Xerjoff Introduces New Collection: Oud Stars
CaFleureBon has just learned that the prestigious Italian House Xerjoff will be introducing an entire collection of six oud fragrances that will complement their Shooting Stars line
CaFleureBon has just learned that the prestigious Italian House Xerjoff will be introducing an entire collection of six oud fragrances that will complement their Shooting Stars line
My journey into perfumery and the creative forces continue. I love creating memories or capturing a fleeting moment in one’s life of experiences to create that one special fragrance. -Jane Cate
Ms. Alexandra Balahoutis is easily one of the top botanical perfumers working and all of her compositions are examples of the complexity that natural perfume can reach
New York City is a crazy quilt made up of its neighborhoods. Bond No. 9 is going to eventually make a fragrant statement about every one of these neighborhoods before Laurice Rahme is done. The most recent piece of NYC real estate to get the Bond No. 9 interpretation is one of my favorites in the entire city, Central Park West.
It would be impossible for me to remember a time when fragrance wasn’t important in my life. The earliest scent I can remember is the fresh scent of my blanket when I was very young. -Neil Morris
My passion for perfume had crossed the gender lines at least once and I wear fragrance specifically marketed for the so-called “opposite sex”.
I was aware of crossing gender lines through another one of my interests, that is, vocal music and opera.