Making an Escentual Connection: Aromawear by Cathy Gins

  We all dream of following our "bliss”. Perhaps it’s preordained. How many of us take a giant leap, leave corporate America at the height of our career and start our own company. That is exactly what Cathy Gins, the Designer and Founder of Aromawear has done.   The former Vice President of Merchandising, New Business Development at The Monet Group and …

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Eau D’Italie Au Lac- Scented Love Notes

Love of fragrance binds many of us together but as human beings, it is romantic love that we seek. In 1916, an  Italian artist and an Italian princess exhanged love letters published in a book titled “Una Parentesi Luminosa” (A Luminous Parenthesis). The book consists of 19 letters written between Futurist artist Umberto Boccioni and Princess of Teano, …

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