Base : Musc, Ambre, Vanille, Vetiver, Ambrette

Spiritum Paris 33 Cosmos Guide

Spiritum Paris 33 Cosmos Guide courtesy of the brand

For I am the soul of nature, who gives life to the universe. From me all things proceed, and unto me all things must return -Doreen Valiente

Similar threads are masterfully interwoven in a tapestry of different hues, here is a culmination, a rare master amongst masters. Contained in 33 Cosmos Guide is a scent of the mystery that pervades all world spirituality, here is the guide map up the same mountain regardless of the path we may choose to find our way to the summit.  Soft tread and lighten the mind created load and the path is laid before you. All it takes is a surrendering of ego-self.

The knowledge of ages exudes its own perfume. 33 Cosmos Guide is profound, it is the wisdom of compassion, the empathy and the equilibrium between the giving to others and ourselves. Here is written the still point of harmony.

Rosty Slav – Unsplash

33 Cosmos Guide encompasses all, it is richly composed ode to the highest aspirations of humanity, here in liquid assignation is the textbook of ages, to wear close to skin is to voyage amidst the infinite and to access the millennia.

Iris – Spiritum Website

Bright stirrings roll in on Mandarin and Bergamot, peppered and liberally dashed with herbal drafts of hope, here is it all if we just choose to turn in its direction, aptly named it brings out the most pure attributes designed to make the spirit sing. Iris strikes a noble chord, a clarion call out across the ages, a tone so pure that is only wrought from the nobility of the human spirit in its unadulterated state to remind us of all potential, accompanied like a supernova with all attendant vapours, Jasmine, Muguet and Geranium.

The ultimate enfolding where there is no distinction between you and the expanse. There really are no limits. A swirling concoction, drawing together many aspects of our humanness, the light and joyful, the intense and loving, the shadowy folds that challenge us, the unique expression and the similarity of us all.  Cosmos Guide primal purpose that so many different elements can come together and be in accordance with one another.  The joining of many hands to form one, diverse components, natures clamouring to remind us that together achieve a magnificent oration, a symphony of timeless possibilities. 33  Cosmos Guide echoes within, fine tune your senses and heed.

Top: Mandarin oil, violet leaf, bergamot, black pepper oil, white sage oil, cypress oil. Middle: Jasmine, Iris Butter, Lily of the Valley, Cedar Oil, Leather, Geranium Oil, Cinnamon Oil, Iris. Base: Musk, Amber, Balm, Tonka, Vetiver, Patchouli Oil, Moss, Labdanum Abs, Vietnamese Oud, Cypriol Oil, Bulgarian Rose Oil, Frankincense Oil, Violet Leaf

Danu Seith-Fyr, Contributor

My thanks to Jonathan for his warm friendship and the samples, all words are my own.

Spiritum Paris

via the brand

Thanks to the generosity of Spiritum Paris we have a 100 ml bottle of your choice of from the Spiritum Paris Master Numbers collection of either Spiritum Paris 11 Psychic Vibes OR Spiritum Paris 22 Universal Mind or 33 Cosmos Guide one registered reader in the USA or EU. YOU MUST REGISTER OR YOU NOT BE ELIGIBLE. Please leave a comment about what strikes you about Danu’s reviews and where you live, as well as the perfume you wish to win. If you want your comment to count twice, please tell us you Spiritum Paris numerology number by clicking here . Draw closes 7/25/2024

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We announce the winners only on our site and on our Facebook page, so like ÇaFleureBon and use our blog feed… or your dream prize will be just spilled perfume.

Please follow us on Instagram – @cafleurebonofficial  @danu_sf  @ode_r_  @philiipe_paparalla_paris @spiritumparis

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  • ViktoriiaSw says:

    Danu’s reviews of the Spiritum Paris Master Numbers collection are evocative and immersive, capturing the essence of each fragrance with poetic detail. What strikes me most is the way Danu intertwines personal experiences with the descriptions of the perfumes, creating a narrative that goes beyond mere scent notes. The vivid imagery and emotional resonance, particularly in the review of “Spiritum Paris 11 Psychic Vibes,” make the reader feel the transformative power of the fragrances. Danu’s ability to convey the spiritual and instinctual connections these scents evoke is compelling, making each perfume seem like a journey into one’s deeper self.

    My numerology number is 7. Spiritual Explorer.

    I am from the EU.

  • Ramses Perez says:

    I’m a number 4, a builder of future. Interesting as I am trying to do just that, plan ahead and build my future. I see the journey of this collection of fragrances, and where it takes us. Psychic Vibes is the beginning, Universal Mind the middle and Cosmic Guide the culmination. I can see how the retreat in South America inspired this collection after going through such spiritual cleanse if you will. Out of the 3, Cosmic Guide 33 does sounds the most appealing to me as the notes give a sweeter but still complex fragrance with the addition of the different ouds. It takes the fragrance to outer space. Cheers from the USA.

  • Danu’s reviews are poetic and evocative, capturing the essence of each fragrance through vivid imagery and emotional language. She paints a picture with words, transporting the reader into the olfactory experience. I live in Trzebnica, Poland, EU. I would love to try 33 Cosmos Guide. I’m an astral twin 2

  • olgAPOISON says:

    Spiritum Paris 22 is that girl, old school, a mix of thing. Like their inspo. Im from eu

  • David Furman says:

    My number is 3. Wisdom universe. I like the write up on all three frags but Cosmos stood out. Mainly because of the iris and iris butter in the mid. That’s where I like it and that’s where it lasts and shine throughout. Aside from oud, iris is one of my favorite notes and when done right it really makes a head turner. Would love to win, from Jacksonville NC.

  • chrisskins says:

    A tough call, all three are described so divinely. However, but, and, I choose Spiritum Paris 22 Universal Mind. If I could feel one drop of doubt pierced, and with a limitless love -wow. I love jasmine, geranium and Fleur d’Oranger. A trinity indeed. I live in NY.

  • AromaDulce73 says:

    If I were to pick one of these fragrances I would go with Spiritum Paris 11 Psychic Vibes. I love the notes of Frankincense & Myrrh.

    I’m not into numerology but according to the website my Spiritum Paris numerology number is 4.

    Los Angeles Ca. USA

  • Ah, it seems my numerology number is 5 – The Guardian Master, with traits such as liberty, change, chance, protection, and stability. Interesting as I made a huge change and went back to college and shifted careers later in life in order to protect my self and my future. From reading Danu’s reviews, I think 33 Cosmos Guide would be the choice for me. I love the juxtaposition of light and dark, smoky and sweet, floral and oudy. It just sounds incredibly complex and interesting. Best of luck to all. I live in NC, USA.

  • Eris.can.swatch.kaos says:

    I am mesmerized in reading this reviewer’s take on these 3 fragrances. So beautifully written, it ignites a passion for learning, exploration, and intrigue. I’m most interested in 22 Universal Mind as it simply speaks to me on an innate level. My number is 4. It’s attributes fitting. I live in Oregon.

  • This was an interesting read that had me delving into a new field 🙂 Thank you Danu. My numerology number is 6 and I would choose Spiritum Paris 11 Psychic Vibes as the notes are really calling out to me. I’m in USA

  • Amazing story behind the brand abd Jonathan Dufour’s profound realization of the role of perfume in unlocking doorways to insights and experiences!

    Based on Danu’s reviews, I’d love to try Spiritum Paris 22 Universal Mind because “It dances on skin so joyously, soft, gentle murmurings without inhibition, free to fly and soar, in its formula lies a secret of ages that we can all access, nothing complicated about it really, just a return to the very core of our humanity – Love.”

    My Spiritum Paris numerology number is 7 and the perfume behind it is 7 Spiritual Explorer that I also find is perfect for me!


  • Jared Overbeck says:

    My number from their website calculator based on my birthday was 4. I was fascinated with how these perfumes were described, much more like a psychedelic trip report than a perfume review.

    I would be most interested in the first one, the 100mL I’mSpiritum Paris 11, because of the absinthe notes. My favorite smells are top shelf absinthes. After I finished the bottle I would save them to smell later. The combination of botanicals was so sublime, of course always leading firmly with the star anise.

    I live in the Appalachian mountains of the USA, where I spend time perfuming and honing my sense of smell.

  • Max Corvinus says:

    First & foremost, a magnetic review, dear Danu.

    Spiritum 11 Psychic Vibes beckons to me due to its opulent composition and a reliance on the note of frankincense which I absolutely adore. There is a witchcraft to this creation – an undercurrent of subtle magick that cascades through the composition. As if the creation whispers “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law”.

    As a big fan of Aleister Crowley, I must admit I am thrilled by this creation. Although numerology is not my thing, I have an appreciation for all the esoteric and occult arts.
    I would like to win Spiritum 11 Psychic Vibes
    I live in Croatia (EU)

  • kellyatwood says:

    This blog really spoke to me, as I view fragrances in this same way – as a portal to different layers of consciousness and vibration within the human spirit. I had heard of this house before but never really heard the back story and now I am so excited to discover them! The 11 fragrance really spoke to me (although I am intrigued by all of them!). I would love to be entered into the giveaway for a bottle of 11. I live in Austin, TX and my Spiritum numerology number is 33.

  • I’ m a number 11, Psychic vibes just like Danu. I identify with their description of the perfume, it sounds very appealing an written on my skin.
    I’m in eu

  • Patricia R. says:

    I’d opt for Cosmos Guide, because of frankincense oil, leather and labdanum. I live in the EU.

  • I’m thrilled to enter this giveaway! Danu’s reviews have truly captivated me, especially the description of Spiritum Paris 33 Cosmos Guide. The combination of mandarin, bergamot, and black pepper with deep, rich notes like Vietnamese oud and labdanum seems incredibly profound and masculine. The idea of a scent that embodies the mystery and wisdom of world spirituality resonates deeply with me, and I am eager to experience its intricate, timeless symphony.

    I live in Nashville, TN, USA, and I would love to win the Spiritum Paris 33 Cosmos Guide. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity!

  • Wow what a trilogy of beautify and creativity! These sound stunning and I love the thought and intention behind them. They all have wonderful aspects and it was very hard to choose but I think the noble Iris claimed me. I will pick Cosmos Guide 33 if I am so lucky to win. I am in the U.S.

  • Wow what a trilogy of beautify and creativity! These sound stunning and I love the thought and intention behind them. They all have wonderful aspects and it was very hard to choose but I think the noble Iris claimed me. I will pick Cosmos Guide 33 if I am so lucky to win. I am in the U.S.

    Oops sorry to add an edit but my number is 11. Thank you again.

  • I’ve always considered scent a very powerful inducer of memory and thought. When I wear certain fragrances, I feel powerful or at peace. Combining this olfactory experience with numerology is an intriguing concept. After reading descriptions of the three fragrances, I’m most drawn to Universal Mind. The trio of Geranium. jasmine and orange flower with vanilla, ambrette and absinthe is appealing. MD, USA.

  • Love the concept behind these fragrances. The Numerology concept as well was very interesting to read about as well as the website to help you figure out your own. Danu’s imagery for each fragrance’s experience definitely caught my eye and really drove forward their concepts. If I were to win the fragrance I’d pick would be 22 Universal Mind just based off Danu’s review of the three. My Spiritum Paris Numerology number is 7.
    In US.

  • LegalAlien51 says:

    Oh yeah these fragrances sound right up my alley. By the sound of Danu’s reviews, these fragrances will put you on a spiritual journey on the path to eternal bliss, and the description of numerology reminds me of kabbalah, which is extremely enlightening. Creation was made in numbers and each one of these fragrances have a specific and unique number attached to it and they all have spiritually concise numerical value. The main one that stuck out to me was 33. 33 is a very important number in freemasonry which is the level you reach the ultimate enlightenment and learn the secrets of the universe including the spirit realm. I absolutely love the insanely intricate details that dany describes with these fragrances it’s very knowledgeable and spiritual. I feel like if I’m going by Danu’s account, that if I experienced these fragrances it would unlock the secrets of the universe and open portals to different realms but mainly the spirit realm. They seem rather alluring and very symbolic. I would personally appreciate and covet each spray and sniff of either one of these masterpieces. Very well done and awe inspiring. Thank you so much for the amazing reviews and for the opportunity to win such a beautiful prize.

  • Laurentiu says:

    11 Psychic Vibes speaks to me- this is a number attributed with great sensitivity, profound awareness and intuitive comprehension, seeing beyond with all the senses.

    Thanks for the nice reviews and for the giveaway!

  • What an interesting concept! I was not that curious about Numerology before, but after this article, I feel like I need to dive a little bit into that subject. I fully agree with the paragraph from the start of the article, that ‘fragrances have been used to offer a way to be closer to the divine in ourselves, to elevate and clear the obstacles and detritus of physical living from the human spirit.’ Now I will need to get into this more, the actual link between numbers and fragrances. All this sounds really intriguing!

    From these three prizes, I would like to start with 11 and continue my journey of discovery in an harmonious order.

    Thank you!

  • peppermoon says:

    These reviews were a cosmic trip! Reminds me of those late night discussions with friends about the meaning of the universe and life itself. I was just planning on reading the review and not entering but the amount of spices listed in Psychic Vibe’s note list piqued my interest.

    Big fan of Cardamom, Licorice, Nutmeg and Ginger! So I’d pick that one for the draw please. I’m in the US, my numerology # is 8, though I’m not sure what that means for me 🙂

  • The numerology concept of the Master Numbers Collection is an unusual and evocative theme and I enjoyed how Danu explored it in this review. Spiritum Paris 11 Psychic Vibes sounds particularly ethereal and varied, utilizing a range of sacred woods and resins. And I looked up my numerology number—it’s 4, Builder of Future.

    I’m in the USA. If I were to win, I’d choose Spiritum Paris 11 Psychic Vibes. Thanks!

  • snowflake15 says:

    My number is 4. I love the realization that perfume can be used to connect to the divine in ourselves. The choice is difficult but i chose 33 Cosmos Guide. I loved the imagery in the article. USA

  • Absolutely, these fragrances seem like they are exactly what I’m looking for. Based on Danu’s reviews, it appears that these scents can take you on a profound spiritual journey, leading you towards eternal bliss. The concept of numerology that Danu describes evokes the enlightening principles of kabbalah, which I find fascinating. Creation itself is defined by numbers, and each of these fragrances has a unique numerical value that holds spiritual significance. The number 33 particularly stands out to me. In Freemasonry, 33 represents the pinnacle of enlightenment, where one learns the universe’s and spirit realm’s secrets plus i’m a sucker for Iris.

    I am thoroughly impressed by the intricate details Danu provides in the reviews; they are both informative and spiritually profound. According to Danu’s descriptions, experiencing these fragrances might reveal universal secrets and open portals to various realms, especially the spirit realm. They appear to be not just appealing but also deeply symbolic. I would cherish and savor every spray and sniff of these exquisite creations. Kudos to Danu for such inspiring and detailed reviews, and thank you for the chance to win this beautiful prize.

    From France EU

  • Each of Danu’s descriptions is so full, poetic and informative that it is really hard to choose which one of these three described scents would be my favourite… I am lucky because in my hometown there is a perfumery that offers Spiritum Paris so I can try them all on my skin. I would like to win bottle of 11 Psychic Vibes.
    My numerology number is 1 (which is close to “11” I guess).
    I live in Warsaw, Poland (EU)

  • These all sound like fantastic fragrances, but more so, they sound like spiritual goals I wish to achieve. Sometimes I am struggling for the serenity these represent. My temptation would be to pick 22 for myself, but in the divine giving, generosity of the mood described here for #22, I would instead have to pick #11 for my sister, who is in need of the lift and serenity it could bring. I live in the US.

  • foreverscents says:

    I enjoyed finding out that my number is 11, just like Danu’s. I also enjoyed reading about all the other fragrances while on Spiritum Paris’ website, They all sound marvelous. I am happy that my number is 11, Danu described the notes of the fragrance so lyrically. I like the description n of the perfume asa homecoming. We ate immersed in nature, lifted by its herbal and sensual properties.
    I would choose 11 Psychic Vibes.
    I live in the USA.

  • I would like to try universal mind seeing the notes have a unique quality and I’m into more unique scents at the moment. In maryland.

  • wallygator88 says:

    Thank you for the insight into this brand and fragrances.

    I really loved reading about Spiritum 33. Something about the combination of violet leaf, mandarin oil, iris and the oud and frankincense in the base, made this fragrance stand out to me. The notes feel like a kaleidoscope of bright and dark notes, in the same manner that it reflects different colors.

    Cheers from WI, USA