Excerpts: New Yorkers Say Vanilla “Ca Fleure Bon”

From time to time, friends- in- fragrance send me articles of interest that spark ideas questions or validate my own thoughts on scent and how we interpret our world through its language.  Ca Fleure Bon will devote a column, “Excerpts”, to  these thought provoking features and research studies. Hernando Courtright  sent me an article that appeared in today’s New York Post,written by Sabrina …

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“Per-View”:Liz Zorn Unplugged

If nose Geza Schoen asked my opinion as to which woman  should be the next muse for his Beautiful Mind perfume series, it would be Liz Zorn. Fiercely “independent”, one of the few noses that creates both natural and  perfumes that use synthetics. Liz composes her fine fragrances in her mind  first, and I am reminded of the quote by Michelangelo, ” I saw the …

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Voyage D’Hermes is a Voyage D’Ellena

  Jean-Claude Ellena is one of the most glittering stars in the perfume firmament. He has created a signature style that is almost instantly recognizable. There have been creations by other perfumers which have been complimented by being termed “Ellena-like”. What I mean when I use that kind of terminology is a use of a …

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