NEW FRAGRANCE REVIEW: Smell Bent Re-Mix Project + Aloha for Summer 2012 Perfume Draw
Unlike the vast majority of commercial flankers, Brent’s Re-Mix Project perfumes often seriously rival their originals, if not improve upon them. Brent recently sent me a sample pack of the latest three, St Tropez Dispenser Apres Solieil, Little Miss Panda Gets Lei’d, and Incensed Short Fuse.
Friends-In-Fragrance: Alexandra Balahoutis and Fabrice Penot + Perfume Commune Draw
Beyond the ingredients, it is the quality of intention behind our work that brings Alexandra Balahoutis of Strange Invisible Perfumes and Fabrice Penot of Le Labo together. Not obsessed by the bottom line; their work is a passion, which happens to be a business, and successful ones. But the success was not the obsession. Creation is.
The Winner of The Open Sky Untitled S01E01 Draw
NEW FRAGRANCE REVIEW: Kelly & Jones Notes of Wine Collection “Would You Like Some Wine With Your Perfume?”
I met Kelly Jones Podorsek at Sniffapalooza a few years ago and we began talking about perfume and about the collection of wine inspired fragrances she was creating . I am a wine snob and like Paul Giamatti, in the movie Sideways, “I am not drinking any f’ing Merlot”. But I will wear it as a perfume.
The Winner of Ayala Moriel Oy de Cologne Draw
Etrog was said to be the mythical “Manna” – the food from the sky that nourished the Israelites in the Sinai desert, where they wandered for 40 years before entering the country