November Spilled Perfume: CaFleureBon Notes & Ingredients in Perfumery + 10 Perfume Prizes

Perfume Notes and Ingredients

One of our most popular monthly features is CaFleureBon Notes & Ingredients in Perfumery, which is chock full of factual and fantastical information (beware of ginger fed beetles and if you need a little cash paint some patchouli oil on a piece of paper to attract wealth) about popular perfume notes.  

We have added a page PERFUME & INGREDIENTS to the right of ABOUT US at the top of our home page.

Your task this month to claim the spilled perfume is to list the top five most popular (most page views) articles in the exact order. The first reader to do this wins three of the ten perfume prizes below. If no one gets the exact order then all goes to random draw

Exotica candle by JoAnne Bassett ALL NATURAL

Sarah Horowitz Parfums  Perfect Vanilla 


 50 ML Etat Libre D'Orange Like This Tilda Swinton by Perfumer Mathilde Bijaoui "Winner of the FiFi France 2011 Best Niche fragrance – "The Specialists Prize”


Serge Lutens: 50 ML Five O'Clock au Gigembre

15 ML of Ginger Lily EDP Providence Perfume Co. ALL NATURAL

  Imaginary Authors   Sample Set

USA addresses only Standard Pleasures ($35/month),  Angel Room Service subscription for one year

 Ormonde Jayne London Discovery Set of 12 X 2mL vials


15mL press sample of  Parfum D'Empire Musc Tonkin.

Purusa Natural from Sherri Sebastian Sample Set

 To be eligible: Try to guess the top five  most read perfume ingredients and notes articles in order of most page views. List 3 of the prizes you want to win in your comment (be sure to make sure you have a US address for the Angel perfume subscription). Draw closes December 12, 2012

We announce the winners only on site and on our Facebook page, so Like Cafleurebon and use our RSS option…or your dream prize will be just spilled perfume

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  • Okay,

    I’m going to go with Tuberose, Rose, Vanilla & Chocolate, Jamine & Amber (in that order)

    I’m also going to put some patchouli oil on a piece of paper. I could use an infusion of cash!


    oh, the three: The Musc Tonkin (yah! can’t wait to try that one), Ginger Lily and Like This!

    (I also need to ramp up my subtraction skills! LOL! I am pathetic.)

  • I could not get the link to work so I have to think back on the articles. Jasmine, Rose, Tuberose , Patchouli, amber.. Ha I sometimes have the same issue Musette 🙂

  • !. Amber
    3. Vanilla and Chocolate
    4. Jasmine
    5. Patchouli

    I would love to win
    1. Musc Tonkin sample
    2. 5 O’Clock Gingembre
    3. like this
    Thanks for the draw and happy holidays!

  • I would guess Amber, Patchouli, Ginger, Vetiver and Tuberose.

    My choices would be Like this, 5 o’clock and Ormonde Jayne set.

    Great Draw!

  • Hmm…I’m going to guess Amber, Patchouli, and Rose. If I won, I would LOVE Five O’Clock Au Gingembre, Perfect Vanilla, or Ginger Lily.

  • Farawayspices says:

    jasmine, vanilla/chocolate, ginger, citrus/orange blossom, roses

    Musk Tonkin, Like This, 5 o clock au Gingmembre.

  • 1. Vanilla & Chocolate
    2. Jasmine
    3. Tuberose
    4. Amber
    5 Vetiver

    My 3 are: (1) Ormonde Jayne set, (2) Angel Room Service, (3) Musc Tonkin

    Thank you!

  • Tuberose, patchouli, jasmine, amber, rose.
    My choices are 5 o’clock, ormonde Jayne, and musk Tonkin.

  • Sue Kucklick says:

    1, Osmanthus
    3. Citrus
    4., Patchouli
    5. rose
    To win: Purusa, Ginger Lily, and Imaginary authors! Great draw!

  • My guesses are:
    1. Amber
    2. Patchouli
    3. Ginger
    4. Vetiver
    5. Tuberose

    My choices are Musc Tonkin, ELDO Like This, and 5 O’Clock au Gingembre. Thank you!

  • amber, patchouli, ginger, tuberose, vetiver

    1. Serge Lutens Five O’Clock au Gigembre
    2. Parfum D’Empire Musc Tonkin
    3. Imaginary Authors  Sample Set

    Thank you!

  • 1, Tuberose
    2. Jasmine
    3. Vetiver
    4. Amber
    5. Osmanthus

    I would like to win the Exotica candle, the Ormand Jane Discovery Set and The Musc Tonkin
    Thank you!

  • I’m gonna be a bit wild here and suggest:


    My choices: Ormonde Jayne, Like This and Ginger Lily.

  • 1. Amber
    2. Patchouli
    3. Tuberose
    4. Ginger
    5. Vetiver

    1. I would choose 5 oclock , like this and musc tonkin. Thanks!

  • My guesses for articles in order of popularity is…

    1. Vanilla and Chocolate: CaFleureBon Vanilla and Chocolate Notes in Perfumery “Baby its Cold There”

    2. Roses: CaFleureBon: Roses in Perfumery

    3. Jasmine: CaFleureBon: Jasmine in Perfumery “The King and Queen of Flowers”

    4. Citrus and Orange Blossom: CaFleureBon: The Orange Tree, Neroli, Orange Blossom and Citrus in Perfumery

    5. Tuberose: CaFleureBon:Tuberose in Perfumery – Dangerous Pleasure

    My three choices are…

    1. Like This Tilda Swinton
    2. 5 O’Clock au Gingembre
    3. Ormand Jane London Discovery set

  • Thanks Michelyn. I’ll try again:

    1. amber
    2. patchouli
    3. tuberose
    4. vetiver
    5. jasmine

    My well-deserved prizes :-): Angel room service, Ormonde Jayne Discovery, Serge Lutens Five O’clock au Gingembre

  • 1. Tuberose
    2. Amber
    3. Osmanthus
    4. Patchouli
    5. Ginger

    My choices are 5oclock, like this and osmonde jayne discovery set. Thank u!

  • 1. Amber
    2. Patchouli
    3. Ginger
    4. Vetiver
    5. Tuberose

    My three choices are, Musc Tonkin, Five O’Clock au Gingembre and Ginger Lily 🙂 Thank you for the fab draw

  • 1 Tuberose
    2. Jasmine
    3. Amber
    4. Roses
    5. Patchouli
    My choices are 5 O’clock, Like This and Musc Tonkin.

  • 1.Amber: “Law of Attraction”
    2.Jasmine: “the King and Queen of Flowers”
    3.Tuberose: Dangerous pleasure
    4.Roses: Roses in Perfumery
    5.Citrus & Orange Blossom: the orange Tree, neroli, Ornge blossom and Citrus in Perfumery

    My three choices are Five O’Clock au gingembre, Like This and Perfect Vanilla.

  • 1. Amber: CaFleureBon Amber in Perfumery “Law of Attraction”

    2. Patchouli: CaFleureBon Patchouli in Perfumery: “Love it and Leaf It”

    3. Ginger: CaFleureBon Ginger in Perfumery: ‘The Plant of Burning Desire’

    4. Vetiver: CaFleureBon Vetiver in Perfumery:The Oil of Tranquility

    5. Tuberose: CaFleureBon:Tuberose in Perfumery – Dangerous Pleasure

    Top three: 15mL press sample of Parfum D’Empire Musc Tonkin, 50 ML Etat Libre D’Orange Like This Tilda Swinton, and Serge Lutens: 50 ML Five O’Clock au Gingembre.

    Thanks for the chance!

  • Guesses:
    2. Patchouli
    3. Osmanthus
    4. Tuberose
    5. Vetiver

    Top 3 prizes: Musc Tonkin, Like This Tilda Swinton, Ginger Lily

  • Vanilla and Chocolate
    Citrus and Orange Blossom

    Love to have Etat Libre D’Orange Like This Tilda Swinton, and Serge Lutens: Five O’Clock au Gingembre and Ginger Lily EDP Providence Perfume Co! Awesome draw

  • This is fun I am listing by my personal favorites
    1 vanilla and chocolate in perfumery
    2. Tropical Flowers and fruits in perfumery
    3. Roses in perfumery
    4. The orange tree, neroli,orange blossom and citrus in perfumery
    5. Tuberose in Perfumery dangerous pleasure
    I would love Ormonde Jayne, providence ginger lily and musc Tonkin
    Ps I Probaly should have put amber but I will stay with this

  • 1. Amber
    2. Patchouli
    3. ginger
    4. Vetiver
    5. tuberose

    My three choices would be
    Like This
    ginger Lily

  • 1. Roses
    2. Vanilla and Chocolate
    3. Tuberose
    4. Jasmine
    5. Amber

    My choices would be Ormande Jayne, Like This, and Five O’Clock au Gigembre.

  • 1) Rose
    2) Vanilla
    3) Patchouli
    4) Jasmine
    5) Amber

    My choices:

    SL Five o clock, SH Perfect Vanilla, Ormande Jayne sampler.

    Thanks so much!

  • 1. Roses
    3. Vetiver
    4. Tuberose
    5. Jasmine

    my three choices are Musk Tonkin,Angel Room Service, Ormonde Jayne London Discovery set.


  • 1. Rose
    2. Tuberose
    3. Amber
    4. Jasmine
    5. Ginger

    My choices would be the Ormonde Jayne discovery set, Like This, and Ginger Lily

    Thank you for the draw!

  • 1. roses
    2. tuberose
    3. patchouli
    4. amber
    5. vanilla and chocolate

    to win:
    1. musc tonkin
    2. like this
    3. 5 o’clock

  • Ok thi sis hard! But here goes

    1. CaFleureBon: Roses in Perfumery
    2. CaFleureBon: The Orange Tree, Neroli, Orange Blossom and Citrus in Perfumery
    3. CaFleureBon Amber in Perfumery “Law of Attraction
    4. Jasmine: CaFleureBon: Jasmine in Perfumery “The King and Queen of Flowers”
    5. CaFleureBon:Tuberose in Perfumery – Dangerous Pleasure

    I would love to have L’etat Libre d’Orange ‘Like This’, Musk Tonkin and the Ormond Jayne Discovery set

  • 1. Vanilla & Chocolate
    2. Roses
    3. The Orange Tree
    4. Jasmine
    5. Amber

    I would ask for Like This, Musc Tonkin and 5 O’Clock.

  • 1. Amber
    2. Patchouli
    3. Ginger
    4. Vetiver
    5. Tuberose

    My choices are the oj Discovery set, 5 O’Clock and Ginger Lily.

  • 1.Tropical Flowers and Fruits in Perfumery
    2. Vanilla and Chocolate
    2. Amber
    3. The Orange Tree, Neroli, Orange Blossom, and Citrus
    4. Patchouli
    5. Vetiver

    My choices:
    *Angel Room Service, 5’O Clock au Gingembre by Serge Lutens, ELDO Like This. Thanks for this interesting draw!

  • Amber, Patchouli, Ginger, Vetiver,, Osmanthus are my selection of 5 my three picks are Serge Lutens Five O’Clock AuGigembre, Musk Tonkin, Ormonde Jayne Discovery set

  • 1. Tuberose
    2. vanilla/ chocolate
    3. Rose
    4. Jasmine
    5. Orange Blossom

    I would love the Angel Room, the Like This Tilda Swinton , musc Tonkin

  • All entries that include notes in perfumery that are not part of articles on the ingredients page at the top of the site are not eligible
    I know its a great draw but please take the time to review the 11 articles before choosing what you think are the top 5

  • My guess is: Patchouli, orange blossom, amber, ginger and roses.

    1. Serge Lutens Five O’Clock au Gigembre
    2. ELDO Like This
    3. Parfum D’Empire Musc Tonkin

    Thank you!

  • Hmmm,
    Vanilla & Chocolate

    Angel Standard Pleasures
    SL Five O’Clock au Gingembre
    Providence Ginger Lily

  • Here is my guess for the order:
    1. Tropical
    2. Roses
    3. Amber
    4. Tuberose
    5. Citrus and Orange Blossom

    My choice of prizes would be Parfum d’Empire Musc Tonkin, the Ormonde Jayne discovery set, and the Imaginary Authors sample set. Although truly, I’d be happy with any of the prizes.

  • 1. Amber
    2. Patchouli
    3. Rose
    4. Vetiver
    5. Ginger

    I would love the Ormonde Jayne Discovery set, Parfum d’Empire Musc Tonkin and the Sarah Horowitz Perfect Vanilla

  • 1. Amber
    2. Vanilla and Chocolate
    3. Vetiver
    4. Citrus and Orange Blossom
    5. Tuberose

    I would love to win the PdE Musc Tonkin, Ginger Lily and Ormonde Jayne Discover Set!

  • ginger, amber, rose, tuberose and orange blossom
    1., Like This Tilda Swindon
    2. Five O´Clock by SL
    3. Musc Tonkin

  • Here is my guess:
    Vanilla & chocolate
    Citrus & orange blossom

    If I were to win, I would love Musc Tonkin, OJ sample set, and 5 o’clock

  • 1. Amber
    2. Patchouli
    3. Rose
    4. Ginger
    5. tuberose

    My choice: Five O’Clock (Serge Lutens), Musc Tonkin (Parfum d’Empire), Like this (Etat Libre d’Orange).

  • 1. Amber
    2. Patchouli
    3. Tuberose
    4. Rose
    5. Vanilla and Chocolate

    My picks: Like this Tilda Swinton – Etat Libre d’Orange, Musc Tonkin – Parfum D’Empire, Purusa Natural – Sherri Sebastian

  • My guess is Amber, Patchouli, Ginger, Vetiver, Tuberose.

    I would love to try Sarah Horowitz Parfums Perfect Vanilla, Ginger Lily, Etat Libre D’Orange Like This Tilda Swinton.
    Thank you for this great draw

  • Carmen Yepez says:

    My guess. Just going of the images shown:
    1. Jasmine
    2. Vanilla
    3. Orange
    4. Ginger
    5. Patchouli

    1. Like
    2. Five o’clock Gigembre
    3. OJ sample set

  • 1. Amber
    2. Patchouli
    3. Jasmine
    4. Rose
    5. Vetiver

    My choices: Musc Tonkin – Parfum D’Empire; Imaginary Authors Sample Set; Like this Tilda Swinton – Etat Libre d’Orange;
    Thank you for the draw.

  • 1. Rose
    2. Ginger
    3. Patchouli
    4. Osmanthus
    5. Vetiver

    My picks: Like this Tilda Swinton – Etat Libre d’Orange, Musc Tonkin – Parfum D’Empire & Ormonde Jayne London Discovery Set ls

  • 1. Amber
    2. Vetiver
    3. Tuberose
    4. Patchouli
    5. Osmanthus
    My picks: Musc Tonkin, Like This, Perfect Vanilla.

  • my guess is:
    1. amber
    2. tuberose
    3. roses
    4. jasmine
    5. vetiver
    my choices: five o’clock; musk tonkin; ginger lily

  • 1. Tuberose
    2. Vetiver
    3. Amber
    4. Patchouli
    5. Jasmine

    Five o’Clock, Like This, Imaginary Authors.

    Thank you!

  • 1. Amber
    2. Roses
    3. Patchouli
    4. Jasmine
    5. Tuberose

    My choices: Parfum D’Empire Musc Tonkin, ELdO Like This Tilda Swinton, Serge Lutens Five O’Clock au Gigembre

    Thanks for the draw!

  • 1. amber
    2. patchouli
    3. ginger
    4. tuberose
    5. osmanthus

    prizes I want to win
    1. Etat Libre D’Orange Like This Tilda Swinton
    2. Serge Lutens: 50 ML Five O’Clock au Gigembre
    3. Ormonde Jayne London Discovery Set

    thanks 🙂

  • I love Elise’s articles! They are wonderful.

    I would have to guess

    Vanilla and Chocolate

    And what a treasure trove of spilt perfume. I would love Parfum D’Empire Musc Tonkin, Serge Lutens: 50 ML Five O’Clock au Gigembre, and Ormonde Jayne London Discovery Set of 12 X 2mL vials.

  • amber, patchouli, ginger, tuberose, vanilla
    i would like:
    1. Etat Libre D’Orange Like This Tilda Swinton
    2. Serge Lutens: 50 ML Five O’Clock au Gigembre
    3. Ormonde Jayne London Discovery Set

  • 1 jasmine
    2 tuberose
    3 amber
    4 patchouli
    5 vetiver

    I would be happy to win any of these beauties but since I must choose:
    Like This
    5 O’Clock au Ginembre
    Ormonde Jayne London Discovery Set

  • just breathe says:


    Purusa Natural
    Musc Tonkin
    Ormonde Jayne London Discovery Set

  • Amber

    I would love love love love to win 5 O’Clock Au Gingebre. As well as the Ormonde Discovery scent, Musk Tonkin, or Ginger Lily.

  • My guess is:
    Vanilla and Chocolate

    I would love to win any of the prizes. But my choices are:
    Tilda Swinton
    Serge Luten’s Gingerbread
    and Providence Perfume’s Ginger Lily

  • 1. Amber
    2. Tuberose
    3. Patchouli
    4. Jasmine
    5. Orange blossom

    My picks :ELdO Like This Tilda Swinton, Serge Lutens Five O’Clock au Gigembre , Parfum D’Empire Musc Tonkin

  • 1 Amber
    2 Vanilla
    3 Patchouli
    4 Tuberose
    5 Vetiver

    5 O’Clock, Musc Tonkin, Perfect Vanilla

  • Keeping my fingers crossed
    1. Patchouli
    2. Jasmine
    3. Vetiver
    4. Amber
    5. Tuberose
    I would love to win
    Providence Perfume’s Ginger Lily, Parfum D’Empire’s Musc Tonkin or SHP’s Perfect Vanilla

  • 1.Amber
    5. Vetiver

    My picks:
    Etat Libre D’Orange , Ormonde Jayne London Discovery Set, Parfum D’Empire Musc Tonkin.


  • 1. Tuberose
    2. Patchouli
    3. Rose
    4. Jasmine
    5. Amber

    My choices would be Like This, Five O’Clock Au Gingembre and Musc Tonkin.

  • 1 Amber
    2 Jasmine
    3 Vanilla and Chocolate
    4 Osmanthus
    5 Tropical

    Serge Lutens, Five O’Clock au Gingembre
    Providence Perfume Co., Ginger Lily
    Imaginary Authors Sample Set

  • 1. Tuberose
    2. Amber
    3. Patchouli
    4. Jasmine
    5. Vetiver

    My choices: Five o’Clock au Gingembre, Ginger Lily and Perfect Vanilla. Many thanks!

  • 1. Patchouli
    2. Amber
    3. Vetiver
    4. Tuberose
    5. Jasmine

    Five o’Clock, Imaginary Authors, Ginger Lily

  • 1. Amber:
    2. Patchouli:
    3. Ginger:
    4. Tuberose:
    5. Vetiver:

    Thanks for the draw!
    Angel Room Service, 5′O Clock au Gingembre by Serge Lutens, Ginger Lily.

  • My guess, however unlikely 🙂 :
    1. Jasmine
    2. Vanilla
    3. Amber
    4. Ginger
    5. Patchouli

    1. Ginger Lily
    2. Etat Libre D’Orange Like This Tilda Swinton
    3. OJ sample set

  • 1. Patchouli
    2. Tuberose
    3. Amber
    4. Vanilla and Chocolate
    5. Vetiver

    I would love to win Ginger Lily, Ormonde Jayne Discovery Set and Musc Tonkin.

    Thanks for the draw!

  • Oooh, I love second chances!


    My choices would be the Angel Room Service subscription for one year, the Ormonde Jayne Discovery Set, and the Exotica candle by JoAnne Bassett ALL NATURAL.

    Thank you!

  • 1. amber
    2. patchouli
    3. ginger
    4. vetiver
    5. tuberose
    My choices: Angel room service thingy, Musc Tonkin, Like This, or if one natural is necessary, Ginger Lily. Thanks!

  • Amber

    I would love the Oemonde Jayne Discovery set, the Etat Libre D’Orange Like This Tilda Swinton, Perfect Vanilla

  • My guesses:

    1- Roses in perfumery
    2- Tuberose in perfumery
    3- Jasmine in perfumery
    4- Patchouly in perfumery
    5- Amber in perfumery

    I’d love to win Five O’Clock au Gingembre, Ormonde Jayne London Discovery Set and Musc Tonkin.


  • Amber, Patchouli, Tuberose, Jasmine, Rose.

    My choices: Discovery Set from Ormonde Jayne, Five o’Clock and Exotica Candle.

  • 1. Amber
    2. Patchouli
    3. Vetiver
    4. Osmanthus
    5. Tuberose
    I’d love to win Musc Tonkin, the JoAnne Bassett’s Exotica candle and Sarah Horowitz’s Perfect Vanilla!
    Thank you for the draw!

  • jasmine

    I would love to win ELD’O, OJ Discovery, Five O’Clock, and Musc Tonkin. Thanks for the second chance!! 🙂

  • Tuberose
    Vanilla and Chocolate

    I’d choose Etat Libre D’Orange, Five O’Clock au Gingembre, and Angel Room Service

  • WHAT! who did not want their Musc Tonkin. Chance #2 for the rest of us 😀
    Tough one
    1. Amber
    2. Jasmine
    3. Patchouli
    4. Ginger
    5. Tuberose

    Is my guess, a choices would be
    Musc Tonkin
    5 O´clock au Gingembre
    Ginger Lily

    Thank you for the draw

  • 1.Patchouli

    My choice
    Ormonde Jayne London Discovery Set
    Ginger Lily EDP Providence Perfume Co.
    Parfum D’Empire Musc Tonkin.

  • My guesses: Roses, Tuberose, Amber, Patchouli, Vanilla and Chocolate.

    My top 3 picks would be Five O’Clock au Gigembre, Musc Tonkin, and the Ormonde Jayne London Discovery Set

  • 1. Roses in perfumery
    2. Jasmine in perfumery
    3. Tuberose in perfumery
    4. Vetiver in perfumery
    5. Vanilla & Chocolate in perfumery

    My most wanted of the perfumes listed are

    1. Etat Libre D’Orange Like This Tilda Swinton
    2. Serge Lutens: 50 ML Five O’Clock au Gigembre
    3. Ormonde Jayne London Discovery Set


  • Anna in Edinburgh says:

    My guesses are:

    1) Roses!
    2) Amber
    3) Vanilla and chocolate
    4) Citrus and orange blossom
    5) Vetiver

    Perfume choices from the yummy options are:

    Sarah Horowitz Parfums Perfect Vanilla;
    Purusa Natural from Sherri Sebastian Sample Set;
    15 ML of Ginger Lily EDP Providence Perfume Co. ALL NATURAL

    Can’t wait to see what the real list is!

  • My guesses:
    1. Amber
    2. Vetiver
    3. Tuberose
    4. Osmanthus
    5. Ginger.

    My favourite perfumes would be Ormonde Jayne, Imaginary Authors, Musk Tonkin.

  • My guesses:
    2- Patchouli
    3- Jasmine
    4- Amber
    5- Ginger
    My choices: Ormonde Jayne Sample set, Musc Tonkin, Providence Ginger Lily

  • 1. Amber
    2. Patchouli
    3. Vetiver
    4. Ginger
    5. Tuberose

    I would choose Musc Tonkin, Ormonde Jayne Set and Purusa.

  • 1. Amber
    2. Jasmine
    3. Vetiver
    4. Ginger
    5. Vanilla and chocolate

    I would choose Ormonde Jayne, Imaginery Authors, and Tilda Swinton. Thanks!

  • My guesses are:
    1. Amber
    2. Tuberose
    3. Patchouli
    4, Vanilla & Chocolate
    5. Ginger

    My 3 bottle wish list is: Pd’E Musc Tonkin, SL 5 O’Clock Gigembre & PPC Ginger Lily.

    *Fingers crossed*

  • My guesses are:
    1. Tuberose
    2. Rose
    3. Jasmine
    4. Amber
    5. Ginger

    My choices would be Like this, 5 O’Clock Gingembre and Ormonde Jayne. Thanks so much!!

  • 1. Amber
    2. Patchouli
    3. Tuberose
    4. Rose
    5. Osmanthus

    My choices are Angel Room Service, Ormonde Jayne Discovery Set, and Serge Lutens Five O’Clock au Gigembre.

  • 1. Citrus and Orange Blossom
    2. Vanilla and Chocolate
    3. Roses
    4. Jasmine
    5. Amber

    1. Musc Tonkin.
    2. Five O’Clock Au Gingembre
    3. Like This

  • I would have to guess

    2. Patchouli
    3. Rose
    4. Jasmine
    5. Vanilla and Chocolate

    I would love
    Parfum D’Empire Musc Tonkin
    Serge Lutens: 50 ML Five O’Clock au Gigembre, and Ormonde Jayne London Discovery Set of 12 X 2mL vials.

  • 1.Jasmine
    3.Vanilla and Chocolate

    Please Musc Tonkin. Be mine… I think we are meant to be together
    also, Five O’Clock Au Gingebre
    and Ginger Lilly, you can join the club

  • 1. Jasmine
    2. Rose
    3. Tuberose
    4. patchouli
    5. Amber

    Five O’Clock Au Gingebre, Etat Libre D’Orange Like This Tilda Swinton, and the Ormond Jayne discovery set would be my top choices. Thanks!

  • I think the top 5 would probably be :

    1. Rose
    2. Amber
    3. Jasmine
    4. Patchouli
    5. Vanilla

    As for the bottles I would like to own, my three would be :

    1. Five O’Clock Au Gingembre by Serge Lutens
    2. Musc Tonkin by Parfum Empire
    3. Like This by ELO

  • 1, Amber
    2. Vanilla
    3. Patchouli
    4. Jasmine
    5. Tuberose

    Five o”clock au Gingebre, Ormande Jayne, Sarah Horowitz Perfect Vanilla.

    Thank you!

  • boy this is tough! I will guess:

    1 Osmanthus
    2 Amber
    3 Jasmine
    4 Patchouli
    5 Vanilla and Chocolate

    I would love these three: the Angel Room Service, Five O’Clock Gingembre, and Musc Tonkin

    Thank you for the chance!

  • 1. rose
    2. Amber
    3. Tuberose
    4. Jasmine
    5. Patchouli

    I would choose Musk Tonkin, Like This or the Ormande Jayne set. Thank you, as always!

  • My guess would be:

    My picks would be Musk Tonkin, Like This and Ginger Lily.

    Thanks for the fab draw!

  • My types:

    1. Amber
    2. Oud
    3. Incense
    4. Patchouly
    5. Vanilla

    I’d love to win Musc Tonkin, Like This and Perfect Vanilla 🙂

  • 1. Amber
    2. Rose
    3. Citrus and Orange Blossom
    4. Tuberose
    5. Vetiver

    My 3 choices would be: Horowitz Perfect Vanilla, Luten’s 5 O’Clock, Providence Ginger Lily.

    Thanks for the draw!

  • My guesses are:
    1) Ginger
    2) Tuberose
    3) Vetiver
    4) Amber

    I would love to win any of the fragrances but my top three are:
    1) ELDO Like This
    2) Musc Tonkin
    3) Imaginary Authors sample set

  • 1. Tuberose
    2. Amber
    3. Patchouli
    4. Vanilla and Chocolate
    5. Osmanthus

    I wanna win:
    1. Ormonde Jayne London Discovery Set
    2. Musc Tonkin
    3. Etat Libre D’Orange Like This Tilda Swinton

  • 1) Tuberose
    2) Oud
    3) Amber
    4) Vetiver
    5) Rose

    I covet

    1) Like This (very, very much!)
    2) The Imaginary Authors set
    3) Serge Lutens Five O’Clock au Gigembre

  • 1)Vanilla & Chocolate
    2) Rose
    3)Citrus & Orange Blossom

    It would be fun to win:
    1)SL Five O’Clock Au Gingembre
    2) Ormonde Jayne sample set
    3)Like This
    4)Musk Tonkin

  • vanilla
    rose–in that order!

    I would like to win:
    1. Ormonde Jayne London Discovery Set
    2. Musc Tonkin
    3. Etat Libre D’Orange Like This Tilda Swinton

  • 1. rose
    2. musc
    3. jasmine
    4. amber
    5. patchouli

    I would like to win the followings:
    1. Etat Libre d’Orange Like This
    2. Serge Lutens Five O’Clock au Gingembre
    3. Musc Tonkin

    Thank you for this fantastic draw! 🙂

  • 1. Vanilla and Chocolate notes in perfumery
    2. Osmanthus in perfumery
    3. Roses in perfumery
    4. Tuberose in perfumery
    5. Jasmine in perfumery

    I would like:
    1. Ormonde Jayne set
    2. Musc Tonkin
    3. ELdO Like This bottle

  • My picks for the top five:

    1 – Osmanthus
    2 – Rose
    3 – Vanilla & Chocolate notes
    4 – Orange blossom & citrus
    5 – Jasmine

    I would like to win, in order of preference: Ormonde Jayne discovery set, Parfum D’Empire Musc Tonkin and Providence Perfume Ginger Lily.

    Thanks for the generous draw.