Olfactive Studio Flashback Perfume -The Winner
Flashback smells like nothing else in the line but it shares a creativity and quality with the others which is becoming imprinted into the Olfactive Studio DNA
CaFleureBon Live! From Milano! It’s Esxence 2013! Updated with Day 4 Schedule
New Niche Fragrance Review: Phoenecia Perfumes Skin Graft -Out Of The Black and Into the Blue
With the success of Skin Graft I close the same way Neil Young closes ‘”Rust Never Sleeps” because Mr. Falsberg of Phoenecia exemplifies coming “Out of the Black and Into the Blue
CaFleureBon Profiles in American Perfumery: Sherri Sebastian of Sebastian Signs- The Winners
I read a quote that hangs in my office from German philosopher Goethe.The last part reads, “….Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it.Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.Begin it now.”-Sherri Sebastian
New Natural Fragrance Review: APRIL AROMATICS “Precious Woods” + Magic Trees (The Ents) Draw
Tanja Bochnig uses only 100% organic or wildcrafted natural oils and raw ingredients; making her one of very few perfumers who unite the concepts of organic growing, aromatherapy and dynamic perfumery. Her latest release, April Aromatics Precious Woods displays all of the potential of natural perfumery.