Provision Scents Mini Luxe Dream Set Winner (Notes from The Lab Creative and Technical Mastery)

creative perfumery and technical mastery

 In the 90’s, when I apprenticed to several fine fragrance (creative) perfumers, part of my training involved making line extensions from their fine fragrance formulations. It wasn’t uncommon for formulas to contain over 150 ingredients, some at trace amounts, all the way out to the third decimal place.  Maybe one percent of an ingredient in a fine fragrance formula now needs to be five percent in a candle formula to give the same effect. Months of stability testing and evaluation go into the process.  Once I had a handle on these details I was able to use my creative skills to fine tune and calibrate each ingredient until the scent profile matched the original scent, with fewer ingredients. I’m not suggesting that only perfumers with a strong technical background can create a  creative masterpiece, but I am saying that technical mastery is a key component of creative perfumery.

Thanks to Sherri Sebastian’s generosity we have a set of a Provision Scents Mini Luxe Dream Set for one registered reader in the U.S, (you must register or your comment will be ineligible). The random winner is Roseylis69. Please email michelyn at cafleurebon dawt com with Provision Scents Mini Luxe Dream Set by 11/8/2019 4 PM EST along with your complete mailing details, phone number and name. This is a deadline and NO exceptions if you are late. A warm thank you to Sherri Sebastian for this wonderful gift in your email to would be greatly appreciated. Please use the email from your comment so we know it is you.

We announce the winners only on our site and on our Facebook page, so like Çafleurebon and use our  blog feed…or  your dream prize will be just spilled perfume.


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Please note that there may be a slight delay in getting this to you, so allow for 3-4 weeks. When you receive your perfume, please let us know!!!