Parfumeurs du Monde Albedo Review (Stephane Picquart) 2023 + Light in Darkness Giveaway

Parfumeurs du Monde Albedo

Parfumeurs du Monde Albedo courtesy of the brand

Where finally gold flecks

began to dance, suddenly

a yellow curd was weighting the churned-up white,

heavy and rich, coagulated sunlight

that they fished, dripping, in a wide tin strainer,

heaped up like gilded gravel in the bowl. Seamus Heaney

Thierry Bernard and Stephane Picquart of Parfumeurs du Monde

Thierry Bernard and Stephane Picquart – Parfumeurs du Monde

How does one begin to delve into this exceptional perfume, a perfume and yet so much more, for herein lies a myriad of discoveries, layers and layers of dissolved perceptions and the opportunity to explore a new horizon. To comprehend its simple, yet complex inspiration it is necessary to touch upon the essential elements of its creators. Parfumeurs du Monde Albedo is part of an outstanding collection, some of which are the works of Thierry Bernard, the founder of Parfumeurs du Monde and others by invited perfumers. Thierry has a ‘joie de vivre’ and a passion for travelling, plants and all their nuanced perfumes. An adventurous spirit, he believes in our capacity to retain the awe and wonderment of seeing with child’s eyes. The perfumer for Albedo is Stephane Picquart who joins the list of notable curators of the portfolio of Parfumeurs du Monde. 

Unsplash Evie S

Stephane Picquart is a man who continues the great voyages of discovery of past eras, he is an explorer, travelling remote place, always searching for the perfume of plants and naturally occurring states all uniquely inscribed with the ‘genius loci.   As Le Sourceur he travels extensively, discovering the best expressions of known and lesser known plant essences. These are available for interested parties via his websites, Le Sourceur and ‘Behave’. Exquisite natural extractions that constantly fascinate my ever-inquisitive senses.  He is a self-described hunter of smells. Stephane and Thierry’s ethos collide here with a magnitude of synchronicity as they place the sourcing of the best quality components alongside ethical practice, working with local and native inhabitants to secure livelihoods. Constantly curious individuals who have now joined forces in Stephane’s first perfume creation Albedo.

Cherry Laithang – Unsplash

One must strain off what was personal and accidental in all these impressions and so reach the pure fluid, the essential oil of truth.” Virginia Woolf

Albedo – ‘The Whitening’ an alchemical stage upon the path of the Magnus Opus – The Great Work.  A second stage after Nigredo or the Blackening, it represents the purification of chaos, the washing away of impurities, the bringing of light and clarity to the physical matter and the regaining of an original purity and receptivity. Stephane as an ardent humanist added several dimensions to this wholly impressive perfume. Not only composed as are all Parfumeurs du Monde collection of all natural components, Stephane has built a core around a promise, a promise of the potential that resides in us all once all the detritus of accumulated conditioning is wiped away. A wish for a renewed humanity, one, where old boundaries and restraints, outdated cultural norms and inequalities are broken down and we are left standing in the pure brilliance of the potential of humanity.

Parfumeurs du Monde Albedo illuminates a future, in the dissolution of chaos and darkness into a view of higher aspirations.

Founded there, like Heroes in a barrow

They sought themselves in the eye of their King

Under the black weight of their own breathing.

And how he smiled on them as they came out’

The sea a censer and the grass a flame. Seamus Heaney

Staying true to this philosophy, Stephane inverted the structure of this perfume, the olfactory pyramid turned on its head, beginning with a darkness and progressing toward the light. True Albedo. Here is a misty, swirling departure of Sandalwood, soft and richly woven on this path of transformation.  An ancient scent of murmuring prayers and incantations, a green vanilla that coils from my very roots planted deeply in soils bed, rising in rhymical undulations of Hyraeceum and Feve Tonka, lapping at my feet, encompassing my entirety, this oh so essential movement in slow respirations, it has begun. To undertake this voyage, one must traverse the darkened lands of self, to hear all its stories and release them one by one, lightening with every step on parched earth, self-knowledge gathered and sifted, a harvest bought home and only the kernels kept close. To traverse it shadowed corners and unlit plains, it is the necessary voyage.

Thomas Kinto and Rodion Kusaiev – Unsplash

Morsel by morsel as the shadows are confronted and the ashes of former states fall away, released. The scent of a Rose in early bloom, fecund and swollen heralds a dawning, tinted with hues at the edge of a horizon, the far side can be reached from here, glimmers of the destination. Paired with Firetree/ Tasmanian Pepper which aids the clarity of vision and the waxy, unearthly scent of Bushmen’s Candle, unnervingly, otherworldly beautiful. The light is diffuse swathed in clouds of white Myrrhe like rays piercing through thunderclouds, coagulating in pools of light upon an arid land.

Parfumeurs du Monde Albedo

Bushman’s Candle – Unsplash

Sensing about me the growing dissipation and thinning mists, reaching for that blinding light that momentarily occludes an outdated vision.  To reopen my eyes upon a field of whiter shade, to sense a lightness of being, divested of heavy attitudes and divisive thoughts. A spreading joy pervades me from my very inward depths and shines forth in solar brilliance, Ylang Ylang embraced with Mandora and Orange blossom deliver a peace, a stillness that allows enhanced perception, at last to see as things truly are. In Albedo there is written a formula, not of perfume, not of a chemistry but of an older magic we have forgotten, a transformative capacity, the gentle breeze of hope. A way forward, a clearer path, a humanely trod future strewn with new growth and scented with delicate compassion.

Parfumeurs du Monde Albedo carries within it such beauty and a cipher that when worn on flesh opens warmly and invitingly to this other field, a field of bright kindness and considered actions, untethered love and just deed, this perfume turns the world inside out and upon its head, perhaps it is well and truly time. The individual transformation for a collective future.

My gracious thanks to Thierry Bernard and Parfumeurs du Monde for Albedo, it is a brightly held hope.

Danu Seith-Fyr, Contributor

Base notes: Sandalwood spicatum, Sandalwood grains, Green vanilla, Tonka bean, Hyraceum; Heart notes: Rose, Fire tree, Gowé, Bushmans candle, Myrrhe Omumbiri;Top Notes: Cosmos, Mandora, Solar Ylang, Orange Blossom, Bourbon Geranium

Albedo by Parfumeurs du Monde

Parfumeurs du Monde Albedo

Thanks to the generosity of Parfumeurs du Monde and Thierry Bernard we have a 50ml  bottle of Albedo for one registered reader in the US or the EU.  YOU MUST REGISTER OR YOU NOT BE ELIGIBLE. Please leave a comment about what strikes you about Danu’s review  of Parfumeur s du Monde Albedo and where you live. Draw closes 8/27/2024

Please read Karl Topham review of Nam Chaa. Enjoy reviews for Les Parfumeurs du Monde Androgyne 16020 by Ida Meister and Brin de Peau here. Former Contributor Einsof reviewed 2019’s Ujan by Thierry Bernard here, his 2018 Val d’Orca here AND each fragrance from the inaugural 2016 collection from Michel Roudnitska (Agua Nativa), Kashi by Isabelle Gelle, Izwe by Perrine Scandel, Tsingy by Thierry Bernard, and Tzundha by Jean-Claude and Eric Gigadot here.

Editor’s note:  All Parfumeurs du Monde Perfumes are 100 percent natural and a portion of the sales are donated to Coeur de Foret. The entire collection of Parfumeurs Du Monde is available on Parfumeurs du Monde and Jovoy Paris

Please follow us on Instagram @cafleurebonofficial @danu_sf @ode_r_ @parfumeurs_du_monde @thierry.bernard.7 @stephanepiquart

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We announce the winners only on our site and on our Facebook page, so like ÇaFleureBon and use our blog feed… or your dream prize will be just spilled perfume.

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  • What an absolutely stunning and ephemeral review ! I have only tried one other scent from this house but this leaves me in longing awe to experience it.

    Thanks for the draw. EU based

  • Danu’s review is like poetry in itself! The way she describe the journey of Albedo, from darkness to light, really captures the essence of the scent. I’m intrigued by how the olfactory pyramid is inverted—sounds like a truly transformative experience.

  • Thank you Danu for such a review! The connection between the perfume’s composition and the philosophical journey of self-discovery is so beautifully articulated. It makes me want to experience Albedo not just as a scent but as a personal ritual.

    I am from the EU!

  • This review paints such a vivid picture—I can almost smell the perfume through the words. I love how Danu ties the ingredients to the concept of purification and renewal, it feels like Albedo is more than just a fragrance; it’s a path to clarity and enlightenment.
    Greetings from the EU

  • Ramses Perez says:

    Wow, when you think of innovation, this is certainly a way to go about it. I never would have thought to create a fragrance that goes from dark to light as it’s usually the other way around. In a way, it makes you appreciate it even more and push yourself to stick with it and walk the mile. I also love that this house only uses 100% natural ingredients and a portion is donated back to the land/people that help source them in the first place. This is truly an honorable mission. In the pursuit of natural and clean ingredients, one must truly appreciate where they came from and be grateful of their existence. I’m located in the US.

  • What strikes me most about Danu’s review of Parfumeurs du Monde Albedo is the vivid and evocative language used to describe the scent. The way Danu captures the essence of the fragrance, highlighting its unique blend of notes and the emotions it evokes, truly brings the perfume to life. The detailed analysis and personal anecdotes make the review not only informative but also deeply engaging. It’s clear that a lot of passion and expertise went into this review, making it a pleasure to read. I live in Trzebnica, Poland, EU.

  • This one surely does have some interesting things going on! Notes I have never seen or heard of like hyraceum, gowé, bushmans candle and cosmos. I really want to get to try it to see what is all about! Thanks!

  • What struck me about his perfume was the inclusion of green vanilla a note I don’t believe I ever experience in perfume. US

  • Beautifully worded, as always, Danu! The prose and poetry captivated me and made me feel as if I was on my own journey out of the darkness and into the light. Albedu sounds like an enigmatic scent, and I would love to try it. I’m most interested in the rose and myrrh combination. I love how the resinous, balsamic facets of myrrh accentuate the darker sides of rose, and I have a feeling that is exactly what will play out in this fragrance. Best of luck to all. I live in NC, USA.

  • Thank you for introducing this brand to me. “A wish for a renewed humanity, one, where old boundaries and restraints, outdated cultural norms and inequalities are broken down and we are left standing in the pure brilliance of the potential of humanity.” If I had one wish…it would be this. Thanks for a wonderful review and draw. Michigan USA

  • I want to win this perfume because I have never tried a perfume by Stephane Piquart even though he is a very famous sourcer. I wore and really liked Les larmes d’Aden by Thierry Bernard. Parfumeurs du monde is a brand that I appreciate and that like Hiram Green or Abel parfums contribute to proving to the world that we can succeed in making a beautiful perfume that is entirely natural and that honestly cares about respecting the earth and people. I like when Danu says: “this perfume turns the world inside out and upon its head, perhaps it is well and truly time.” I live in France, EU.

  • Sorohan Adriana says:

    I was captivated by how Danu captures the essence of the fragrance, highlighting its unique blend of notes and the emotions it evokes, it really brings the fragrance to life. I am already dreaming of the poses in which I will wear it. I am from EU

  • I was absolutely captivated by Danu’s review of Parfumeurs du Monde Albedo. The way Danu described the fragrance as a harmonious blend of nature and sophistication truly resonated with me. The imagery of the pristine white bottle, symbolizing purity and elegance, paired with the intricate notes of citrus, white flowers, and musk, painted a vivid picture in my mind.
    Danu’s eloquent portrayal of Albedo’s ability to evoke a sense of tranquility and connection to nature is what strikes me the most.
    The mention of the fragrance’s inspiration from the concept of albedo, reflecting light and purity, adds a layer of depth and meaning that makes it even more intriguing.
    I am genuinely excited about the possibility of experiencing this olfactory masterpiece firsthand.

    Thank you, Parfumeurs du Monde and Thierry Bernard, for this generous opportunity

    The Netherlands

  • AromaDulce73 says:

    This fragrance really sounds unique especially the part about it being able to go from dark to light, an upside down olfactory pyramid.

    Los Angeles Ca. USA

  • What an amazing story behind this fragrance and what interesting notes: Cosmos Flower, Mandora, Smoketree, Bushman Candle… One does really wonder how this combination smells!
    Danu described it perfectly: “In Albedo there is written a formula, not of perfume, not of a chemistry but of an older magic we have forgotten, a transformative capacity, the gentle breeze of hope. A way forward, a clearer path, a humanely trod future strewn with new growth and scented with delicate compassion.”
    Hugs from Croatia, EU ❤️

  • David Furman says:

    This seems to be a floral bomb with many pleasing nuances throughout. I’ve never seen a fragrance with orange blossom as a base note. Wonder how that would turn out? Several of these notes I’m unfamiliar with but like the green vanilla it would be a welcome addition for my experiences in perfumery. The notes chosen were hand picked and it interests me why the perfumer would stry so far from the norm and also how it turned out, the final product. Surely this would not disappoint, plz let me win, from Jacksonville, NC.

  • This sounds amazing. So many notes in this I haven’t heard of before. That must be what is making the old magic. Love that is is all natural and that part is donated to the forests especially since nature is what gives us the amazing notes. USA.

  • Sounds beautiful, I have never heard of this brand. I have been looking for an all natural orange blossom fragrance and this inverted structure seems unique. I’m in the US.

  • LuRon Anderson says:

    Several things strike me about Danu’s review. I love the initial quote from Seamus Heaney which sets us up for a journey.
    I also enjoyed getting to know Stephane Picquart. I am grateful to know that there is still such love for the world of perfumery that he would go to the lengths he does to travel and study the true sources of scent.
    Thank you for this review.

    Washington, USA

  • Normally fragrances go from light to dark but to have this in reverse, hence from the chaos of darkness to a new horizon of light. I love when a fragrance tells a story and you can comprehend it through scent. I’m new to this house but it sounds lime one I need to explore.

    Indiana USA

  • What a gorgeous review! I love the imagery Danu created with this review. The florals in particular sound amazing and the inverted pyramid sounds so interesting. I also love that Albedo is made with all natural ingredients. Thank you for introducing me to this brand and for the chance to win! I’m in MN, USA.

  • Great bottle design and a mesmerisingly poetic review. Thanks. Sandalwood, vanilla, tonka and myrrhe sound pretty good. From EU.

  • What strikes me most in Danu’s review is the following quote: “the olfactory pyramid turned on its head, beginning with a darkness and progressing toward the light”. I have read about this procedure in perfumery before, inverting the pyramid so that the “base” comes first and then opens towards the “top”, but I have never really experienced it in a perfume.
    Otherwise, the notes sound wonderful too:a vanillic, tonka infused sandalwood evolving to rose and myrrth and culminating in the purity of orange blossom and ylang. How wonderfully therapeutic!
    Greetings from the EU.

  • Lovely review Danu! Very poetic and very evocative describing the journey from drones into light. Albedo has some really interesting notes I’ve never encountered before in a fragrance including; fire tree, gowe, cosmos and mandora. Really unique and interesting approach to perfume creation. MD. USA.

  • The review is very poetic and lyrical! Mostly what stuck with me, though, is the world of kindness and consideration the perfume should take us to, and we certainly need more of that in the world. And Green Vanilla just sounds too darn interesting! I live in the US.

  • I really enjoyed reading Danu’s review, especially this description: it represents the purification of chaos, the washing away of impurities, the bringing of light and clarity to the physical matter and the regaining of an original purity and receptivity. Sounds like a fragrance everyone has to have.

  • wonderscent.mari says:

    A house totally new to me but I am fully captivated by the magic and evocative description of Albedo. Danu depicts the various stages of the scent’s development in a very visual and philosophical way. This sounds like an intoxicating fragrance, a fragrance that will bring back all your enlightened senses, evoking your better self to this world. Beautiful and unique!
    This has been a fabulous review to read! I would love to get my nose on this for sure.
    Thanks for the opportunity!
    Greetings from Germany!

  • What a striking review! Capturing the feeling of purification in a perfume sounds like a great source of inspiratio and the natural ingredients listed almost make me salivate… I really need to try this!
    Greetings from Germany.

  • Everything in Danu’s review seemed to me like an extraordinary story, like a novel, until I met my reality in this line “To undertake this voyage, one must traverse the darkened lands of self”.

    I believe in this line, life has proven it to me abundantly, so I want to discover myself through the Albedo metamorphosis.

    Thank you Cafleurebon & Danu, but also All Parfumeurs du Monde Perfumes for the wonderful chance.

    I live in EU

  • As a someone who adores natural perfumery, I can’t believe I’m only hearing about Parfumeurs du Monde now! Danu’s review is beautiful and really feels like it does justice to the concept of transformation from nigredo to albedo embodied in this fragrance. I love the idea of inverting the scent pyramid to further suggest the movement from dark, earthy notes through to resins and deep blooming florals, finally landing at the whitening brightness of high top florals like mandora and orange blossom. I’d be so happy to be able to try this transformation in scent myself!

    Best wishes from NJ, US.

  • Wow. I don’t think I’ve read a description of a perfume before that was so sublime and poetic. I’d normally use exclamation points for a good reaction, but I feel so calm and zen that an exclamation point would be completely wrong. So imagine me wearing a serene smile instead.

    As for the fragrance, it sounds like it’s designed to hit so many of my most favorite notes. Sandalwood, green vanilla, tonka and myrrhe? Yes, please.

    Missouri, USA

  • says:

    What a beautiful and captivating review! I was sent on a olfactory journey with the prose writen herein. I’m absolutely in love with the way in which the notes were placed and described. I’d love to win, I live in Oregon.

  • The perfume’s name in the title caught my eye, but reading Danu’s ellaboration on the alchemical concept was a true delight. This idea of reversal- from base to top notes, of experiencing scent as it dissolves into clarity and not as it sets deeper into our own musk- it does indeed sound magical and I’d feel incredibly lucky to be able to experience it from this giveaway. Greetings from Spain (EU)!

  • Oh this sounds so amazing! I remember reading about their Temple of Jerusalem but having a hard time finding it. I just love the notes they’ve chosen here, so many amazing ones. The Myrrhe Omumbiri I’m familiar with through Teone Reinthal’s glorious perfumes, it is in two of her Four Flames perfumes and the Temple of Infinity. Bushman’s candle is in hers as well. I just love an all natural house because I believe it brings a deeper life to each bottle, a nuance and subtle shifting life that synthetics just can’t bring as great as a lot are. I appreciate Parfumeurs Du Monde commitment to quality and ethical sourcing. Bravo!! Fingers crossed this bottle comes to me in California!

  • It great to learn about another all natural perfume. I am intrigued by the mention of an upside down pyramid! Two types of Sandlewood sounds intense. All the not ring a bell with me. I live in the USA

  • Michael Prince says:

    What interests me about Danu’s review of Parfumeur s du Monde Albedo is the very unique and in depth note breakdown. It sounds like a beautiful composition that is 100% natural. This is a new brand discovery for me that sounds truly interesting. I am from the USA.

  • Parfumeurs du Monde Albedo is an impressive natural composition and the unusual balance of “darkness…progressing towards light” sounds wonderful. The Tasmanian Pepper and Bushmen’s Candle materials are both intriguing. This also sounds like a beautiful wear for sandalwood lovers, with its medley of sandalwood, resins, and green vanilla. Would love to try it.

    I’m in the USA.

  • redwheelbarrow says:

    Traveling the world in search of fragrance sounds like an absolute dream. And your review is absolutely stunning! I feel like this fragrance is an absolute mood or a state to be experienced. I enjoyed reading this so much. From the US.

  • foreverscents says:

    I enjoyed reading about Stephane Picquart, the perfumer as an explorer. I visited his Le Sourceur and wanted to purchase all of his oils. Danu’s review of Albedo was breathtaking–I needed to read it a few times to capture the breadth of the descriptions. The notes in the fragrance certainly take one on a voyage, a transformative voyage of perception.
    I live in the USA.

  • wallygator88 says:

    Thanks for the beautiful review Danu.

    Really cool to read about your experience with Albedo. Albedo being the fraction of light that is diffusely reflected from a body, makes this an apt name for the fragrance.

    It was cool to see the inverted fragrance structure gonig from darkness to light and reading about the founders.

    Would love to sample this.

    Cheers from WI, USA