Parfums M. Micallef Botanique Fleur de Lune Winner

 Parfums M. Micallef Botanique Collection

Paradise bathed in languid sun, land of plural beauty, Grasse awakens our senses. Through the city’s alleys wanders the air of the fields, carrying the olfactory symphony played by the omnipresent jasmine, rose, iris, tuberose, violets, orange blossoms and citrus.  Such is the score transcribed by the Parfums M. Micallef Botanique Collection, the mirror of a generous light, of a nature in majesty.” – Martine Micallef.

Fleur de Lune, one of the five new perfumes by Geoffrey Nedjman and Martine Micallef for the Parfums M. Micallef Botanique Collection is indeed a song in scent, olfactory music inspired by the sweetly aromatic breezes of Grasse. My first experience of  Fleur de Lune immediately revives long lost sounds and emotions of my past life as a piano accompanist. The first piece of music that comes to mind is Gabriel Faure’s magical song setting of Paul Verlaine’s poem L’Heure Exquise: “La lune blanche luit dans le bois; De chaque branche part une voix sous la ramée – O bien-aimée…Un vaste et tendre apaisement semble descendre du firmament que l’astre irise – C’est l’heure exquise.” Thanks to the generosity of Parfums M. Micallef we have one 75 ml bottle of Botanique Fleur de Lune for one registered reader anywhere in the world. The random winner is Patti. Please email michelyn at cafleurebon dawt com with Parfums M. Micallef Botanique Fleur de Luneas your subject by 5/14/19 3PM EST. This is a deadline and no exceptions if you are late or misspell CaFleureBon. Please use your email from your comment so we know it is you. It would be wonderful to write a thank you to M.Micallef in your email as we do pass them on to the wonderful sponsors of these draws.


Please note that there may be a slight delay in getting this to you, so allow for 2-3 weeks. When you receive your perfume, please let us know!!!

We announce the winners only on our site and on our Facebook page, so like Çafleurebon and use our  blog feed…or  your dream prize will be just spilled perfume.