The Unrequited Love Draw Winners

If it doesn’t stain, you may like to apply some perfume on the collar or cuff or scarf. Wearing long pants? Take a tip from Greek philosopher Diogenes, who preferred to anoint his feet. He said “When you anoint your head with perfume, it flies away in the air and birds only get the benefit of it, whilst if I rub it on my lower limbs it envelopes my whole body and gratefully ascends to my nose.perfume

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MC Scenta’s Holiday Gift Guide 2011Winners

What smells like heaven on you often ends up in someone else’s ’re-gift’ pile, so as fragrance fanatics, we rarely recommend giving the gift of perfume or cologne for the holidays, unless the recipient specifically asks for it; if you know your giftee-to-be’s fave fragrance, so does everyone else. The winners will be notified by Monday dec 12, 2011 or claim your prize-MC Scenta

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