Nomenclature Aloeae (Jerome Epinette) 2024 + Spiritual Salve Giveaway


Nomenclature Aloeae courtesy of the brand

Ach, wie so bald verhallet der Reigen,

Wandelt sich Frühling in Winterzeit!

Ach, wie so bald in trauendes Schweigen

Wandelt sich alle die Fröhlichkeit!

Bald sind die letzen Klänge verflogen!

Bald sind die letzen Sänger gezogen!

Bald ist das letze Grün dahin!

Alle sie wollen heimwärts zieh’n! ~ excerpt from Herbstlied (Autumn Song) by poet Karl Klingemann

Oh, how soon the dance fades, Spring turns to Autumn! Oh, how soon, in trusting silence – everyone’s joy changes! Soon the last sounds flee! Soon the last singer departs! Soon the last green is no more! All wish to return homeward! (my translation)

Karl Bradl And Carlos Quintero co-founders of Nomenclature

 Karl Bradl and Carlos Quintero co-founders of Nomenclature (Photo Lorenzo Barassi)

It is almost the middle of September, and the early harbingers of approaching autumn are making their presence felt: a shift in the light at dawn and dusk; the gradual, inevitable variegation in foliage hues; orchards flush with ripening apples and pears auguring culinary delight. One might well question the release of a verdantly fresh fragrance at this time of the year. It is not the season of the calendar cycle which we celebrate with Nomenclature’ Aloeae – it is the season of the soul, its need for rejuvenation, a different variety of rebirth.

soothing perfumes

Sound of Many Waters John Everett Millais 1876 wiki

The collective spirit is weary; it aches for surcease. Our global environs teem with ongoing sorrows, losses of life and liberties, personal tragedy. Our world is forever altered by The Virus, war, poverty, injustice. I always feel that it is no coincidence (I don’t believe in them) that all cultures observe rituals which give thanks for the harvest, that the ‘head of the year’ (Rosh Hashanah) is marked with gratitude and the desire to create a clean slate. In this setting, Nomenclature Aloeae makes perfect sense to me.

John Everett Millais Chill October 1870 common use

Aloeae might best be described as a spiritual salve. When tempers flare and emotions run hot a cooling panacea is called for, and this fragrance is composed of numerous elements which lend themselves to soul soothing. Verdancy arrives in the guise of an aloe vera accord, tender bamboo, and a judicious measure of peppermint for a piquant touch. Even the accented cardamom smells green in this context. Both white tea and black tea impart a distinctly floral aspect – more prominent in the former, as the latter possesses more body and depth, establishing a bridge between Aloeae’s aromatics and its subtly musky cashmere wood (Cashmeran®) base. Cashmeran® is one of those marvelous materials which has it all: facets of fruit, spice, florals, wood, and (of course) musk. We take it for granted, because it seems ubiquitous – and if it is, there is ample reason. Bergamot is happy to introduce the cast of fragrant characters, a brief beam of tonic light.

For all its virtues, my favorite moments occur during Aloeae’s drydown. It is an alignment of constituents: the fragrance’s initial ebullience has ebbed somewhat and appears tenderhearted, familiar and comforting. Despite its tenacity and long wear, Aloeae has become that consoling whisper in the ear which hovers close, like a talisman.

Notes: Italian bergamot, cardamom, white tea, peppermint, aloe vera, bamboo, cashmere wood, Ceylon black tea, musk

Sample kindly provided by Aedes Perfumery – many thanks! My nose is my own…

~ Ida Meister, Deputy and Natural Perfumery Editor

ALOAE Nomenclature

Nomenclature Aloeae courtesy of the brand

Thanks to the generosity of Nomenclature we have one 20 ml  bottle of Nomenclature Aloeae for one registered reader in the US (be sure to register or your comment will not count). To be eligible, please tell us what appeals to you about Aloeae based upon Ida’s review. Draw close 9/17/2024

Follow us on Instagram: @cafleurebonofficial @idameister @nomenclature_ny @aedes_perfumery

Available at Aedes Perfumery and other fine stockists

Please read Michelyn’s introduction to the Molecular Collection and to the brand in 2015

Aloeae is the new perfume from the Modern Eclectic series

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We announce the winners only on site and on our Facebook page, so Like CaFleureBon and use our Blog feed…or your dream prize will be just spilled perfume.


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  • Wow, this review really speaks to me! I love the idea of Aloeae being more than just a fragrance – it sounds like a total mood, like a soft reset for the soul. The aloe vera, bamboo, and peppermint combo seems so refreshing and calming, especially during times when life feels a bit too much. I can imagine how the green notes with that warm, musky cashmere wood base would feel grounding and soothing at the same time. And that drydown? A comforting whisper in the ear? Yes, please! I’m all about fragrances that evolve and end up feeling like a cozy embrace. Looks like I’ve found my new go-to scent for those reflective autumn moments.


  • Peppermint and aloe? Be still my heart. Reading this review was like taking a deep inhale.
    I liked the way this reviewer conjured that very first moment of autumn where the weather (at least here in the south of the U.S.) still requires one to cool down ans cool off.
    What a beautiful note list!
    I’m in the U.S.

  • I always adore Jerome Épinettes work and I’m always a big fan of tea fragrances. So this one here has my name on it! I love the idea of making an aloe fragrance. Something that has no scent really, or barely at all but is associated with cooling, soothing, salves. This fragrance concept is the salve of our hot aching hearts at the sad state of affairs for so much of humanity. We all feel this deep sadness but we must not lose hope!
    Thank you for the give away. I am in California.

  • I love that Aloeae is described as a spiritual salve. I have been restless as the season begins to change, and I could do with a clean slate. The notes of aloe vera and peppermint sound intriguing, mixed with bergamot, cardamom, and tea. Would love to try this. I am in the US.

  • Jared Overbeck says:

    Wow! That was a lush and verdant review! I feel like I’m on a raft in the middle of glorious slowly moving freshwater stream, á la Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn.

    I started over this year, with committing to sobriety and moving across the country, leaving all my possessions behind. Starting over and getting interested in parfums has been a rebirth process, but my collection is still so small. I would love a chance to experience this.

    As always, an enthusiastic reader. -J

  • Nomenclature’s *Aloeae* immediately caught my attention through Ida Meister’s beautifully written review. The way she describes it as a “spiritual salve” for these challenging times really resonates with me. The blend of aloe vera, bamboo, and peppermint sounds like such a refreshing escape, and I love the idea of a fragrance that transitions from vibrant to comforting as it dries down. With its mix of white tea, cardamom, and Cashmeran, *Aloeae* seems like the perfect balance of freshness and warmth—something soothing yet grounding. I’m definitely intrigued to experience this rejuvenating scent for myself!

    Pennsylvania, US

  • I don’t believe I’ve ever smelled a fragrance with aloe in it, this sounds interesting. Another thing that caught my attention was when Ida said this fragrance is soul soothing. A nice description of a fragrance I would like to have as we leave summer behind and head into the fall.

    Los Angeles Ca. USA

  • I’d love to try a spiritual balm after having to disconnect from a friend whose values don’t align with mine. So sad. And I love the word “surcease”. Aloeae sounds like a lovely, natural scent and the two teas make it more special. It sounds like it could be everyday calm or nighttime peace. Lovely review, Ida. I live in NY.

  • says:

    As a lover of tea in fragrances, this note breakdown has my mouth watering. The significance of aloe in this fragrance is intriguing to me because I can’t quite picture fully what that would smell like. The reviewer has me interested in this perfume, I want to take it home and revel in it’s beauty. I live in Oregon.

  • Aloeae sounds like a balm for the soul with its tea notes, tissane notes (peppermint, cardamom and bergamot) and bamboo. I use aloe vera in skin products, but zi don’t believe I’ve ever encountered it as a perfume note. I agree with Ida, that it reads as very green and soothing. The cashmere wood and musk base underscores the theme of verdant luxury. MD, USA.

  • You are so right: we are in desperate need of soul-soothing in this day and age. So much running around and chaos, so much negativity and strife in the world. The world has always been strife-ridden, but somehow the addition of our techno-fueled lives seems to make it easier to become overwhelmed. The notes list here looks so interesting too! I”m going to be looking for this one to sample!

  • This sounds very appealing, perhaps because the concept seems to embody contradictory elements–the spring-like combined with the autumnal, fresh elements combined with the dryness of tea leaves. In the USA, in NC.

  • I love aloe juice drinks and wished I could smell something the way it tastes. I feel like this would be it!

  • Aloe is a unique note to have in any composition. This is the first time I’ve ever seen it used and I imagine it’s kinda airy and watery almost like a cucumber note. That fresh vegetal feel is what I’m assuming it possesses. This is a break from the norm and a true artistic experience.

  • LuRon Anderson says:

    I think this is such a creative idea for a fragrance and frankly, much needed in today’s world. We need calming and cooling and soul invigorating experiences more now than ever. What a wonderful concept! I can’t wait to smell this.

  • Interesting, this is green, but seems like some notes are taking us into fall. My only experience with aloe is skin soothing, not soul southing. Not experienced it in fragrance before. Love the poem. I had minted, which is for sure a summer fragrance, this looks like the follow up for the change of seasons. Thanks for the chance. USA.

  • A “spiritual salve” is high praise, and we could all use a serene fragrance in times of stress. The consistently overall green cast over Nomenclature Aloeae is a surprise—especially the cardamom—and it sounds like that enhances the core combination of aloe vera, bamboo, peppermint, and tea. Ida’s review and this fragrance’s note list makes me think of a hot tisane, freshly brewed, bringing relaxation and comfort with every breath of steam. I’d love to try Nomenclature Aloeae—it sounds beautiful and unique.

    I’m in the USA.

  • Oh now this sounds both uplifting and soothing. As a tea fanatic, I’m thrilled to see white and black tea notes mentioned, but I love bamboo notes and the addition of it alongside the mint is what really piqued my interest. Ida called it a spiritual salve and it sounds like it would be perfect for wearing after work, or on a lazy Sunday. Or, perhaps even in preparation for a stressful meeting. Either way, I’d love to give it a shot. Best of luck to all. I live in NC, USA.

  • foreverscents says:

    Aloe vera has always been a comforting plant for me. I love to use the gel all over my body and on my hair. It is so soothing on dry skin. I also like the very subtle vegetal fragrance it has. I am very excited to know there is a perfume that celebrates aloe. I enjoyed reading the poem in Ida’s review. And the paintings she included calmed me. Aloeae sounds like the perfect salve for these troubled times.
    I live in the USA.

  • What a beautiful review!
    I would love some ‘soul soothing’, especially of the verdant variety! Even the bottle is lovely, with that soft green juice.
    Thank you for the giveaway.
    I live in the US.

  • Thanks for the lovely review Ida.

    Thjis sounds like a scent to send one into a state of reverie, meditative, quiet and contemplative,

    Would love to sample this.

    Cheers from WI, USA